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Welcome back Rey, Ikora. What would you like to do today?

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"Today marked a brand new day in our efforts to defeat the Darkness. The Heart within the Black Garden has finally been vanquished due to the efforts of Maximus and Arla Nublier. We readily await their arrival, so we can congrulate them and debrief them in full.

"When they first went in there...when we first lost contact with them, I was nervous. I won't lie. I had complete confidence in their ability. This was an extremely dangerous undertaking and getting the Awoken involved was slightly risky, however now that we have limited contact with the Queen, or at least her associates, we're working out some sort of deal to reopen military connections for ourselves and trade rights for those in the City."

Ikora sighed and turned back to the camera on her desk. Her face getting stern, and her eyes becoming steely and focused. "Alright, time to get down to business. We can pat ourselves on the back all we want, but there's still a fight to be won. As I speak, there are Guardians risking bodily harm for everyone else's sakes. Some of them I know will never return. I sometimes think of the bravery many Guardians show, how much of me before my days as part of the Vanguard I see in them, and how they continue to fight against this powerful enemy...this infinite Darkness and still come back, ready to be dispatched on yet another mission. In truth, it's been too long since I left this Tower on a mission of my own, but if I do, I fear the Darkness will have something especially evil for me, something that I would not likely survive. That is why the Invective remains on its shelf, gathering dust. That is why I respect each and every one of these Guardians who go out weekly, some even daily, to fight off this encroaching enemy. These Guardians make victories like today possible

"Now that this part of the fight is over, I find myself thinking about what is going through Maximus and Arla's minds. The fight they just fought was one we, the Vanguard, were saving for a full team of six, a raiding party similar to the one we plan to send to Venus' Vault of Glass sometime in the near future, where something almost as dark as the Heart lurks, but that's a conversation for another time. I can only imagine what kind of horrors they saw in the Garden, what they found in themselves and in the Darkness. I have no doubt that they experienced something not even the worst of nightmares could bring. I fairly certain that at least Arla will take a few weeks off, heaven knows what she's gone through the last few weeks, and Maximus may do the same, but they are more important than they know at the moment. In fact, they may never know, but there's something about them, a sort of aura, that separates them from many of the other Guardians, something that came about not too long ago. I theorize that this was something Maximus may have brought on. He may be part of a new breed of Guardian, the likes of which we've never seen before. He's still mortal like the rest of us, but I sense a deeper connection to the Traveler in him and now Arla as well.

"But that wasn't why I came to record this log. There's something stirring the Light once again. Today may be a day for pretty speeches and medals, but there's something sinister and more threatening than things like the Vex felt. It almost feels like whatever this disturbance is may be among us at the moment. I have a good feeling about this, but I pray that it is wrong. And frankly, I don't know how they would have stayed a secret for this long. More importantly, I don't know how they would have restrained the itch to kill for this long." A thought hit Ikora. "Unless they never left. I have to see the Speaker."

Log Terminated.