Rating Information:

South Park: Super Best Friends

The Author has indicated the following is rated M for Mature. It is recommended not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16. However any Young Person below the age may have access, if this is the case, it is advised you not read any further if you are easily affected by any of the following:


All themes are accepted at this rating unless subject is treated poorly


There may be strong references to Violence at this rating, however it must be presented contextually justified

Drug/Narcotics Use

May Contain Reference to use of any Class A, B or C Drug.

May Contain Reference to consumption of alcohol

Sexual Content

May reference Sexual Intercoarse or any other Sexual Act between any people.

May reference Homosexual, Cisgender or Transgender relations.


Strong language is used at this rating

Hey there, I will be updating this story roughly every 2 weeks. I don't yet have a definitive ending to the story so it might be a few weeks|months till it is done. It would be extremely appreciated if you could leave a review.

P.s. The way the chapters are laid out may confuse some as there is no set time so if you have any issues just ask me, by emailing Eireann

Happy reading

It is the first day of Eleventh grade, Stan and Kyle are walking into school. It's a standard day in South Park, Stan and Kyle have most of the same Classes, meaning they will be spending most of the year with one another. There was nothing wrong with that, Stan and Kyle were practically inseparable outside of School anyway, so not much will be different in school.

"Are you nervous about Today?" Stan asked, glancing over to Kyle. "Not really, I just hope we don't get any bad teachers again." Kyle said as he walked down the hallway towards the assembly hall with his friend.

"Kyle, if we can survive Mr. Garrison, then i'm sure we can survive whatever teachers we get this year." Stan said with a grin forming on his face.

As the boys reached the assembly hall they were greeted by Cartman and Kenny. Cartman was not how he looked back when he was Ten Years old, however he is still mocked for being overweight. He decided he would join the Football team last year to see if it would stop the guys tormenting him over his weight. Needless to say, it didn't change anything, although joining the team was not completely useless. Cartman lost a bit of weight since he was training and playing in games, he started to look and feel better, and had girls actually want to go out with him… willingly!

As Stan and Kyle passed by the pair waiting by the assembly hall, Stan Nodded towards Kenny acknowledging him and proceeded to call him over to walk with them. "Oh, hey fatass, you comin or what?" Kyle asked as he walked past cartman, noticing he didn't follow them. "For your information Kyle, i'm waiting for somebody, so no… I am not coming with you guys."

The trio has stopped at this point and turned around, looking at Cartman. There was silence and confusion running through all the boys' mind, each thinking the same thing, "Who the fuck would want to take time out of their day to it spend with Cartman?"

"Why don't you three pervs take a picture, it'll last longer… Actually, Kenny you can't you're too poor" Cartman barked at the guys.

Whilst Kenny gave Cartman a dirty look for his comment, Kyle proceeded to flip Cartman off and the three continued walking, hearing Cartman Yelp "Fuck you too you dirty jew" in the background.

When the three entered the assembly hall, it was crowded. They could see Butters seated about halfway up the bleachers by himself. The trio made their way up the steps and sat beside Butters. "Well-a hia fellers" Butters uttered as the guys sat down. "Hey Butters" the three said in conjunction with one another.

The noise of everyone came to a halt when somebody cleared their throat with the Microphone on the ground level. When the four looked down they were surprised to see who was there.

"Students can i have your attention please. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Mrs. Victoria I will be the new principal replacing Mr. Garrett."

Kyle looked toward the stage, stunned.

Stan gazes over towards his friend and whispers "Kyle, what's wrong. It's just Principal Victoria. She's not the worst teacher we've had."

Principal Victoria Continues "I would also like to introduce my new Vice Principal, Mr. Mackey."

"Oh, no, ok that makes sense now" Stan spoke as he withdrew his previous question.

"Thank you Principal Victoria, good morning students. I am your new Vice Principal & Counselor but you can call me Mr. Mackey, M'kay. I would like to welcome you all back to school after the summer break, M'kay. Now it's not going to be as long a year as you guys think, M'kay. You will notice the year fly by, especially when you start studying for your SAT's or your ACT's, M'kay."

After a few minutes of listening to both Principal Victoria as well as Mr. Mackey, the assembly was dismissed and the group split. Kyle and Stan went to English whilst Kenny made for Shop and Butters to Art.

Later That Day

As Stan and Kyle left History class they bumped into Wendy, who was straggling along last out of her class.

"Hey, Wendy!" Stan said happily, seeing his ex girlfriend.

