Prompt: Flying
Character(s): Stephanie & Ramona
Synopsis: When Jackson & Ramona's fighting gets to be too much, the girls decide they need to give them a break from each other if this living arrangement is going to work. Stephanie agrees to take Ramona along on her trip to New York.

"Give that back you little weasel!" Ramona shouted as the sound of her chasing Jackson echoed through the house.

"Let me think about it, how about no!" Jackson shouted back.

D.J. was exhausted from her day at the clinic, and she was even more tired of the constant fighting that has been going on between Jackson and Ramona lately. Anytime an argument would erupt, one of the girls would talk to them, get them to apologize and they would be back to fighting the next day. She really liked Ramona but sometimes she thought Kimmy living with her would be easier if Ramona went to go live with Fernando. She knew however that Kimmy would instantly reject that so she never said it out loud.

"What is it now?!" D.J. exclaimed as they ran past the couch she was sitting on.

"Your son has my phone!" Ramona pouted.

"She was spreading lies to Lola about me, again!" Jackson argued.

"This has got to stop!" D.J. expressed her frustration. "I am so tired of coming home after a long shift to this yelling! Jackson give her back her phone. Ramona stop spreading lies about Jackson," D.J. ordered.

"But they aren't lies! His morning breath is terrible! This morning I just about gagged in my cereal when he was talking," Ramona assured her.

"Oh yeah, and what about that tangled mess that is your hair when you wake up in the morning? How would you like if I snapped a photo and shared it online to the world?" Jackson got defensive.

"Enough!" D.J. yelled. "I want you both to go to your rooms and I don't want either of you to communicate with each other for the rest of the night! In fact, both of you give me your phones so I know for sure you won't be texting back and forth!"

"Aww," Ramona and Jackson moaned as they handed over their phones.

D.J. stomped out of the living room and went to find Kimmy and Stephanie who were downstairs working on arrangements for a future party.

"If we can't get Jackson and Ramona to get along, I don't know how much longer this is going to work out," D.J. admitted. "I thought this would bring them closer but recently it's become chaos!"

"Don't you see that they are getting closer though? Remember how many screaming matches we got into over the years over the stupidest stuff? This time last year you couldn't even get Jackson and Ramona to say hello to each other," Stephanie explained.

"I do agree with D.J. though. It's getting to be too much, but what do we do? Lock them in a room and have them battle to the death? I have to warn you though, Fernando enrolled Ramona in a karate class when she was six. She only did it for a week but she might remember something," Kimmy said.

"I was thinking more along the lines of giving them a break from each other. Find a way to get one of them out of the house for a few days," D.J. suggested.

"Well I've already got my plane ticket, but if you want to cough up some money for the ticket Jackson can come with me to visit Michelle this weekend," Stephanie offered.

"But Jackson's still grounded for tricking Max into doing his chores again remember? What kind of message would I be sending out if I let him go to New York just because he's getting on my nerves?" D.J. wondered.

"Ooh, take Ramona! She's always wanted to go!" Kimmy proposed.

Stephanie shrugged. "Okay, I'll take Ramona then. Let's go let her know she's going to New York."

"I think I just won best mother of the year," Kimmy smiled proudly.

"I'm the one that's taking her so I should get the award but okay," Stephanie replied.

"You are not going to ruin my moment," Kimmy continued smiling proudly.

The girls tapped on Ramona's door before walking in. She was in her bed sulking over not having her phone.

"Ramona I think I just did something that will make you very happy!" Kimmy beamed.

That caught Ramona's attention. "You convinced D.J. to give me my phone back?"

"Even better. How would you like to go to New York with Stephanie this weekend?" Kimmy asked.

"Is this one of those things where you offer me something good and then take it away because I was mean to Jackson? If so, that's really cruel," Ramona replied.

"No, it's the real deal I assure you. We decided you two need a break from each other and since Jackson's already grounded, you're currently the good kid so it's up to you if you want to go," Stephanie offered.

