Damon's POV

I make it to the clock tower with a couple of minutes to spare. Klaus is already here, waiting for me.

"How is she?" Klaus asks, without any formal greeting.

"She's fine. Why wouldn't she be?" I tell him, annoyed by his question and him in general.

"I know you may find this hard to believe, Damon, but I care a lot about Kayla. Not just because she is my niece, but because I have known her her whole life. She is a good girl, granted - she used to be a lot less troublesome - but she is good, nether the less."

I want to say something back, a funny remark or something, but as much as it irks me, he seems to be telling the truth. I nod to let him know I heard what he said.

An awkward silence befalls us until I break it.

"Well? What did you want, Klaus? I don't want to be here any longer than I have to!" I tell him.

"Do you really think I liked finding out you are Kayla's father? Having to interact with you like this? Because I couldn't think of anything worse if truth be told." He replies.

"The feeling is mutual..." I return. "Just tell me what it is you have brought me here for so I can leave."

Klaus takes a couple of seconds, seemingly gathering his thoughts before he starts to speak.

"Mary, Kayla's maternal grandmother, is a very powerful witch." He starts to tell me. "She disowned Siobhan as soon as she found out she wouldn't terminate her pregnancy when carrying Kayla. She cast her out of her covern and told her not to return unless her baby is no more."

I sit down on the bench, underneath the clock tower, listening to him and not saying a word. He continues.

"Mary believed that Kayla was an abomination, that she should've been destroyed before her life even began as she would tip the balance of nature, being a vampire/witch hybrid."

"Klaus," I interupt him now, "fast-forward 14 years and tell me why it's so important for her to not have anything to do with Kayla now?"

Klaus shakes his head.

"Have you not heard a word I have said?" He asks me. "Mary wants Michaela dead, even more so now she knows Siobhan is no longer here to protect her. Siobhan kept Kayla under a cloaking spell her entire life, knowing that Mary would destroy her the first chance she got. With training, Kayla would be a force to be reckoned with. A vampire with the abilities of a witch, it is not anything that has been known before, and that is something Mary does not want. Especially knowing she came from her bloodline."

I think for a moment. A huge shudder runs through my body at the thought of anything happening to Kayla.

"So let's just kill Mary. Simple." I tell him, shrugging my shoulders, wondering why she isn't already dead.

"It's not as easy as that, Damon. I have tried but I can't get close enough to her as she belongs to massive covern who would risk their lives to protect her. You need to get your little witch to put another cloaking spell on her, and whatever you do, always keep a close eye on her. Never let her out of your sight. If anything was to ever happen to her on your watch, I will kill you!" Klaus ends with a threat.

I will try my best to keeps tabs on her, but this is Kayla we're talking about. She's a sneaky little thing.

"Easier said than done, Klaus!" I exclaim.

"If you're not up for the task, Damon, I shall be forced to make her live with me. I will do all in my power to keep her safe, even if it means keeping her under lock and key!" He says.

"That won't be necessary! Catch you around," are my parting words. I rush back to the boarding house to fill Stefan in on what Klaus said.

Kayla's POV

I wake up feeling like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. Why can't my life ever be easy. Straight forward. Why does it always have to be full of mystery and surprises? I groan out loud, reaching for my phone to check the time. It's 11,35am.

"Holy cow!" I exclaim out loud. "How on earth did I sleep so late?" I kick the covers off of me before jumping out of bed. After getting showered and dressed as quick as I possibly could, I make my way downstairs.

I hear female voices coming from the kitchen and I recognise them immediately as Elena and Bonnie. I wonder what they're doing here?

"Morning..." I say as I open the kitchen door.

"Sleeping beauty awakes," Damon says, smirking at me.

"Afternoon," Stefan says, correcting me.

"Damon, why didn't you wake me up?" I ask, heading towards the grill to make some cheese on toast.

"You was up late last night, and you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to." He replies.

I sit down at the table as soon as my cheese on toast is done.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask Elena and Bonnie. They both look to Damon before giving me an answer. I see Damon lightly shake his head.

"We just came over to see how things are going," Caroline answered me.

