Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach nor the cover pic. Welcome to my short story.


"I close my eyes and the flashback starts"

Ichigo groaned as he blinked a few times into the darkness, ambers trying to adjust to his surroundings. He automatically felt the mattress to his side with a hand and felt the cold sheets.

"Fuck…" He muttered as he rubbed his face with his hands.

She didn't sleep next to him again.

He sighed as he covered his eyes with his forearms, breathing in and out deeply, out of frustration. His insides were fucking uncomfortable as he sat up and gave his arms a good stretch. Judging from the setting of the moon, he still had a few hours of sleep before he had to leave. Pulling the sheets off of his legs, he swung his legs around and gave a shudder as they touched the chilled floor. His eyes swiftly scanned the bed and noticed the thick blanket was gone as well and knew exactly where she would be.

Ichigo stood for a moment and tried his best to not let his emotions show as he wondered how the hell was he going to make things right with her.

Rukia sighed, wrapping the thick blanket around her shoulders as she stared up into the sky at the large white moon, with a few over cast clouds hovering in front of it. A few tears traveled down her cheek as she blinked several times, not even trying to stop the tears from falling. She sniffled quietly as she continued to observe her surroundings. Always on alert even when in an emotional state.

She felt him. He must be awake.

She knew it wouldn't be long until he finds her and soon they will part their ways.

"Do you wish to save your family or not?" Rukia cried out angrily to the orange hair boy as he was glaring up at the hollow. "Do you want to save them or not?"

The boy glanced down at the hurt woman, eyes furious, "Of course I want to fucking save them!"

Rukia surveyed the hollow, how could she be so damn stupid and so weak, especially when someone life is in danger? She stared up at the orange haired boy, something about him was different and yet he could see her. How can a human see her? Grimacing from the pain she clenched her teeth in frustration, it was now or they will die. What fucking choice did she have?

"My zanpakutou…," Rukia started.

"Your what? What the hell is a zanpakutou?" He asked confusingly while looking around frantically.

"You fool, now is not the time to ask questions! If you want to save them…There is a way but there will be consequences…" Rukia began to explain.

"I don't fucking care if I will die after I save them, I don't care about the consequence just tell me what I have to do! I will give up my life to save my family so just fucking tell me!" The orange haired boy yelled impatiently.

Rukia clenched her hands around her zanpakutou, "You- You must become a Soul Reaper then."

He stared at her bewildered, "I must what? What the hell is that?"

"If you wish to save your family, I will give you half of my powers. You will have only one chance to defeat the hollow and to save your family," Rukia explained through clenched teeth. "But there is more to explain! About the consequences..."

"We don't have fucking time to go through with an explanation. I will do it. What do I have to do? Hurry we don't have any more time to waste Soul Reaper!" The boy squeezed his hands into fists.

Rukia shook her head as she held out the blade of the zanpakutou to his heart, "If I am going to give you half my powers, you should know I am Kuchiki Rukia."

The boy smirked, "Kurosaki Ichigo, nice to meet you."

Rukia hesitated for a moment as he smirked at her but before she could ponder anymore on that smirk the hollow roared loud as both of them swiftly glance at the large being.

"We have no time!" Rukia yelled out and she turned towards Ichigo still holding the blade to his heart. "You must stab the zanpakatou through your heart!"

Ichigo looked bewildered at the request but once the hollow roared again he nodded with determination.

"Ready?" Ichigo asked her.

Rukia nodded, "Yes." Without another moment of hesitation, she plunged the blade through his heart.

Ichigo let out a silent cry in pain before a crash nearby which was caused by the Hollow, blocked Rukia's vision of the sight of him as the dust particle has filled the air.

Once the air was cleared, she let out a small gasped and widened those violet irises. Staring off at Ichigo who was glaring up at the hollow, with a very large blade resting on his shoulders before he dashed off with incredible quickness.

She somehow had given him all her powers.

Biting her lips to ease the pain, she crawled forward and rested on her hands as she continued to observed him. His zanpakutou she noted was the largest she has seen. His movements were fast yet subtle, somewhat sloppy but with time and practice he can easily be unpredicted with stealth. Closing her eyes from being so weak she felt it, the consequence.


Rukia panted in shock as her eyes shot open, as she felt the heart beat gently and unnervingly calmed.

