Give Wolfram Back To Me

A Kyou Kara Maoh Fanfiction.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot and my OCs of course. Otherwise, this wouldn't be a fanfiction. Any resemblance to real life names, situations, etc. is pure coincidence.

All rights belong to Tomo Takabayashi, Temari Matsumoto, and Studio Deen



It will be entitled 'Retrieving Memories'. It will be somewhat 'angst'. The first chapter will be posted in any day of late-May up to mid-June… still not entirely sure when. I've planned the whole plot already with my co-author but I want your opinion on this…

I will make a conflict that will require another love triangle/ love rivalry. Since it's obvious that Damian and Catherine will be the one who will end up together, I'm thinking …

(1) if I should make Prince Adan's character more significant in the sequel and make him the real rival of Yuuri for Wolfram's love… either him or

(2) Murata Ken, more perverted daikenja flirting…

(3) or make a new character.

If you chose the first, Prince Adan, that's okay. No major changes… as well as with the second choice with is Murata. If you chose the last, please give me some characteristics/info you want for the character… like personality, name, appearance, origin, a little history. (Athough I don't guarantee that I will use it all, I may change some things with my co-author… and only one character will be chosen… or the others that were not chosen as the love rival will be an extra character like a soldier or some nobleman) BUT PLEASE VOTE IN THE COMMENT/REVIEW SECTION for this. MORE THAN ONE CHARACTER IS WELCOME.

Also, you are welcome to give suggestions for events (filler events)… for example, "…a scene where wolfram is in a balcony leaning on the railings, looking down at the garden before him. Then suddenly, a pair of arms snaked around his waist…" something like that, and I will take care of the rest. Just give me an idea and I will maximize the idea with my imagination. This is your chance to see your dream scene come true. PLEASE PUT THIS IN THE COMMENT/REVIEW SECTION AS WELL. MORE THAN ONE SUGGESTION IS WELCOME, PUT AS MANY AS YOU WANT. AGAIN, I DON'T GUARANTEE IT BEING A PART OF THE STORY BUT I'LL TRY MY BEST TO PUT ALL OF IT.

ANY OTHER SUGGESTION, QUESTION, REACTION, ETC. or you just want to take your feelings out especially the ones who are fangirling so hard, you are welcome to put it in the comment section. It will give me more motivation to write and update as soon as possible.

Chapter 55

(Final Chapter) (For info about the sequel, read the author's note ^)

Yuuri's POV

…We're here in Lady Celie's garden…I held his hand and pulled him closer. I looked into those precious emerald irises and drowned in them. I leaned in slowly… bit by bit, our faces come closer. In just a few more millimeters, our lips would touch. Just a bit more and…


My eyes that were closed became opened wide. Slowly, my hand reached to the right side of my face. E-eh? I then looked at Wolfram who's looking down on me annoyed, a pillow on his hand. Must be the one he used to hit my face to wake me up. I then sat up quickly and looked around. We- we're still in Hexzalia? It was just a dream? I then looked at Wolfram again; he's still looking at me annoyed.

"Sorry Wolf. I guess I enjoyed my sleep too much, hahaha." I said, lightly rubbing the back of my neck. He looked at me for another second and then sighed and threw the pillow on the bed's unoccupied space.

"Yeah, you must really be enjoying it. I called your name many times already and even shook you. I guess you're enjoying it too much. You only woke up when I gave you a good smack with a pillow" he said. I then thought of a comeback- A good one.

"Of course, I enjoy it. I was dreaming about you." I said then grinned widely. I saw him blush madly; even his ears are adorably pink.

"W-wimp. J-just get out of bed already and change out of your night clothes. We're still having late lunch with the Hexzalian Royal family before we depart to Shin Makoku. We can't have them waiting for too long. Oh, also, fix the bed first before changing." He stuttered as he went to change clothes.

And so I did and went to change as well.

After I changed, Wolf and I went to the dining room immediately. When we arrived, there are people around the table already but it looks like not everyone is here yet. Good thing… I thought we were late and we're making everyone else wait. We sat down and engaged ourselves in a conversation with the others around the table as we wait for the others who I suppose are still in bed or just woke up and are fixing themselves.