"Don't lie!" I tell her, "I seen what you did, Damon, what are you hiding from me?" I demand.

I throw down my toast on to my plate, waiting for an answer.

"We're not hiding anything from you," Elena tries to interject.

"So you're going to lie to me too?" I say to elena, "well fuck the pair of you!" I shove away the chair I was sitting on with the back of my leg, turning to leave the kitchen.

I take two steps away from the table and bump straight in to Stefan.

"Apologise this instant," he tells me, spinning me around so I am facing the girls.

"No way! Why should I? They're lying to me!" I exclaim.

"Because I said so," was his only reply. How original.

"Screw them and screw you, Stefan."

I must have gotten out of the bed on the wrong side as I'm overly sensitive right now.

Stefan delivers and almighty swat to my bottom, propelling me forward until both my hands are palms down on the table I just left.

"OOOWWW STEFAN!" I shout, turning around to face him.

"Apologise right now!" He demands. "Or you will find a lot more where that came from."

I look towards Damon to see if he has anything to say.

"Don't look at me, I'm not going to help you," he says with his hands in the air, in a surrendering motion. "If Stefan hadn't of stepped in, you would already be over my knee right now." I huff loudly, staring between the four pairs of eyes, all focused on me, before settling back on Caroline and Elena's.

"I'm sorry you're both nothing but a pair of liars!" I smirk at them. I know it's not quite the apology that Stefan was after, but still, it was an apology!

I feel myself being lifted by my waist and wind flowing through my hair as I am carried up the stairs, to my room, in vampire speed. I find myself laying, face down, over Stefan lap before I realise what is happening. He wastes no time and begins to spank my butt.

The swats are coming down hard and fast.

"Ooowww. Ahh. Stooop!" I moan, even though I know he won't. He doesn't say a word, just keeps on smacking me.

"Stefan, pleeeeaase?" I beg. His spanking is really starting to hurt now. "Ow. Ooow aahhhahooww!"

I reach behind, trying to protect my bum from the oncoming onslaught. Stefan doesn't skip a beat. He pins my arm to the small of my back, continuing his assault on my upturned behind.

The burning on my ass is getting really intense now.

"St-Stefan. O-okay. I'm-I'm sorry." I cry, my breath hitching a I do. I struggle to try and get off of his lap, but it's impossible. He is just too damn strong.

Stefan's POV

I keep spanking Kayla, as I want her to realise that she needs to stop it with her attitude. It is getting her nowhere except the position she is in now. This child never seems to learn. Tipping her forward, I start on her sit spots.

"AAAAHHHHHH. STOOOOP. PLLEEEEEASE," she begs me. I carry on, knowing she is not quite there yet as she is still fighting me. "Ste-fan... I will apolo-apolo-apologise properly, j-just s-stop pleeeeaase?" She continues to beg me.

I increase the power behind each swat a little, waiting for her body to go limp, signalling to me that she has had enough. It only takes another couple of seconds for that to happen, so I finish with a final 10 spanks. Kayla continues to cry, not making any effort to remove herself from my lap. I wait for her to calm down, keeping quiet and rubbing her back until she is ready.

It takes her just over 3 minutes to stop crying and she slowly lifts herself up, keeping her head turned away from me as she does so.

"Kayla?" I say her name, wanting her to look at me. "Kayla?" I repeat when she doesn't.

"What?" She answers, yet still doesn't look at me.

"I would appreciate it if you looked at me when I am speaking to you!" I tell her, instantly feeling like my father. It works as she turns to look me in the eye.

Her eyes are red and glassy and there are tear stains on her face. I feel guilty knowing I caused this, but I also know that she needs to be less insolent.

"What?" She says again, looking at me this time.

"Do you mind telling me what all that was about?" I ask her, really wanting to know what came over her. She is not usually like that with me.

Kayla shrugs her shoulders, not saying a word. I need more than that so I push for her to answer me.

"I need you to tell me what is wrong. How can I help if you won't let me?" I tell her, hoping she will now open up to me.

"I..." She begins to say, "never mind." She stops, walking away from me, traveling to the other side of her bed, then laying down on her stomach, her face turned away from me again.

