A/N: Hello everyone and welcome.

First of all, I would like to say that this is a rewrite of my previous side story, detailing the End of Hope's Peak Academy. It will be from the Point of View of both Daisuke Fuji and Hiyoko Saionji, and they will...for the most part be the main focus of the story. Expect the first few chapters to be light hearted and fluffy, the romance stuff won't be happening for awhile, at least until Hiyoko has her growth spurt and Daisuke starts seeing her in a romantic light, though he always has seen her like that, it was just a little odd for him, since she as a fifteen year old, looks like a twelve year old and he didn't want to be seen as a pervert.

Some minor things to consider. This is an Alternate Universe, which runs the same as my current Danganronpa verse. The Downfall of Hope's Peak Academy will start taking place several weeks after Class 79 joins the alumni of the academy. Junko isn't with her class currently because she's off at a fashion shoot, and Mukuro is currently in the middle of a faction war with Fenrir and won't be able to attend class. Natsumi Kuzuryu will not die and will start off as a Reserve Course student who miraculously makes it into the Main Course, she will have her own story detailing that event. This story will also follow a specific timeline of events I have created centered solely around the final year Hope's Peak Academy acted as an institution as well as the beginning of the Tragedy.

Note, that there will be some differences. Some characters, like Mikan will be more mature and act differently than how they are normally portrayed, this is purely intentional. I also have a hard time writing for Gundam Tanaka, but I will try my best to match his speech patterns. Finally, to all of the people that have submitted oc's for my previous story, do not fret, all of those characters will still be used and you will be credited. I still have all the names and PMs saved up on the account and I will not let them go to waste, after all Class 76 is the most important class in this story.

Just as a heads up, expect slow updates as I am currently working on The School Life of Mutual Killing II and it will be taking up more of my time, but I will try to get some chapters for this in there as well. Literally all of the things I am working on right now are Danganronpa, aside from my Pokemon Story, which will be delayed because my dumbass saved Chapter Seventeen over Chapter Sixteen and everything is a mess, so at some point I'll have to rewrite that an...I'm not having a good time. I have also been debating on starting a Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction, and have worked the Prologue out but it will not be posted until I get all of this out of the way. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy this rewrite, is is longer and a more adequate prologue, though it is a rewrite of Episode one of Zetzubou-Hen, with my own twist of course. I hope you all enjoy it.

The End of Hope's Peak Academy


Chapter 1

Welcome to the Academy of Hope

For Daisuke Fuji, no morning was a boring morning. It was always the same for him, wake up, take care of the morning rituals, help his mother with the morning chores, walk his sister to school, head to school himself, not actually attend, spend the day at the park writing stories, go home and lie about his day, help his sister with her homework, eat dinner, play some Pokemon and then go to bed. It was the routine he had developed over time and it was the routine he would be sticking with for many years to come.

Today was no different. After saying his goodbyes to his little sister Erika, he walked in the direction of his high school, as to not raise suspicion, only to then turn up a different street and head to the park. The sun was shining brightly, the birds were chirping and the breeze was lovely, why would he want to spend it in a stuffy school anyway?

However, he wasn't supposed to be going to just any boring old high school, no...he was a student at the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy. The academy of hope, the biggest in the nation and the most elusive, a place for the Elite of the Elite, or so it was written. Daisuke had actually never set foot within the academy, so he couldn't be so sure if it was everything people said it was. The requirements to get in were simple, you had to be a high school student, and you had to be the best of the best at what you did, with an entrance rate of about sixteen to thirty two students a year, it made sense why it was so hard to get into. He found it rather stupid, especially if that was the way new students were let in.

He was seventeen years old, and pretty tall for his age, being almost six feet tall. He had long spiky black hair, some of it falling over his cerulean blue eyes. He had a sun tanned complexion, from spending so much time out in the sun. He was wearing a button down short sleeved shirt, with blue vertical stripes, that fell over his black skinny jeans. He was wearing a studded belt around his waist, which sparkled in the sunlight. In his feet, he was wearing a pair of leather boots, reaching up to his biceps. His messenger bag lay beside him, a few blank sheets of paper sticking out of it, along with a case of pencils, erasers and a sharpener. His eyes were on the big red tome on his lap, his prized Story Book.

Yes, he had been scouted by Hope's Peak Academy, to attend their school and join their alumni as the Super Highschool Level Story Teller, or as the Scout said, Ultimate Story Teller. He had mentioned something about the old title being too long and he honestly didn't care, the man was clearly too drunk to care either and had invited him out to lunch at a local burger joint, probably to butter him up so he would accept the offer. He did, but afterwards, he regretted it.

It wasn't that Daisuke didn't have talent, no he did. Whenever he told a story, people always seemed to be entranced by them, often times saying that they would literally see what he was saying in their minds, and he had made a large sum of money in the past, even though he didn't ask for it. He had just been reading a story to some kids at the park and the parents just paid him. The talent was there, and he had it...but personally he didn't want to fail. His father had told him many times when he was younger that story telling wouldn't amount to anything and that he should start studying an getting a career so he could be a real hard working man, instead of a sissy fairy tale writer. It had pissed him off to no end, but he was only twelve at the time and voicing his opinions at that age would only get you slapped. Thankfully, he was out of his and his family's lives, as his mother had gotten a divorce from him, but those bad comments were still there, gnawing away at him until he finally gave up. He regretted accepting Mr. Kizakura's offer, and he didn't want to face him or the Headmaster of the academy to tell them he had changed his mind, so he instead just skipped school, for an entire year.

Apparently, classes weren't mandatory in the academy, so all he had to do was show up for the final exam, something that he actually did. He wasn't inside the main building, but he made up some bullshit lie and Kizakura allowed him to take it in another place, he passed it with flying colors, as everything was basic knowledge and he had been passed into the Sophomore year, which had started seven days ago. He had gotten comfortable under his favorite apple tree, and he wasn't going to be moving, unless of course it started raining, hailing, snowing, hell fire itself would have to be falling from the sky for him to move, other wise he wasn't going to.

Daisuke realized that it must have been some problem with himself, something to do with his attitude toward the school in general. Everyone painted the academy in a beautiful light, a ray of hope and admiration, but he knew behind the scenes, something must be going on. A government funded institution can't keep their noses clean forever. It also had to do with the fact that he was too...normal in his opinion. Not normal in a talentless way, but normal in the boring average Joe kind of way. Aside from his story telling, there was nothing unique about him. He played Pokemon, millions of others did that, he read stories online, millions of others did that, and he watched tons of anime, again falling in the previous category. He was just an average boy, with an above average talent for telling stories. He was afraid he wouldn't get accepted and so he stayed away, better for him in the end. He wasn't a fan of bullying.

