Everything was going perfectly.

The Others had downloaded the very last consciousness into the unborn child. Nothing could go wrong.

It was eighteen years until The Cleansing was going to happen, eighteen years for the childern to grow up into menacing, weapons.


There wasn't anything left to do but wait. THe humans inhabitingIt the planet weren't worthy of it. THey needed to erase them, and this was the best way to do it. In order to strengthen humanity, they had to get rid of what made them human.

Nothing was going to go wrong, they planned this for thousands of years in advance. Everything was perfect.

It was, it had to be.

Little did they know that in one of those who they downloaded in, in the body of a sleeping soon-to-be mother, there was another.

The Mother didn't know of this. The Others didn't either.

It was only a few months later when it was revealed to the world, another child that wasn't so human, wasn't so Other.

It only took thriteen more years for the Others to figure it out.

All of it.

A/N Part 1 of two updates. I know this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but keep reading.

It will soon.

Laughs and Giggles,