This wasn't her hearbeat.

No, this was Ichigo's heartbeat.

The consequence she had yet to explain was extremely rare between shinigamis and humans. This was far more intimate than feeling another spiritual pressure. The bond between them now will be unbreakable as their souls are now connected which was the reason she could feel him. His raw anger was raging through her body but what was eerie was his heart beat. She could feel it working alongside with hers in an almost calming and comforting matter as if it was a lullaby to her.

There was only one way to break the connected bond; through death.

Rukia was still frozen on the floor, taking in all the new sensations that were now awakened within her. Her eyes were still on Ichigo as the hollow had fallen before him before dispersing within the air in defeat.

The ambers and the violets were soon met and she suddenly realized that he too has felt their consequences.

Ichigo flung on a shirt over his bare chest and closed his eyes for a brief moment. Scowling, he opened his eyes once he realized she was trying to hide her presence. He fucking hate that the most. When she was upset with him or sad about anything, she shuts herself out completely.


"Again Ichigo!" Rukia whispered harshly as she sat in his closet across from him while he was seated on his bed facing her.

He rubbed the palm of his hands into his eyes, "How many times do we have to do this? We have a fucking exam tomorrow and you are making me stay up late doing this shit instead?"

"You fool!" Rukia hissed. "We need to learn to shut out our emotions from each other since our souls are now bounded with one another."

Ichigo scratched at his jaw, "It is rather annoying when you get overly excited from that stupid raccoon."

She didn't know. She didn't know that he really had found a way to minimize the reveal of his emotions towards her. In fact, it was similar to hiding the presence of his spiritual pressure. Ichigo was strictly playing dumb to get the rise out of her. The way her cheeks flushed with frustration and the widening of the violets to the various different shades of violets that coordinated with her emotions. But one he secretly craved was the way she bit her lower lip. When she tugged the lower lip between the white teeth in anger was not helping with his erection.

But he had learned how to hide it.

Rukia cocked her head as she noticed that Ichigo was staring at her rather intently as if… no, she shook her head and washed any thoughts away as this was strictly business between them, "Again Ichigo!"

They promised each other however, that no matter what. No matter what they will not close each other out, they will still have the feint presence of each other's heartbeat.

Throwing on his robe, he flashed stepped quietly out of their room and onto the rooftop from their balcony window. Keep his breathing at a stable level he spotted the small girl, looking so unbelievably tiny in the thick blanket that was wrapped around her. Her back was to him as she was continuing to stare up into the sky, at the pale moon.

'Rustle Rustle'

Ichigo tossed and turned in his bed as he continued to heard the rustling coming from his closet. Exhausted, he flung the blankets off of him and went straight to his feet. With great frustration, he threw the closet door opened and glared into the darkness at the small girl.

"Can you please not be so fucking noisy? I got school tomorrow!" Ichigo scowled quietly as Rukia's face became visible through the moonlight that was shown through the window. Ichigo clenched his fist a bit tighter as he studied the smooth pale skin that glowed from the moon. Those raven locks were slightly tousled from moving around so much about her sleep. The violets, they were large and incredible but they held so much anger as she glared back at him.

"Correction, WE have school tomorrow and besides, if you had to sleep in a shitty closet then you wouldn't be sleeping as well as me either."

Ichigo glanced passed her shoulder and looked at her makeshift bed from the blankets he had given her. He ruffled his hands through his hair as he reached behind her and grabbed her pillow to which he threw onto his bed.

"Sleep in my bed then," Ichigo grimaced slightly but not as much as he thought as her eyes lit up in the darkness at such a nice gesture.

"Really? Where will you sleep then?" Rukia whispered as she hopped out of the closet towards the comfortable bed.

"Don't be stupid, I am going to sleep in my bed too," Ichigo yawned as he scratched at his belly under his thin t-shirt while making his way back to the bed as well.

Rukia froze, "You mean we are going to be sleeping together?"

Ichigo scowled, "You want me to fucking sleep in the closet? How can I fit in there when you barely can?" He brushed passed her and laid down on the right side of the bed, the side nearest to the door.

"But it is so inappropriate for us to be sleeping with each other!" Rukia hissed as she continued to stare at him with bewildered eyes.