I let out a sigh. There is obviously something troubling her, I want to help, but how can I if she won't let me?

"Come on sweetheart, tell me?" I encourage her. She gives out a sigh that rivals my own, but still does not tell me.

I don't know what to do. I am completely out of my comfort zone. I don't know how to deal with kids and their issues.

Walking around her bed, crouching down next to her so we are face-to-face, I try again.

"I want to help you, but I can't if you don't let me?!" I tell her, stroking the hair that has fallen away from her face, and tucking it behind her ear.

"I just... I'm sick of people keeping secrets from me. It's like everyone knows things about me that I don't even know. It's not right!" She finally tells me, another tear escaping her eye, sliding down her face and dripping on to her pillow.

I don't really know what to say to her, because she is right.

"I hear what you're saying, but have you ever thought that maybe people keep things from you, that we might be keeping things from you, to try and protect you?" I try to explain to her.

"But that's not your call," she counters. "No offence, Stefan, but you have been in my life all of 5 minutes, you can't come into it and automatically know what is best for me. Keeping things from me, most definitely is not what is best. I might only be 14 years old, technically a child, but I'm not your average child."

How can I reply to that? I am completely lost for words. I look at her, looking at me, wanting an answer, but I have nothing. Even if I do think she deserves to know what is going on, it's not my call. With another sigh, she turns over to once again face away from me.

"I'll see you later, Stefan," she says, signalling that the conversation is over and she wants me to leave. I don't stick around, feeling I have nothing to offer her, comfort wise, that I haven't already said.

Kayla's POV

Damn my backside is sore. I can't believe this is what my life is going to be like for the unforeseeable future. Secrets, lies and spankings. How did this even happen. I like the idea of family, but if this is what it's going to consist of, I don't want it! How does this happen, anyway? I go from living my whole life, just having a Mum around, occasionally seeing an 'uncle', who isn't really my uncle, but who really is, to having two uncles, a Dad and a great, great, whatever Grandad. This shit is crazy!

I lay on my bed, weighing up the pros and cons of sticking around here. To be fair, the pros outweighs the cons, but the cons are weighing heavy on me. I don't like being held under such strict conditions. It's too much for me to handle. Even the fleeting thought of staying with Klaus and Elijah isn't an option as, like Damon and Stefan, they're from a completely different era where corporal punishment was considered the norm.

With a few items thrown into a bag, I stand by the window, debating my choice of leaving, hoping to talk myself out of it. It doesn't work, so I jump out of my window, landing on the concrete path outside, hoping and preying that I wasn't heard by anyone inside the house. I wait a minute, with bated breath, to see if anyone came out. No one does.

I vamp away, as fast as my legs can take me, heading in a northernly direction. I haven't actually thought about where I am going to go, I just know I need to get away from here, as far as I possibly can.

I have been running for about 40 minutes now. I haven't got a clue where I am. I just know that I am miles away from any authority figure in my life. I only stop as I am so hungry, for both human food and blood. I see a little diner and decide to satiate my human side first. A burger, fries and a coke would go down a treat right now, especially since I didn't get to finish my cheese on toast. Leaving the diner, I look around for my next fill - some blood.

I walk down the street, looking for a victim, when I spot a man who I have seen a couple of times now. Firstly it was a couple of miles back, then at the diner, now hovering around, outside a shop window over the road from me. I have a feeling that he is following me, but I don't see why he would be.

My suspicions are confirmed when I turn down an alleyway, running between some shops, and he follows me. I was hoping he would as his blood will help just as well as anyone else's.

Half way down the alleyway, I turn around, ready to strike, when I hear the man whisper. It sounds like Latin. I suddenly get a really bad feeling. If I am not mistaken, he is casting a spell. I have two choices. I either stay and fight an already losing battle, or I run as fast as my legs can take me. I chose the latter. I'm not stupid!

I flee, not stopping until I reach uncle Nik's. With slight trepidation, I knock loudly on the door. Coming here seems like the best place to be right now. Damon will be pissed that I left. I mean, so will Nik, but at least I have Elijah here to help me. I hope?

