Me: 'hides'

Okay , sooooooo sorry for the long waited last chapter, but some much things has happened…and distractions…hehe got a PS4 and I can finally play KH3… 'looks around' any PS4 users that know good games?

To those who are waiting for the crossover, I'm still working on it but don't worry I plan to update it soon…I hope.

'cough' anyway, just to let you guys know I'm fine, no virus…just that this outbreak costed me of the docs to delay my treatment to remove the liver tumor – at least no UTI this time!

Now, enough of my ranting, enjoy the final chapter! And I thank to all of you that had followed this story to the end. I thank thy to you all with all my gratitude. Peace!

-Patel's Children's Home-

A woman with dark brown hair, held up in a bun and has dark hazel eyes was dragging Sarafina by the ear and throw her into a filthy bathroom. "Have this place clean up – before dinner! Or you would not get any dinner tonight, you ungrateful brat!"

Sarafina gritted her teeth, "Why didn't you put it on the chores list?!"

"Forgot – now get to it!"

Sarafina sighed, but as she was about to go to the supply closet, the woman stopped her. Sara was confused before widening her eyes when the woman pulled out a toothbrush.

"You'll be using this instead, brat."

"But – But that's my toothbrush! Miss Patel, can't I use…"

Sarafina stopped when Patel slapped her, hard. "I don't care, brat! Now start cleaning unless you want to sleep here tonight!"

Once Patel was gone, Sarafina sobbed for a few minutes before calming herself and started cleaning the bathroom…using her toothbrush.

Within seven hours, Sarafina finally finished and was completely exhausted. She throws away the filthy toothbrush and headed to her room where she shared it with three other girls.

Jamie, age seventeen, was found abandoned by the freeway when she was a baby. Then there's Jessica, age fifteen, who lost her parents in a shooting when she was thirteen. Lastly, Halley, age thirteen, who was found at the gates when she was three.

Sarafina carefully walked to her worn out bed and collapsed on it. She quickly fell asleep only to be wakened up within two hours later.

"So, what happened? We didn't see yea in dinner," said Jessica as the two were heading to the kitchen.

"I had to clean the second-floor bathroom…with my toothbrush," replied Sarafina.

"That horrible woman!" said Jessica. She gritted her teeth, "Doesn't she have better things to do then make our life's miserable?!"

"Don't think so," murmured Sarafina. Just as they were about to enter the kitchen, Marlene, the cook stopped them. "What's wrong, Marlene?" asked Sarafina.

"It would seem that the law caught up to Patel," answered Marlene. She crossed her arms, "There're two officers and two business workers in her office."

Jessica smirked, "So her overdue bills finally caught up to her. Good riddance!"

"So, if she gets arrested, who's going to take over the orphanage?" asked Sarafina. Just as Marlene was about to reply, an officer walked over to them.

"Excuse me, any of you is Sarafina?"

"That would be me," said Sarafina, confused.

"Would you please come with me? Madam, please tell the other children to pack up."

Marlene nodded before grabbing Jessica's hand. Sarafina waved to her friend before following the officer to Patel's office. As they entered, Sarafina saw Patel being handcuffed and was dragged away from her office.

"No wait! I can pay those bills! Just give me a little more time!"

Sarafina smirked upon hearing her former abuser trying to get away from being arrested. She tries to beg or reason the officers, but when that did not work, Patel tried to escape by kicking, screaming even biting…none worked.

"Ah, you must be Sarafina, correct?"

Sarafina turned around to see two blonds wearing business suits. The blond woman walked up to her, "My, what a lovely girl you are."

"Um, thank you madam," said Sarafina, awkwardly. "…Who are you?"

The blond man laughed, "Forgive us, young lady. I am Mr. Kyosuke Marukura and this is my wife, Shouko. We just bought this property and we'll be rebuilding a better orphanage."

"Okay? Why am I here?" asked Sarafina.

"Well, you see, Sarafina before Miss Patel was arrested, a friend of ours adopted you," replied Shouko. She smiled, "She signed it and left to make arrangements for your arrival."

Sarafina's mouth dropped, "I…I'm…adopted?"

"All there is left is your signature," said Kyosuke, handing her the adoption forms.

Sarafina took the papers with shaking hands and her mouth dropped some more. She looked at them with disbelief, "She's…your friend…She's…She's…"

Meanwhile, Dan and the others were finishing up decorating the entertainment room when the doors open, and the brunette was given a death hug by none other than…

"Sarafina! Will you let go of me!"

The purple haired girl shook her head and started to sob onto Dan's shoulders. The brunette patted her back to calm her down. After a few minutes, Sarafina let go and gave a huge grin upon seeing the room.

"Is…Is this for me?"

"That's right," said Marucho.

"It's your welcome home party!" said Julie, happily.

Sarafina teared up, "Thank you…but how did you find the orphanage?"

"Dan was able to look through his false memories and found the location of the orphanage you were staying at," said Shun.