"Oh, hey guys, whats up?"

"We were just going to go to Denny's for something to eat, wanna tag along?"

"Sure, bebe is at practice anyway, so i would have been walking home by myself."

And like that Kyle, Stan and Wendy trotted along to Denny's.


All three were sitting in a booth eating, talking, laughing and just having a good time. This is one of the things Stan misses now that he is not with Wendy anymore. But it was for the best. No matter where they went or how good the date would go, something would come along and ruin it. Between Stan vomiting on Wendy and basically anything that could go wrong went wrong, it would never work out.

"So, Kyle, Stan, can I ask you guys something?" Wendy inquired, giving off a bit of a different mood than when they were all laughing, more of a serious tone.

"Sure?" Stan Said

"What's Up?" Kyle Replied

"Now, you won't take offence to this when I ask you, will you?" Wendy queried.

The two looked at eachother and Stan Responded "We won't, what's the matter?"

"Well…" Wendy Hesitated but continued "It's just been a question that I have had for a while and practically the whole school probably want's to know too…"

"Well what is it?" Kyle cut in.

"Well I was just wondering are you two.. You know.."

"Are we what?" Stan Questioned.

"Are you two going out?" She blurted out.

"You mean like, together, like dating?" Kyle interrogated.

"Yes, look, I'm sorry I asked, please don't be mad at me. Just most of the school seems to think you are and you two are my best male friends. I just want to let you know if you are I gladly support both of you."

"Wendy, i appreciate that you would be there and supportive but the thing is, I'm not gay, and neither is Kyle." Stan said apprehensively.

"Yeah, Wendy, like Stan said, I am glad you would be supportive, but we are not, 'A thing', and I am not sure why people are saying this type of stuff at school." Kyle continued.

"I really do appreciate you wanting to be supportive but-" Kyles phone started to ring.

Kyle answered it.


"I'm at Denny's with Stan and Wendy"

"Ok, I'll be home in five minutes"

Kyle hung up and put the phone back in his pocket. "Sorry guys but I gotta go. My grandma is going back home and she wants to see me before she goes, sorry to bail like this."

"It's fine, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Wendy said assuringly so Kyle wouldn't feel bad for leaving out of the blue.

Kyle waved and left Denny's heading for home.

Wendy turned back to Stan.

"He doesn't know does he?" Wendy interrogated him.

"Know what?"

"Know that you are gay, or at the very least bi."

""Shhhhhh…. " Stan tried to stop her from saying too loud in fear someone like Craig would hear.

"When were you gonna tell him Stan?" Wendy continued to question him.

"How did you know?" Stan inquired

"Stan, I was your on again off again girlfriend for a long time, it was easy to tell. You always seemed to have your eyes glued to Kyle, not that there is anything wrong with it. And i'm not mad about when we were dating either. It was probably a confusing time for you. I completely understand. And look I don't wanna seem like I am forcing you into telling him, I am talking to you as a supportive friend, not an ex girlfriend, but it is better if you tell him before he finds out by other means, because you two have been friends for Seventeen years now and i don't want to see you go and throw your friendship away for something so stupid."

Stan got out of his chair, went over to Wendy and hugged her. "Thank you… for being here" A tear running down his eye as he said it.

"Anytime. Just promise me you won't let your friendship die over something so stupid." She asked him.

"I won't" Stan said, still very emotional. It was a strange thing really, hugging your ex after she gave you advice about coming out gay.

"Stan, one more question."

"What is it?"

"Can you let go of me, people will start thinking we are dating again. Also it's kinda hard to breath."

"Oh, hehe sure." Stan let go, he never realized how long he had been hugging her.

She smiled at him. "I don't suppose you could give me a ride home?"

"Sure thing Wendy. I'm ready to go if you are"

And like that they left Denny's and left in the car.

Stan's House

After dropping Wendy home Stan went back to his own house. During the drive he had considered what Wendy had said. Stan decided he would tell Kyle in a few weeks, after the stress of meeting the new teachers and settling back into school had gone away.

For the rest of the month, it would be pretty normal. Well… normal for South Park. Kenny died twice and came back, Cartman pissed off Kyle and Stan was going to tryouts for soccer. Stan still spent the same amount of time with Kyle as he normally did, trying not to raise suspicion. Especially since kyle was a little more conscious of his surroundings and the people around him, ever since that talk with Wendy.

Hope you are enjoying the story so far. I hope to have another chapter up within a couple of days.