"Look, if you want to sleep in the closet then fine. This is my last time offering you to sleep in my bed. Besides, I don't want to fucking touch you anyways," Ichigo smirked as he closed his eyes and rested his hands behind his head.

The last bit irked the small girl as she stomped her way towards his bed and even made effort to make sure she stomped onto his hard abs as she settled onto her own side of the bed. Laying side by side, they just had enough room for each other but if they moved not even half an inch, they would be touching.

Ichigo let out a tired sigh, "See now that wasn't too hard now was it?" He could feel her wanting to rant at him put instead he tossed the covers back over the both of them.

Rukia didn't want to be as close to him as she was so aware of his scent all around her. Unaware she was snuggling further into the blankets as the scent was becoming comforting to her. She turned onto her side, away from him as that will leave several more inches of gap in between them.

"Ichigo?" Rukia whispered after a few moments of silence.

Ichigo let out a very incoherent sound to show he was listening.

"Thank you."

They both drifted off to sleep, unconscious to the fact they were both listening to each other's heartbeat.

Rukia continued to stare up at the white moon as she blinked a few more tears that were cascading down her cheeks. This time, she quickly wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand as she cuddled into the thick blanket, inhaling his scent. Memorizing it. Feeling the warmth it brought her. How she treasured after they made love, his scent was all over her.

His touch. His kiss.

She needed to memorize it all.

Her heart was hurting.

She hasn't felt so broken, not since…

"Let go of me Renji! Please just let go of me!" Rukia cried out as she tried to squirm out of her best friend's grip. "Ichigo is-"

"Calm the hell down Rukia!" Renji spat as he tightened his hold onto her. "Look at him, the rookie is dead! There is no point of crying over the dead." He looked at her with worry as he bowed down his head slightly.

"If you go to him Rukia, they will add at least twenty years to your sentence… Please don't do this," He whispered as he peered back up at her.

"No Renji," She retorted. "I was the one who dragged him into everything! He died because of me! Since it is my fault, is it wrong for me to want to go to him?"

She looked passed Renji's shoulder when she heard a small chuckle and noticed her brother in law, Byakuya smirking at her.

"You want to be by his side because he resembles him, don't you?"

Rukia didn't respond as she did not hear what he had said, but instead felt a small beat of Ichigo's heart flowing through her. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched in relief yet in horror as Ichigo reached up from the ground to grab onto Byakuya's robe.

"Don't talk about me unless I have a fucking say in it," Ichigo rasped with his signature smirk.

"No…Ichigo, please don't-" Rukia cried out to him.

Byakuya glared down at Ichigo, "You won't have an arm for long."

Ichigo smirked up at him but before he could retort, a foot compressed onto his hand which caused him to release Byakuya's robe. He looked up surprised to see the small girl stepping on his hand.

"How dare you touch my brother's robe," Rukia spat as she dug her foot into Ichigo's hand causing him to writher in pain. "You're a human and not a shingami!"


"Know your damn place rookie," Rukia gave his hand one more grind with her feet before releasing him. She turned towards her brother. "Let's go, I finally came to my senses after seeing such crude behavior towards you…"

She glanced away from Ichigo, "I accept my sins and punishment… I will go back to Soul Society williningly."

"Rukia," Ichigo groaned as he tried to push himself up off the ground. "What the fuck are you talking about. I know that is not what you want!" He was pushed back down onto the ground with Renji stomping down on his back.

"Just shut up and die quietly," Renji spoke lowly before heading towards the others. "There is no point in killing him, he will stop breathing on his own." Renji gave a quick glance towards the small girl but kept his face straight with no emotion as he and Byakuya started to head back.

"Hey!" Ichigo tried once again to push himself off of the ground. "Rukia-"

"Don't move!" Rukia called back to him with only a few feet distance between the two of them. "Don't try to follow me… because if you do…" She finally turned around and looked down at the him. Tears glistened slightly in those violets.

"I will never forgive you."

Ichigo watched her leave without her looking back at him, but as he closed his eyes while laying on the floor he felt her.

He felt her heart apologizing to him.

He also felt her love for him.

Ichigo just continued to watch her from afar, knowing that she knew he had found her. He didn't know what to say. What can he say? Expressing his emotions wasn't him.

"She means that much to you, doesn't she…"

Ichigo looked over at the auburn hair girl as he waited for the signal to go through the gate to the other side, "Of course she does, Inoue. You all mean a lot to me especially for going with me."