It doesn't take long for the overly large front door to open and luckily for me, it's Elijah that greets me.

"Michaela, are you okay?" He asks, ushering me inside. "Please, take a seat." He extends his arm towards the sofa nearby.

I feel anxious about telling Elijah what is going on. I mean, he has been nothing but nice to me but there is the time that he told Damon that I need a spanking... plus, now that he knows he is related to me, he might just think he has a right to do it himself. I consider lying, telling him that nothing is wrong and I'm just here for a visit, but I know he will eventually find out and I don't want to lie to him and have him not trusting me.

Elijah stays standing a couple of feet away from me. He silently watches me as he waits for me to speak.

"Yeah, so, I kinda came here as I didn't know where else to go," I eventually tell him.

"And why do you feel like you could not return home?" He asks.

"Well, I might've jumped out the window and ran away," I tell him solemnly.

His face scrunches and a disapproving look takes over it.

Elijah's POV

I am pleased that young Michaela did not try to lie to me, as I have already spoken to the Salvatore's. And also Nicklaus, whom should he arriving shortly.

"So tell me, Michaela, for what reason did you abscond?" As soon as the question leaves my mouth, I see her eyes begin to well up.

"I am just sick of it...!" She answers me.

"Would you care to elaborate on that, please? Your reply is quite vague?" I push for more information.

Michaela shrugs her shoulders at me but offers me no more reasoning for her actions.

I am not best pleased with the choices she has made, considering the danger she has put herself in if what Nicklaus has said about her Grandmother is true, yet I don't feel it is my position just now to enforce my duties upon her so soon.

"Would you like a refreshment of some kind, then we can discuss what it is that has gotten you so upset?" I ask her.

"Sure." She answers, raising from her seat to follow me to the kitchen.

She has a soda whilst sitting at the kitchen table but refuses to eat anything.

"Now Micheala, would you care to tell me what is wrong?" I try again.

"It's just..." she pauses for a moment before carrying on, "I hate people keeping things from me. Everyone is doing it and it really pisses me off!"

"Okay. Firstly, I would appreciate it if you refrain from using such profanities. Secondly, although you don't like to think of yourself as one, you are but a child."

Michaela visibly recoils from what I said. I continue...

"It is our responsibility to protect you from harm. From things that may hurt you, not only physically but mentally and emotionally. If that means keeping certain things from you, then that is what we shall do." I explain.

"But that's not fair!" She counters, raising her voice slightly. "If it is about me, or to do with me, I have a right to know! I don't care what you all say!"

Michaela raises to her feet, anger clearly taking a hold of her.

"Michaela, sit back down." I instruct her.

"No!" Is her only reply. She is making her way towards the door.

"Michaela..." I call her name.

"SCREW YOU TOO, ELIJAH!" She retorts, shouting.

It is taking everything I have to not to discipline her right here and now. Her being my only living descendant, I don't want her to dislike me. I feel it is too soon to act like an authority figure.

Klaus' POV

I can't believe Kayla has ran off, what has got in to that child? I'm telling you now, she will be one sorry little girl once I get my hands on her. I warned her!

Pulling up outside home, wanting to speak to my brother, I hear raised voices coming from inside. I opened the door just in time to hear Michaela mouthing off to Elijah.

Before Kayla could even see me, I have her raised by her waist, her legs dangling in front of me and her head behind. I start to swat her behind, too mad at her to even give her a warm up.

Kayla's POV

One minute I am yelling at Elijah, the next I am hanging upside down from someone's arm, getting my butt beat.

"OOOOWWW!" I scream, kicking my legs, "GET OFF ME!" The shock of it prevents me from crying, even though it is stinging like a bitch.

I feel about 10 more very hard smacks on my bum before I am dropped back on to my feet. It is then that I see who has just spanked me. I am face-to-face with a very pissed looking Nik. Ah shit! Help me?

Nik grabs my upper arm tightly, pulling me towards him so my face is only inches from his. I can feel his breath on my face.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE PLAYING AT? RUNNING AWAY. SPOUTING OFF TO ELIJAH, WHAT THE HELL HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?" He roars. I have never seen him so angry. Come to think of it, I have never seen anyone so angry. I'm so scared right now, I think I might pee.

