Hey, guys! So sorry that I haven't updated anything for a while. School just started and it's been really exhausting for me. I have to get back to updating Finding Jeanette and 18 years. I've been on writer's block for 18 years so the next chapter will probably suck. Now, after writing a cute Simonette story called A Night To Remember, a guest reviewer asked me if I could do one for Alvinatty. And I'm one of those fanfic writers that loves taking requests and making everyone happy. I'll try to make a Theonor one too since they are sooo cute! At first I thought of this being another one-shot, but I might make five chapters at the most, so if you guys feel like you want another Alvinatty moment, just let me know. Enjoy and please review! Remember, I write Ice Age Alvin and the Chipmunks crossovers, so this one will mention some of the Ice Age characters, but almost completely Alvinatty!

Brittany Miller walked into her treehouse living room. Her father Manny was watching another game with her "uncles" Diego, Crash and Eddie. She rolled her eyes. But then she caught sight of him.

Alvin Seville. Her boyfriend for several months now. She was finally able to date him after Jeanette's 18th birthday party since her hard-headed father was so damn over-protective. He was her everything. At first, they were either best friends or enemies. And most importantly, they always had secret crushes on one another. It was amazing. The chipmunk and chipette hardly argued like they did as nine year olds. Last time they argued was over who won a video game. It ended with them making out. How strange.

She walked over to Alvin, trying not to disturb her family, whose eyes were glued to the window as they watched two animals kill each other.

Once she got close enough, she rested her head on his shoulder. Apparently getting his attention, his amber brown eyes met her sapphire blue ones. "Hey, beautiful." Alvin said, kissing her forehead and earning a light giggle from the auburn furred chipette. "Are you enjoying the game?" She asked, although she really didn't care about the stupid game.

"It's not as good as football and your uncles keep on playing dead in the bowl of food." Brittany rolled her eyes. "Yeah, they do that."

Alvin smiled and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend's waist. Brittany let out a loud laugh and Alvin pulled away.

"What the hell was that?" Alvin asked. "Don't touch me like that, I'm ticklish!" Brittany warned. Alvin gave her his signature mischievous smile. "Oh, you are, are you?" Brittany's eyes widened. She recognized that tone. It meant he was up to something.

"Wait, Alvin! No!" She yelled. But it was too late.

Alvin pinned her down, and they were away from the others, and raised his paws. Brittany knew his intention. "Alvin! Don't you dare!" Alvin started tickling her tummy, making her laugh loudly.

She squirmed, but Alvin had her pinned. It was a ticklish torture.

"Alvin, stop!" Brittany pleaded. Alvin didn't listen. Brittany had tears in her eyes, and her stomach ached from laughing so hard. It was too much. "I hate you!" Brittany screamed.

Alvin faked a sad look. "Now Britt, that's just hurtful. I guess I'll keep doing this until you say you love me."

"I hate you!"

"Surely, you don't mean that." Alvin said. "Yes, I do! I hate you!" Alvin began to tickle harder. "Take it back, Britt. Or else I'll never stop."

"Okay! I love you! Happy?!" Alvin stopped and leaned in so he was close to her face. "Yes. Love you, Britt." He kissed her lips. Brittany thought of something as she was gasping for air. Alvin noticed her look.

"Brittany, what are you thinking? I know that look." Brittany had her boyfriend pinned down and was sitting on his lap like he was a second ago. Oh, it was payback time.

She lifted his foot, where he was most ticklish, and started running her fingers on his pad.

"No, Brittany! I'm sorry!" Alvin said, bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Now, Alvie. I'm not going to stop until you finally admit that I beat you at Mario Kart." Brittany said. "No, never! The great A-Alvin Seville never loses!"

Brittany tsk-tsked. "I guess I'll just keep tickling you. I can do this forever, Alvie." Brittany said. Alvin finally gave in. "Okay, okay! You beat me!" Brittany pulled her paw away. "That's better." She turned around and faced him, lying on top of his body. She kissed his cheek. "You know I did beat you?" She said.

"Yeah, whatever." Alvin muttered. He gave her a smirk. "Say it." Brittany said, leaning towards him, their lips just inches apart.

"Say what?" Alvin asked, leaning in as well. "Say that I, Brittany Miller is the best girlfriend in the world."

"You are the best girlfriend in the world." Alvin said lovingly.

"Close enough."

The chipmunk pulled her into a really passionate kiss, and stroked the insides of her mouth with his tongue. "You know, I would've beat you at Mario Kart-" Alvin said against her lips.

"Shut up." Brittany said against his lips.

The two chipmunks continued kissing until they heard a deep voice clearing its throat.


They peered up at Brittany's father, Manny Miller, glaring at them. Brittany realized the position they were in, and rolled her eyes angrily.

Oh, sure. One minute he's not paying attention to her, the next he's over-protective. Now she knows how Mom feels.

Brittany rolled off of Alvin, and Manny walked away, giving Alvin a warning glare. Killjoy, Brittany thought.

Alvin sat up and kissed her on the lips. She enjoyed spending her time with him. Sometimes she hated him, but she will always love him.

I hope you enjoyed! I tried my best. Let me know if you want more or if this chapter needs something. Review please!