Inoue turned away, "She means that much to you that you are willing to go on a suicide mission to save her?"

Ichigo ran his hand through his hair as the other gripped Zangetsu, "Because of her, my sisters are still alive. I owe her my life."

She shook her head unconvinced, "You want to save her because you love her. I know you do. I know you love her because I would do the same if you were the one that needed rescuing… I can see it on you face Kurosaki… I know that look…"

"I-," He didn't know what to say as he was thrown aloof by her sudden outburst. Sure he feels an attraction towards the small girl but part of him thought it was their bond that was making him feel that way.

Closing his eyes, he focused on her, on her steady heartbeat. Feeling the comfort it brought him and the calming of his own soul. Opening the ambers, he stared into Inoue's and didn't say another word.

She was right.

"It's time!" Urahara called out to them.

"Go back to bed Ichigo, you need the rest as you have to leave when the sun peaks over the horizon."

Ichigo flashed stepped a few feet away from Rukia, "Come with me then."

Rukia shook her head while looking down at her fingers, interlocking them, "What's the point?"

"Don't fucking do this to me right now, especially when-"

"Don't do what?" Rukia stood dropping the heavy blanket onto the roof tiles. "I am not the one leaving Ichigo, you are!"

"I am doing this for you! For…" He glanced down towards her abdomen while clenching his hands into tight fists.

"You already saved me once Ichigo... Fuck, you saved Soul Society from Aizen. Why does it always have to be you?" Rukia whispered as the tears flowed freely.

"You already saved me…"

Rukia closed her eyes as she prepared to die.

'I am content with my life… to have the chance to meet and gain all my friends.'

'Old friends…'

Renji and other shingamis flashed through her mind.

'New friends…"

Inoue, Ishida, Chad, and the others she met flashed through her mind.


Her tears started to fall as she felt the flame of Soukyoku.

'I never got to tell you Ichigo… I am so happy I had met you. You changed my life and showed me what true happiness could be like.'

She soaked in relief of his present heartbeat and was thankful he was still alive despite his attempted rescue. His heartbeat was all she needed to get through this. To get through dying. She was okay as long as she felt him before she died.

The flame grew hotter as she knew it was time. Closing her eyes she pictured him standing before her with that stupid scowl on his face as if he wasn't ever happy but always in a bad mood.

'Ichigo, I love-"

Her eyes widened as she heard gasps and shouts from down below, not noticing she was being engulfed in black.

"What is this?" A hint of orange caught her eye as her breath caught in her throat.

"Yo," Ichigo casually called over to her as he stood in the air before her looking so casual and calm.

"Ichigo?" Her jaw dropped. "You fucking idiot! Why did you come for me? You are going to die because you can't beat my brother let alone Soukyoku!"

He was taken by surprise, "W-what?"

"Go home! You can still get away from here!" Rukia cried out as she leaned forward from her shackles. "Please…go home…"

Ichigo lowered his blade and looked back over his shoulder at the bright flame starting to erupt, he noticed the bird was going to attack once again. Instead of wasting time he shadowed up to the top of the execution bar.

"What are you doing?" Rukia shouted as she looked up at him.

He smirked, "Obviously I will break this execution pole!"

Rukia was about to start yelling again but Ichigo had stopped her with a raised hand, "Just shut up and watch."

She held her breath as she watched him pierce his zanpakuto into the wooden beam, splitting the bar into two.

She started to fall down as the shackled were released.

"Listen you brat," Ichigo whispered as he grabbed onto her waist pulling her close into his side. The bond from their touch almost immediately overwhelmed them both as their feelings collide with one another.

"I am going to tell you this one time and I won't say it again," The ambers burned into her violets, the moment was so intimate as if the time had stopped. Just the two of them and nothing else.

"I love you."

Rukia closed her eyes as she felt his warmth overpower her, trying to hold her tears in from the confession.

"I won't… say thank you, you idiot," She buried her face into his chest and breathed in his scent.

To be continued...

Aye Bleachers, this is another very short story that I had sitting in my folder. I was writing SSM but then I saw this, thought you guys might like something different. I was listening to James Bay- Let it Go and it gave me the feels to write this a few months ago. Should be completed in one more chapter or so. Let me know how you feel on this.