The power of speech completely evades me. My body is shaking and my breathing is erratic. I can do nothing but stare at him.

"ANSWER ME!" He demands, but I can't. "RIGHT..." he says as he drags me by my arm to the living room.

We stop when we are behind the sofa I was sitting on earlier. Nik finally lets me go.

"Bend over the back of the sofa." He orders. I am frozen to the spot. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. It is like my body has forgotten how to function.

"Now Kayla, or I'll tan your hide into next week!" He warns me.

I somehow remember how to move, quickly doing as I am told and bending over the back of the sofa at one end. My hands on the seat cushion and my ass in the air. I scrunch my eyes closed, knowing what is about to happen will not be pleasant and will possibly leave me unable to sit comfortably for a while.

Nik positions himself to my side before yanking down my leggings. I panic, immediately trying to get back up.

"No! Please Nik..." I beg.

Nik presses my back, pinning me in place. I move my hands to try and protect my butt, not that it works. Alls it does is squash my face into the scatter cushion below me, stifling my pleas.

Nik wastes no time spanking my panty clad, almost naked ass. It hurts so bad from the very beginning.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" I scream, the sound muffled by the cushion. I can't get any words out of my mouth, so I just keep screaming.


Nik is only on his 20th swat, but I am in agony. His spanks are so much worse than Damon's. I didn't even think that was possible. Either Nik is one hundred times stronger that Damon, or Damon has been going easy on me this whole time.

It only takes another 10 swats and I'm done. I stop fighting and just lay there, broken, sobbing into the cushion whilst it soaks up all my tears.

"That is enough now, Niklaus," I hear Elijah say.

Nik carries on, aiming for my sit spots. He only manages 4 on each under-curve before I feel myself being picked up and comforted.

I struggle to see properly through my tears, but I see a blurry outline of Elijah and immediately stretch up and wrap my arms around his shoulders, burying my face in to the crook of his neck, not caring that my underwear and, what I am certain, my cherry red ass is on show. I hear Nik leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

I suddenly feel very self conscious, pulling away from him less than a minute later, tugging up my leggings, not being gentle, over my burning ass. I let out a loud hiss when they scrape against my flesh. If it was Damon or Stefan, I would've remained a while longer, but Damon is my Dad and I am used to Stefan now.

Even though I am embarrassed, I stay close to Elijah's side. I most certainly don't want to be next to Nik!

"Are you okay?" Elijah's ask me, looking concerned.

"I will be," I answer him. A hiccough escaping my lips as I said it. He nods and strokes my head.

"Elijah...?" I say in a small voice.

"Yes?" He replies.

"Have you got any blood bags here?" I ask him, wanting it to help me heal some. It won't take all the burn away, but it will at least half it.

"No, we have not." Nik answers for him, coming back into the room. "And even if we did, you would not be having one. I want you to feel your punishment for as long as possible!" He is so mean!

Looking up to Elijah, probably looking as pitiful as I feel, I let out a huge sigh.

"Elijah, do you have a bed I could lay down on, please?" I ask, feeling absolutely worn out.

"Of course we do, sweetheart. Follow me," He replies, grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs.

This house is so fancy, it's like something off of Cribs. It's got a double staircase with an ornate handrail. It's so pretty. Reaching the landing, I look around and see so many doors, it's unreal. Elijah pulls me to the right side. Entering a room, it's like the difference between day and night.

The entrance to this mansion is elegant and modern, yet the room I am currently standing in is dark and old fashioned. Don't get me wrong, I can tell that every single thing in here is expensive, but it's a complete contrast to where I have just been.

I slowly make my way over to the four poster bed and scramble over to the middle, immediately flopping on to my belly.

"Thanks!" Is all I say to Elijah, my head turned away from him.

"It is my pleasure, Michaela," he replies adding "if you need anything else, I shall be downstairs." Then he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

It doesn't take long for my physically and emotionally spent self to fall asleep.

