Title: Craziness

Summary: Jaime takes Cersei to the dentist and the waiting room gets an interesting show.

Prompt: "Somehow every time I have a dentist appointment you do too and you always sit next to me in the waiting room and ask me 'What are you in for' as if we are in prison and this has been happening for two years. Who are you?" From WayLowHalo.

Disclaimer: I wish I could own Game of Thrones but I am not that lucky.

She couldn't take it anymore. This has been going on for two years now. Every time she's come to this irritating place it's the same thing.

"Do we have to be here?" she asked her twin brother Jaime, "He's staring at me again."

"Cersei its fine," he told her with a sigh, "just read your magazine." The other person in the waiting room looked over at the twins with a confused look. She watched as her twin simply looked back at his own book before looking back at the offending creature before her.

It was a monster. It was watching her and Jaime did nothing.

"Do something," she whispered to him.

"Cersei," he told her calmly, "I won't let anything happen to you. Please relax."

She glared at him before looking back at her magazine. Typical of Jaime not to really care that she was being gawked at. Typical he would do nothing.

"What!?" she snapped at the other person in the waiting room. The man fleshed red before looking over at her brother.

"Cersei," Jaime snapped at her, "I'm sorry." He said to the other man. The man nodded before looking anywhere but the pair. Cersei glare did not leave her face as the creature asked her again 'what are you in for'. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Somehow every time I have a dentist appointment you do too and you always sit next to me in the waiting room and ask me 'What are you in for' as if we are in prison and this has been happening for two years. Who are you?" She snapped at it waiting for a response and it just had the nerve to open and close its mouth.

Jaime looked over his sister and sighed. Why was he stuck with babysitting her?

"Cersei," he stated calmly, "it's a fish. It can't hurt you. It can't talk."

She really was crazy.