"Spoken dialogue or signs"
Warning: Child Abuse
Pain of the Mind, Release of the Soul
13th of July, 2015
"I'm sure you've all heard the saying, 'No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.' How true it is... you know, in my case, it really was, at least, when I was living with my relatives as a child," said a voice in sad remembrance. "It happened so long ago but I can remember this day as though it were yesterday..."
"Not too long ago though Harry, you're not that old," Daphne said.
"You flatter me Daphne. Anyway, are you sure you want to know my life story? It's not the happiest one you could hear you know," Harry said.
"Just tell us dad! I'm sixteen! These two are fifteen, I'm sure we can handle it!"
"Alright then, Dahlia, well then, it began with my first case of accidental magic at the age of five, I was not in the best place to live, being enslaved by your grand mum's sister and her family..."
When one experiences pain, there is bound to be some type of response. Emotional which consists of anger, sadness, and fear. Anger and sadness directed at oneself or the one who caused said pain. And fear, fear that the situation that caused it would happen again, or fear of the pain itself.
But sometimes pain can become too much for one to handle and they do something drastic which is potentially permanent.
Or, when the pain becomes too much, they simply shut down.
Unlike a machine, you cannot simply cut the energy source, turn it back on, and things would be fine. People take time to recover from minor to major things. From minor hurts like a scraped knee to post traumatic stress disorder.
On the case of a small boy, born in the year 1980, July 31st, abuse.
"How dare you show your freakishness around here you little brat!" Petunia shrieked, she grabbed the belt that was reserved for hurting Harry and attacked him.
Harry Potter, five years old in the year of 1985, had lost his parents 4 years ago on the night of Halloween. His Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon told him that they had died in a car crash but he wasn't sure if he should believe them, not only because of their abuse but a dream he'd had every Halloween which involved a green flash of light, a screaming woman, and high cold laughter.
Harry was made to live his years at his aunt's house but they seemed to hate his very existence, making it their life's goal, at least it was this way for Harry, to make his life absolutely miserable, maybe even to the point of death. Or at least he thought they were trying to kill him but Harry was not too sure about that. 'How did this happen?' Harry thought, wincing every time the belt came down. 'I was just trying to do what Aunt Petunia said and then all the weeds were in a pile and now she's hurting me... Why is she hurting me? Help me...'
"YOU!" CRACK! "WILL!" CRACK! "NOT!" CRACK! "DO" CRACK! "YOUR!" CRACK! "FREAKISHNESS!" CRACK! "ON!" CRACK! "OUR" CRACK! "PROPERTY!" CRACK! "YOU!" CRAcK! "UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" Petunia shrieked as loud as she dared for even in her fit of rage, she still maintained a semblance of clarity in that she didn't want anything to break the illusion that her family was perfectly normal, deliberately ignoring the fact that they were far from normal or perfect due to them abusing a child to the near extremes. She began kicking him in his chest, causing him to curl up in pain but she began to kick his hands, arms, and legs and with one direct stomp, there was a loud snap and his left leg flattened and twisted the wrong way with, to Harry's ears, grated loudly while attempting to scream in pain but Petunia had stuffed his mouth with a semi-dirty rag from the kitchen. With this, she was satisfied and began to clean up, breathing heavily in exhilaration.
Due to Harry being so small and weak, she grabbed and lifted up his bleeding and bruising form, he had let out small whimpers every time the belt had landed but by now he had passed out due to the pain. Petunia then ripped open the cupboard door and threw him in, slamming it shut and locking it. She let a small smug grin form on her face before she hid the "Harry Belt" as Petunia and Vernon had taken to calling it in a safe place under the couch. 'I have to call Vernon about this... Wait, no, I'll tell him in person, then we could celebrate,' she thought joyfully.
Petunia had no idea this was happening but on the other side of the door though, Harry, though unconscious, had his eyes wide open. They were glowing, making them seem like made of green fire. His body was surrounded in a light green glow as well. All the welts began to close up and stop bleeding and the swelling of his many bruises began to disappear. His leg disgustingly twisted back with a loud click and whatever broken bone fragments and muscle that had been damaged began to head back to their original position before the green glowing light completely healed the remaining inflammation and slowly withdrew, back into his body. Though the blood that had seeped out remained on Harry's blankets, he himself was well and sleeping with only slight discomfort.
Harry wasn't sure if it was just the darkness of the closet but he felt something was wrong, seriously wrong. He felt around and found that his glasses were lopsided on his face, he readjusted them and blinked a few times. He blinked several more times and began to panic. 'I can't see! I can't see! I can't... Why can't I see? I... I...' Harry thought, his heart began to beat at a higher rate, sounding loud in the darkness. He closed his eyes and tried to calm down. "Breathe in, 1, breathe out, 2, breathe in, 3..." He opened it and even after a few short seconds, his eyes hadn't adjusted.
