A/N: Sorry for the late update! I hope you enjoy this chapter though. Thanks to WeasleyIsMyKing540, loverhr and Orange Chicken for your fabulous reviews! On with the chapter! :D

As always, feedback is appreciated!

Warning: Swearing

Disclaimer: I own the plot but not the characters or anything that seems familiar to you!


Chapter 7 ~ The Undying Friendship


A certain princess with bushy brown hair fluttered her eyes open and took a deep breath. She yawned out and went sat up to reveal her mane and mass of her hair. Hermione stretched out and went to open the curtains. Her eyes squinted a bit to see that the sun was rising from the horizon. She smiled brightly and went to get ready for her long awaited meeting with her best friend, Ronald Weasley.

She could already envision him with his shaggy flaming red-orange hair, tall yet built figure in front of her very eyes. Was he the same Ron she knew to love? What if this plan was nothing but a failure? Her shunned her pesky thoughts and went downstairs to already see the other residents eating their breakfast.

"There you are, Hermione," Miss Shaw said with a smile and gave her a plate of milk and oats. Hermione gave her gratification to the innkeeper and proceeded to sit next to see a boy with sandy hair eating alone. She went to approach him.

"Hello," Hermione politely greeted the boy.

He looked up from his food and jumped slightly, making him swallow the food in his mouth. "Oh hello there. I'm Seamus."

"Sylvia," Hermione greeted him and they shook hands.

"You must be new or something," Seamus said to her. "I know nearly everyone in the village and kingdom. After all, I'm a knight."

Hermione smiled. "So how's Prince Ronald?"

"Him? He really should bugger off. He's such a dickhead," Seamus huffed, and went to eat his oat cereal. "It would be a miracle if he somehow changes from being the Prince we knew months back."

Hermione's chocolate brown eyes traveled down her cereal. She bit her bottom lips and took a deep breath to compose herself. She went to eat her oatmeal in silence with Seamus. After she did, she bidded the knight with sandy hair a farewell and went to where the Center Fountain was located. She sat on a nearby bench to wait for a certain boy with flaming red-orange hair. Hermione started to fix her bushy hair with little success, making her frustrated in an instant.

Then, she saw a man wearing a hoodie. The figure started to approach her. Taking cautious, she stood up and backed away from him or her. Suddenly, the figure grabbed onto her wrist and immediately took off his hood. She saw the distinct features of red-orange hair and crystal blue eyes which were full of happiness and concern.

"Ron," Hermione breathed out and hugged him. He hugged back and chuckled.

"C'mon, let's near the Forest of Dean," Ron said to her and they skipped off over near the entrance of the forest. As they arrived, Hermione saw an elegantly sculpted periwinkle pot holding roses. Some were dead yet others were not. It stood on a slab of stone near where they had met for the first time. A coincidental meet up that had changed their lives forever.

"You know, I always visit here everyday," Ron started off and sat on the grass, having Hermione sit next to him. "It was the only thing that reminded me who I truly was."

The brunette saw his crystal blue eyes glistening, as he stared at the vase of roses. She couldn't help but to placed her palm over his large hand. His eyes traveled down to the grass and sighed out.

"Ron, you have a second chance," said Hermione. "Like I said, change begins now. Change for the better."

Ron couldn't help but to smile at her and pulled her closer to him. He started to trickle her on the stomach, making her giggle out loud. She tickled back though. Soon, the meadow was full of laughs and gleefulness. The sun shined on them, making their eyes glisten with genuine happiness that they had never felt in a while. After their tickling battle, they started to talk about their lives during those 5 excruciating months where light was not to be found.

"One time, Draco went up to me, and he tried to snog me," Hermione said to him. His ears were listening with intent. "He missed me and fell tripped onto the lake. Soon, all the ladies started to shout out, 'Malfoy's wet himself'!

Ron laughed out loud. "You're so lucky. I wish I was there to see it!"

"Hey, maybe next time it'll happen. Maybe soon," she said.

They sat in anticipating silence. All they could hear were one another's breathing. That was then, they heard footsteps approaching them. Ron quickly turned around and hugged Hermione chest his hard chest, holding her tightly. He started to loosen up though, when he say the familiar figure with messy genuine black hair.

"Guys!" Harry said with a panic. "The kingdom's been attacked by Death Eaters and the Slytherins!"

Ron's eyes widened with shock. Hermione too, was shocked as well. She looked up to see the anger in Ron's eyes.

"What the hell are we waiting for?" Ron growled at him. "Get the knights ready! Let the villagers evacuate, now!"

Harry nodded his head and ran back to the kingdom, back to the fight. Hermione could feel the dramatic change in Ron's breathing pattern. He was taking heavy breaths. Then, he carried Hermione in his arms, as they ran back to the kingdom. Hermione couldn't help to be scared of him. She knew to never talk to an angry Ron. Never ever. The last time she talked to a enrage fuming Ron and she was yelled at.

The brunette bit her lips and saw that her vision was suddenly blurry from her unshed tears.


Finally, they had arrived at the kingdom to see the knights of Slytherin and the Death Eaters being fought by the knights of Gryffindor. Ron looked down at Hermione to her terrified face. But why though? She usually wasn't scared of anything. Right?

Ron's eyes traveled over to Seamus who had just arrived in the battle.

"Seamus! Get your drunk arse over here!" Ron ordered him. The knight with sandy hair looked up to see the prince himself holding onto Hermione, the girl he had met at the Inn.

"Hermione?" Seamus breathed out.

"How do you know her?" said Ron, eyes open. "Oh to hell with it. Get Hermione to a safe location! If you fail this, I'll fucking kill you!"

Seamus gulped and took the command. The prince' crystal blue eyes pierced through Hermione's chocolate brown eyes.

"Don't worry," Ron whispered to her. "I won't let them hurt you."

The young adult with flaming red-orange hair left Hermione with Seamus. Harry gave Ron's armor over to him and he charged into battle.

"RON!" he heard Hermione's desperate pleas to him and to only him. "RON!"

He looked back and saw a brisk glimpse of her tear stained face.

"I love you," he said in an inaudible whisper.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Have a great day, pal! :)