Around half an hour has passed before all the seats were filled and we started our late lunch. It was really a great lunch – the food was very delicious, the topics of the conversation were all pleasant, everyone was smiling and laughing.

But then, right now, as we stand on the port, looking up at the ship that was ready to take us to Shin Makoku - somehow, it gives us, little it may be, a feeling of sadness. Well, I understand that it's natural since we made friends here in Hexzalia and we're about to leave, not knowing when we'll actually see each other again.

Wolfram's POV

I stare up the ship that will bring me home soon. I stare at the flag, the banner of Shin Makoku, waving at the top of the ship. I stare at the crew up the deck who are saluting at us, unmoving. I stare as our luggages are being loaded in the ship. I am happy to go home. I actually miss Shin Makoku so much! I miss the castle, my soldiers, everything!

It's just… I became attached to this place as well. That's why I'm feeling sad thinking that I soon will leave it, never knowing when will I be able to get back… not knowing when I'll be able to see the people who I met here again.

"Wolfram…" I heard a voice call me from behind. I turned around to find Catherine tearing up, but she's restraining herself from shedding a tear. I smiled at her and approached her.

I inspected her in her clothes. I smiled wider. "You look better in these elegant dresses than in your working uniform." I said. "It suits you. I'm so glad that you finally got back what was denied from you. I'm pretty sure you're going to be a great house head."

"Wolfram…" she then sobbed, trying hard not to cry, and hugged me tight. "Thank you for everything up until now… I- *sob* I'm going to miss you! You'll always be my best friend!" she then cried. I hugged her back.

"I'm also going to miss you, Cath. But don't worry, you can visit me in Shin Makoku anytime and I promise to visit you once in a while." I said.

"Yeah… and we can write letters to each other everyday." She said, withdrawing from the hug. I took my handkerchief and gave it to her. She took it and wiped her tears.

"Yeah, I would love that. Keep me updated with the progress of your love life, okay?" I teased. She giggled and was about to give me back the handkerchief. "Ah… no, it's fine. Keep it."

"Thank you. I know it will be hard to make Prince Damian look my way, especially that his heart was just recently captured by a certain beautiful creature…" I chuckled as se started. "But I don't blame the beautiful creature. It's not his fault that he's too beautiful that he can enchant anyone with his looks. I may not be as beautiful as the beautiful creature… but I will do my best to make the prince look my way." She said.

"That's the fighting spirit! I'll be rooting for you two… if by chance someone else appears that threats to take Damian from you, just write me a letter and you can count on me to help you do something about her." I said. "But I guess you won't need that. You, yourself, are beautiful enough- Both inside and outside. I wish you happiness, Cath."

"I wish you happiness as well, Wolfram. If any problem arises as well with your relationship with the king, you can always write to me and I will get to you as fast as I can. If you ever need back-up… you know who to call." She said. I laughed and she did as well. Me being brought to Hexzalia was actually a blessing in disguise… would you just look at the friend I made. It was just a short time but we're already this familiar with each other.

I looked at the rest of my group, they are also talking to the Hexzalian royalties and nobles, saying their 'goodbyes' and 'farewells' to each other. Cath and I approached the group and we joined exchanging parting words with everyone.

Someone then pulled me into a hug and crushed me into her tight hold. "Q-Queen A-Amanda. C-cant…breathe."

"Oh! So sorry dear…" she then let me go and just held me by my arms. "Oh, dear Wolfram… you're always welcome here. We will miss you! Be sure to send letters and visit sometimes." She said.

"Of course, I will, Queen Amanda. Thank you for your hospitality all this time. It's been a pleasure knowing you and being here in your wonderful home." I said.

"Make sure to send us invitations as well if there are balls or any occasion in Shin Makoku…" someone suddenly said. Queen Amanda and I looked at the one who joined our conversation.

