Chapter 4: A Pirate's return and a Jail break

Timeskip: Two years later, x784

Two years have passed and Luffy finally completed the quests that not even an S-class wizard could accomplish. Meanwhile, Erza was standing in front of the Magic Council proud and dignified due to a certain 'Situation' on their previous job. "This court room will now be in order!" The frog lady declared. "Before is is the defendant Erza Scarlet! Miss Scarlet, please take the stand!"

Erza stood in pulpits as she took a step forward. "Erza Scarlet, you stand before the council to answer for the damages stemming from the Eisenwald incident! These charges include damage to the Oshibana Station, extensive damage to the railway bridge, and the complete destruction of Clover. The suspecta were decribed as a heavily armored female wiz-


They all turn around as they heard a loud crash. As they saw the source of the crash, there was a familiar boy with a straw hat on his head. "LUFFY?!" Erza screamed inside her head.

"Hey Erza! We came here to break ya out!" Luffy said with a grin. Then an unfamiliar figure raised itself and punches Luffy hard across the head. "WARN ME NEXT TIME YOU IDIOT!"

"S-Sorry." Luffy muttered while rubbing a steaming bump on his head. The figure was revealed to be a man with slicked back green hair, a deep scar over his left eye, a stitched scar across his chest, and three swords on his right side. He also wore a green jacket, a light green belly warmer, black boots, three golden ear piercings on his left ear, and a red sash around his waist.

"Who is that?" Erza thought to herself.

"GET THEM!" With that, the Rune Knights charged at Luffy and the green-haired man with their weapons ready. "Ya ready Zoro?" Luffy asked as he identified the green-haired man, who pulled out his katana in response.

"Ready." As the Rune Knights got close enough, Luffy and Zoro started preparing their attack.



"GATTLING/36-POUND CANNON!" They shouted simutaneously as Luffy unleashes a frenzy of fists and Zoro creates a slash of wind, sending all of the Rune Knights flying while knocking them unconcious.

"That idiot..." Erza growled with a tick mark on her forehead, but was startled by an outstretched arm that wrapped around her waist.

"Come on Erza! Lets go!" Luffy declared happily.

"Wait Luffy! This is the law!" Erza cried out.

"SCREW THE LAW!" Luffy shouted as he punched a gigantic hole through the wall. "Oi Zoro! Lets bail!

"You got it captain!" Zoro replied as they sprinted off with a squealing Erza. "Looks like Monkey D. Luffy has caused trouble yet again." The frog lady grolwed.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE! SEIZE THEM!" She commanded as more Rune Knights ran after the two pirates who carried their hostage. "LUFFY! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Erza demanded angrily.

"We're breaking you out of jail!" Luffy replied happily with his trademark grin. "Just be grateful that Luffy kept you from being behind bars." Zoro added bluntly. "But they weren't-

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" They look ahead to see a gruoup of Rune Knights blocking their way. "Surrender now and you won't be harmed!"

Zoro shook his head. "Those guys just don't know when to give up do they." He deadpanned.

"Guess not." Luffy replied simply. Zoro unsheathes two of his katanas and prepared his attack.

"NITORYU: 72-POUND CANNON!" He roared as he unleashed a powerful slash of wind, which knocked the Rune knights away like bowling pins.

"DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!" One of the knights shouted as they chased after the two pirates. Luffy and Zoro then swiftly changed their direction and sprinted of into the alleyway, being completely out of the Rune Knights site. Luffy drops Erza on the ground.

"Oomph!" Erza yelped as she fell on her rump.

"Whew! That was close, we totally lost those dummies!" Luffy laughed as he sat down, but his laughter was cut short by an armored fist to the head.

"The hell was that all about?" Zoro thought with a raised brow.

"Ow! What the hell was that for Erza?!" Luffy whined as he rubbed the large bump on his head. "Words cannot describe how furious i am with you right now!" Erza growled lowly. Zoro watched as she scolded Luffy with his arms crossed.

"The trial was just a formality!"

"What's a formality?" Luffy asked stupidly, earning an irittated sigh from Erza.

"It means they probably would've found us guilty and sent us back with a slap on the wrist!" Erza's voice caught Zoro's interest. "BUT NOW THANKS TO YOU TWO IDOTS! THE COUNCIL IS ON OUR TRAIL!" Erza roared at the rubberboy and the swordsman.

