Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The last Airbender, or any of its characters
Chapter 2: testing the waters
The soot alerted me to the arrival of the ship. At first, I had just stared at it in wonder. I had been so lost in thought, that I had almost completely forgotten where I was…well, more like when I was. I hurried over to the village, and got there just in time to see the ships crashing through the ice. I joined the crowd, watching as Zuko stepped out of his boat. The first thing I noticed was his scar, which looked so much more real in person. However, I quickly pulled my attention away as my mind started to whirl.
"I'm looking for the Avatar." He said. His voice was cold, kinda ironic for a fire bender. He looked over the crowd, then pulled Kanna towards him "he's about this old, master of all four elements." …silence. Of course, everyone else was confused, I wasn't.
I hadn't thought about what I would do, but right then, I wasn't thinking either. I chucked a snowball at him, as hard as I could…what I didn't expect was the gust of wind that followed.
My blood ran cold and time seemed to slow as everyone turned towards me. My mind raced as it tried to process what just happened. "You…you're the Avatar?"
I couldn't respond, I felt everyone looking at me. Then my mind snapped back to reality. I had to think fast, or someone would get hurt…so I said the only thing I could think of.
"Yes, I am" I responded, taking a deep breath and stepping forward "and as long as you don't hurt anyone…I'll go without a fight"
Zuko looked at me, his eyes seeming to pierce my very soul. For a moment, I thought he didn't believe me, or that he'd burn me to a crisp on the spot…but then he nodded his head, just like he did in the show…under completely different circumstances.
I let his guards take me into the ship, tuning out everything around me. I remembered very little of the episode, on the ship, but I remembered the Avatar test. I'd have to tell Iroh the truth…but, what if what I had said WAS the truth..? What if, somehow, I was the Avatar, not Aang? As I was lead to a room, I remembered Irohs character…and I made my decision.
"Please, have a seat" he said, as he took out a rock, a bowl of water, and a small candle. I sat down.
"…what's this?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be.
"A test" was his response "I want to be sure"
I took a deep breath "I…want to say something first" he looked at me, then nodded "I…I don't know what happened. I said I was the Avatar because I didn't want anyone to get hurt, but I don't know why I can air bend, I thought I couldn't bend at all."
He looked at me, and I looked back. "…you are very brave to admit that" he responded "and even braver to do what you did…but now comes the question of what happens next."
"…if you tell Zuko I'm the Avatar, I'll be shipped to the Fire Nation. Without any other element, and no control over the one I have, I'll be dead where I stand…but, if you tell him I'm not the Avatar, he'll either think you're lying, I somehow tricked you, or he'll be furious that I lied. Regardless, my odds of survival are slim" I looked up at him, and he nodded. "But…I could escape, the true Avatar would have been able to, no doubt. And though I only know air bending, I'm quite agile…"
"It would appear the choice is made for you" Iroh responded "…I'll claim you took me by surprise"
My eyes widened "t-thank you!" I said, then I bolted.
The rest is kind of a blur. I heard shouting, felt searing heat nearly consume me…but I kept running, my mind racing. Finally, I got to the deck, and slid to a stop. I had nowhere to go...then I saw the shape in the sky, it was Appa! I should have known they'd still try and rescue me. Thinking fast, and knowing my odds were slim, I jumped over the side, and straight into the water…I immediately regretted it.
The cold water shocked me, almost literally freezing my body. The cold sapped what little energy I had left, and I blacked out.
When I came to, I felt numb. I slowly opened my eyes to darkness. Was this what it felt like to die..? But as feeling slowly returned to me, I realized that I was covered head-to-toe in a blanket. I couldn't move much, but I moved enough to throw the blanket off of my eyes, and found I was in an igloo…the same one I had woken up in when I first arrived!
I could hear voices, but they were too faint to make out. I heard someone poke their head in, then quickly walk out, then more voices. While I waited for someone to come talk to me, as I myself couldn't really move, I started reorienting myself…that's when what I did fully hit me. What did Iroh tell him? Would he hunt me now, instead of Aang? …what would Aang say..?
I soon got my answer as I heard someone walk in, and tried to sit up "don't move, Katara says you're still recovering"
I slowly relaxed, staring up at the ceiling as I tried to regain my senses. Aang was quiet for a moment, before he spoke "Sokka told us everything" he said "He said the fire nation came, looking for me. He told me that he was going to fight them off, but that before he could get into position, you threw a snowball at him, and air bended. He also said that you were the Avatar, and didn't put up a fight when they took you away" he paused as he finished, and looked at me "but…I'm the Avatar, so you couldn't be…so why would you say you were?"
"…because I didn't have a good explanation" I responded weakly "…I didn't know I could air bend, I still don't know how it's possible…so, I told them I was the Avatar, the only reasonable explanation…even if it wasn't true"
I could feel his gaze, even though I couldn't see him. Then, silently, he got up and walked out. I couldn't tell if he was angry at me, or how he was feeling, but I didn't want to talk anymore, so I closed my eyes, and let the world fade away.
Hello everyone! I can't tell you how sorry I am that I updated so late, but I personally didn't remember this episode very well, as it has been a long time since I last watched it, and I'm too busy to watch it again. Now, originally I was going to have Lilly be a non-bender, but as I thought about it, and read a few more fan fics, I decided to make her an air bender instead. It'll add a bit more to the story, and hopefully make things more interesting. Now, I do want to take a moment and thank those who reviewed, as quite frankly, they're the only reason I've written this chapter now, and I may have completely abandoned the story otherwise. Thanks you two, hope I didn't disappoint you! Remember: I love criticism, reviews encourage me, and I'm open to input. Bye for now!