Posted two chapters today so make sure you read Chapter 20 First!

Epilogue ~ 4 years later

June 18th

"DADDY! DADDY! UP! UP!" My bouncing three-year-old yells as he jumps on me.

Remind me to lock the fucking door next time.

"Five more minutes." I beg, rolling over.

"No daddy! Now!" He demands and I know if I looked at him, he'll have his arms crossed and his mother's signature pout.

What did mom tell us? We spend the first 2 years of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk, and the next 16 getting them to sit down and shut up!

"Happy birthday Mr Grey." My wife's sultry voice says before my son can talk again. I pick my head up off of the mattress and look at her, my heart stopping for a moment.

Four years and I'm still affected by her.

She's dressed in a beautiful royal blue knee length dress, which accentuates her beautiful curves even more than I knew possible. She's paired that with a pair of 3 ½ inch Louboutin's.

But there's one curve that I'll never tire of seeing: her pregnancy bump.

"Good morning beautiful." I roll over and sit up as she and Teddy place my breakfast in front of me.

"It looks delicious guys." I look down at my smiley-face chocolate chip pancakes, OJ, Bacon and Hashbrowns with a newfound hunger.

"Easy there daddy, we don't want you to choke." Ana whispers as she pulls Teddy into her lap.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"A little after ten. You got in late last night Mr Grey." She says with her mom voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't call. Ros and I were stuck dealing with the mind-numbing so and so's in Japan. I don't even know why we're doing it anymore."

"You've been dealing with them for close to a year and they still haven't agreed? Something fishy is going on over there." She assesses and knowing her, she's probably right.

"I don't see why you don't come and work for me…" I mumble as I shove a bit of pancake into my mouth.

"Because I know nothing about Mergers and Acquisitions."

"Still. You're a damn good negotiator and you know how to put people in their places." I shrug.

"No. GEH is your baby. Grey Medical is mine."

Grey Medical was officially opened last month, specializing in counselling services, drug and alcohol services, three doctors and a team of nurses. It's designed for the lower socio-economic classes. Ana is at the helm as well as running group sessions twice a week and individual counselling twice a week. Of course Coping Together runs out of the three story building as well, my mother at the helm.

Those two have become quite the powerhouse in the last four years.

GEH had a major boom in the following year after Ana and I married. By the time we'd made our first billion, we had to hire security for Ana, Teddy and myself. Enter Jason Taylor, Luke Sawyer and Gabriel Jones.

After our first 10 million, we moved into the penthouse at Escala - admittedly that was 6 months after we opened, but it was better than nothing. It had everything we wanted and more. We altered one of the rooms and it became our Playroom - a room Ana and I use often, but making love has quickly become my favorite version of sex.

We still have the penthouse at Escala, but we've since moved to a beautiful two story house overlooking the Sound. We managed to move in shortly after Teddy was born and we've loved every moment of it. Over the last couple of years, we've had to hire a housekeeper - especially to help with Teddy if Ana or I had to work long hours. It didn't happen often, but we're eternally grateful for Gail Jones. I have a feeling she and Jason are together… but who knows.

GEH moved into a 20 storey office building in the middle of last year; too many people for a simple office building. Grey House looks regal and professional with it's floor to ceiling length windows, pristine work environment and

"Besides, Grace would kill me if I left her by herself." Ana chuckles.

"Presents, now momma?" Our Teddy Bear looks up at his mother and pouts.

"One present now. Go get one!" He bounces off of her and scurries out of the room.

"I want my present now Ana…" I groan as she stands, shifting that dress down.

"Not yet Mr Grey. You already had the start of you present at three this morning, if you remember correctly." She reminds me.

Ben & Jerry's & Ana… it was the perfect present.

"I'll be good." She walks forward and plants a lingering kiss on my lips.

"Ew! Mommy and daddy kissin' again!" Teddy exclaims, his face scrunched in an expression of disgust.

"You want kisses to baby boy?" And before Ana can finish that sentence, my son bolts away, squealing in delight.

"Can the birthday boy have another kiss?" I ask, pouting like Teddy does.

"I have the measure of you Grey men now. And your parents and siblings will be here soon." She murmurs, leaning in to kiss me but staying far enough away that she isn't.


"Later, Mrs Grey." I growl.

"Yes, Master." She purrs back and if the tent in my briefs weren't already evident, it sure as hell is now!

"Poppy!" We hear Teddy squeal at his grandpa.

Wonderful, they're here.

"I'll distract them for a while, enjoy your breakfast baby." She kisses me once more and sashays her and her perfect ass out of the room.

If there was ever a time to speed-eat, it's now Grey!

IN RECORD TIME, I'M showered and dressed. Teddy's come to check on me twice at Elliot's insistence. My bone head of brother seriously hasn't aged in 4 years.

"There's the birthday boy!" Dad exclaims as I enter the room. A tiny version of me barrels into my leg while mom hugs me. Touch isn't a problem anymore. I can't believe what I've been missing out on all these years; it's like there's a part of my heart that was never filled.

Now it is.

"Here I am." Mia's the next to hug me, talking a mile a minute. Don't get me wrong, I love my little sister… she just annoys the crap out of me sometimes.

My eyes lock with Ana's and she gives me a small smile as she rubs her baby bump.

Elliot punches me on the shoulder, the normal sort of affection I get from him nowadays.

"Happy birthday bro, another one with a knocked up missus huh?" He winks at me and I punch him back.

He's right though, with Ana being pregnant; the sex has been incredible. She's much more vocal, more sensitive and more responsive to my touch than ever before. When she was pregnant with Teddy, we looked up safe BDSM practices and agreed on some and let me tell you… it was out of this world.