"What do you mean? We lost e'm." Zoro pointed out as Erza realized that the council was off their tail.

"I-I suppose that's true...BUT THAT'S STILL NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT YOU DID!" Erza shouted with rage, but notices that Luffy fell asleep, much to her ire. "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!"

"Huh?" Luffy asked as he woke up.

"No matter, you meant well." Erza sighed with a small smile. With tha, she grabbed both Luffy and Zoro and pulled them into a hug, slamming their heads against her breastplate.

"OW! What the hell?!" Zoro hissed, rubbing the bump on his head. "By the way, i believe i didn't catch your name."

"The name's Zoro." Zoro introduced himself plainly, earning a shocked look from Erza. "So you're one of Luffy's crew members?"

Before Zoro could say anything else, Luffy already beat him to it.

"Yeah! We ran into each other while i was on those quests!" He said with a toothy grin. "I see." Erza mused. Right before Erza could say anything, she noticed that Luffy and Zoro suddenly disappeared.

"Where'd he..." She then turned to pot a figure running at incredibly high speeds, leaving a dust cloud behind him while screaming the word 'Food' with another figure chasing after him. Erza then grew angry. "LUUFYYYYY!" She screamed as she went after him.

At Fairy Tail...

Meanwhile at Fairy tail, everything was the same as always. Cana was drinking, Natsu and Gray were brawling, and Lucy was talking to Mirajane. Everyone was having a good time. While Luffy was gone, Lucy joined the guild and went on a few missions with Natsu and Happy already. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy got back from the Eisenwald mission a few days ago.

"So Mira, what's the strangest thing that has ever happened here since you've been a member?" Lucy asked.

Mirajane had changed dramatically for the last two years. Instead of wearing her usual gothic attire, she wore a bergundy dress and completely let her hair down rather than keeping it in a pony tail. Her attitude had taken a huge turn as well, she now acted kind and warm to others rather than acting like her brash and foolhardy self. Mira puts a finger to her chin in thought. "Well it would have been two years ago when a boy named Monkey D. Luffy joined the guild."

Lucy cocked her head to the side. "Monkey D. Luffy? You mean the guy that Natsu's been talking about?"

Natsu paused his fight with Gray. "Yeah! He even beat me and Erza without breaking a sweat!"

"Not to mention he's a pirate from another world." Gray said as he armlocked Natsu. "Umm, yeah..i rember you guys telling me that." Lucy said with a sweat drop.

"That's right, even thoguh he's a pirate he's a real man!" Elfman said pumping his fist in the air.

"Do you think he's gonna come back?" Levy asked with a worried expression. "Of course he will! He gave his word he would. all we have to do is trust him, isn't that right gramps?" Natsu said. Makrov nodded. "Indeed Natsu, its been over tow years so he should be returning soon."

"I hope he brings some fish back." Happy said while drooling a little. "Hey Mira."

"Hmm?" Mira hummed. "Why did you cook so much food?!" Lucy exclaimed in surprise.

"Lets just say that Luffy's appetite can give Natsu's a run for his money." Mira giggled. "I also suggest that you should duck." Makrov informed.

"Why would i need to-

"foooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" A familair voice yelled out. Everyone turned to see Luffy flying through the guild doors and almost flew into Lucy, who jumped out of the way with a squeal. "That's why." Makrov sighed.

"WAS THAT IDIOT TRYING TO FRICKIN KILL ME?!" Lucy thought angrily while getting up on her feet. The guild was quiet then everyone got out of their stunned silence and ran over to hug, high five, and welcome Luffy back to the guild.

"I swear, you're always thinking about food before anything else." A voice said irritably. They turned to see Zoro walking his way towards Luffy.

"Who's that guy?"Macao asked.

"I don't know, but he's pretty cute." Cana smirked seductively as she let her eyes run down his chiseled abdomen.

"Welcome back Luffy it's good to see you." Makrov greeted. "Did you finish the quests?"

Luffy nodded with his mouth full of food. "Yeah, but the monsters were pretty weak though."

All the guild members had their jaws hanging. They didn't epect Luffy to actually complete the Century Quest and the Decade Quest.