One of the green apples from the high branches tumbled down, hitting all of the other larger branches before falling to the ground, onto his bag. He looked up, trying to see if a squirrel had knocked it down or something, but looking at the stem, he saw that it hadn't been gnawed on, and it didn't have any teeth marks. He grabbed it, washing it off with some water from his bottle, before taking a bite out of it. He sighed happily, taking another bite.

"Good, no worm this time." he said through his chews, to no one in particular. He spared a look at the vibrant blue sky, free of blemishes known as clouds. It truly was a beautiful day, and it felt like it was going to be his best on yet. He had been working hard on his latest story, and he couldn't wait to read it to the kids.

At the same time, a petite blonde girl huffed quietly to herself, if the boredom written on her face wasn't an indication of her current attitude, then her posture probably was. She was dressed in a silky pale yellow furisode kimono, with bright pink flowers on it. Around her waist, was a light pink obi, tied tightly behind her back to keep the kimono on her small frame. On her small feet, she wore a pair of wooden sandals, her toes painted with pale yellow nail polish. Her long blonde hair was tied up, with a pink bow that had a small rabbit pin on it. Her hair seemed to have a natural curve to it, pointing to the right of her body. Her golden eyes scanned the empty room, knowing full well that her classmates weren't going to show up this year either.

Her name was Hiyoko Saionji, and she was known as the Ultimate Traditional Dancer. Currently, she was in classroom 2-B in Hope's Peak Academy's second floor. She had been a student for over a year now, and was starting her second year, which had just welcomed the 78th class into their ranks. She had been happy to have been an upperclassmen, and messing with the newbie students was a good laugh, but she was utterly bored. She looked around the room, the oak desks were neatly placed around the room, Sixteen of them in total, with a few extras in the back of the room in case they needed them. The front desk was empty, the teacher hadn't arrived yet, and most likely wouldn't, knowing how much he loved to drink.

There was a wooden railing in front of desk, with the seal of Hope's Peak Academy placed on it. The chalkboard was blank, clean in fact, since their teacher didn't exactly teach anything worth a damn. The clock above the teacher's desk read 8:09, and was slowly ticking away. Her friend was late.

Looking behind her, she saw another one of the students in her class, leaning back in his seat, feet propped on top of the wooden desk. He was a short boy, being Five foot one in height, with a baby face and freckles. He had short blond hair, thin lines had been shaved into his hair, but only halfway on his scalp. He was wearing a white button down shirt. The collar was folded down, around his neck was a light gray tie. He was wearing a light brown suit vest, which was buttoned all the way down. He was wearing a matching pair of brown slacks, and a pair of polished oxford shoes. He had his arms behind his back, and his eyes were closed, most likely deep in thought. This was the Ultimate Gangster, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. He was the son of the Yakuza clan leader, and the next in line to inherit the throne. He had been scouted by Hope's Peak Academy and actually let in. When she heard, she had feared for her life, but when she had actually met him, she wanted to pinch his cheeks, even if he called her a bitch all the time for making fun of his baby face. He was fun to mess with. And deep down, he didn't like violence so she knew he wouldn't do anything to actually hurt her. She had gotten close though, and he had dangled her upside down from the first floor window until one of the teacher's stopped him, a few death threats later and he had been off with a few days of detention. Hiyoko had learned her lesson, she could mess with him but only enough to rile him up, never pushing him over the edge.

The last person currently in the room was one that should be held in high esteem, at least in her own country, here in Japan, she was just another boring school girl, which was what she loved the most about being in the country. She was a beautiful young woman, with a light complexion and not a blemish or imperfection on her immaculate face. She had long platinum blonde hair, that cascaded down her shoulders. She was wearing a brown colored blazer, over a white button down shirt. Around her neck was a light red ribbon, which was the female equivalent to the male uniform's ties. She was wearing a brown pleated skirt, that fell down several inches above the knee. She wore white thigh high stockings, and matching brown shoes. She was busy jotting something down in her notebook, her sparkly pink pen moving flawlessly across the notebook paper. Hiyoko had actually taken notice to her being a lefty, something that she hadn't noticed before. Her cornflower blue eyes would often times shift toward the windows, a soft frown decorating her face, only to be replaced with pure joy at another thought before she continued to write. She was a weird person, at least if you sat down to look at her for more than a few seconds.

Her name was Sonia Nevermind, and she was the Ultimate Princess. Coming from the small European country of Novoselic, Sonia was trained her entire life to one day lead her people to greatness. But due to her royal duties, she never left her Palace, thus she didn't have friends her age, aside from her brother who was a year and a month younger than her. But she yearned for friendship, and gaining a supreme interest in Japanese culture had opened the door to Hope's Peak Academy, and she had taken the first available flight there.

To Hiyoko, several things came to mind but when describing the princess, but one word always stuck out to her, Weeaboo. The girl was in love with the culture, often times speaking broken Japanese, even though she can speak it perfectly. She also adores anime, and has an admiration for the occult, Serial Killers being her most favorite topic. It was one thing for a friendless princess to like Japan, but for her to like Serial Killers too? Something wasn't right, and allowing her to rule over a country, perhaps it wouldn't be that good an idea, but she didn't rule Novoselic, nor did she care, so she would just ignore it.

Having enough of her mental analysis of her fellow students, Hiyoko sat back in her seat, once again bored out of her mind. She did bring her 3ds with her in case she got bored, but she didn't want anyone to find out that she played Pokemon, let alone that she loved it. She wasn't going to risk it. Instead she dug her hand into her sleeve, pulling out a pack of gummies. She smiled, quietly tearing the pack open. She dug her hand inside, pulling out a few gummies, only for her face to scrounge up when she saw the yellow ones.

She detested yellow gummies, not for their color, she absolutely loved yellow, but because of their taste. She hated sour foods, and lemons were sour, thus she hated them. It would have been okay if they were pineapple gummies like the ones made by the Ultimate Confectioner, but she was gone for the summer, so she had to make do with the brand from the school store, as she had not gone home for the break. Too much drama for her. She did visit her family a couple of times, but not more than a few hours. Internally groaning, she pulled out a napkin from her desk, and lay it onto her desk. A sudden thought worked its way to her mind, and she peeked behind her at Fuyuhiko's unmoving form. She grinned evilly, hiding it behind her long sleeve.

"I'll just stick these to his face! That idiot shouldn't have fallen asleep with me in the room."

Quietly, she dug out all of the yellow gummies, placing them on the napkin. She stood up, taking her sandals off to lessen the noise. She shivered as her bare feet touched the cold wooden floor. She stood directly above Fuyuhiko's sleeping form, a gummy in hand. She gave it a soft lick, cringing a bit at the taste before she slowly reached for his face.

