Chapter 4. Shrouded in Mystery

A/N: So, hey, it's me back with the fourth chapter. Sorry this took so long, and please believe me when I say that I will update my other stories soon. Up next will be an update to my Henry Danger story, but for now, check out my Penn Zero fic, "Adjusting".


The trainees for Chris Bradford's dojo hadn't gotten any warning when their master and trainer had up and disappeared. All they had gotten was a simple note in front of his building, saying he would be unavailable until further notice. It was unexpected and left them with plenty of unanswered questions.

But there was nothing to be done but to wait until the dojo was opened once again. Which, surprisingly, happened in less than a month. Only, there would be someone new training them. A replacement that had been apparently approved by Chris Bradford, that would whip them up into the best shape they could be. That pitch had attracted not just the regular members of the dojo, but about twenty new members as well. And there they all stood, positioned in straight lines row by row, waiting in tense silence for their new teacher.

At exactly ten minutes after they arrived, at exactly four o'clock, the back door of the dojo opened. Walking calmly and gracefully past them was what appeared to be a young girl in about her late teens. Her long back hair was tied up into a bun and most of her face was obscured by a silver mouth guard, which did nothing to hide her cool, blue eyes, as deadly and slanted as a lioness on the hunt.

She was dressed in a black and silver mini-skirt and a matching top that was going over sweatpants and a shirt, both of which were black, along with black boots that stopped at her ankles.

"Hello, class," she greeted in a suspiciously coy and composed voice. "My name is Shadow. As you've probably already figured out, Bradford is still very much out of commission. However, because our organization still needs new recruits, it's been decided that I will train you to become the warriors we need.

"Make no mistake, this won't be easy. In fact, this will the most grueling experience you will go through. I've seen the fruits of Bradford's training, and frankly, it's a joke. Every time, those pitiful fools get taken down by four mutants with ease. It's insulting not just for your honor, but your dignity as well. This is not going to stand any longer.

"This not a place for mistakes or weaknesses. Your goal are to become deadly and precise. That means not a foot out of step, not a hair out of place. All of you much be swift and ready to do what you must to obtain victory. And let it be clear, I'm not like any other teacher you've ever burned through. You become efficient or you get dead. And if I detect even an inkling of hesitation, any imperfections, anything that will stop us from winning the day, I will snuff them out. Slowly, intimately, in ways that will make them beg for sweet release. I will make sure you die screaming. I will be your worst nightmare and a permanent warning to everyone in this dojo. So get it right or you won't have a future to worry about any longer. Is that clear?"

The word, though spoken in a soft and sweet voice, emanated malicious intent and deadly promise. There was no doubt to any of the students there that this seemingly harmless girl wouldn't allow any slip-ups or back talk. She was serious and she would take them all down if she wished to do so.

The girl calmly looked around, searching the room for any resistant or sign that she wasn't being taken seriously. Once she confirmed there was none, she turned her eyes to the front and declared, "Now let's get to work."

Donnie wasn't exactly sure how a simple disagreement about leading had led to the four of them splitting up. Leo had been mad at Raph, Raph had been mad at Leo and the both of them had been mad that he and Mikey refused to pick a side. It got heated fast.

Eventually, it was agreed by the two of them that they should all do their own thing to find Snakeweed, and the older brothers had left. Mikey left to get a pizza (to commemorate the pizza guy) and that left him by himself, looking for any clues to Snakeweed's hideout.

It was one of those days where he just wished that his older brothers wouldn't butt heads so much. But, it was unavoidable. Leo was the leader and Raph was a hothead who couldn't help but question every decision their eldest brother made. And he and Mikey, the little brothers, were always caught in the middle of it. Just once, could they be a well-oiled machine when saving the city.

On the bright side, it had been about a week since Karai had started school, and she has had nothing but good things to say about it. The subjects, the teachers, the new friends she made — every word out of her mouth was positive. It was one weigh of their chests, especially Splinter, who was in a very good mood now that his daughter's happiness was evident.

Karai was so happy, she stopped complaining about training, which was a nice change of pace. Unfortunately, the obvious one-sided tension from Leo was kinda suffocating the liar. Which really explained his current uptightness and easily annoyed attitude as of late.