Makrov nodded. "Good job Luffy, you did well, and you're Roronoa Zoro, am i correct?"

Zoro raises a brow. "You've heard of me?"

"Yes, Luffy told me you have a poor sense of direction." Makrov replied, which made Zoro growl.

"WHAT THE HELL LUFFY?!" He yelled as he proceeded to choke his captain.

"Now now, there's nothing to be ashamed of" Makrov said trying to calm down the green-haired swordsman, who grunted as he released Luffy. "And Luffy,, when you're ready to go on another quest, just come and see me."

"Sure thing gramps." Luffy said with a grin before he continued to shovel food min his mouth. "Hey old man, do you got any booze around here?"


"YOU WILL SPEAK TO THE MASTER WITH RESPECT!" Erza screamed with a menacing aura surrounding her.

"OI! I WAS JUST ASKING WHERE THE BOOZE WAS!" Zoro shot back as he glared at Erza. "Alright, calm down you two. The liquor is right over there." Makrov said as she pointed to where the liquor was. Zoro walked over to tin the wrong direction.

"You're going the wrong way." Makrov guumbled. "I knew that!" Zoro said grimpily. Erza sighed as she walked over and eating her strawberry cake.

"Hello Luffy-kun, did you enjoy your trip?" Mira asked sweetly as she walked over to Luffy, who blinked at her with confusion. "Uuh, who're you-

"LUFFY FIGHT ME!" Natsu yelled as he lunged at Luffy with flaming fists, only to be sent flying through the walls, much to Lucy's shock. "Oh Luffy you're so silly! It's me, Mirajane!" Mira giggled. Luffy blinked and looked down at Mira's body. He looked up, he looked down again, looked up again, looked down. He looked up one last time and sat there thinking for a few minutes which could pass for a few hours due to how long it seemed for him to take.


Any second now.

"..." His head started turning red.

Any second.

"..." Steam now started to come out his ears.

Any second.

"..." The sounds of a kettle boiling started to appear in the guild hall with Mirajane looking at him with concern. "Is something the matter Luffy-kun-

"WHAT?!" He exclaimed, finally figuring it out. "NO WAY! HOW THE HELL ARE YOU MIRA?!"

"What do you mean Luffy? Does my new look upset you?" Mira asked with a pouting face.

"Nah, you look great! The Mira i knew was all badass and tough looking." Luffy said with a thumbs up, making Mira blush and smile bashfully as an image of her past self appeared in her head. As he went back to his feeding frenzy, Mira decided to change the subject.

"By the way while you were gone, a new member just recently joined the guild." Mirajane told him with a bright smile, much to Luffy's confusion.

"Really? Where is he?" Luffy asked as he stuffed a piece of pie down his throat. "I'M A SHE!" An angry voice behind him yelled out. Luffy turn around to see an embarassed Lucy standing in front of him.

"Who're you?" He asked bluntly. Lucy cleared her throat before saying. "U-Um, i'm Lucy Heartfilia, it's a pleasure to meet you Luffy." She greeted with a small bow.

"Nice to meet ya Luigi!" Luffy greeted with a grin. "IT'S LUCY!

"OI LUFFY! DON'T THINK OUR FIGHT'S OVER!" Natsu cried out as he lunged at Luffy, again. But was stopped by an armored fist to the gut, causing the dragon slayer to fall to the ground with a thud. The guild suddenly erupted into laughter.

"NICE ONE DUMBASS!" Gray cackled while holding his stomach.

"NOW WE KNOW WHO THE REAL MAN OF THE GUILD IS!" Elfman roared with laughter.

"Aaah! Man that food was good!" Luffy sighed with delight as he patted his stomach.

"Gee, he's an even bigger idiot than Luffy." Zoro muttered as he shook his head while drinking a bottle of sake. All of a sudden Zoro felt incredibly tired. "W-What the hell?" He growled as he fell back onto the table, unable to remain standing, fighting the urge to sleep. Luffy's however stumbled back and fell into a deep slumber.

"He's coming." Makrov stated, raising his head towards the opened guilds doors. At this point everyone in the guild passed out, except for Zoro and Makrov.

In the distance appeared a young man of average height, contrasted by the bright sunlight all aorund him. "W-Who the hell is this guy?" Zoro thought as he managed to pull himself up. The young man was covered in scarves, hiding his face. The only part revealed were his eyes, but the way he kept his head hung made it difficult to see even that much.

