Day 7 - no prompt

Pairing - Voldemort/Delphini

"I am the new past. I am the new future. I am the answer this world has been looking for."

Time stood still, a cold wind swirling around her as she held her arms out at her sides. She threw her head back and laughed, a mirror image of her deceased mother as her cruel laughter rose on the wind. She was truly the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, the offspring of Lord Voldemort, the one meant to lead them back into the darkness.

The hourglass was broken, as she clung to the wings of the augurey. She plunged her hand into the shadows, pulling pieces from the sands of time. All that was lost remained trapped in shards of glass, as she carefully discarded that which she did not want, eliminating it from history.

The earth trembled beneath her feet. Time was moving faster, the world rushing by as images from the past collided with the future. And suddenly he was there, reaching from the shadows to take her by the hand, waiting to take her home.


The word left her in the form of a whisper as she approached him. But this wasn't the dream she had long ago. Reality embraced her, and she entered a world of her own design, free to rule at his side, to laugh and feel warm rivulets of blood spilling down her fingers as mudbloods writhed in torment at her feet. This time she would be successful. There's no one left to stop her.

She couldn't help the tears that sprang from her eyes as she felt his warmth surround her. She waited so long for this moment. And all that she had prayed for, night and day, had finally become a reality.

His strength continued to grow with time, as the augurey unfurled her wings, enveloping the earth as shadows spread across the plains. One by one fires erupted on the surface of the planet, burning out the impurities, casting them aside to let their ashes dance upon the wind.

This is their world now. The augurey perched upon a burning throne, watching as her father cast aside those who were unfit to serve him. She was both a blessing and a curse, a nightmare birthed from the heavens. She remembered where she came from and the world she left behind, as always, a keepsake of the stars.