I present to you the new version of Amicix, starting with the change in names to a whole new plot, which I personally think is better than the old plot of the story and the actions of the characters.

Summary: Sometimes Leanna wonders if anyone will ever get to know her as herself and not just the daughter of Queen Stella, even her mom wants her to 'follow in her footsteps' and go to Alfea. Will the new darkness coming find her and why does the darkness want her over anyone else more powerful? The only thing Leanna now has is hope that she can overcome this evil. Her hope is her guide that will lead her to a hopefully brighter future. Finally, Leanna is ready to discover the truth about the secrets of her very existence, after so many years of secrets can she accept the entire truth.

I do not own Winx Club

June 15

It seems like just yesterday we had entered Alfea, the 'Welcome to Alfea' banners strung along the towers and the courtyard abuzz with life and chatter. Now we are graduating Alfea and moving on into the real world, the goodbyes were filled with tears as we shared our last group hug at Alfea, we made promises to each other, at the end of the party departing with our boyfriends either back to our realms or to downtown Magix. Sometimes I want to close my eyes and imagine that this is all just a dream but it isn't, it's reality, and it terrifies me worse than the Trix breaking out of prison again.

Leanna sighed, her mother had called her to the throne room again, the maid had been clueless as to why her mother had wanted her in the throne room, she could only assume it was another fruitless attempt to get her to go to another gala or worse a party thrown by one of the mean girls at her school. She walked to the throne room, her small tennis shoes making swishing and swooshing sounds on the beautiful marble floors. Finally, she had made it to the doors to the throne room, large doors that reached the ten to twelve-foot ceiling, that was her assumption since they had loomed over her 5 foot 10 figure, they had held two crests on each door, a sun and a moon connects with intricate designs in both the sun and the moon. Two guards wearing gold and royal blue armor stood on either side of the doors, spears held diagonal against their chest plates.

They bowed their heads to her as one of them, the taller one, opened the doors. The room was even taller than the corridor, the center taller than any other part as a large diamond chandelier hung from the ceiling, windows surrounding it making it glow in many colors, a big red and gold carpet went from the door to the four thrones standing against the curtained wall, the other flooring was marble. There were two big throne and one small throne, her mom sat in one of the big thrones, her throne a gold and orange color, the throne next to her was empty, had always been empty, and the throne next to the empty one was red and gold, the throne next to her mom was gold and light blue with white details.

Her mom had the crown on her head, her golden blonde hair shining brightly under the sunlight, her skin was sun-kissed and tan, and her eyes were honey colored, some said that she represented only the sun, which had caused a problem when she first started ruling, along with the no-named father of her twins, she wore a bright blue dress with golden lace details and gold hanging sleeves that extended to the floor. She smiled brightly, two dimples appearing on her cheeks and beckoned Leanna closer.

Leanna walked closer, watching her mother frown slightly at her choice of shoes, somewhat wet from running through the forest when a maid had told her that her mother wanted her, her mother had always had been against her sneaking out to go to the forest. She was wearing some rolled up dark blue skinny jeans, and a white shirt that had a ruffle at the top and revealed her shoulders, the sleeves reaching past her elbows. Her dark brown hair that had blonde highlights, that were oddly natural, up in a messy ponytail, her hair was tangled too and she bit her lip walking to her chair to sit down next to her mom.

Next to her mom there were obvious differences, for one Leanna's skin held a darker hue and her eyes were honey colored with specks of dark brown, and her body was not quite mature, also there was also the fact that her mom usually revealed as much skin as possible in her gowns and day-dresses. Her mother turned, her eyes shining with youth and happiness, she had her hands behind her back, seemingly holding something behind her back and Leanna's curiosity peaked.

"I have grand news Leanna." Her mother chirped, leaning forward still holding her hands behind her back, as she did so effortlessly. "You will be so happy to hear this." Her mother continued, holding the envelope in front of Leanna's face, it was sealed and her mother's face was beaming with obvious happiness, the sun outlining her features, making her look even younger than she already did.