"Get that gummy anywhere near my face and I'll make sure they never find your body."


Hiyoko screamed, jumping back and hitting the chair behind her, which caused her to fall over the desk, slamming hard onto the ground, her small legs were in the air, her kimono scrounging down to her waist, revealing a bit of her pink underwear. She blushed furiously, quickly standing up.

"You...how dare you threaten me like that?" she snapped angrily. The Ultimate Gangster opened up a single golden eye looking directly into her soul.

"You are the one that decided to stick gummy bears onto my face. I'm not making that mistake twice Hiyoko. Now piss off would you? I'm trying to enjoy my nap." he said.

"Now now you two, fighting like this is unbecoming of two Ultimate students." Sonia said, appearing next to the two. Hiyoko walked back to her desk, putting her sandals on. She didn't even bother picking up the fallen desk and the misplaced chair.

"Don't you even start Miss Perfect. You literally do nothing here, other than write in that damn journal of yours." she snapped.

"It's a diary, and I like to detail my day to day life here in the academy." She said happily.

"Like that's exciting. Look around you, there is no one here, just us. Kizakura is so drunk off his ass he probably spent the night in jail."

"Fuyuhiko don't say that! We can't just assume something like that befell our teacher. He wouldn't drink in public." She said.

"He drinks here, daily. In front of minors." Hiyoko deadpanned, digging her hand into her sleeve, pulling out her gummies once more. She took out a few red ones, tossing them into her mouth.

"Um...well...it is allowed in some places. My parents drink wine in front of myself and my brother." Sonia said.

"Your parents are royals, king and queen of a country. If they want to drink in front of their kids, then they can fucking do it as much as they please. Drinking in school isn't allowed, heh...at least not in regular school...but who am I to make the rules here of all places?" Fuyuhiko said, stretching his arms.

"Didn't think a dirty gangster like you would be a stickler for the rules." Hiyoko said, a grin hidden behind her sleeve.

"Don't make me get up you little bitch!"

"Hey now! No need for that kind of language this early in the morning." a new voice added. Hiyoko's face lit up as she looked toward the doors, seeing her best friend walking in.

She like Sonia, was wearing the uniform of Hope's Peak Academy, with very few differences, hers had a slightly longer skirt, and she wasn't wearing knee high socks and formal shoes, trading them in for sneakers instead. This young woman had lightly tanned skin, not too dark and not light, and had freckles all over her face. She had short scarlet hair, in a bowl cut, with a few strands of it covering her forehead. Around her neck was a very expensive looking camera, the strap was black in color, with several patches sown on to it. This young woman was Mahiru Koizumi, the Ultimate Photographer, and Hiyoko's surrogate older sister and best friend. Ever since the beginning of their first year, the two of them had stuck together, hitting it off the bat almost instantly. She was the only one who could not only put up with Hiyoko's attitude, but also reel her in if she got to far. Of course, she couldn't do it all the time, but for the most part she did her best to keep her in check. She walked over to her desk, setting her bag down. Inside it was her portfolio, which she had been putting together for her Photography class. She was also the Photo Journalist for the Hope's Peak Gazette, as the Ultimate Photo Journalist had graduated the year before and she had to take her place. She also had an album, filled with pictures of her and Hiyoko. She admitted having bought that for class trips and for her to take pictures of her friends and classmates, but they barely showed up to class as it was, so she only had pictures of herself with Sonia, Hiyoko, Fuyuhiko, and Mikan Tsumiki, who had yet to show up. She set her camera down, and glared at Fuyuhiko.

"What did she do to you that would result in that lowly insult?" she asked.

"She tried sticking gummy bears onto my face. One thing lead to another and I called her a bitch, it isn't my fault. I call them how they are." he said with a shrug, a small grin on his face.

"Don't make me slap you Fuyuhiko! I'm not scared of you or your family." she said.

"Mahiru, don't tempt him. He could send a hitman after you, I don't want my beautiful older sister get killed at the hands of a dirty criminal." Hiyoko said.

"Hey fuck you!"

"Both of you settle down already. Don't make me hit you both because I swear to Christ I will." Sonia snapped, causing everyone to just stop, giving her a nod. If there was something Hiyoko feared more than Fuyuhiko, it was a pissed off Sonia. She had pissed her off in the past, and she didn't like it. Running a mile wasn't enough to save her from the enraged Princess's wrath. Fuyuhiko's scoffed, looking away from the red haired Photographer. Said girl turned to Hiyoko, a frown on her face.

"I've told you not to anger people haven't I Hiyoko? You might mess with the wrong person, not that Fuyuhiko would do anything. If he we're another person he would have probably hit you." She said. Hiyoko pouted, looking away from her.

"I was just trying to have some fun. This place is a ghost town, no one ever shows up." she said. Just then, the door slid open, and in came in another student, the last one that always showed up.

This young woman was around five foot six in height, with long dark violet hair, though it looked as if someone had taken a pair of scissors to it. It looked uneven in places, but she didn't seem to mind it. She was wearing a brown blazer, which was partially buttoned, though she left the top undone, revealing her white button down shirt. It showed off her cleavage quite well. She wore a matching pleated skirt, that reached down to her mid thigh. Around her right leg, was a thick white bandage, and on her left knee she had a thick patch. She wore a short pair of white socks and matching shoes. She had a light complexion, with a bit of color to it, her violet eyes were filled with nervousness. She held her bag in front of herself, and she gave a polite bow.

"I'm sorry for being late everyone!"

"Ugh...what are you doing here Pig Barf? We don't even want you here." Hiyoko snapped, glaring at the girl. The violet haired girl, who would normally react like a kicked puppy, instead just gave the blonde a smile.

"Hiyoko, you may not want me here, but no one else has voiced their opinions. Now please, we're all here to learn right?" she asked. The blonde huffed, looking away.

"I liked it better when you were a nervous wreck." she said. The violet haired girl quickly found her seat, which was next to Sonia's. This was Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse.

What Hiyoko was saying had been true at one point. During her previous year at the academy, she had been a nervous wreck, being bullied by everyone, having her hair cut to mismatched portions, spit on, drawn on everything. She even had a few scars from where her mother and her boyfriend put out their cigarettes. But after a tragic accident she had suffered, she vowed to herself that she would get stronger, and face her bullies head on. She had learned to deal with Hiyoko's behavior, not only because she was a classmate, but because she had also been put in the same dorm room as her for her entire stay at the academy.

"I think Mikan's change in behavior is a welcome sight. I commend her for finally growing a backbone." Sonia said with a smile.

"Pfft, you are telling me. She still gets yelled at and she still reacts the same." Fuyuhiko said.