All of them knew Leo had a thing for Karai, except her, of course. And everyone knew she didn't feel the same either way. They were close, closer than any pair in the liar, but Karai saw him as more of her best friend than possible love interest. And that's why situations where the four turtles ended up splitting were happening more frequently.

Donnie groaned as he resisted the urge to bang his head against the wall out of aggravation. Seriously, could this night get any worse?

"Hey there, big boy."

The turtle started as he looked up just as the masked girl from last week jumped down from a fire escape. She looked pretty much the same, although her weapons weren't being drawn. Yet.

"Shadow," he said aggressively, narrowing his eyes and standing with anticipation. "What are you doing here?"

"Now, is that anyway to be talking to a lady?" She said teasingly, walking a few steps forward before she stood there with her hand on her hip. "Besides, shouldn't I be asking you that? You're here with not one of your brothers in sight. Could this be a break up waiting to happen?"

"We aren't splitting up! We just… we just need a break from each other once in a while. Sometimes."

The kunochi in front of him tilted her head, obviously studying him. Whether for a lie or to check how vulnerable he was, Donnie wasn't sure just yet. "Doesn't sound much like the fine-tuned team that took down all the other warriors Shredder had. Why the tension?"

"It's… complicated. We're brothers, you know. It's not easy all the time. And sometimes, we don't really… listen to each other when we should." As sure as he said that perfectly honest assessment of the their team, he wanted to slap himself. He shouldn't be talking to this girl about his family. He shouldn't be talking to her period!

This is his enemy! Just because she wasn't attacking now didn't mean she wasn't going to attack. He need to stopping sulking about his brothers and get his head in the game.

"I'll listen," she said, voice soothing… until she grabbed a collapsible bo staff from her back, blade facing him as she continued, voice slightly hardened, "as you beg for your life."

Immediately grabbing his own bo staff, he held it out towards her, determined not to let his guard down like he had last time. He wouldn't let himself be powerless again.

The girl gave a small, tingling laugh before she rushed forward, bo in hand.

She was good, Donnie had to give her that. Every move was perfectly executed, every swing of her staff, deliberate and for a solid purpose. There were times where she just almost got him with her blade. And while he was stronger and probably more experienced, she was quicker and a little smarter with her moves. It was a close fight so far.

Then she suddenly jumped up onto his shell, using it as a springboard to jump onto the fire escape. She stared down at him, mockingly motioning him to come get her. Growling, he followed her up, still able to swing his bo even in the limited space. Unfortunately, so was she.

"Poor Donatello," she cooed sardonically, holding him at bay as their fight moved to the rooftops. "So intelligent. Such a bleeding heart. But not much of a fighter are you. Unable to stand up to people even when they're oppressing you so much."

"Who says I'm being oppressed?" he countered, flipped to get behind her and attack. However, she saw that coming and turned around in time to block it.

"You did. And I can see on your face how much you hate it. How you wish things were different. And you pretend it's fine either way, the fact that no one appreciates the effort you put out to do what you must. But it's not." Here she charged forward, swinging her stick so hard into Donnie's, it was pushing him back a few inches.

"So I should be more like you and the Foot clan? Doing what you want no matter the consequences and answering to no one?" Donnie asked angrily, voice strained as he worked to hold the masked girl back.

"What's the alternative, big boy? Being put in a box, speaking only when spoken to and being a good little soldier whenever you need to be. Why not have fun, do your own thing, turn your back on those who turn their backs on you?" she said quietly to his face.

Having enough, Donnie used his brute strength to roughly push her back. He panted under his breath as he faced her, battle stance at the ready.

"Struck a nerve, huh?" she said coyly as she causally faced him. "Interesting that you only think that because I beat you." Donnie retorted, not willing to show how much her words had affected him.

"It's a good thing that you're cute, because your poker face is terrible," Shadow responded, back flipping to the edge of the building. "Well, I got my jollies. Later, handsome."

"Hey, wait—" Donnie protested, but she jumped off the building and the atmosphere was a deafening quiet again. She was gone.

"You look peeved," Karai commented simply as Donnie dragged himself into the lair.

