A/N: So a new thought came up in my head, and let's see where it goes, yeah?

Disclaimer: I own nothing!


"It's going to be alright, son." I listen to my mother as she straightens my collar before I board the plane.

"I suppose." I feel sarcasm rolling off my tongue.

"Well, after all this is your fault. You shouldn't be pulling tricks on teachers...or lighting their offices on fire." She had disappointment laced in her voice. "You're not a bad boy, Dimka, I think it's those boys you hang out with. And besides, this will be nice. A fresh start...far away..." She now had tears in her eyes.

"No, mama." I say as I grab her and hold her tight. "It'll be okay. I love you."

"I love you too, son."

"Flight 132 boarding"

Before I knew it, I left Russia and was heading to St. Vlad's in Montana to start my last school year.


I walked into the cafeteria and it was louder than usual. Was something going on? Was someone dead? I hope it's someone I hate.

I grabbed 4 chocolate doughnuts and oatmeal and headed to our groups usual table.

"So who died?" I said as I put my tray down.

"You, if you eat that many doughnuts. Thank God we can't get diabetes." Christian said with a smart remark, and that rendered a middle finger from me.

"But seriously, is something going on?" I stuffed a whole doughnut in my mouth. The chocolate goodness soaking my soul in happiness.

"You didn't hear, Rose?" Lissa said with incredulity. "There is a new dhampir coming to school here. Our grad."


"I hear he almost killed someone at St. Basils." Said Liss.

Then a girl from another table chimed in, "I hear he got a teacher pregnant."

"No, Lucy!" said another girl at that table, "he was caught sacrificing little animals in a weird ritual!"

And on and on it went. I ignored it. It's all rubbish anyways. I know how rumors start at this school and get twisted. Idiots with nothing else better to do.

I was fortunate enough to have Stan as my first period. See the sarcasm I used? Yeah, I hate him and he hates me. If I could, I'd never see his stupid face again.

"Ah, Rose! So glad to see you're still with us!"

Asshat. "I figured you'd miss me too much, and I thought you'd be lucky enough to be graced with my beauty." I bowed at the end and plopped into my seat.

Not soon after I sat down, the bell rang.

"Alright, so last class we talked about personal protection. Why is it import-" The door opened and in came an extremely tall and pretty attractive dhampir. "Who are you?" Stan said with a red face.

"Dimitri Belikov. I'd have been here sooner, but I couldn't find the class."

"Sit!" Stan pointed to the only empty chair in the room. The one behind me.

Was this guy the one that everyone kept saying was dangerous or gets teachers pregnant? He looked nice, but then again, looks are deceiving.

He walked by me, and his cologne or whatever it was, smelled amazing.


I snapped out of my thought, "Yeah?"

"Well, the answer?"

"42?" He can't say I was wrong, 42 was the answer to everything...or at least that's what the hitch hiker's guide told me. And who was I to argue.

"Close, 40." He was shocked..and so was I. But I gave him a smug look.

Finally class was over and everyone practically ran out of the room.

I was walking down to the gym when I felt someone walking along side me. I looked up and it was the tall Russian.

He looked down at me with a small smile and said nothing. And I thought Christian was weird. I'd try to out walk him, but he's as tall as the ents on lord of the rings.

"Can I help you?"

"No, just heading to class."



After Stan's class I saw the girl that was sitting in front of me. She was attractive, I won't lie. I saw her walking towards the gym, so we probably have the same class together. I stayed with the same pace as her. I felt her glance up at me, and I gave her a small smile. She didn't protest, or run away, so I guess that was a good thing.

"Can I help you?" she asked with sarcasm in her voice.

"No, just heading to class." I said as if it was the most common thing in the world.

"Weirdo." she said with an eye roll. Women.

Throughout the class I kept glancing over at the brunette beauty, and I admired her fighting power. She was strong and quick. Those against her had no chance.

"Don't even think about it." The classmate told me.

"About what?" I said as I dodged his fist.

"About Hathaway. She's a heartbreaker, trust me."

"She turn you down?" I said with amusement.

"No, but if I could, I'd ask her out. I think she only sees me as a friend." He had a scowl on his face.

"Mason, you could at least try!" Guardian Petrov told my partner. Mason...Mason. I'll have to remember that.

"It's always worth a shot. The worst she could tell me is no, right?"

"Ha! Not if you don't want your heart stomped on."

Throughout the day people avoided me, and I had no idea why. Was it because of my height? No idea.

My last morning class before lunch was math. I hated math, but I was good at it.

The only chair left was beside a boy who looked familiar. His icy blue eyes had a sense of familiarity.

"Okay class, the problems are on the board. Work in pairs and turn in your work at the end of the class."

Lazy teacher. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Partners?" The icy blue eyed boy asked me. I accepted.

"Christian Ozera, and I'm assuming you're Dimitri."

Ozera? Do you know Tasha?"

"Yeah, she's my aunt. You knew her at St. Basil's?"

We got through our work relatively quickly. We had gone over this work in Russia last semester. Christian and I chatted through out class and we had a lot in common.

The bell rang and we got our stuff together.

"Come eat lunch with me and my friends?"

I accepted. Who was I to turn down a new set of friends. I missed my old ones, or well one in particular. Ivan. That guy was something else. I chuckled to myself.

We got to the table and Rose was there. She looked at me as though I was lost.

"Made a new friend. Everyone Dimitri, Dimitri everyone." Everyone chimed in a hi, except Rose. Who seemed to be ignoring the fact that I was there. She was going to be a tough one to crack. But I always enjoy a fight.