Leanna grabbed the envelope gently, opening it carefully and nervously in her lap. She bit her lip, knowing that her mother was up to no good, especially by the way she had always pushed her to follow in her footsteps, she unraveled the paper, noticing the big fancy writing immediately by her mother's documents, she sighed, 'What have you done mom?' She thought, reading the lines, she forced a smile, "I have been accepted into Alfea. Wow, mom. But I didn't apply to Alfea." She said confused, she had applied to a college in Solaria, she had purposely avoided the Alfea form when her mother had put it on her dresser.

Her mother beamed, "I knew you would be happy about this. Oh Leanna, it is going to be so much fun for you. And I applied to Alfea for you since you didn't apply." Her mother frowned slightly but then went on with her excitement, "But you are going to have to pack, orientation doesn't start till tomorrow. Oh, I should have told you earlier today so you would have more time to pack." Her mother mumbled to herself, "What are you waiting for, go pack darling." The Queen beamed, waving her daughter off.

Leanna nodded, biting her lip to swallow the sigh, she smiled before she left the room, slouching and sighing, running a hand through her hair. She glanced out of the window watching the bird lift off their branches into the bright blue sky that was filled with wisps of white puffy clouds. She wished that she could join them, spreading her wings and fly away from the life as a princess. Despite being a fairy she knew that she could never escape her life so foolish thoughts like that should never happen or occur in her mind.

She opened the door to her room, she hated how big it was, even though she had taken the time to paint the room a lovely homey creamy tan color it still seemed too big. There was a balcony overlooking the gardens and the perfect place to watch the sunset. Leanna sighed, snapping her fingers as two suitcases appeared on her bed, she had never seen the need to overpack. She walked to her closet, half of it had been turned into a small library while the other half consisted of her clothes.

She grabbed a few flowy shirts like the one she was wearing and folded them into the bigger suitcase, she sighed it would take a while to pack but not as long as it would take for her mother, who spent hours deciding on what to wear each day when going away on a trip. In total, she grabbed a few t-shirts, some tank tops, sweaters, soft skinny jeans, shorts, short shorts, some sandals, boots, and a few converses. She also grabbed her jewelry box, some pictures, her camera, laptop, chargers, hair brush, hair ties, and sketch books for her second suitcase.

Leanna collapsed on the bed, her suitcases zipped and closed beside her door, she would take them down in the morning, she clicked her tongue, licking her teeth, pursed her lips and stared at the ceiling. Sometimes getting lost in her thoughts just helped the time to pass, she knew that her mom would have a guard by her room to report if she tried to sneak out again to the forest near the palace, and that she was being on house lockdown until tomorrow since her mother had told her to pack her suitcases.

She turned over in bed, the thought process of her mother would be like traveling in a maze, long and tiresome, but there was no prize to be won, nothing had changed. Sometimes she felt her brain was like a maze, nobody dared to explore it because once it, it was hard for them to escape the maze that was filled with twists and turns and dead ends. She shook her head, the mere thought of going down that road again was exhausting and was only in her head so it never was said out loud. Even though she despised the whole ordeal, she would never purposely hurt her mother like that.

Not like her brother had, Brandon had been the same age as her, but yet he had walked out two years ago and they rarely heard from him, he had been on a mad search for their father. Even though Leanna was curious about him, she would never abandon her mother or her birthright. Now the only way she could even know what he was up to was the tabloids of him with a different girl at some dance club in Magix, despite his player attitude that had become of him girls still fawned over him, literally bowing at his feet or fainting when he shot them a smile. He even had managed to appeal to parents, that had been a miracle, because the parents clearly didn't believe the tabloids.

Even though people adored him, Brandon had still abandoned his mom, his birthright, and even her. He probably wouldn't even care if she fell out of a window or if Solaria was turned to a barren landscape, he never had. His determination to find their father would permanently divide them, despite being twins, she hoped that he hadn't charmed his way into Red Fountain, that would be bad. If there was anything more she despised being treated like she would become a rebel like her mom had, she despised confrontation, she doesn't want anything to do with Brandon.