"Then I was able to find out who own the place," said Marucho. He adjusted his glasses, "Once I learned about Miss Patel's overdue bills, I informed my parents and they bought the property and got her arrested."

Sarafina's eye twitched, "Didn't know you had a very powerful friend, Dan."

"His parents are, not him. He's the brains of the group though," said the brunette before pulling her to the table full of food. "Now, let us start! I'm starving!"

"That's all you think about Dan – food and brawling," said Runo.

"Much better than doing homework," murmured Dan. That is when the brunette snapped his fingers, "Oh, right! Forgot to give you this."

Sarafina looked at her adopted brother as he handed her a small light purple box. Curious, she opened it and let out a squeal of delight.

"My lady, it's wonderful to see you once again."

"Cruentus, I'm so happy to see you too!" said Sarafina as she held her partner to her cheek. She then frowned, "But how is this possible? I thought you had to return to Vestroia."

"About that, Daniel?" said Cruentus.

Dan sheepishly grinned, "Well, you see, the six Legendary warriors decided to let the bakugan continue living with their human partners."

"Seriously?" said Sarafina.

"See for yourself girl," said Julie as Gorem jumped on her shoulder. Sarafina widened her eyes as the others bakugan appeared on their shoulders.

"Nice to see you in the good side," said Preyas.

"Welcome child," said Tigrerra and Hydra.

"It's wonderful to see you again," said Skyress.

"Welcome to the Kuso family, Sara," said Drago.

"But – But what about the Perfect core? Don't you need to protect it Drago?" said Sarafina.

"I am protecting it," said Drago as Dan looked to him. "While the six Legendary warriors are guarding half of the core, I'm protecting the one within Dan."

"Oh! So, Drago is like your guardian then," said Sarafina.

"I guess he is," said Dan, scratching his cheek. Then he grinned, "But what's more surprising is that Cruentus and Drago are siblings."

"Cruentus and Drago – brothers?!" said Sarafina. "Who would have thought…"

"I still can't believe it," murmured Cruentus.

"Enough chit-chat! It's party time!" said Julie, popping behind of Dan. She grabbed hold onto the brunette's arm, "Let's dig in!"

Sarafina giggled before grabbing a plate and filled in with delicious food while taking a glance to see her new brother being pulled arm-to-arm by Runo and Julie. She took a deep breath and walked over to them before pulling the two girls by the ear while Marucho pulled Dan away from the girls.

Dan sighed in relief before starting to fill up his plate. Not soon after, Marucho's parents, Runo's parents, Alice's grandfather and Dan's parents joined in as well. The entire time, Sarafina had a huge grin on her face.

-Two months later-

"See yea later mom!" shouted Dan.

"Be back before dinner!" shouted Miyako Kuso.

"We will, mama – Danny, wait up!" shouted Sarafina as she jumped on her purple bike and followed her brother.

They biked to the meeting spot at the park as normal but this time waiting for them was Kai. After the fight with Naga, Apollonir appointed Kai and his bakugan partner like an advisor. They would report to Dan and Drago about New Vestroia and how everything is been going on. So far everything has been fine.

Last week, Kai requested a brawl against Dan and the brunette accepted.

"Sorry, we're late," said Dan, getting off from his bike. He grinned sheepishly, "Sort of slept in."

"Typical," murmured Runo while Julie giggled.

"Well, let's get this brawl started," said Marucho.

Dan and Kai nodded, "Brawl! Gate card set!"

"Stand by for battle, Leo!"

"Let's go, Drago!"

Drago: 650G, 100% vs. Leo: 640G, 100%

"Right, let us start this with a bang! Double ability – Darkus Murder and Omega Eraser!" ordered Kai. Leo started to glow dark purple while Drago was glowing light purple and his power level was dropping.

Drago: 650G – 140 = 510G and Leo: 640G + 140 = 780G
Leo: 780G + 400 = 1180G

"We're not going down that easy! Double ability – Spinning Tornado and Maximum Dragon!" said Dan. Drago's glow turned to bright red while Leo's power level dropped, heavily.

Leo: 1180G 640G – 500 = 140G
Drago: 510G + 500 = 1010G

"Holy crud! Double ability – Devil's Sythe and Boosted Omega!" said Kai, quickly.

Drago: 1010g / 2 = 505G
Leo: 140G + 700 = 840G

"Don't hold back Drago! Double ability – Burning Dragon and Fire Tornado!" said Dan.

Leo: 840G – 100 = 740G and Drago: 505G + 100 = 605G
Drago: 605G + 200 = 805G

Drago was fired-up and created a fire tornado that surrounded Leo, trapping him inside and within seconds caused him to go in his ball form.

Leo: 80%
Drago: 100%

Kai smirked, "Looks like you got the upper hand…but it's not going to happen again."

"Let's go then – Drago!"

"Leo, stand by for battle!"

"Ability card activate – Burning Tornado!" said Dan.

Leo: 640G – 200 = 440G and Drago: 650G + 200 = 850G

"Like I said, I'm not allowing you to get the upper hand again – gate card open!" said Kai, as Drago got to his side. Suddenly, Drago's power level lowered a bit and something else.

