I got a prompt drabble request from an anon on Tumblr for some young royai, but I'm not actually a fan of shippy young royai, so this isn't too shippy. So sorry in advance if that's what you were hoping for, but I hope you still find this cute and enjoyable anyway.

58 - You're cute when you're upset

Thirteen year old Riza Hawkeye walked into the kitchen one morning to find her father's apprentice surrounded by pots, pans, and what seemed like every cooking utensil they owned, not to mention what looked like all the food from the pantry. The boy hadn't seemed to realize she was there as he continued to make even more of a mess while he attempted to do whatever it was he was trying to do.

All she could do for a few moments was stare at him, dumbfounded, blinking a few times and trying to decide if she was still asleep and dreaming or not. Unfortunately for her, she was very much awake.

Roy Mustang was already sixteen years old, wasn't he? How on earth could someone at that age be so bad at everything remotely domestic? Riza sighed and glared at the back of Roy's head, crossing her arms.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked, voice quiet and laced with frustration.

Roy, startled by her voice, dropped the spoon he was using to mix something in a bowl, and whipped around to see Riza standing in the entryway to the kitchen looking very unhappy. He grinned sheepishly at her.

"I thought I could help you out with breakfast," he said, hoping she would understand and not yell at him too much.

"You're not helping me if you make a mess," she pointed out in a louder voice, gesturing to the chaos surrounding him.

He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and looked at the ground.

"Ah, yeah…" he muttered. "I just uh...I uh...I've never actually cooked before…"

Riza continued to stare at him incredulously.

"Are you kidding me?" she asked, voice even louder now. "Then why would you possibly think it would be a good idea to try now?"

"I just, um, I really wanted to help you for once since you always do everything around here."

Riza huffed and walked fully into the kitchen, quietly fuming as she began cleaning things up. Roy just watched her pick up after him for a few minutes. He had never seen her this angry before and he couldn't decide if she was scarier than usual or more adorable.

"You know…" he said after a while. "You're cute when you're upset."

Roy laughed, grinning at her innocently.

Riza turned and stared at him, speechless and blushing. He clearly had no idea what he just said. Or did it not mean anything and she was taking it the wrong way? Damned city boys were so confusing. Was that simply how he talked to girls all the time? Being called cute was something that hadn't happened to Riza since her mother died and she didn't know how to respond to such a thing.

"Wh...what?" she stammered, confused and embarrassed.

Roy laughed again.

"I said…"

"I heard what you said," she cut him off quickly, not sure she'd be able to handle hearing it again.

"Why did you ask, then?"

Riza glared at him, a healthy blush still on her cheeks, as she marched over to him, stomped on his foot, and practically ran out of the kitchen, leaving a bewildered Roy on the floor holding his now sore foot and wondering just what he had said that was so bad this time.


Sorry this one is so short! It was another idea that really didn't give me much to go on in terms of what I could do to make it longer. Hope you enjoyed reading though! Also, this may end up in a drabble and one shot collection for "deleted scenes" from my longer Royai fic, Through Eyes of Flame. We'll see...