((Sorry this took ten thousand years to get out. I've been swamped by college and actually forgot about it for a bit, sorry. Anyway, down below, tell me if you think it should just end with this or if I should make the sequel series. Also, in a couple or so weeks, I'm going to post a second smaller fic I wrote while I tally up what people have decided and work on some. It will give a little love to Ladrien. Later!))

The next day was one of memories and joy like no other, as the reunited family enjoyed their first Christmas together again, and the rest basked in the warmth that now permeated this home. They ate, they sang, they played. Gabriel even laughed at one point, shocking half of those present. And then Tom got ahold of the mistletoe and went around, setting up each of the couples so Sabine could take pictures. It was a Christmas all would remember, and as everyone readied to leave, none went willing. They promised to do it again next year, if not sooner, and soon the Agreste family was left in peace to discuss things.

[Ending one]

The akuma attacks stopped, but Ladybug and Chat Noir remained. Their lives continued, happy, together. The Agreste household became a loving one again, and they always had guests over. The halls were filled with laughter and love, and no longer was their fear between father and son. As for our heroes, they fell further and further in love, and worked together both with and without the masks, guiding the path of the fashion world. They followed their paths, and one day married. And one day, Marinette looked around the family room. She saw her parents, both pairs, happy. Her husband, her love, playing with their three kids. And she looked down at her ring, the hand resting on her growing belly, and she smiled. Dreams do come true.

[Alternate Ending]

"Amelia, tell me, what happened to you?" She glanced at her husband then her son, clearly uncertain how much to reveal. Gabriel understood and turned to Adrien. "Adrien, I—"

"I think he deserves to know," she interrupted, looking at her son. "Son… Before you were born, your father and I were…heroes. I was Le Papillon, and I would create heroes to help in the fight and to bring people's dreams to life. Your father was the Peacock, and together we protected Paris. There was another, Volpina, the Fox. Otherwise known as Sabine. In fact, we should call her back, she deserves to hear, too."

"I'll call!" Adrien volunteered quickly, pulling out his phone and calling Marinette. "Uh, Marinette, could you and your parents come back? We, uh, wanted to give you something." He hung up after a moment and took a seat. He looked up then at his father. "Wait, you said Le Papillon, like—"

"Yes," his father said, looking away slightly as he said it. "Like…him…" Amelia was confused, so he quickly explained, finishing, "I only did it because…I wanted you back. I was distraught, but I remembered our youth, I remembered the legend, so…" Amelia cupped his cheek as the Dupain-Chengs walked in. Sabine sighed and stepped forward, right to Gabriel.

"Well, I take it you are coming clean? I thought many times of confronting you, but without my Miraculous, I knew I couldn't stop you." Gabriel sighed, while Tom stood awkwardly and motioned the kids to follow him out. But Marinette was slack jaw.

"Wait, what's going on here?"

"Marinette, my parents and your mom all had Miraculouses once. And, it appears my dad was Hawkmoth the entire time." Marinette stumbled back, and Adrien helped her. The adults all seemed confused, so after a short look, they turned and sighed. "Um, well… This is awkward."

"Adrien, what's going on?" His mother was staring in confusion, much like everyone else.

"Well, uh…"

"I'm Ladybug and he's Chat Noir," Marinette said bluntly. Everyone gasped, and after a minute Gabriel started laughing darkly.

"I can't believe- How did I never notice I was fighting my own son? Was I really that…lost?" He sat down and held his face in his hands. Marinette's parents gasped in surprise at the revelation.

"Mari, you mean, you were-?" She nodded, and after a moment her parents hugged her. "Oh, my darling, I am so proud of you. You make a wonderful hero."

"Just like your mother," her father added with a laugh. Then, he pulled Adrien into the hug. "And you, my boy. You deserve praise as well. I am certain that your parents are proud of what you've achieved."

"Even if one of them was technically the cause of it all," the boy's mother quipped, and everyone relaxed with the laugh.

"At least now it's no longer an issue," Gabriel added. "I have my wife back. I see no reason to fight anymore." He pulled off his brooch, a kwami flying out of his coat. "Nooroo, you are freed. I'm sorry for what I've done." Amelia took the brooch and smiled at her old friend.

Adrien nodded, realizing his father was right. That meant no more akuma, and no more need for Ladybug or Chat Noir. "You mean, it's all over? We don't have to be heroes anymore?" Marinette nodded, realizing that.

"Yes, son, it's over. But, I think the city has grown used to you two. And while I won't be making monsters anymore, people will still have problems you can help with. Didn't you ever wonder why we needed the Miraculouses in the first place?"

Adrien and Marinette grew quiet at that, not thinking of it before. "And I've brought it with me," Amelia admits, drawing everyone's attention. "That's why I was gone. I had to check on the seal, but it broke and threw me across the sea. I only just got back, and they aren't too far behind."

"What are?" Marinette asked, scared.

Sabine sighed and looked out the window. "The Darkness approaches. Monsters rise. Hope falls."