"Not all the time. I still have a hard time dealing with all of the stares and the bad comments, and the perverts that keep asking me for a motor boat, but I am getting better with time. Once I get over everything, I can better myself at being a nurse. That's why I am here after all." She said firmly.

"I will admit, it is pretty admirable." Hiyoko said, pursing her lips a bit. Mahiru looked toward the teacher's desk, a frown on her face.

"Is Kizakura even going to show up today? I feel like he was off drinking...again." She said.

"It was the weekend, that is a given." Fuyuhiko replied, earning a nod from Sonia.

"That means we'll be on our own until the other teacher shows up at 8:45. What do you want to do?" the blonde princess asked. Hiyoko smirked, but before she could say something, the doors slid open, revealing the figure of a young woman.

This woman didn't look much older than them all, probably nineteen or twenty years old, with long light amber colored hair, tied into a high ponytail with a light blue ribbon. She had vibrant smile on her face, her bright green eyes we're filled with life. She was wearing a light blue blazer, over a white blouse, with a light orange tie. She wore a matching light colored skirt, with gray panty hose and black heels. She had a clipboard in her small hands. She gave them all a smile and a polite bow.

"Good morning class. My name is Chisa Yukizome, and as of now I will be your temporary homeroom teacher!" she said, entering the room.

"Temporary? What happened to Kizakura?" Hiyoko asked curiously.

"Probably drunk off his ass like I have been saying." the gangster said, straightening up a bit. He was curious to see how this woman acted, and he wanted to see just how Hiyoko would break her, seeing as most of the other teacher's, aside from Kizakura of course, didn't want to work at the academy after their run in with her. The young woman made her way toward the front of the class, setting her clipboard down.

"Um...Kizakura won't be able to maintain his role as your homeroom teacher for now, but only because it's that time of year again. The semester may have just begun, but it's time to search for the students that will attend our school the following year. So far, only two students have been scouted." She said.

"Oh really? What are their talents?" Sonia asked curiously.

"Hmm...I don't remember the second one's talent, we didn't speak of him much. The first was a really sweet girl, who dedicates herself to being an animal whisperer. She can tell an animal's behavior just by how they are acting and their posture. She's also trying to convince everyone to give her German Shepard the title of Ultimate Dog, the Headmaster finds it funny, the Steering Committee...not so much." she said, waving it off. She cleared her throat.

"Now then, it's time for roll call...wait a minute...where the heck is your class?" She asked, looking around the room.

"What are you talking about lady? This is the class." Hiyoko snapped, getting a glare from Mahiru.

"This can't be...I have seventeen of you on the roster, not five." She said, looking at the list.

"Seventeen? Wasn't there only supposed to be sixteen in our class?" Sonia asked.

"Hell if I know, half of the people here don't show up. Plus it isn't my duty to keep track of them all." the gangster said waving them off.

"This won't do. This simply will not do...we'll have to go find them." She said.

"Uh...why? You know attending class here isn't mandatory." Mahiru said. Chisa sighed, shaking her head.

"I understand this, but you should all make an effort to come to class everyday. This school isn't just for you all to work and perfect your individual talents. It's here so you can make friends too, and secure relationships for your future. This is your youth, you are only young once. You won't have blinding hope if you don't make friends. I'll let you all know one little detail, I am actually a graduate of this school." She said.

"You are? You don't look like a graduate." Sonia said.

"She looks like a babysitter. She has the face of a babysitter too. Bet you she'll be fun to break!" Hiyoko said, hiding a grin behind her sleeve, though she made an effort to mutter the last part. The young woman smiled brightly, pulling an apron literally out of nowhere, she hastily put it on, trying it tightly around her back.

"I used to be the Super Highschool Level Housekeeper. At least before it was changed to Ultimate. I graduated two years ago, along with class 75, so it's normal for you not to have heard of me. But I made tons of friends, and I still talk to all of them. I want all of you to do the same, but it isn't going to happen if you just sit here acting like rotten oranges." she said.

"Rotten oranges?" Fuyuhiko asked.

"I think she's off her rocker." the blonde dancer muttered to Mahiru, who rolled her eyes. Chisa walked around her new desk, toward the windows, her finger tracing the window sill seeing all of the dust that had collected.

"Hmm...this room is messy...I guess your first assignment as a class together is to clean this messy room. You won't grow as a class if you don't have a clean environment, but before we do that we have to find your missing classmates!" she said, with a clap of her hands.
"Good luck, they could be anywhere in this academy."

"Which is why we are all going to split up and search for them. Twelve of your classmates are missing, so it is our duty to make sure their in class. So come on, let's go find those rotten oranges."

"Pfft, you can't make me. I am not going to move from this seat lady." Fuyuhiko said, glaring at the woman. She adopted a grin on her face, placing her hands behind her back.

"Oh really? Are you sure about that?" she asked.

"There is nothing you can do that will make me change my..." he stopped mid sentence as a knife slammed into his desk. His eyes were wide for a second, seeing just how close it had gotten to his leg. He brought his legs to the ground, standing up.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Who do you think you are messing with?" he snapped. Chisa appeared in front of him, looking down at his golden eyes.

"A rotten orange, that's who I am messing with. Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu is it?" she asked, getting a nod from him. She smirked, pulling a second knife, which she stabbed next to his hand.

"You are going to help us find your missing classmates or you'll face the consequences." she said.

"Am I now?" he asked. After a heated stare off, he let out a chuckle, giving her a nod.

"I like you...whatever you need me to do, I am your man." he said. She smiled, pulling the knives from the desk, placing them behind her back.

"Excellent." she said, turning around.

"This girl better have health insurance, she isn't going to last long in this class." Hiyoko said, muttering to Mahiru, who gave her a nod. Chisa turned around, pulling several insurance plans from behind her back.

"Actually, I came prepared." she said.

"Who has that many insurance plans?" Sonia asked curiously.

"You can never be to careful. Now let's go find those missing students, any idea where they could be found?" She asked, placing the plans back in her pocket.

"Hmm...I do have an idea on where we can find one of them." Fuyuhiko said, earning a nod from her.

"Great, by your lead then Fuyuhiko." Chisa said, exiting the room. All five students took a right, heading toward the bathrooms on that floor.

Daisuke yawned, stretching his limbs a bit. It was still early in the morning, around ten am. Usually he would be writing in his story book, but as of right now he was actually taking a break. There were a few apple cores next to him, and he had taken the seeds out so he could plant them somewhere else, something he usually did. He was sure most of the trees that were sprouting in the park were because of him. Maybe he could be the Ultimate Plant Grower instead? That still meant he would have to go to school. He heard a chuckled next to him and looked up, seeing a familiar looking man standing in front of him.