Elijah's POV

Standing outside of the door I have closed to the bedroom Michaela is in, I feel conflicted. I know that the child deserved the punishment doled out to her by my brother, although it may have been a little bit excessive, but I cannot help feeling sorry for her. I understand her frustrations. I just wish she would express them in a different manner.

Hearing Michaela's deep breaths, I realise that she has already fallen asleep. The poor child must be exhausted. I make my way down the stairs to speak with my brother.

"Niklaus, a word if you may?" I ask, the moment I see him.

"What now, Elijah?" He answers, turning to face me, a glass of freshly poured bourbon in his hand.

"I feel we need to discuss what is happening regarding Michaela." I tell him, even though I feel he already knew what I was about to say.

I join my brother, having a glass of bourbon and gesture towards the seating area.

"Shall we take a seat?" I ask him. Niklaus does not reply but makes his way over and sits down. I follow him.

"Niklaus, knowing what I now know about Michaela's grandmother, I need to know what plans are in place to keep her safe?" I have a swig of my drink whilst waiting for his reply.

"There is no actual plan, Elijah, beside keeping a very close eye on her. We shall lock her away if that's what it's going to take."

I shake my head at his answer as that will not work.

"Niklaus, you can not be serious?" I say, my tone clearly showing my disapproval. "You know Michaela is very hard headed but she is also cunning and smart. She will not just accept that kind of scenario."

"Do you think I don't know this, Elijah? I have known this child her whole life. I know, more than anyone else, what she is like. What other option do we have?"

After pondering for a moment, I turn my attention back to Niklaus.

"I think the only answer to our problem would be to eliminate the source of said problem!" I state, matter of factly. Niklaus laughs out loud.

"Do you seriously not think I have tried that? Over the years, I have tried on multiple occasions to eliminate the witch but she is too powerful. She has too many other witches protecting her. It's impossible!"

I know Niklaus' laugher is a mask for his irritation, as he fears what this Mary would do to Michaela if she got the chance.

"Brother, That was when you was trying to defeat her on your own. Now you have me to help, and I'm positive the Salvatore's would help given the circumstances."

Damon's POV

It feels like Stefan and I have been driving around for hours, searching for Kayla. I swear this child is trying her best to test me. The sound of my cell ringing interrupts my thoughts. Pulling it out of my pocket, I check the caller id.

"Elijah?" I answer the phone a little to urgently, hoping he knows where Kayla is. Stefan turns slightly in his seat as if it will help him hear the conversation better.

"Damon, I am just calling to let you know that Michaela is here with us. She is currently laying down in one of our spare bedrooms." He informs me, much to my delight.

"Thank you, Elijah, we will be there shortly." I tell him, ending the call.

Stefan looks as relieved as I feel. I spin the car round, backtracking on myself and head over to their place, speeding the whole way there. I ground to a halt, the car skidding on the driveway and jump out, Stefan close behind me. Elijah is waiting at the open door.

My instinct has me running straight past him and towards the stairs, but the sound of Klaus calling my name stops me in my tracks.

Kayla's POV

I woke up from my nap to the sound of Damon's name being called out. After a quick rub of my eyes and a swift stretch, I slowly creep out of the room and head towards the staircase, making sure I don't make a sound.

I stop once I reach the top and listen to the voices of Damon, Stefan, Elijah and Nik, all talking about Mary. Trying to come up with a plan to kill her. I hear Nik telling them that it's very dangerous and that lives may be lost, but it will be worth it for my sake.

Hearing all of this makes me wanna scream and cry. I don't want any of them hurt, never mind killed because of me. So I need to come up with a plan of my own. One that will keep them all safe and out of harms way.

Their plan is as follows.

Nik is going to take off for a couple of days, find out exactly where Mary is, then come back and devise a strategy with the others.

Damon and Stefan are to keep watch over me like a hawk, making sure I am never alone.

Elijah is to go and call in on a few favours that is owed to himself and Nik.

And lastly, they are going to get Bonnie to put up another 'cloaking spell' on me, whatever that is?

For now, I just need to carry on as normal and act like I don't know anything that is going on. Then, as soon as I get the chance, and once I have figured out exactly what I am going to do, I shall put my plan in to action...