Hello! This is my first fluff story, so please let me know what you think. Thank you so much for reading!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians/ The Heroes of Olympus.
I do not own the cover image.

The July air was warm, and the feeling of excitement hung around Camp Half Blood. Red, white, and blue tablecloths covered multiple tables that were piled high with hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, watermelon, and, of course, various mouth-watering desserts.

The Fourth of July festivities didn't end at the picnic, however. After the sun set, the Hephaestus cabin was going put on the best firework show in the east coast, maybe even in the entire United States. In the meantime, the campers were lighting sparklers and setting off poppers.

Percy sat on the hill beside his girlfriend, with his second plate of food in his hand. He'd already eaten half of his hotdog.

Annabeth rolled her eyes; she'd only just finished her burger, and on her first plate of food, too.

"What?" Percy asked innocently.

"Such a Seaweed Brain." Was all she said in reply, a smile forming.

As the couple ate, they watched the children of Hephaestus tinker and run about.

"I hope Leo's modifications to this year's fireworks don't cause any explosions." Annabeth said half-jokingly.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Percy replied.

Just then, a small fire broke out where the children of Hephaestus were working. The group of campers shouted and ran around until one of them sprayed the flames with a small fire extinguisher.

"I'll stand by with some water just in case." Percy adds.

As Annabeth was eating her baked beans, Percy spoke up, "I'm going to get some dessert before all the good stuff is gone."

With his empty plate in hand, the boy jogged to the table filled with sweets.

Annabeth simply chuckled at her boyfriend's appetite.

Soon, Percy returned with a plate stacked with cookies and brownies, with a cupcake that had blue icing sat at the top.

Annabeth finished eating her dinner, and glanced back at her boyfriend. Percy had devoured is cupcake, and blue icing coated his fingers and face. He tried in vain to wipe off the sugary frosting with a napkin, but it stained his skin. Annabeth's hands flew to cover her mouth as a fit of giggles overtook her.

The son of Poseidon ceased scrubbing at his hands when an idea popped into his mind. His arms shot out to embrace his girlfriend, but Annabeth slid out of reach.

"Come in, Wise Girl! I just wanna kiss you!" Percy said, playfully.

Laughing, the daughter of Athena got to her feet and scramble to get away from Percy, who was chasing after her.

"No, Percy! No, don't-" Annabeth was cut off as the strong arms of her boyfriend wrapped around her waist and brought her to his chest. Percy planted a kiss on her cheek, leaving a smudge of blue.

Annabeth leaned close her his ear, "I love you, Seaweed Brain."

"I love you, too, Wise Girl." Percy replied into her neck.

With all the fun they were having, the couple didn't notice that the sun had set. They only realized it when the first firework went off in an explosion of gold and a loud bang. Still in each other's arms, the two demigods watched the brilliant fireworks display.