He was wearing a fancy white suit, pressed and free of wrinkles. Underneath he wore a green button down shirt, with a gray tie around his neck and a black suit vest. He wore a pair of matching slacks and white dress shoes. He wore a white hat on his head, with a black stripe around it. He had short blond hair, a light mustache and a small goatee of sorts. This man was Koichi Kizakura, the scout for Hope's Peak Academy, and his supposed Homeroom teacher. Daisuke coughed a bit, looking away from him.

"You know kid, I understand skipping a few days of school, but an entire year? How do you even manage that?" he asked.

"You said class wasn't mandatory? Why even show up when I can just pass the tests and use my time to perfect my craft?" he asked curiously.

"Hmm...I can see that, but most of the students actually do go to the academy, they just hang around the campus. You are the first student I've scouted to never set foot within the academy. And Kirigiri was so excited to meet you." the man said, taking a swig from his flask.

"Excited? What for? I'm no one special." he said with a shrug.

"Everyone who is welcomed into Hope's Peak Academy is special kiddo. Kirigiri loves all his students dearly and wants to see them succeed. He is a hardass at times, but he loves his work. Did you know his daughter is part of the alumni this year? And his half son was scouted for the next class?" he asked.

"Really? I didn't know that." Daisuke said, looking back at his book.

"Why is it that you haven't shown up? Are you nervous or something? I was nervous the first time I set foot in that place, I was a kid then, probably around your age when I actually started scouting people, while still being a student." he said.

"You graduated from Hope's Peak?" he asked, earning a nod from the man.

"Super Highschool Level Homeroom Teacher. I was the only one able to get my class to stay in place, and after I graduated, I signed up for the job, eventually becoming a scout for the academy. Those were simpler times, before the academy became starved for money." he said, muttering the last part. He turned around, taking another swig of his flask.

"But...I'm not here to talk about the golden days. I'm here to give you a fair warning. Get your ass to school, or hide somewhere you can't be found." he said.
"Why? Is Truancy after me?" he asked. The man chuckled.

"Kid, even if you didn't skip school, truancy would give a damn about you skipping school. This isn't the States after all. I am giving you a heads up because my new assistant teacher is rounding up the other students belonging to Class 77B and if I know her well, she's coming after you. So, either you decide to go of your own free will or she will drag you to class by your pants, your choice." he said with a shrug. Daisuke quickly stood up, brushing his pants free of the grass that had collected on it. He stuffed his book into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder.

"Thanks for the heads up Kizakura, I'm not ready to go to school yet, so I'll just hide out somewhere else." He said, turning around.

"Are you scared Daisuke?" the man asked, making him stop. He looked back at the older man, who had a questioning look on his face.
"Scared of what?"

"Of going to Hope's Peak Academy? Are you scared that you won't fit in? Because story telling isn't an art? Because let me tell you it is, when you read me that short story you had written, I was entranced, I saw everything in my mind, the words flowing off the page, the characters weaving the story for me. It was beautiful, and there's no doubt about it. You belong in Hope's Peak, and you deserve your title. Forget about what your deadbeat father said. Ryusuke was never a good man to begin with, you and I know that for a fact." the man said.

"It's not...even that...I just...feel to normal. Look at me, I am average at everything, grades, social interactions, speaking...hell the only thing I'm better at then writing and telling stories is playing video games, and not good enough to be a professional or anything." he said.

"And yet you were offered the chance to come to the academy, not once, but twice. Ultimate Vocalist remember?"

"Pfft, and be in the same class as the great Sayaka Maizono? Hell no, I pale in comparison. Whatever the case, thanks for the head's up...I will definitely think things through this time around, and I will go to school. When I'm ready of course." he said, walking off. Kizakura gave him a wave, turning around flask still in hand.

"Ryusuke, why in the hell would you ever tell your son that his stories are shit? That might have ruined his chances of actually coming to the academy sooner. Poor kid." he said, taking another swig of his flask, making a mental note to refill it when he had the chance.

Daisuke hurried up the street, not really paying attention to where he was going. That warning from Kizakura really had him on edge, was the new teacher really rounding up his classmates? He had never met them, so he wasn't sure how the acted in a school setting, but going from what the scout had just said, they were all class cutters like him. He was honestly rethinking everything and thinking about actually heading to school, but he wasn't ready for that yet. He wanted at least a few more days to think about it before he made his decision, so for now he would hide out, and hope to hell this new teacher didn't find him.

Chisa smiled brightly, as she took attendance of the entire class. They had found all of the missing students and had rounded them up in the classroom, through various complaints of course, but they had even gotten the ever elusive Ultimate Gamer, Chiaki Nanami. Check marks decorated every single name, except for one at the very bottom of the list.

"Alright, everyone is here except Daisuke Fuji, do any of you know where he is?" she asked.

"Who? I've never heard of that kid in my entire life." the pink haired mechanic, known as Kazuichi Souda replied. He was currently wearing a light blue jumpsuit, with short sleeves and a white shirt underneath, along with matching sneakers, and a blue hat which he had on backward.

"Souda speaks the truth. Ibuki has never seen nor heard of this Daisuke Fuji." came the reply from the vibrant and hyperactive Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician. She was wearing a short sleeved white shirt, with a pink ascot around her neck, firmly placed with a golden stick pin, which had a G clef on it. She wore a navy blue pleated skirt, along with a pair of pink and blue ripped stockings, and her worn sneakers. Her bangs were cut at an angle, and were dyed white, blue and hot pink, her hair was also a bit spiky and left down. She wore a pair of stripped cat ears on her head, and had three piercings on the side of her mouth, along with spiked piercings on her left ear.

"Even worthless trash like me hasn't heard about this young man. What a shame, I'm sure his hope is blinding." came the reply of Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student. He was dressed in the formal uniform, with his blazer being firmly pressed, though it was a little uneven, and he was still soaking wet from when the truck landed on the vending machine, as several soda cans had exploded right after. His unruly hair was in all directions, his face was one of sheer joy and happiness.

"Don't talk Nagito, you really bring the class down." Hiyoko muttered, looking behind her at her classmate, who was busy stacking cans of soda on his desk. How he had gotten those was beyond her, maybe all his bullshit about luck was true.

"How is it that none of you have met him? Surely on the first day of school you were all here right?" Chisa said.

"Actually, I remember the day very vividly, I also wrote everything that happened in my diary. It was my first day here in this academy so I wanted to make it special, I wrote the names of everyone of my classmates in it." Sonia said, flipping to the first page in her dairy. Just as she said, the entire list of names was there, but Daisuke's wasn't.