He decided to be out of her life when they were fourteen, she would be damned if she let him back in again. Leanna brushed away a lone tear that had fallen from her eyes, her brother wasn't even close to finding their father, not with his actions as of yet that only drew more attention to him. He probably never left to find their father, just to become who he was now and maybe who he had always been. Brandon had been a good liar, someone who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

Leanna sat up, running a hand through her hair, frustrated that she had let the jerk enter her thoughts once again. She slung her legs over the side of the bed, eyeing her shoes she had pushed off earlier, the idea of walking out again, or sneaking out entering her mind before she dismissed it. She stood, walking to her closet to read, something, anything that would stop these bothersome thoughts.

Her hands scanned her bookshelf of her favorite books, running her hands over each hardcover, before she picked out one, her favorite book. Cinder her mother had bought it for her from Earth before he left, she frowned slightly before shaking her head, pulling the book off its place on the shelf, she had another copy in her suitcase, one she had copied with a spell to take the series with her.

She settled herself into her chair, a chair she had called, 'her reading chair' allowing herself to be lost in the book, placing the bookmark on the small table next to the chair. She slouched in her chair, feeling content and her brain felt like a blank canvas, ready to paint the words to life.

Brandon had never liked to be followed around by those irritable photographers and nosey journalists. He enjoyed the silence of the street he was walking by, the ladies fawning over him had been fun even though he didn't set out to do that, but that fun soon ran dry, because it was obvious as day that they were desperate for him, for the crown they had thought he had. His mom hadn't publicly announced him giving up his title as crown prince, only that his sister would become crown princess.

It had been two years since he last saw Leanna, when he decided to leave, he remembered it like it was yesterday. It was heartbreaking, they had always talked about finding their father and for Leanna to go back on her word brought a whole word of pain, she had given him all of the cards their mom had supplied her with before she shut him out and he was left on his own to sneak out and go to Magix.

He glanced around the corner, watching as a guard walked past his sister's door, before he crept along the hallway, opening the door slightly and closing it. He hadn't told her that he wanted to meet with her earlier since he had been busy in training to be a prince and eventually king. His sister looked at him with tired eyes, drowsy from just waking up, he bit back a chuckle, she had always been an easy awoken sleeper, why she had never had the maids have a problem waking her up.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered, in the darkness as he crept to the bed, climbing up, she glanced at the clock that read '2:15 am' and looked back at him with an annoyed brightness in her eyes, "It's late Brandon, can't we talk about this in the morning?" She asked, falling back into the pillows, she bit her lip as he shook his head, "Ok, so why are you here again? Did you have another nightmare?" She said teasingly and he glared at her, causing her to giggle.

Brandon rolled his eyes, "Do you remember that conversation we had last week, about finding our father?" He asked, watching as the smile fell off his sister's face and she looked at him, her eyes held curiosity but also something else he couldn't describe, "I'm so close to finding him, I think that if we go to Magix we might be able to get a blood test and find him. I found the guy who can help us find him." He said, his eyes showing excitement as Leanna sighed.

She sat on her knees, biting her lip, as if she was thinking about to what to say, choosing her words carefully, "How long will we be gone?" She asked and he frowned, shaking his head and looking at the ceiling before shrugging as if to say 'What does it matter?' She averted her gaze to her comforter, tracing the designs in the blanket, "Brandon I'm sorry, we can't just leave mom." She said softly.

Brandon clenched his jaw, hardening his eyes, "You said you wanted to find dad, you gave your word." He said, pointing a finger at her and she flinched, tears welling up in her eyes that he didn't notice, "Now I am so close to finding him and your backing out." He said, remembering that they were supposed to be asleep right now and the guards marching the hallways.

Leanna shook her head, looking up at him, she reached for his hand and he shook her off, causing her to flinch, "Brandon, we can't leave mom, we can't just abandon our birthright, you are the crown prince, everyone knows that. We can't just abandon our kingdom for our own selfish desires." She said and Brandon got off the bed.