"Mystogan." Makrov said, looking up at the young man.

"I shall return." The mysterious man named 'Mystogan' responded as he headed for the guild doors.

"Now wait, lift your sleep spell before you leave." Makrov told him. Mystogan started counting from five before he left. By the time he reached one, everybody except Luffy woke up.

"Ugh, was Mystogan here?" Gray asked with a yawn while stretching. "Does he have to put us to sleep every time he comes here?" Levy asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Who the hell was that guy?" Zoro asked. "For one, he's a contender for Fairy Tail's strongest wizard." Elfman responded.

"Really?" Lucy chimed in.

"Yeah, and for some reason he doesn't want anyone to see what he looks like." Gray added. "So whenever he comes to take a job he casts a sleeping spell."

"Is he shy or something?" Zoro asked with a raised brow.

"Word is, Matser is the only one to ever get a good look at his face." Gray continued.

"That's not true!" An arrogant voice sounded above them. Zoro and the others looked up, leaning against the railing was a young man, about Sabo's age with spiky blond hair and a lightning shaped scar over his right eye. "I've seen what he looks like.

"Whoa, Laxus?" Macao exclaimed.

"Hey, talk about rare! You're never around!" Wakuba added in.

"And here's another contender." Gray added calmly with a hint of venom in his voice.

"Mystogan's just shy, you should respect his privacy!"

"Something tells my that i won't like this guy." Zoro growled to himself with a scowl.

"Alright Laxus! You and me, right now!" Natsu shot up, holding his fist up in a challenge.

"Ha! If you can't even beat the redhead or the strawhat what chance do you have against me?!" Laxus said cockily.

"What're you implying?!" Erza snarled as a sinister aura surrounded his body.

"I'm saying that i'm the guild strongest wizard!" Laxus replied, his smirk increasing in size.

"I've got a real temptation to cut this guy in half!" Zoro thought, glaring heavily at the self-proclaimed strongest Fairy Tail wizard while pushing one of his swords in and out of its sheathe every few seconds with his thumb.

"Yeah well what about Luffy? he beaten both Erza and Natsu without breaking a sweat." Gray pointed out.

"Luffy's just a clown! I'm the best there is!" Laxus stated haughtily. Zoro snarled as a demonic aura exploded from his body while he unsheathed one of his swords. Erza noticed this and stared at him as she saw the bloodlust in his eye. A moment later, the blonde-haired man shot through the railing and came crashing down towards the first floor of the guild hall, giving off the appearance that someone had cut the railing in half. Bits of chipped wood had covered his clothing and also managed to get into his hair, while his expression morphed from an arrogant smirk to a rather angry frown. Growling, Laxus picked himself up, obviously pissed off by the recent event.

"What's the matter Laxus? You seem to have taken a bit of a fall." Erza commented with a smirk of her own.

"Alright! Which one of you weaklings did that?!" Laxus questioned angrily, glarning around the guildhall as he spoke. No one answered, in fact a majority of the guild was rather fearful, since they were all aware that he was able to take out the whole guild with just a flick of a wrist. But that all changed when a deep voice spoke up for them.

"That would be me." Laxus turned to see Zoro glaring dangerously at him. "You know, there's something about you that really pisses me off. From what i've heard from Luffy everyone in this guild treats others like family. You on the other hand treat them like they're lower than dirt, and to top it all off you insulted my captain. That's not how you treat family, you shouldn't be in this guild to begin with, hell you don't even deserve to live!" Zoro said darkly as he shot Laxus an icy cold glare. Everyone shuddered at this, they had no idea Zoro could give off such a deadly glare like that, he was definitely more frightening than Erza could ever be.

"Damn, this guy's scarier than Erza." Gray muttered as cold sweat ran down his forehead.

"If you're going to insult everyone every time you open your goddamn mouth, then we're going to have a problem, you and me." Zoro said in a way that made Erza's threats sound cute. "And to be honest, you're just all talk and no action."

"OH YEAH!? WHY DON'T YOU GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE HERE AND FACE ME FUCKING MOSS HEAD!" Laxus roared as lightning erupted from his body, causing some of the mages to take a few steps back.