"Maybe he just doesn't like to show up to school?" Akane Owari said. She was a tall, beautiful young woman, with lightly tanned skin, and long flowing brown hair, that seemed to spike outward. She was wearing a light shirt, with a red undershirt. She also had on a mini skirt, which easily flipped up, especially when she was running around and practicing her Gymnastics, as she was the Ultimate Gymnast. Her stomach growled, and a bit of drool ran down the side of her mouth.

"Hey Teru, please tell me you are making dinner soon." she asked.

"As always my dear, I will make everything to order. What would you like? Hard juicy meat?" the young man asked, blood dripping from his nose. He was a small pudgy young man, with a pompadour hair style. He was wearing a white chef shirt, with brown pants underneath, along with a pair of boots. He had a black apron wrapped around his waist, and a white chef hat atop his head. This was Teruteru Hanamura, otherwise known as the Ultimate Chef, though to everyone he was also the Ultimate Pervert.

"Hell yeah, I want steak, and lamb chops and whatever else you can come up with." she said, practically jumping the young man like a dog in heat. She was panting and drooling, which was making the chef even more perverse.

"As you wish, I might make some Arroz con Leche* as a side, if you allow me to have some milk." he said, staring at her jugs, before he could do anything, he felt a firm tug on his ear, courtesy of Hiyoko, who had a disgusted look on her face.

"Jeez, could you be anymore perverted?" she snapped.
"Oh yes, pinch me harder. I'll pinch you too Hiyoko, I'm sure you'll love it~" he said, his tone suave and sensual. Hiyoko let go of his ear, backing away in disgust. She wiped her hand on her kimono, grimacing a bit.

"Yuck! I need to wash my hands with bleach now." she said.
"Settle down class. I understand it's going to take some time to get used to being here, but we can't start the semester right if we don't have everyone. Luckily, the student profile on Daisuke has been updated to include his current address, so we'll have to go find him." Chisa said, looking at her eHandbook, which was slightly larger than the student version. The Faculty version of it was white and had the crest of Hope's Peak emblazoned in gold. It was a teacher's best friend, or worst nightmare if a student got a hold of it, which had happened to several teachers in the past.

"He lives near the downtown area, six blocks from here in fact. Well, looks like we're walking. It'll be good exercise too." Chisa said, clapping her hands. They all groaned, knowing full well that they were in for a long walk.

"This sucks. I would have preferred sitting here doing nothing all day." Hiyoko said firmly.

"Aw, don't be like that. You know if you don't get out and exercise, you'll become chubby." Mahiru said.

"What? I will never be chubby." She snapped.

"You'll never be tall either, or have world class breasts like Akane." Fuyuhiko said, brushing past the blonde as they all made their way toward the first floor.

"Shut up baby face, you aren't much taller than me and while I could still grow, you are gonna stay short the rest of your life." She said, hiding a grin behind her sleeve.

"Why you!"

"Fuyuhiko, she is just trying to rile you up. Don't listen to her comments." the smooth voice of Peko Pekoyama said, as she appeared behind the two. She was a tall young woman, with a light complexion, and dark grayish silver hair, which she had tied into braids with thin white tinsel. She had soft ruby colored eyes, and wore a thin pair of glasses. She was wearing a long sleeve white shirt, with a matching gray skirt, long black stockings and leather boots. Around her shoulder was her black case, which held her training sword. She had gotten the title of Ultimate Swordswoman, and she had earned several trophies for Hope's Peak Academy already, as only the national competitions had interested her. Fuyuhiko nodded, cracking his neck.

"You are right Peko. Let's go." he said, earning a nod from her. The two girls shared a brief look before she followed the short boy to the front of the class.

"Did you see that? He has her wrapped around her finger." Hiyoko said.

"Maybe their just close friends. Just because she didn't come to class doesn't mean they couldn't have gotten to know each other. We all live on campus after all." Mahiru said.

"Or she's a hired hand. She's a swordswoman, meaning that she's proficient enough with a sword, enough to kill. I bet that sword she carries with her is the real deal." the short blonde said.

"Don't talk badly about our classmates. Peko wouldn't carry around a real sword, especially in school." she said.
"The Ultimate Knife Fighter carries knives with him. It isn't exactly illegal to have it." the said, making her point clear. Mahiru sighed, ignoring her friend's antics. Now that they were outside and on the way to Daisuke's house, she could take a few pictures of the area for her portfolio.

Daisuke had finally made it home, after wondering around the city for a while and passing by his sister's middle school a couple of times. She had texted him twice, telling him that if he passed by the school a third time she would tell their mother he had been skipping class. Of course, neither of them knew that he had enrolled in Hope's Peak Academy, nor that he had the title of Ultimate Story Teller. He had fabricated some story, about how he was always in school, helping out with the chores because he was actually the president of his own club. He knew it was bad to lie, but with his ability to tell stories, he was able to pull it off perfectly. It had helped him stay away from the police as well, as he always made up some excuse and they always bought it. If he wanted to, he could become a famous jewel thief, and get away with it too. His morals were too high though, and he knew he would never do that, his characters in his stories though? That was a plot for another day.

He slipped the key into the slot, turning it slowly. He had already come up with the lie for why he had skipped school, so he wasn't worried about his mother. He normally would check the mail too, so that anything related to Hope's Peak Academy was sifted out before she got to it. This time though, the mail wasn't in the box, meaning that it hadn't arrived yet. It was close to noon now, so that was probably why. The mailman didn't show up until the late afternoon, and it wasn't as if he was going to change his schedule any time soon. He opened the door, stepping inside the house.

"Daisuke? Is that you?"

"It's me mom, no need to worry." he cried out. He closed the door behind himself and took his shoes off, setting them down near the door. He walked into the house, heading into the kitchen. His mother, Maria was busy frying up some food, getting it ready for her food cart.

This mother was slightly shorter than him, with a darker skin color than his own. She had long chocolate brown hair, currently tied into a ponytail since she was cooking food. She was wearing a crimson short sleeved shirt, with a matching pair of blue jeans and a pair of white slippers. Around her waist was a white apron, with a few patches sown onto it. She looked away from her cooking, looking at her son, a smile on her face. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, looking at what she was making.

"Frying up some Churros again?" he asked.

"You know it's the most popular thing I can make. Everyone seems to adore them, I also have several others premade. Why are you early? Doesn't school get out at three?" she asked curiously.

"There was a gas leak in the school so everyone was let out early. There probably won't be any class for the rest of the week." He said, hoping she would buy it. She pursed her lips for a few seconds, before giving him a nod, turning to her cooking.

"Alright, nothing that we can do about it. A gas leak is a serious matter...but if you were out early, what about that club you run? The Story Telling Society?" she asked.

"Oh uh...the STS didn't meet up today, since we didn't have a place to hold our meeting, I told everyone to head home early." he said.