Drago: 850G – 100 = 750G

"I…I can't move," stated Drago as dark purple energy grabbed hold onto him. Dan gritted his teeth as he couldn't do anything.

"Ability card activate – Mega Blast!" continued Kai.

Drago: 750G – 300 = 450G and Leo: 440G + 300 = 740G

Drago got hit died on the chest by Leo's dark fireball and returned to his ball form.

Drago: 75%
Leo: 80%

"Wow, I can't tell who's going to win," said Julie.

"Well, Drago and Leo's G-Power are close to each other," said Marucho. "It all depends on which ability cards they're going to use to win."

"We know that Dan is going to win, there's no question about it," murmured Runo. "Don't know why Dan is holding back."

Shun crossed his arms, "I…don't think he is."

"He's right," said Sara. "Dan would never hold back. He's quite competitive and determine to show he's strong in his own way."

"Mm…" said Runo.

"Double ability – Devil and Silent Night!" said Kai.

Drago: 650G – 100 = 550G; 550G – 100 = 440G
Leo: 640G + 100 = 740G

"My turn – gate card open!" said Dan. Suddenly, Leo was surrounded by a bright white glow and he was feeling weak a bit. The brunette grinned, "Sorry bud, but you can't use any abilities."

Kai gritted his teeth, "Damnit!"

"Double ability – Dragon Contender and Strike Dragon!" continued Dan.

Drago: 440G + 600 = 1040G and Leo: 740G 640G
Leo: 640G – 400 = 240G and Drago: 1040G + 400 = 1440G

"Bloody – Leo!" shouted Kai as he watched his partner being engulfed by strong flames. Leo couldn't withstand it and returned to his ball form.

Leo: 35%
Drago: 80%

"One more hit and Kai is going to lose," said Alice.

Runo smirked, "Told yea. Don't know why he didn't listen to me. Drago is too strong."

Shun closed his eyes, "So? I was number one for a time and it took Dan quite sometime to beat me. So, don't underestimate Kai and Leo."

Runo pouted and turned her head.

"Gate card set!"

"Let's end this Drago!"

"We're not done just yet!"

"We'll see about that! Double ability – Fire Shield and Burning Dragon!" said Dan.

Leo: 640G – 200 = 440G
Drago: 650G + 200 = 850G

"Oh no you don't! Fusion ability – Despair of Darkness and then I activate the ability card, Boosted Omega! Payback!" said Kai. Leo's body started glowing bright purple and he led out a loud roar.

Everyone was shocked to see how much G-Power Leo was getting.

Leo: 440G + (500 *2) = 440 + 1000 = 1440G

"Quit a comeback," said Julie as the others nodded.

"Not bad," grinned Dan as Drago returned to his ball form since he couldn't withstand the attack.

Leo: 35%
Drago: 25%

Kai bowed, "I do what I can. Right, final round! Let's go, Leo! Double ability – Darkus Triumph and Silent Night!"

Leo: 640G + 150 = 790G + 100 = 890G
Drago: 650G – 100 = 550G

"Let's finish this Drago! Fusion ability, Dragon Clash and then ability card, Burning Tornado!" said Dan.

Leo: 890G – 400 = 490G – 200 = 290G
Drago: 550G + 400 = 950G + 200 = 1150G

"…Slave the Living activate," said Kai. Suddenly, both Leo and Drago were glowing and out of nowhere they returned to their ball form.

Leo: 0%
Drago: 0%

Runo and Julie blinked.

"A…draw?" murmured Alice.

Kai shrugged, "Well, that ability states if my bakugan is losing more than 500Gs then the round becomes a draw. But since there's a percentage instead, it takes half of the life meter. And since both were in low percentage..."

"Both Leo and Drago lost," finished Marucho.

"Well, I don't mind the lost," grinned Dan and offered his hand to him, "It was a great brawl and I can't wait to have another one in the future. And of course, working with yea and the legendary warriors."

"So, any news about New Vestroia?" asked Shun.

Kai smirked, "Why don't you came and see for yourselves."

"Let's go!" said Julie.

Meanwhile in the heart of New Vestroia, the six legendary warriors were watching over the Perfect core and watching over the six brawlers.

"Should we tell them?" asked Lars Lion.

"Not yet. We don't know if they are a threat just yet," said Exedra.

"True. We must know these 'Vestals' if they come in peace or…not," said Oberus.

"We'll have Kai and Leo investigate about them and what they want from us," said Apollonir. The others nodded and continued watching the six brawlers and Kai from a safe distance.

-Break Line-

Not sure if I am planning to continue like my other version of my Bakugan story…let me finish my other stories and see what I will do. I will let you guys know if I'm going to make a squeal to New Vestroia or not.

Until then, take care everyone and stay home and be safe.

I swear…this is like another Black Death pandemic…everyone is going crazy! But anyway, take care and hope I'll make another Bakugan story. Bye for now everyone!