"More than peeved," he retaliated as he slouched over the couch, a headache very much prominent in his brain. "Have my brothers shown up yet?"

"Nope. Well, Mikey did, but then Raph called him to drag him away before he could finish his pizza." The girl conveyed, looking up from the textbook she was studying. "And he looker angrier than usual."

"Yeah, he and Leo are at it again. I don't know why they just can't give it a rest. I have better things to do than pick up after their fights." He complained, putting his arm over his eyes.

He heard light footsteps before Karai's voice rang out, much closer than before, "Did something happen besides the fight while you were out? Because I've never seen you be this irritated before." She commented, concern in her voice.

Donatello sighed as he moved his arm to see his adopted sister standing over him. "I ran into Shadow again. We fought and she made many statements that weren't wrong. It was… annoying."

"Because she was right or because she pays attention while our brothers don't?" Karai asked as kneeled down beside him. The turtle sighed in turn, "I don't know. It was confusing and tense, being around her, and I know I shouldn't listen to her because she's probably just trying to throw me off guard, but I can't denying talking and fighting… helped. Just a little. And it was nice that she listened."

"Sounds like she was trying to help you." Karai commented matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, but why?! We're enemies. She works for Shredder and the Foot clan, who want nothing more than our destruction. Why would she want to help me? And why does she keep teasing me with pet names?"

"Pet names?"

"Yeah, it's weird. She keeps calling me handsome and hot stuff, which I know is her way of mocking me, because I'm an ugly mutant." He laments. His sister only coughed awkwardly before she hesitantly said, "Uh, Donnie? I don't know how to tell you this, but… you are kind of hot."

"What?!" Donnie answered angrily before groaning, "Great, now you're making fun of me too."

"Donnie, I'm not kidding. You're sturdy and lean, with obviously defined muscles and a high I.Q. If we hadn't grown up together, I'd probably find you hot. Maybe." The other girl gently revealed, smiling at the blush spreading across the tallest brother's face. "So believe me when I say, Shadow isn't mocking you. I think she likes you."

"But why? We just met last week, and there's no way we've met before now." Even if her blue eyes did look familiar for some reason…

"Maybe it was instant infatuation for her." The black-haired girl shrugged, smiling as she pretend to wipe away happy tears, "Either way, looks like someone has an admirer. I'm so proud."

And Donnie wasn't sure whether this situation (if Karai was really reading it right) was a good thing or a bad thing.

April walked into the main room of Shredder's citadel, kneeling before the throne he was sitting upon. She had been summoned by her father to come and talk every day since she started school, and this was the only way he knew how to ask for it.

This time, however, was different. She could feel it. So it was important she was on her guard her.

"April," her father started darkly, the way he always did, "I've heard from one of my subordinates that you had an altercations with the turtles and had a chance to kill Donatello."

"Really." she said passively, making sure not to give away anything to deny or agree with the report."

"But I was told you let him live." Shredder growled, accusation clear in his voice.

"That's not true. His brothers rushed me and they all escaped together." She explained, voice still even and firm. "It may look like I let him get away, but I was facing the turtles and I can tell you there was no time for me to kill Donatello and then walk away from a three to one fight. Staying would have gotten me killed."

Her father hummed under his breath, seemingly to begrudgingly agree with her assessment.

"Besides, leaving to battle another day just allows me to study the moves they used against me and find better ways to counteract it. Now all I need is to run into one of them alone, and I'll kill them after they tell me where Splinter and his precious baby girl is." Shadow sneered, getting up and staring determinedly at her father.

Shredder stared at her for another moment before he answered, getting up from his throne and walking till he was inches from her. "Very well, you may proceed. But, the next time you run into Donatello or the other turtle, I want you to end his life. Is that understood?"

"Yes, father." The kunochi replied as Shredder walked past her.

Sorry this isn't as long as you probably had hoped after waiting so long, but I just felt like it was better to end it now that you see the different sides of Shadow's personality and the utter confusion she's putting Donnie through.

Also, if you hadn't realized, I made Shadow different around Shredder and the turtles than Karai had been. Hope it's more original.

Okay, not sure what the next chapter will be, but I know we will fast forward a little so you at least get a hint of what Shadow's goals are. Have a good day.