"Aw, you should have told them to come here. I don't mind if you hold club meetings here from time to time. I want to meet your friends at some point. Maybe I can meet that girl you always talk about?" she asked.
"Uh...right. Brianna is really busy, even during club hours...I'm gonna head upstairs, the walk back from school has me bushed." he said, walking out of the kitchen.

"Alright, do your homework. The semester may have just started but that's no excuse to slack off!" she said.

"Yes mom." he said, waving her off as he headed upstairs to his room. Once there, he closed the door, sighing with relief. His mother had bought his little story, and he had earned himself a week off school. That would be enough to think about actually showing up at school. He set his bag on his desk, falling into his computer chair.

His room wasn't anything special. It was moderate in size, and decorated with several posters and anime wall scrolls. His bed was placed near the corner of the room, and was covered in plain black and red sheets. He had his own personal desk next to his bed, where his computer was. On the other side of this room was a bookshelf, filled with books and video games, his television was mounted to the wall, and around it were various shelves, stuffed with more games, his Ps4 was placed on one of the shelves, with both of it's controllers, on the right shelf sat his Wii U and his 3ds, where both had been left the night before. The final area of the room was his recording set up. He had been working on a few audio books, stories he had written and wanted to put on tape. He had sold a few before, and the people who had bought them asked for several more for their friends and families. He didn't think they were that good in his opinion, but the people did, so he kept recording them. He also did covers of famous songs, and wrote his own from time to time, mostly for his own stories.

He let out a sigh, looking at his computer, perhaps he could start on the next audio book. Luckily, his computer was a laptop, so he could take it across the room and set everything up to record his story. He stood up, grabbing the computer, unplugging the monitor and keyboard that had been plugged into it, moving it across the room. He set it on his window sill, pausing to open the shade. His eyes widened, seeing all of the people that had gathered outside his gate. He grit his teeth, recognizing the uniform.

"Oh Shit!"

Ding dong

Daisuke quickly slid across the room, jerking his door open. He raced down the stairs, almost slamming into his mother who looked at him curiously.

"It's a package. I'll get it." he said. She shrugged and headed back into the kitchen, placing her headphones back onto her head, he hadn't even noticed her using them before. Once she was back in the kitchen, he took a deep breath and walked toward the door, hooking the chain onto it. He opened the door, peeking out through the crack.

"Um, hello there. May I speak to a Mr. Daisuke Fuji please?" the young woman said. He looked her over, and figured she must have been the teacher Kizakura had mentioned. She didn't look much older than him, two years give or take. He cleared his throat.

"No no, he no live here." he said, making his voice sound as accented as possible. Her brows furrowed, lips pressed into a thin line.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Si si, no Mr. Fuji here. Yo from España, no speak Japanese." he said. The woman nodded, looking behind herself. She gestured to one of the girls behind her, a very beautiful girl with long platinum colored hair. She gave him a smile.

"Hola, yo me llamo Sonia. Usted esta seguro que aquí no vive el Señor Daisuke Fuji?" (Hello, my name is Sonia. Are you sure that Mr. Daisuke Fuji doesn't live here?) she asked. Daisuke was taken aback, in his mind he was already freaking out, but this was the final nail in the coffin for him.

"No...he no live here." he said, slamming the door closed. He locked it for good measure. He swallowed hard, sweating a bit.

"I gotta get out of here."

"That was odd." Sonia said, looking at Chisa, who gave her a nod. She stuck her hand in her apron pocket, pulling out a small lock pick.

"Yes it was. Something tells me that was who we were looking for. The profile did say he was half Spanish and had lived in Spain for a few years. At least we're thankful you are fluent in 30 different languages." she said, pulling out the small tools, slipping them into the lock.
"What the hell are you doing?" Fuyuhiko asked, watching as the woman started picking the lock.

"I am getting that rotten orange out of this house. It's clear he isn't going to be coming out peacefully, so I'm gonna drag him to school by his pants!" She said.

"Jesus Christ, we are so going to jail." Souda said, leaning against the post that held the gate in place.

"Yeah, dude I'm in a bit of a bind right now. Think I could use your Dirt bike? Just for the day, I'll be back tonight I promise...I'll even put in some gas in the tank."

"I dunno man. I'm still not sure you can drive it well enough!"

"Takeshi for fucks sakes man. I got my license before you, of course I can drive it, please man, I'll owe you big time."

"(Sigh) Alright. It's in the garage...just be careful, there isn't anyone home and I don't want people to say we were broken into."

"Takeshi you are a life saver, thanks so much!" he said, slamming his flip phone closed. He shut his messenger bag, making sure his book was safely inside. He slipped it around his shoulder, and walked out of the room, quietly grabbing his boots from the front and putting them on. He heard the rattling lock, eyes widening.

"Are they seriously picking my lock? What the hell is wrong with them?" he thought to himself. He quietly grabbed the door stop from beside the door and placed it under the knob, a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing?" his mother asked, startling him a bit.

"Uh...you know...putting the stop on the door...can't be too careful."

"Erika will be home in three hours, and she won't be able to get in if that's on." she said.

"She can use the back door. Listen, I'm gonna head off to the park, I'll be back before dinner alright?" he said, heading toward his garage door.

"If you say so. Take care of yourself dear, and don't do anything stupid!" she said. He nodded, disappearing through the garage. She heard the door knob rattling, and turned to face the door, a curious look on her face. She walked toward it, pulling the stop from the door, along with the chain. She threw it open, surprising Chisa who still had the pick in her hand. Maria looked at the gathered students, a firm look on her face.

"Are you the Story Telling Society members? I didn't think my son had this many friends. But why are you picking my lock? You could have all just rang the bell." she said.

"Uh...I don't understand what you are talking about ma'am. My name is Chisa Yukizome, and I'm Daisuke Fuji's homeroom teacher. Are you by chance Mrs. Fuji?" she asked.

"No...My name is Maria Asucena Del Rio, my husband and I got a divorce so I retook my maiden name. It's nice to meet you Miss Yukizome...but what is this about you being his homeroom teacher? Wasn't there a gas leak in the school today?" she asked.

"There wasn't a gas leak at all. Hope's Peak Academy maintains it's facilities in working order and are constantly being maintained." the woman said.

"Hope's Peak Academy? You mean that prestigious academy almost everyone is dying to go to? What are you all doing here? Daisuke isn't a student there. He goes to Ridgeway Highschool across town." she said.

"Ma'am...did your son ever tell you that he was scouted by Hope's Peak Academy? And given the title of Ultimate Story Teller?" Chisa asked.

"No...this is news to me...that does explain why he was acting so odd earlier...and why he always checks the mail three times to make sure all of his stuff is out of it...and why he just told me he was going to the park." she said, looking at the door that lead to the garage.