His eyes danced dangerously and his fists were clenched at his sides, why would his sister go back on her word like this? He was so damn close to finding their father. "I can't believe you." His voice rose a pitch as he paced the floor, "I want to leave tonight, you are either coming with me or staying, I don't care either way." He said lowly, definite anger in his voice.

Leanna sighed getting off the bed and picking up her wallet from the dresser, her looked hopeful for a moment before she shoved them in her hands, "I'm sorry Brandon but I can't leave mom, she will be crushed if you leave. Please stay here, we can find father from here maybe." She trailed off, but he glared at her, towering over her for a moment and a tear slid out of her eye, knowing she failed to convince him to stay.

Brandon glared, "You're a coward Leanna." He spat and more tears fell from her eyes as she held a hand to her mouth, "You will regret this, and I won't help you when you want to find father. I could care less what mom thinks right now." He said, walking to the door, shutting it behind him and walking down the hallway, not noticing how his sister had collapsed in heaps of sobs.

Brandon kicked a rock out of his way as he walked, hands stuffed in his pockets, he was walking down a quiet street and the sun was already going down so the street lights were illuminating every nook and cranny of the road. He turned onto a main road, smirking as he watched a fan of girls scream and point at him, one girl with dark brown hair, pale skin, and gray eyes puckered her lips and walked over to him.

She had on a revealing tank top that showed her bra, and short shorts that barely covered her butt, and she walked with a swing of her hips, not caring about the girls glaring at her head, she was cocky. She lowered her sunglasses, taking him in, twirling a hair around her finger, "So your Brandon, right? I'm Bethany." She said, her voice had a high pitch to it as she walked next to him, he was still taller than her in her high heels.

He smirked, "Why don't you and me hit the town, Bethany?" He asked, already knowing she would agree, she giggled, wrapping an arm around his arm and winking suggestively at him and leaned into his ear, puckering her lips again as she smirked back at him with the same cockiness that all of the sluts always had.

"I thought you would never ask." She said dramatically as she led him down the sidewalk and he saw a few flashes, and she winked at the photographers, causing them to go pink and her smirk widened and she leaned into Brandon as if challenging some other slut to take him from her, this was going to be a catfight if she could help it, especially over this guy who was hot as hell.

Leanna glanced up from her book as she heard the maid tap on the door, opening it enough to poke her head in, she placed the book on the table as the maid fully opened the door, "Dinner is ready your highness." She said with a small curtsy and Leanna stood, stretching the muscles that had grown sore from sitting in one position for so long, she pursed her lips, twirling her ring around on her finger as she walked to the door.

"Thank you" She said softly passing the maid, hearing the maid follow her shortly after she left the closet, she opened the door leading into the hallway and walked down the corridor, she glanced at the painting on the wall. A beautiful painting done by a famous painter from a small town in Solaria, it was painted on her fourteenth birthday, she had been surprised when her mother still hadn't taken it down, proving that if he chooses to come back that she would welcome him back with open arms.

Leanna sighed, she remembered the days before her brother left, she had been like her mom used to be when she was younger, bright and cheerful, but her brother abandoning her had broken her heart and she instead became who she was now. A girl that is self-conscious and shy, afraid to disappoint everyone and never sticking up for herself when someone had taunted her. Her brother had accused her of going back on her word but he had broken a promise that he had made to her when they were both eight.

Leanna rolled along the field of grass, smiling happily, as she joined Brandon near the riverbank, he had his knees brought up to his chest and glanced up at her when she sat down, he had dirty blonde hair, sun-kissed tan skin and chocolate colored brown eyes, he smiled showing his dimples and patted the seat next to him, "Was that so bad?" He said teasingly and she playfully nudged him.

Leanna pouted at him, crossing her arms, and turning her body away from him with a 'hmph' and he playfully frowned, tickling her sides, causing her to laugh, "Stop!" She screamed and fell down on her back as he continued to tickle her sides, "Ok it wasn't so bad." She caved as he stopped grinning as if he was proud of himself, she rolled her eyes at him, looking up to the sun, "Do you think we'll be friends forever?" She asked, turning to him as he did the same.

