Disclaimer: Doctor Who isn't mine. If it was things would be quite different. The BBC owns all and I bow before them.

Written for timepetalsprompt's drabble prompt, pleased. Exactly 100 words (been slipping on keeping to that lately) :D I haven't done a wardrobe fic yet and I love the scene so I thought it was time to fix that. ;)

Note: I totally headcanon that not only did the Doctor know Rose liked her pretty boys, he also overheard Rose and Gwyneth talking in The Unquiet Dead and remembered what she said as he was regenerating. :)

The Doctor grinned as he picked out the pinstriped suit and Janis Joplin's coat. Slipping into them, he surveyed his backside in the mirror. The trousers clung to him in just the right way and his coat swished dramatically. Very nice. But would Rose appreciate it? She loved a great bum, so he was optimistic.

Running his tongue over his teeth, he hummed in satisfaction. He was pleased with his new appearance. Rose had accepted him as the same man (not so long after asking him to change back) but was it enough for her to stay? He hoped so.