"I'll be damned. The kid lied to his mother for an entire year about attending the academy...he's good." Fuyuhiko said. The woman looked at the young man, eyes wide.

"A year? What are you talking about son?" she asked.
"Daisuke was scouted by Koichi Kizakura last year to be part of Class 77. He hasn't set foot in the academy the entire time, and took his final exams in a different place, he hasn't met any of his classmates." Chisa said firmly. Maria's jaw dropped, disbelief written on her face.

"Oh that little shit. He is going to get an earful from me. Come on in, we'll just wait until he returns. And don't even worry about anything, I've just made tons of food for my small business so you can have some." she said.

"Do you have any steak?" Akane asked, pushing her way to the front of the class.

"I didn't make any dear, but I did make some churros, if you would like some of those. There are also various other dishes from Spain that I normally make." she said.

"It'll do for now. I've never had Churros before." she said, rubbing her chin.

"If I may, would you mind showing me to your kitchen? I would like to sample this food myself." Teruteru said, a small grin on his face.

"Of course, it's this way." Maria said, leading Akane and Teruteru into the kitchen.

"Well...she seems nice." Fuyuhiko said, making his way into the small house, along with his other classmates.

"Yes she does...it's a shame Daisuke kept her in the dark about all of this. Who would do this to their mother and why?" Sonia asked, slightly disappointed that a fellow student would do something like that.
"I think it's pretty funny really." Hiyoko said, looking around the main hallway of the home. She saw a picture of who she assumed was Daisuke, along with his little sister, both being younger, most likely twelve and ten at the time. She couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Of course you do you little devil. You find people's misery funnier than hell." Souda said, crossing his arms.

"Whatever the case, that kid is in for it when he gets back home." Nekumaru Nidai, the Ultimate Team Manager said, scratching the back of his head. His giant muscular form stood out from the other students, especially because he was taller than almost everyone else.

Daisuke hissed as he peeked over the fence, seeing all of the people that supposedly belonged to his class within his home. He knew eventually his mother would find out, but he didn't want her to find out this way. A few others had remained outside, making it a little harder for him to sneak out. But he had already gotten Takeshi's bike out of the garage and he wasn't going to back out now. He let out a chuckle, looking at the green Kawasaki dirt bike.

"What am I doing? Am I really going to just run away again? That's definitely the best first impression. Then again, if that girl wants me to attend class, then maybe I should give her a little test." he said with a smirk. He opened the gate, pushing the motorcycle through them as he walked out into the street. There wasn't a car in sight, aside from the ones parked on the side of the street. He tightened the strap of his bag, and put on the leather gloves he had grabbed from Takeshi's garage, tightening the straps. He took a deep breath, bringing his leg down hard on the kick starter, pressing the button on the clutch. He revved the engine a few times, adrenaline rushing through his system.

"Oh yeah, this is gonna be good!"

"Did you...hear that?" Souda asked, turning toward Sonia who was busy playing with Tanaka's hamsters, much to the Dark Lord's dismay. She looked up, tilting her head.

"No...I didn't hear anything out of the ordinary."

"It...sounded like...a motorcycle engine. A dirt bike, Kawasaki maybe?" the pink haired mechanic said.

"You can guess what type of motorcycle it is just by hearing the engine?" Mahiru asked, quite impressed with the pink haired mechanic.

"Well of course. I fixed plenty of motorcycles as a kid, so I would recognize something like that easily." he said, walking to the front of the house, opening the door. He startled Peko and Chiaki, who were both sitting down near the flower garden. He was shortly followed by Sonia, Tanaka, Mahiru and Hiyoko, who were curious as to where the noise was coming from.

"It's definitely from next door." Souda said.

"That's odd." Maria said, appearing next to the mechanic.

"That's the Komuro residence. Their son is at school and the owners are currently at work. Unless Takeshi is skipping like my son is." She said.

"Does he know how to drive a motorcycle?" Chisa asked, getting a nod from her.

"Yes...he got his license...last...year." she said. The woman broke into a sprint, heading out into the street, followed by Chisa and the students that had been outside. Daisuke was there, smirking at all of them, his eyes focused on Chisa, and he held a single hand up.

"If you want me to go to school, then you'll have to prove to me that you actually want me there. I'm not going there to waste my time...if you can catch me, then I will attend school, no ifs, ands or buts about it. Good luck." he said, revving off with great speed.

"Daisuke Fuji! You get your ass back here Mister, you and I need to talk." Maria howled, clenching her fists.

"It seems he inherited his father's stupidity after all." she said.

"Ma'am, do you have car I could use? Or a motorcycle?" Chisa asked.

"I'm sorry dear. His motorcycle is still broken, and my car is in the shop." she said.

"I'll take a look at the motorcycle then. I can easily get it fixed, give me fifteen minutes and you'll be out of here and on his trail." Souda said, pulling three wrenches from his pockets, flipping them around.

"I'll take you to it." Maria said, leading him to the garage.

"Ibuki sure is entertained. This was a good idea Miss Yukizome, Ibuki's fellow classmates are all rebels!" she cried out, excitement in her voice.

"Yes, yes they are. Still, there has to be a reason why he is doing this...and I will get to the bottom of it. The most elusive student is the biggest rotten orange of them all...we'll be having rotten orange pie at this rate." she said.
"Gross, don't make me vomit! Oho, my feet hurt...I think their broken." Hiyoko cried out, sitting down on the grass. Mikan hovered over her, a worried look on her face.

"Are you okay? May I take a look?" she asked.

"Shut up pig face or I'll turn you into a pretzel!" She snapped.

"I just want to check you over. You are a dancer and your legs need to be in good condition in order for you to dance, so don't make a fuss and let me look." Mikan said sternly. The blonde rolled her eyes, giving her a nod.

"Don't worry Chisa, I'll use my connections to get his location, he won't escape." Fuyuhiko said, his phone already on his ear. Chisa nodded, a small smile on her face. She couldn't help but remember the first time she met her best friends and how they had acted. Daisuke reminded her of them, and for that she was immensely happy. She would do everything in her power to bring him back, or she would fail as his teacher. That was the personal vow she had taken.

A/N: well, that was it. I hoped you all liked it and are looking forward to seeing more of Daisuke, I promise this rendition of him is more of what I wanted him to be like in the original. He will be doing a lot of stupid things from time to time, but he will learn to value his time and friendships in the academy. Until next time everyone!

*Arroz con Leche* Basically, this just the Spanish name for Rice Pudding. It's a desert made by boiling rice and then adding milk and sugar to it to sweeten it, there are a lot of variations, you can make it with chocolate, cinnamon and even add raisins to it. I haven't personally tried it but my Grandmother makes it all the time, so I figured I would include it in this.