He smiled, "Of course we will." He said, "Why do you ask? Are you already regretting being my friend?" He asked playfully and she smiled throwing her arms around him, "Ok, I get it, I'm that awesome." He said and she rolled her eyes at his big ego.

"Don't get a big ego Brandon." She said rolling her eyes and he smiled in return, "Do you promise that we will never abandon each other?" She asked, sitting up on her knees, pressing her bare knees into the dirt.

Brandon copied her actions, "I promise sis, I bet I can beat you back to the palace." He said darting off to the courtyard and she pouted, standing and throwing her arms up in mocking frustration but giggled anyways, chasing after him.

Leanna frowned at the memory, walking into the dining room, and taking the seat beside her mom, her mom threw her a look, telling her she was late and she sighed in return, today had been odd, first she finds out she is following in her mom's footsteps and going to Alfea, then she takes a trip down memory lane by remembering the time she had spent with Brandon when they were kids.

She faintly wandered why her mom had left that picture up, she knew that Brandon would never come back, hanging onto that hope was like hanging from a rope and below is one hundred foot drop, but with each day that passes, you slid further down the rope, it was insanity to even think that Brandon would ever come back, he would have a lot of kissing butt to do before her mom would let him in, or back into the royal family.

Her mom had already said that even if her did come back, which as she thought, highly unlikely, he would not ever become crown prince again, and just because her mom would let him back in, would not mean that she would ever let him back in. He already ruined their friendship and sibling bond when he left.

Leanna glanced up at the tall tower, a sad feeling crept up her stomach reminding her that this was not where she wanted to be, staying here would be like staying in a stranger's home. She sighed walking through the purple butterfly gates that had been dropped to welcome the students, the courtyard was even more beautiful than her mom had described it. The green grass was sparkling under the bright sun, pathways made of smoothed down sand passing benches, and leading to the center of the courtyard where a purple gleaming well was set. The sky was bright blue with wisps of white puffy clouds casting some shade over the bright pink and blue castle.

She saw a woman standing there, she was wearing a simple light blue skirt with a slight ruffle, a light blue shirt with ruffles underneath a darker blue jacket like business coat that had a pink belt that settled at her hips and her heels were dark blue with a pink bow. The woman had blonde hair, a shade lighter than Leanna's mom, pale skin, and brown eyes but she was not Mrs. Griselda.

Leanna remembered the tales she had heard of the famous Mrs. Griselda and momentarily wondered where the woman was, she glanced around, perhaps the woman didn't teach at Alfea anymore, her mom would love to hear that in her own dramatic way. She stepped in line behind another freshmen, clenching her suitcases tightly, she felt nervous and she bit her lip.

"Name." The woman stated, she had a clipboard in one hand and a blue bell cap pen in the other hand, she wasn't that tall and didn't seem to tower over many of the students, the others were taller than she was. Leanna started to twist the ring of Solaria around on her finger, her mother had given the ring to her when she turned twelve and was old enough to learn how the ring worked.

She felt heat gather in her cheeks at the woman's stare that seemed to burn through her, "Princess Leanna of Solaria." She said softly, almost inaudibly, recognition flashed through the woman's eyes before she scanned the list. Leanna sighed, looking away, she knew that if this woman recognized her title, then that meant that she recognized her mom and would assume, like everyone else, that she was just like her.

The woman nodded with a small uplift of her pink lips and Leanna began to walk away, "Welcome to Alfea, Leanna." The woman said before averting her eyes to the next student in line. Leanna nodded and started to a bench near the front doors of the Alfea castle, she twirled the ring around her finger and sighed watching the other girls interact with each other, automatically clicking as best friends and wished that she could do the same without her title haunting her.

'This is definitely the warm Welcome to Alfea that mom told me about.' She thought sarcastically as she balanced her chin on the palm of her hand, noticing the big banners hung from tower to tower and dorm room to dorm room, all of them screaming in big dark blue letters, 'Welcome to Alfea.'