"Why of course, King Nestor. I will send you invitations of all the balls, parties, and any occasion in Shin Makoku. I can even invite you there without occasion as well. You are always welcome to Shin Makoku and we will welcome you with as much hospitality as you gave us here. Thank you for everything King Nestor." I said.

"Wolfram…" said the two voices from behind. It was the brothers.

"Hey, Damian… Adan." I said.

"I guess… this is goodbye. Temporarily, at least." Said Damian.

"Well, yeah. Be sure to visit us in Shin Makoku sometimes. I'll be sending letters." I said.

"Sure... I haven't been in Shin Makoku yet so I guess visiting it would be a blast!" Adan said.

"We'll be sending letters to you as well. Take care there and… make sure no one kidnaps you. Always lock the window and always post guards out your bedroom." Damian said, smirking. We three laughed lightly at the obvious joke.

"Yeah yeah… I learned my lesson, alright. Not to mention, I don't want to see my daughter tied up and gagged again." I said.

"You did that to the little girl?!" Adan exclaimed to his brother.

"He didn't tell you!?" I exclaimed.

"Hey! I didn't hurt her…" Damian defended. "But anyways… seriously. Take care."

"Yeah… you too. Both of you. Don't go kidnapping people again and starting wars with other countries again. You're lucky our king isn't into those stuff and managed to stop my brothers and uncle from going into one." I said.

"Yeah… we will never do it again. Gosh… it brought more trouble than we expected. The first days always put my heart in my mouth." Damian said.

"Also, please take care of Catherine and please guide her in the world of politics. She's just new and inexperienced. She doesn't know how hard it is to belong in our world." I said.

"Don't worry. As the one who put her in her position, I will be there to guide her and help her whenever needed." Adan reassured.

"I'll help too. Cath has been with us since we were young so we won't let anything happen to her or her house. She will be under the protection of the royal family- Although most of it will be put under the crown prince's responsibilities." He said.

"Idiot. Starting today, you are betrothed… that makes her YOUR responsibility… not mine." Adan reminded.

"This was all your idea, so you get your share of responsibility." Damian countered. I just stood there amused at the two with their exchange. I finally spoke up.

"You seem to be comfortable with your engagement with Catherine, Damian." I commented.

"Well, it can't be helped. A political marriage always occurs between royals or nobles… and besides, it's to help Catherine to regain the status that was snatched from her. And I guess this should be for the better… especially since you didn't chose me." He said.

"A- Are you actually trying to make me feel guilty?" I said.

"Yeah… a bit." He said jokingly. "And besides… it's not hard to love Catherine the way she is. I mean I did have a crush on her when we were still young… and she was not even a noble back then. Wearing plain commoner clothes and working for us." He said.

"Yeah… Adan told me." I said flat out.

"Oh… then that's goo- Wait, WHAT!?" he looked at his brother. "I can't believe you!" he said. Adan just laughed.

"Well, what he means is… if he can have a crush Catherine who is covered in cinders before… I'm pretty sure he can fall for a beautiful Catherine in elegant dresses and without cinders on her." Adan said after laughing.

Saying our goodbyes took a little longer. Lady Dominique taking the longest time to converse with while Lord Nicolai being the shortest.

We then board the ship and as the ship started to move away from the port, we wave at the Hexzalian friends we made as they waved back to us. The captain of the ship decided to make the travel slower because it's nearing night. Another reason was also because he saw me threw up on the sea many times in our travel. Good thing Gisela brought some seasickness medicine and I gladly took it. After we ate dinner, we went to bed immediately.

I woke up then feeling nauseous, I then took another medicine Gisela gave me to ease my seasickness. I went to on deck and saw there that the sun is starting to rise; A small part of it already visible in the horizon. I then looked at the opposite side, I then see… land. Shin Makoku. I smiled.

After all those ruckus. I said to myself. "I'm home."

Suddenly a pair of arms were wrapped around me. "Yeah… you're home, Wolfram." I smiled wider and leaned into the hug.

"We're home,Yuuri."

(To Be Continued in the sequel)

(For info about the sequel, read the author's note)