'Okay... So I'm blind now? But... It's not like... Hey wait, I'm not hurting anymore? I thought my leg was broken! Everyone's always mean to me, it's so unfair! What did I ever do? I... wait, what was that?' Harry had thought, he thought he had just seen Aunt Petunia coming down the stairs. 'That can't happen can it? Seeing through things? They did always call me a freak but maybe they meant this?' He tried focusing and as the steps grew louder and louder he thought he saw an outline of who he presumed to be Aunt Petunia.
He watched as she approached his door and walked passed, heading into the kitchen. She began to work on a meal, he assumed it was breakfast but he wasn't sure how long he was in the cupboard. He felt extremely weak and felt the need to sleep. 'M-maybe just a few minutes...'
He woke up with a start to a banging on his cupboard door and at first the panic from his blindness set in again but he tried to "see" again without closing his eyes. His brows furrowed and he saw Aunt Petunia working with a rapid pace that he never remembered seeing while he was doing all the Dursley's work for them while she worked on something else. He tried to gather what little energy he had as he still felt weak and refocused. The banging noise was caused by Vernon and Dudley kicking the door as they'd walked passed him, Uncle Vernon's kick being more forceful of course, causing Harry to worry that maybe the door would break in. "How long until I get to 'play' with Harry again daddy?" Dudley said smugly.
"In one full week from now Dudders, then you can 'play' with Harry to your heart's content my boy," Uncle Vernon replied in equal if not greater smugness.
'Oh how fun,' Harry thought darkly, he saw them sitting down and waited for Aunt Petunia to finish cooking. 'I have a week to be able to see again, this weird x-ray vision isn't good enough so maybe I need to be able to see without seeing...' He focused, once more with his eyes closed, and began to try and feel with the strange type of energy he thought he had felt while 'seeing' instead of actually 'seeing' this time. By imagining as though whatever allowed him to feel was touching whatever his body wasn't touching, Harry thought he might have touched upon the very small spider that had taken up residence in one of the corners of this small "room." He focused on trying to touch that spider again and he nearly jumped when it began to run deeper into the corner, away from his 'touch.'
'What is that? What is...' Harry tried again and accidentally went overboard, crushing the tiny spider which killed it immediately. 'Oh no, I didn't mean to, but what is this? I haven't touched anything at all!' He thought, extremely confused. Closing his eyes again, he didn't try to see or feel, just focusing on himself, but with nothing in mind, he wasn't sure what to look for, and since he was doing this, his 'sense' spread into himself and he tried to look for something, anything, any type of energy within himself but he found nothing that he could really tell that was different from what he normally felt and gave up.
"Albus, you've said you've been keeping an eye on the boy, so how is he doing under the roof of those muggles? I told you they were the worst kind of muggle to one of magic like you and I..." a feminine voice spoke with a slightly noticeable Scottish accent.
"Minerva do not worry, he is being looked after with the utmost care like what Petunia and Vernon Dursley do with their own child," Albus Dumbledore replied to Minerva McGonagall, with a twinkle in his eyes as he looked into the transfigurations professor's mind, reading her surface thoughts.
"If you say so Albus..." Minerva said after a moment. She felt as though she should go and check on Harry herself but she was very busy every moment of every day while she was awake, during school it was teaching and grading, during the holidays she had to plan for seven years worth of lessons and figure out which was the best books for the next years' students to acquire for their lessons and when she was finished with that, she had barely any moments to herself which she either used for vacation or trying to expand on her already impressive repertoire of magical knowledge.
28th of December, 1986
It was cold in the house and though the heater was turned on in the house, Harry's cupboard seemed fairly sealed off from the heat being generated from the inside. Harry shivered in his blankets as he tried to focus enough to channel his magic to shake the air enough around him at a constant rate to warm it up but he had yet to acquire the precision required to do something such as that without a spell.
He had discovered what it truly was that he had begun to wield the previous year, it was magic, but he had no idea how or why he had the power. But he was happy for it as while he was out of the sight of his "family" he would use it to his benefit. Currently he was only able to push, pull, lift, and force things down but not to great lengths as it tired him out to do much more than move moderately sized objects bigger than half the size of the Dursley's microwave.
Harry hoped to be able to master the current way he was able to use this magical energy before too much time passed though so as to have no issue when doing one of his many assigned chores. But only time would tell…
A/N: I was thinking about how to make this before I watched episodes 9 and 10 of the anime Kiznaiver but I think I have something now... I know the beginning is kind of rocky but just bear with me please, I'm not a skilled writer.