"You know what they say El, a man's favorite sight is his wife barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen." Ana says as she walks over. She kisses me - a G rated kiss if ever there was one - and steps back, taking my hand and placing it on her bump. I feel Blip 2 kick and smile.

Ana found out she was pregnant about three months in, in Japan of all places. I thought it was something she ate, she thought otherwise. It wasn't until we got back on American soil that she went to the OB/GYN and it was confirmed. Blip 2 was three months along.

She found out what she was having a couple of weeks ago but refuses to tell me. It wasn't my fault the idiots in finance didn't know their heads from their asses and made the meeting run three hours overtime!

"You forgot naked there Banana." Elliot replies. Ana rolls her eyes.

"Teddy, are you going to let daddy sit down so he can open his presents?" Ana asks as Teddy still clings to me. Gently, he unwinds himself from me and looks up at me. I take a good look at my son.

He's got my copper hair and facial features, but Ana's crystal clear blue eyes. You know, the eyes that can see through all the bullshit and really make you wonder about everything you've ever done in life and all they've asked is if you'd like a cup of coffee? Yeah, those eyes.

"Loves daddy." He reaches up, stretching out his arms as I lift him and place him on my hip.

"Loves you too Teddy." I kiss his cheek.

"No! That grown up stuff! Ewww!" He complains, wiping his cheek dramatically. The room erupts into laughter.

"Presents!" Carrick announces as I finally sit down, Teddy sitting in my lap.

GLIDING LESSONS, HELICOPTER TRAINING lessons, clothes, a beautiful crayon drawing from Teddy and a new watch from Ana makes today one of the best days I've ever had.

I've dropped hints all year that I wanted gliding lessons. I've already got my pilot's license, but needed the training lessons for when I finally did get my helicopter.

I have loved helicopters since I was a little kid. They have always been my favorite method of transport, and probably always will be.

"You've got another couple of presents from me." Ana murmurs as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Oh, I know." I wink at her.

"Not those kinds of presents. Not right now anyway." She elbows me playfully before standing. She holds her hand out for me.


"With pleasure." I mumble and watch as that delicate blush creeps across her face.

For some reason my family has to come too. Elliot places a blindfold over my eyes and I'm blind. I'm trusting Ana not to bash me into anything, but after the last fiasco, I'm taking that with a grain of salt.

I know we're outside, I can feel the warm summer air and it smells like roses. Ana wanted to planted her mother's rose all throughout the property and they're all stunning, all in bloom.


"Of course." Elliot removes the blindfold and it takes me a moment to be able to open my eyes.

It's fucking bright out here!

My fuzzy visions becomes as clear as day as I focus on Ana. And what sits behind her.

No. Fucking. Way.

It's a helicopter.

My wife. Bought me a fucking helicopter!

"It's a Eurocopter EC130. Safest in its class. I thought, when you're ready, you could learn in her." She explains.

I look over the beautiful design and I find myself walking towards it, not really focusing on anything else. I can hear Grace and Mia squeal something, but I'm more interested in the helicopter.

My helicopter.

I take down the bow and open the door as I hear laughter behind me. I turn around and stare at them.

"Your other present." Ana nods to the bow.

What the hell is she talking about? It's a bow. It's a… pink bow. A pink bow? Why isn't it… oh my god.

"No way!" I exclaim, looking from the bow up to Ana and back again. Ana nods.

"We're having a girl!" She announces.

A girl, we're having a girl. I'm going to die.

I race to her and hug her before dropping to my knees and placing kisses all over Ana's bump.

"Hello in there baby girl. It's daddy! I cannot wait to meet you!" I stand again and kiss Ana with everything I've got.

"I love you. So fucking much." I whisper against her lips.

"I love you too Christian, forever." She kisses me again.

FINALLY ALONE, ANA AND I sit comfortably in our family room. Teddy crashed out about half an hour ago. There's only so much excitement a three-year-old can handle, it seems.

"Have you enjoyed your day?" Ana asks as I rub her bump softly.

"The best. Thank you for my presents." I kiss the top of her head.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you liked them."

"I can't believe I was so focused on the helicopter that I couldn't see what was right in front of me." I murmur.

"It's your birthday, you were already distracted enough." She replies.

"That it is… Teddy's down… the family's gone… what do you want to do?" I ask.

"Bedroom, ten minutes Mr Grey. Don't be late." And with that, she gets up as quickly as she can and sashays out of the room. I groan and throw my head back.

Always topping from the bottom Mrs Grey.

SATED, CALM AND SLEEPING, I look at Ana. the way her hands rest on her bump, the way her hair fans out across the pillow, the way her eyes flicker as she dreams…

Damn I'm a lucky son of a bitch.

4 years ago, I married her. I married the single most important woman in my world. She means everything to me. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. And I like to think that she feels the same about me.

Everything I said when I proposed 4 years ago stands true to this day. Ana is my light, she's brought me out of a dark place, a place where I wasn't willing to accept love, to accept touch and she's come in and thrust all of it on me.

When I look at her… I can't help but feel whole… complete even. Before she came into my life; we were both messed up, both running from our pasts. Then we came together. We fought against the monsters that tried to destroy us, we showed them that they couldn't break us, they couldn't separate us.

Somehow, along the way; she saved me and I saved her.

In the end, I think we'll always do that… we'll always end up saving ourselves.

~The End~

A/N: Thank you to DiamondChild for allowing me to collaborate with you on this story, it has been an adventure that I have thoroughly enjoyed! I wish you luck on your future stories (and if you ever need help, you know where I am!). Thank you to all the followers and reviews, I guarantee we've loved every second of it.


~ Stargazer93

Check out our new story Echoes of a Kiss which is on Stargazer93's page if you haven't already:)