In any other circumstance, Kevin would have been utterly terrified of his situation. He had no idea where he was, what he'd been doing, who the mysterious "D" was, or what had happened to his adult life. Everything had been swept away. And yet he was perfectly at peace with himself despite all the questions that bombarded his mind. Something was waiting for him; he could feel it. As long as he made it to the airport and boarded that plane, everything would be fine. More than fine.
The terrified looks some people threw him when he left the hotel should have scared him, but a voice within his head told him to hold on tight because further help was coming. If he could keep his cool, the rewards would be astronomical.
Image his joy when, checking in at the airport, he found that he was escorted straight to the VIP lounge. There'd been no need for passport checks or any of that nonsense. It had all been taken care of, they said so he'd gone with the flow. He had no idea if he'd ever flown before, but he must have done to get to New York in the first place. Unless he had suddenly found the ability to walk on water, and that miracle hadn't happened, he was sure of it.
So he'd sat back in the First Class lounge, enjoying the delights on offer, perusing his surroundings when he'd spotted a slightly familiar head of ginger hair. Perhaps he had seen her on television at some point? He would never know, but at least it didn't terrify him that he didn't have the answer. He had watched her progress through the concourse and been impressed. She wasn't conventionally beautiful but there was something about her, about her whole confident demeanour, that caught his interest. Something in the sway of her hips spoke to him on a primal level, and he almost growled his arousal. A pleasurable thrill had pulsed through his body. Fortunately, he managed to hold in the urge to grunt his appreciation and was rewarded with a smile in his direction as she walked by.
His surprise went up a notch to sheer delight when he found himself seated next to her on the plane. It would make the long journey so much more pleasurable if he was able to gaze at her as he grabbed a mid-flight nap. Hopefully she would not be privy to how those dreams would play out. When she smiled at him again as she took her seat, he risked greeting her with, "Hello."
She returned the greeting, but the seating arrangements in First Class didn't allow for any further conversation. Never mind. He could use his solitude to feed his imagination as he caught the odd glimpse of her and allow the delicious wave of completion that overtook him to send him to sleep.
It wasn't until they alighted from the plane that he got a proper chance to speak with her. Something had been niggling at him throughout the flight; he was sure he ought to know who she was, on a personal level, but the information never appeared in his head. Merely several daydreams about an encounter. A very satisfying sexual encounter.
"I'm sorry that this must sound really crass, but do I know you from somewhere?" he finally got the chance to ask as they walked along the boarding corridor. "You probably get that all the time," he hastily tacked on, blushing when she didn't immediately answer.
She'd smirked then, breaking his downward spiral into awkwardness. "I probably remind you of someone, just like you made me think of my ex-husband when I first saw you. The similarity is remarkable."
"Hopefully you won't hold it against me," he'd blustered, both pleased he possessed looks to attract her and appalled it would now be used against him. To hold her attention, he added, "I'm afraid I wouldn't know if I had met you or not since I've suffered a head injury of some sort and seem to have lost all my memories."
"All of them?" She gazed at him with deep concern. "You don't seem very angry about it."
"Strangely enough, I'm not," he noted with surprise. "You'd think I would be, but I feel as if I've been given a whole new chance to live a normal life."
"That's really good to hear, Mr... Erm?"
"Thompson," he supplied. "Kevin Thompson."
"Pleasure to meet you. I run a charitable trust, Mr Thompson that could benefit from a positive attitude like yours. Why don't you contact me once you've seen your family, to arrange a mutually beneficial meeting?" She stuck out a hand for him to shake. "I'm Donna Noble."
"How do you do, Donna. Please call me Kevin."
Everything she could have wished for was confirmed in that handshake. Most of all, she would not need to call upon the services of the Doctor to complete this little matter, despite the temptation to do so; even if it was to boast.
"Tell me, where are you staying while you are here?" she asked, as though she were seeking contact details.
"I haven't the faintest idea," he admitted, shocked to find that didn't disturb him in the slightest. Perhaps he had long journeyed with such an attitude, sleeping wherever the day took him. "Can you recommend somewhere?"
"Don't you have family waiting for you?" she wondered. "A wife or parents somewhere?"
"Not that I know of," he honestly answered. "There's no one left who cares so I'm going where the wind blows me."
"Oh, I'm sure we can deal with that," she confidently replied. "Follow me, Kevin."
He happily complied; and would do so till the end of the Earth.