"Are you kidding? Of course I want to go! I'm way overdue for a shopping spree," Ramona accepted. "We're going to have so much fun!"

"Yay!" Kimmy cheered. "Now I expect a lot of pictures you hear me?"

"Do I ever let you down when it comes to that?" Ramona smiled.

"Ah if only I didn't have to go to the stupid dentist I would totally come along, but alas you two have fun," Kimmy said.

The day finally arrived and Stephanie and Ramona were finding their seats on the airplane. Once they found them, they took a seat and Ramona passed over a piece of paper to Stephanie.

"These are all the stores I want to hit up while we're there," Ramona grinned excitedly.

Stephanie examined the list. "Wow you'd think your mom gave you a bundle. She only gave you one-hundred dollars so you should probably narrow it down a bit. Besides we're there to visit Michelle so we will only have time to go to a couple."

"I know. I'm just so excited! I've never been out of the state without my parents before. I can't believe you didn't bring more stuff though. What would you do if an emergency happened?" Ramona asked.

"When you've traveled as much as I have you learn to keep it as light as possible. I mean you've brought like five outfits for one weekend. You probably won't even touch three of them," Stephanie explained.

"What can I say? I like to be prepared," Ramona replied. "The best part about this trip is being away from Jackson though. I can't stand him sometimes."

"Why does he bother you so much anyway? I thought you two were going to become good friends," Stephanie wondered.

"He's everywhere! I see him at home, at school, and even when he's not around Lola talks about him constantly. Let's not forget Lola isn't coming over just to see me anymore. She's the first best friend I've had since moving here and I know he's going to ruin it if they break up or something," Ramona admitted.

"Have you told Jackson and Lola how you feel?" Stephanie asked.

"No because I already know how he'd react. He'd accuse me of being jealous because I don't have a boyfriend of my own but that's not it. I was happy for them when I found out they liked each other, but I'm not anymore because I'm worried about where it'll leave me. Does that make me a bad person?" Ramona questioned.

"I think this can all be resolved if you sit Jackson and Lola down and tell them how you feel. If you feel like it's becoming an issue in your friendship, tell her. If she really is your best friend she isn't going to leave your side. Just ask your mom. She felt like the third wheel when D.J and Steve were dating. D.J. even forgot it was her birthday because she was so focused on Steve! But they talked it out and obviously you can see where they are now. At the same time Jackson and Lola are your friends and I think you should do your best to give them your support so they know you're there for them," Stephanie explained.

"Wow it's really weird to think mom and D.J. were in this situation too," Ramona thought.

"They definitely were," Stephanie smiled at the memory. "It's really easy to get caught up in relationships when your a teenager and forget how important other things are. Do you think you guys can work this out so things will go back to normal at home?"

"I feel better after hearing that story so I think so. I'm still happy to be away from everyone but you though even if it's just for the weekend," Ramona admitted.

"Me too. I love your mom but sometimes she drives me crazy! Especially now that we live together. We've always had that kind of relationship though," Stephanie said.

"So she's your Jackson then," Ramona replied.

Stephanie shrugged. "I didn't think of it that way but I guess so."

"I guess it's cool that we all live together now though. You and I have gotten to know each other a lot better at least," Ramona replied.

"That's true. You're kind of like the niece I never had since D.J. had all boys," Stephanie realized.

"And I like that there's an adult in the house who's more up-to-date on what's still cool today," Ramona said.

"That's true. Your mom and D.J. are definitely out of the loop there," Stephanie agreed.

Ramona smiled. "Thank you for bringing me along."

"No problem kid. I'm glad you agreed to come. It's nice to have someone to talk to," Stephanie smiled back.

"Mom wants pictures so can we take an airplane selfie?" Ramona asked.

"Sure!" Stephanie leaned in and posed while Ramona took the photo and uploaded it online, laughing that her mom instantly liked it.