Chapter 22 Epilogue

Authors note: Yes, the story is officially over. Once again thank you for everyone who reviewed and clicked on my story. It means the world to me and I truly hope you enjoyed it!


"Mommy! Mommy help!" Two blonde curly haired kids were running around the living room. The youngest came crashing into Hermione and she was heading for the floor until two firm arms wrapped around her.

"Now now Mrs. Malfoy you should really be more careful"

Hermione scoffed and steadied herself. "Draco stop being so childish and stop the real children"

"But why their just having fun. No harm is being done" A pleasant smile spread across his features as he swiftly walked closer to Hermione. Their lips were centimeters away when a loud crash came from the other room.

"Scorpius! Hera! Get in her now!"

Hermione watched as two small children walked into the room with their heads held low. Neither daring to meet the raft of their father.

Scorpius was only 9 and just received his Hogwarts letter. Hera on the other hand was 7 and had lot to learn. However, Hermione always worried that Scorpius's cocky attitude would get him into lots of trouble. He was a perfect copy of his father. That is why in this moment he dared to look into his father's eyes.

Hermione continued to watch cautiously as grey meet grey and a small smirk covered Scorpius face. "Need something father?"

Draco stuttered for a few seconds before regaining his composure. "Would you and your sister care to tell me what got broken this time?"

Scorpius looked at his little sister while his smirk grew twice the size. Hera decided to join him and her small brown eyes meet Draco's large grey ones. "We could tell you father or you could come and find out."

He starred them both down before walking to where the noise came from. Hermione close behind him. As they both rounded the corner their eyes followed the array of shattered glass on the floor. It seemed that a rather large blue vase feel victim to the children once again. Silently Hermione used wordless magic to piece the vase back together and levitate it back to its prior place. She turned around to see her husband once again looking at his children.

Hera was on the verge of breaking and ran to her father. Hugging him tightly when she collided with him. Scorpius choose to join and jumped on Draco's back. Causing them to fall to the floor. Hermione and her children broke into laughter as Draco's head shoot towards her.

"You think this is funny?"

"Not just funny this is hilarious"

Quickly Draco grabbed her hands and flung her down onto the floor with their children. She grabbed both of her children and brought them by her side.

"Gosh Dad don't be such a bully" Hera stuck her tongue out as Hermione nodded her approval of Scorpius's words.

"I'll show you how much of a bully I can be" A smirk spread across Draco's face as Hermione whispered softly for them to run. It took them seconds to be off the ground and sprinting down the hall. Draco quickly after them.

Hermione slowly picked herself off the floor and found a chair she could watch the show from. After a few minutes Draco appeared by her side.

"Don't look so sad I didn't forget about the Gryffindor princess" Hermione jumped at his words. She had no idea he was standing there.


Swiftly he pulled Hermione up from the chair and placed her on his lap. Kissing her neck softly he whispered "How many times do I have to tell you to play nice" He bit her neck playfully at the end of his sentence. She gasped.

"Draco don't even think about it the children are in the next room" She crossed her arms to give him no leverage.

He looked into her brown orbs before kissing her roughly on the lips. "But the Slytherin prince always gets what he wants.

Hermione let out a laugh as Draco started to carry her up the many stairs of the Manor.

"Whatever you say ferret"

Authors Note: I know the chapter is very short but it's just a section of what their life consists of now. Anyways I hope you enjoyed my story and I can't wait to write new ones! Thank you!