You were turning on the WiiU, mentally laughing to yourself about 'crappy Wiimote controls'. Damien was with you, unsure about what was so funny about it. You looked up and waved at his confused face.

"It's nothing. Just an internet joke," you told him, making him tilt his head.

Despite living with you for about a month now, the incubi have yet to really get used to modern technology. Just a couple days ago, Matthew was trying to figure out how to use a TV. He was screaming about moving pictures. It was hilarious.

You finally set up the console and you put in the CD for Just Dance 2016. You handed one of the Wiimotes to Damien, in which he stared at it with confusion.

"Uh…(y/n)? What is this?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at you.

"It's a Wiimote. I don't really know how to explain to you what it is. If you point it at the TV screen, a hand will appear and you can use it to move around. Motion capture?" you replied, shrugging your shoulders, "I don't know how to explain it. Just read my mind."
Damien nodded and you thought about what Wiimotes do. Eventually, Damien nodded in understanding.

"I believe I understand now," he said, smiling.

You nodded and went to turn on the camera. Clicking it, you moved back into frame and waved. "Heeeeeey everyone! It's me, your favourite multi youtuber, (Username)! Today, due to much request on Twitter, me and roommate Damien are gonna play Just Dance!"
Damien awkwardly waved at the camera, making you laugh.

"As you can see, he's hot and awkward. Ladies~" you playfully said, making the poor man blush hard.

"Uh… I don't believe that's necessary to say."
"Yes it was. Dude, you have so many fangirls on Instagram."

Damien looked confused, looking at you, "What? I don't even have a phone."
You gulped and looked away, "Uh…nevermind."
The incubus read your thoughts and sighed, "You've been posting photos of me and my brothers without us knowing, didn't you?"
You laughed nervously and pretended you didn't hear him, "SO ANYWAYS! LET'S PLAY!"

You started the game, and started the recording of the screen. You looked at Damien with a sheepish smile. He looked back at you with an exasperated expression. Laughing, you scrolled through the songs. Suddenly, Sam and Matthew came in, with the two of them yelling at each other.
"I fucking told you it was a bad idea, but did you listen?! NO!" Sam shouted, pulling on Matthew's ear.

"Shut up! It was an accident!" Matthew replied, pushing on Sam to get him to release him.

You stared at the two and sighed, "Dude, what are you guys talking about? Damien and I are in the middle of filming a video."
Sam looked up and pointed at the blue-eyed demon, growling.

"This asshat somehow managed to fucking spill all the cookies onto the floor! I really need some cookies right now and because of him, we don't have any!" he exclaimed, making Matthew shove his shoulder.

"It was an accident! Besides, you bumped into me!" he countered, glaring at him.

You facepalmed, sighing. You looked at Damien, him looking back at you with the same expression as yours.

"Hey guys, why don't you guys settle this through a couple games of Just Dance?" You suggested, turning on two more Wiimotes.

The pair stared at the remotes in your hand, nodding in agreement.

"Alright. How do you play?" Sam asked

You explained the game to them, them nodding in understanding.

"Alright guys, we also have Sam and Matthew joining us today!" you exclaimed at the camera, cuing Sam and Matthew to wave.

And then…so began the games. Dance to the death.

The first song went without too much trouble, with Matthew dancing with his entire body and soul, while Damien and Sam awkwardly followed the dancer on the screen. You laughed at their awkward expressions, making Sam look at you.

"What?" he asked, making you laughed harder.

"Nothing, nothing!"

"Nothing, huh?"
"Yes, nothing."
Damien quietly giggled, while Matthew remained silent, being so focused. In the end, the first song went to Matthew.

"HA HA! I win!" he exclaimed, jumping up.

Sam growled and looked away.

"Shut up. It's just beginner's luck. You won't win next time."

"Suuuuure I won't! Don't be such a sore loser."

You gulped, looking at Damien.

'Oh no.' You thought, Damien nodding in agreement.

And so, began the death battles of dance. Sam and Matthew refused to back down, while you and Damien ended up stopping by the 5th song. You had turned off the camera once you realized that they weren't stopping anytime soon. You and Damien started to clean up, weaving through Matthew and Sam's dancing legs. You even managed to get the time to edit the video, the orange-haired demon watching you.

After what felt like hours, you checked the time and realized that it was dinner time. James and Erik must've been curious as to why Matthew wasn't there to help them with cooking. You sighed and leaned on Damien's shoulder.

"Are they going to stop soon?" You asked, growing tired.

"No…unfortunately," Damien replied, sighing.

"I regret inviting them."
"So do I."
Eventually, James and Erik came in to get you and the other three incubi. Once James shouted for Matthew and Sam to stop, they collapsed in exhaustion. You ended up having to rub their backs to get them to regain energy.