Link ran along, trying to ignore the scuffing of his tired feet and the blood dripping from his left arm. Making his way through the Ice Cavern in the Zora's fountain had been no easy task. Not only did he have to destroy the deadly traps and monsters that dwelled within the forsaken place, but he had to avoid the sharp icicles that fell from the ceiling as well. It was one of these that had sliced his arm open. The blood that he had lost made him weak and faint. Fatigue overcame him and he fell to the ground. He lay there for a few minutes, breathing in the dust from the ground on which he rested. Realizing that unless he continued on he would bleed to death, he forced himself up. No longer could he hope for the healing skills of the doctor at Lake Hylia, for it was too far away. He had to try for Lon Lon Ranch. Hopefully there would be someone there with the skills to help him.

"No..Epona! Don't.grrrr. . .why don't you ever do what you're told!" exclaimed Malon as she lost her grasp on the horse's reigns. She sighed, wondering if she would ever be able to get the horse's saddle on. "Fine! Go ahead! Ignore me! It's not my fault if Ingo finds you too much trouble to have around and shoots you!" yelled Malon in a huff. Usually she was the only one who could control this troublesome horse, but it was being impossible today, even for her. Everything seemed to be getting harder. She was practically Ingo's slave, and the only reason she was allowed to stay at the ranch, her home, was because Ingo needed her. She was the only one who could handle the animals well enough to keep him in Ganondorf's favor. If he began to suspect that she had become incapable and kicked her out, what would she do? She had nowhere to go, no money to spend, and no one to run to. Sure, there was her Father who fled to Kakariko village after Ingo kicked him out of the ranch, but she didn't even know if he had a place to live, let alone the ability to support her. No, she was alone. And the only way to ensure her well being and that of the horses was for her to remain productive. Malon sighed again and looked toward the darkening night sky. She would have to tell Ingo he would be unable to give Epona to Ganondorf, at least not until she became more tame. She just wasn't ready for a domesticated life. It was a fight just to put a saddle on the poor beast.

Tearing her thoughts away from her worries, Malon led the horses into the stables for the night (with the exception of Epona who rather preferred sleeping outside). After she finished feeding and combing them, she began to prepare Quicken, Ingo's horse, for a long night of riding. Ingo needed to go to Hyrule Castle Market to buy supplies for the ranch. It took half a day to get there, and he was hoping to buy the goods and return within two days time, for that was when Ganondorf would come to claim Epona. He would be leaving within the hour, allowing Malon time to figure out a solution to the horse's misbehavior.

After Malon put the finishing touches on Quicken, she led him outside for a drink. There Ingo met her, dressed in his riding gear. "Have you equipped the horse with everything I need?" he asked in an emotionless tone. "Yes sir," she replied, "I'm just watering him before he goes." "Very good." He tightened the horse's saddle before mounting, as if to make sure Malon had done the job right. "I trust you will have Epona ready by the time I return," he said as she handed him the reigns. Malon hesitated before answering, unsure of what to say. "Y-Yes sir," she stammered, looking at the ground. "Good," he replied, "I'll see you in two days time." With that he galloped away.