"You come to me, thunderprick." Zoro taunted with a dark smirk. The mages gasped at this, they thought Zoro was either brave or really stupid for taunting Laxus, did he not know how powerful Laxus was?

With that, Laxus turns into a lightning bolt and he was instantly in front of Zoro before anyone even saw him move. Laxus cocked back his right fist that was coated in lightning and swings it at Zoro's head. As his fist was already a few inches away from the swordsman's his face...


A slashing sound was heard, everything happened so quickly. One minute Laxus was going to pound Zoro silly for trash talking him. Now they see Laxus several feet away from Zoro, down on one knee. The others were confused as to what just happened, then the sound of heavy breathing caught their attention. The source was Laxus.

Still on one knee, Laxus had one of his hands touching his chest. What they saw shocked them. A rip could be seen from Laxus's shirt, going upwards from across the chest to his left shoulder. With it was a large gash, already bleeding with drops of blood hitting the floor. Laxus's eyes were wide, both out of shock and pain. They then see Zoro, standing completely unharmed with Laxus's blood staining and dripping from his Katana. Mira gasped and placed her hands over her mouth as Zoro licked the blood off his sword with a sadistic smirk.

"Y-You little...punk!" Laxus gasped as he turned to glare at Zoro, but he wasn't there. "Where'd he?"... He looked around and gasped in shock to see Zoro instantly in front of him. The green-haired swordsman then dangerously points his sword against Laxus's throat before saying.

"Ya know, you only got two options here. You can either get up and have me slit your throat open, or you can have some dignity left and give up, and just maybe, maybe i'll let you live." Zoro threatened with a dark glare and a twisted grin, which made Erza's glare look like the cutest thing in the world. Laxus had cold sweat running down his neck, but was doing well at hiding his fear.

"Alright i give, you win." Laxus said, much to everyone's surprise that he, out of all people, gave up but still retained dignity from being humiliatingly defeated.

"Good." Zoro muttered as he puts the sword back in his sheathe before walking past him.

"Zoro, wait!" Zoro turns to see Mirajane giving him a surprisingly serious look. "Aren't you gonna help him?" She questioned as she pointed at Laxus. Zoro opened his mouth to make a snarky reply, but Laxus beat him to it.

"Shut the fuck up Mira! I don't need his pity!" Laxus shouted before turning to Zoro. "You're strong, i'd admit that, but you just got lucky. If i were to go all out, you'd regret picking a fight with me."

"But if i were to go all out, i would've killed you already." Zoro retorted back with a dangerous glint in his eye. Laxus felt a chill go down his spine, but hid his fear with a stoic facade.

"The hell is this guy? I didn't even see him move. When he looked at me, he actually wanted to kill me. His look is worse than than Mira's." Laxus thought before disappearing into lightning. The guild bursts into murmurs after what happened.

"Pfft, what a jerk. I'm sure you'd literally mop the floor with Laxus no problem, Zoro." Cana said with a hint of disappointment after the fight's results.

"That was awesome what you did there Zoro! You actually brought Laxus to his knees!" Natsu complimented with Happy saying 'Aye' in agreement. Zoro just shrugged in response.

"Eh, it was nothing really." The green-haired swordsman said coolly.

"But no one has ever laid a finger on him!" Wakaba exclaimed.

"You guys scared of him or something?" Zoro asked with a raised brow. Silence answered his question and you can also hear a cricket chirping in the background. "Seriously?" He deadpanned.

"You need to understand that anyone who has ever fought him were beaten to a bloody pulp." Gray said with a serious facial expression. They later heard groaning and turned to see Luffy waking up from his slumber.

"Hey guys, what'd i miss?" Luffy asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"READ THE ATMOSPHERE YOU IDIOT!" Most of the guild yelled at him.

"Luffy hasn't changed at all, hadn't he master?" Mira asked with a sweet smile.

"No, he has not." Makrov said with a sigh. He saw everything happened. By the moment Laxus lunged at Zoro, the green-haired swordsman effortlessly dodged the punch faster than anyone could see and slashed him across the chest. The third master of Fairy Tail also saw the look on Zoro's face, it was bloodthirsty, he looked like he actually wanted to kill Laxus.

"Laxus, you should be grateful that Zoro chose spared your life."

To be continued...