It all started simply enough, with a harmless cough and a couple of bad dreams. Nothing to worry about, nothing too serious. Maybe it was just exhaustion, it would probably go away on its own.

Uhura and Spock often slept in the same bed and while the half Vulcan was usually still as a statue and generally very quiet but he recently started having nightmares, that were becoming increasingly frequent. Nyota felt him trash and move around, heard soft whimpers and whispered "no"s, saw his face scrunched in pain and fear. It was most unsettling.

Spock saw his mother fall again on that Vulcan cliff, saw her die while he couldn't do anything (over and over, over and over) and watching the place he'd called home all his life, the place where he'd grown up, the place that had shaped him as a person and a given him an identity - crumble into nothingness. And the one person that had shown him that it was ok to be how he was, who had supported him throught everything and she was falling hopelessly ot her death while he uselessly watched, powerless, unable to help her or their home.

Other times it was Jim's death that haunted him at night. He would see it all again and they ended up there, in opposite sides of the glass. His best friend was dying right before his eyes and their hands were nearly touching and Spock felt he was exploding inside with sorrow, with grief, with hoplessness... And once again he was powerless as he watched a person as he loved die again.

Some times he woke up with a scream, other times his cheeks were wet with tears. That last time the world spun quickly around him as he awoke, breathing heavily, still unsure of what was reality and what was dream. He looked at Nyota next to him, making sure through blurry eyes that she was okay and tried to put himself together. He was dizzy and still incredibly upset by what his dream and the room kept spinning so he stumbled to the toilet of Uhura's quarters where he was repeatedly sick. Which was something that hadn't happened to him since he was a child.

He looked at himself in the mirror and saw that fragile child again in his pale, haggard reaction, eyes bright and sad. As he was cleaning his mouth, Spock felt a hand in his shoulder and nearly jumped.

Nyota had opened an eye when Spock stumbled out of the bed, and became completely awake when she heard the sounds of retching. She hadn't even known that Vulcans could do that, specially not for so long. So she appeared behind him.

"What's wrong? Did you have another nightmare?"

"Indeed, very vivid. In this occasion it was you who died in front of me, and I...could not... stop it"

"Awww... Don't worry."

"When I awoke, the complete quarters were...moving. It was most unusual."

"Are you feeling better now?"

"I can manage the -"

"Spock" she interrupted. There was no need for Vulcan stoicisms with her. They knew each too well for that. "Are you feeling better?"

"Only slightly, if I am truthful."

"Let me get you back to bed." She said and helped him back into the bed.

When they got to the bed, Uhura could still she the horror in his face. Usually she loved seeing the emotions peak under the Vulcan surface, but not this time. He seemed... distressed, afraid. She caressed his cheek with her hand, softly, carefully, like she knew he liked it, trying to give him some comfort.

"It's okay, it was just a dream. I'm not going anywhere, calm down. Ssssh."

They cuddled for a bit until it was time to wake up and go back to their positions. Nyota told him to tell Dr. McCoy about his nightmares but Spock refused, claiming they were irrelevant. Well, his horror filled, tear tracked face from yesterday seemed to differ. And he hadn't had any before, why now? What if this was a symptom of something bigger? What if Spock was really sick?

Maybe she was just being too paranoid, worrying too much. Spock had been through a lot and didn't have a lot of room to express supressed emotions. Maybe this was his subconscious' way of dealing with trauma. He really should find better ways, but of course he was conflicted about his legacy, with all the bad things he heard about it over the years. Or maybe not. All that she knew was that she was going to keep a closer eye on him.

Much like Jim was doing.

It hadn't been anything worrisome, just a small cough, but it bothered the hell out of Jim. Spock never made annoying noises, never blew his nose or rasp, nothing. When he spoke he could be sometimes annoying, but hey, all of them had their moments. And this is a whole new level of annoying, but a different dimension of bothering. Not because it was unpleasant but because it was Spock and Spock shouldn't sound so...human.

Jim had to give credit where credit was due, and it was true Spock had worked on people not noticing it, finding the most unexpected tricks to distract people when he had to cough. He'd told him to go to see Bones about a million times, even told Bones to take him by force if it was necessary, but when he finally managed to get them together Bones didn't find anything that could be causing the cough. No explanation.

Which meant that: a) it was nothing serious, something environmental that had disappeared, b) it was psychological (which posed a whole new sets of problems) or whatever was causing that cough was so alien and advanced that his sensors couldn't detect it. This gave wings to Spock's continuous "there is no need for this" tirade, which was growing more unpleasant than the cough itself. But Jim was worried, because there was something wrong, there had to be something wrong for his first officer to cough like that when he obviously didn't want to.

And denial wasn't going to solve anything. But what was Jim supposed to do? They'd gone to sickbay and found nothing. And there weren't any specialists aboard the enterprise so he could he get a second opinion or anything. Maybe he was making too big a deal out of it, but... He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something else. Anyways, there was an anomaly in a galaxy nearby and when they went to check it out Jim forgot about the cough and how annoyed he was.

They were in the middle of some strange space storm, no idea of where it had come from trying to get out when the cough made an unwelcome appearance. He'd been coughing a bit the whole day after that terrible night, and it was becoming a bit too much.

Spock didn't want to be a bother while the situation was so dire so he stepped out of the bridge so he could cough in peace, with no one looking at him. But strangely enough, the more he did it, the more difficult it became for him to breathe. Clutching the wall behind him, Spock searched through his memories but found no recollection of any sickness like this in his family.

He wanted to go back to the bridge, help so that the ship would stop shaking, couldn't stop shaking himself. The three or fours coughs stuck in his throat had evolved into a full coughing fit and dark spots were appearing in his vision. But the needs of the many... he needed to get back out there. He tried and tried and but couldn't move, couldn't breathe.

"Where's Spock?" Jim asked "This is a damned sicientific emergency! Uhura, get him back here"

Nyota just nodded and ran to where she'd seen Spock leave, worried both for the integrity of the ship and for the integrity of his boyfriend – he wouldn't have left if he didn't have a reason.

"We need you in the bridge, Spock!"

He was on the other side of hallway, doubled over, eyes teary and held out a hand twoards her.


She arrived just in time to watch his eyes roll up in the back of his head fall limp on the wall of the ship just as the storm raged around them.

A/n: Hope you liked! Thanks for reading ;) Reviews are very welcome