Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto, High School DxD and other elements that came from other anime/manga.

The Maelstrom of Black Lightning

By: HeartlessAngel06


This is not my story but another author whose pen name in fanfiction is Kirisakichii for some reason all of his stories are now gone and his ID is now unauthorized user…

I'm reuploading his story The Maelstrom of Black Lightning due to the fact it is a good one and I don't like that some people will never read this fic.

To make this clear I'm not going continue his story. I'm merely reuploading it. So don't ask for updates if anyone will continue this story then be my guest

Jay3000: I read this and decided to continue the story but I will make some changes mostly to the members of Naruto's team to suit my style and don't worry I won't bash anybody. I will only be using the first three chapters of the story so I want to ask the question. Do you want me to write it yes or no since I can't ask the original author, I decided to ask you the reader. There is a poll on my profile for you to vote if you want me to write it or not, it's all up to you. poll closes on 30th of September

Chapter 1 A legend is born

The Underworld was very different from what most humans believed. When they heard the word Underworld, many would instantly think of a dark place where fire and lava blazing everywhere and the vilest creatures reside in. Therefore, many would be surprised when the Underworld was nothing like the description instead was very similar to Earth with exceptions of few things. In here, the skies are purple, the clouds are dark and the lands are more spacious since there are no oceans.

But humans were correct in one thinking. The Underworld was homes to Devils, a dark race that was greatly misunderstood and believed to be nothing more than evil and soul eating beings. This was just another misconception since Devils were like regular humans with bat wings and have different kinds of abilities that could be used for either good or bad things. Devils have enhanced physical abilities and live for thousands of years and retain a youthful appearance. This made them near perfect beings.

The Devils' most notable families are the Pure blood families of 72 pillars as they were the owners of most lands in the Underworld. The Devils' greatest enemies were Angels of Heaven and Fallen Angels, angels that fallen from grace of the Biblical God which created a new race of supernatural beings. These three races were known as The Three Factions. They warred against one another under the leadership of the Biblical God, the Four Great Satans and Grigori, the organization of Fallen Angels led by Azazel, which later known as the Great War.

The war eventually ended, but not without heavy casualties. Thousands of Angels and Devils died along with only hundreds of Fallen Angels. This left the Three Factions in heavy state of conflict. So while there was no peace between them, outright battles did not occur either.

Many years later and after the death of the Four Satans, the Underworld fell into civil war with the families of the Satans wanting to continue the Great War while on the other side were the remaining families of the 72 pillars that had been reduced to now just 34 and wanting peace. The conflict lasted almost a decade until four devils from different families stood together and eventually pushed back the Old Satan Faction and secured the war in favor of Anti-Satan Faction.

They were Sirzechs Gremory, Ajuka Astaroth, Falbium Glasya-Labolas and Serafall Sitri.

Though young, each of them boasted incredible raw power that could decimate an entire country within seconds. Each of them has their own skill sets and specialties. Individually they were powerful but together, they were on another level.

The Civil War taken it's toll on each side but eventually, the Anti-Satan Faction prevailed with the deaths of most of their leaders. With this, Old Faction retreated and hid while the Underworld quickly changed under the new management. The four heroes of the Civil War took up the mantle of the Old Satans and became the new ones. Being the leader of the four, Sirzechs took the Lucifer mantle while Ajuka took Beelzebub, Falbium took Asmodeus and finally Serafall taking Leviathan.

Then sometime later, Ajuka created the Evil Piece System. His solution on Underworld's declining population.

With few Pure Bloods left and more than half of the 72 pillars were now extinct, they need to repopulate the Underworld. And it led to the Evil Piece System, a system that allows humans and other creatures to be reincarnated into devils. Many of the remaining Pure Bloods have some feelings about this because they believed that a devil whose blood that wasn't pure weren't true devils. But as the time passed by, they learned to accept the fact that they need to repopulate their kind. And as the years goes, the Underworld was in peace and being rebuilt slowly.

Two Hundred Years Later

Lilith, the current capital of Satan territory was one of the most active cities in the Underworld. Like the Human World, it resembled a normal place ; filled with houses, parks, establishments and inhabitants. But for the particular House this was a special day. A day would mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

"Kushi-chan, look at him. He's beautiful, isn't it?" A man in his thirties wearing a dark blue long sleeves and a pair of black pants asked as he held the small baby boy in his arms. He stood at an impressive height of 6'3 and has a lean but muscular build. He has shoulder length golden blond hair that was arranged in a mess of spikes pointing in all directions. He has jaw-length bangs framing either side of his face and has cerulean blue eyes.

This man is none other than Minato Paimon, the current Lord of the House of Paimon, one of the remaining 34 pillars.

The child in his arms was beautiful in its own right. He had a naturally tan skin like he was born under the sun. And he has three whisker-like birthmarks on each cheeks. He has small mop golden blond hair just like his father. As he opened his eyes, you can see that he also inherited his father's bright cerulean blue eyes.

The mother of this boy was currently lying on the bed, still weak from the childbirth. Her skin was pale as the ghost and sweating heavily. Her breaths were short and weak. She had a beautiful long red hair that spreads in the bed. She has a fair skin, round shaped face and has violet eyes but now were dull because of her condition.

This woman is none other than Kushina Paimon, formerly known as Uzumaki Kushina. Minato's Queen in his peerage and his wife.

Her current condition was the result of her illness and childbirth. Few months ago, when the couple learned that they were expecting a child, they had an argument of whether to abort the child because due to her illness, her body can't take the strain of childbirth or to give birth of the said child but at the cost of her life. After long heated talks, Kushina convinced Minato not to abort the child since she's dying because of her illness anyway. She repeatedly said to him that "I'll die later anyway, the only difference is when will it be. So it's better this way, even when I'm gone, there will be a piece of me that will remain in this world and that will be our child." Minato was convinced by her wife about her and their child's fate. He was prepared for the worst to happen to his newly completed family. Kushina even joked that, "Now you have an heir to the House that we've been waiting for so long."

Now back to the current situation.

"Hey Minato-kun, stop hogging our son. Let me hold him." Kushina said weakly as she watched her husband interact with their son. That seemed to have snapped him out from his own world. Turning towards his wife, he carefully handed their son as he muttered an apology.

"It's okay. I know that you want to hold him as much as I do." Kushina replied softly as he holds their son lovingly in her arms. "Oh, look at him. He looks just like you. He'll gonna be a lady killer just like you when he'll grow up. I wish I'll be there for him so that I could beat up his fan-girls with a stick." She muttered sadly as she's now crying softly. The mere thought that she will not be there for his son hurt her.

On the other hand, Minato was trying his best as tears were trying to escape in his eyes. He looked at his family, he kept wondering why had to be like this? His son was born healthy. But his wife's condition was getting worse. He sat at the side of the bed, put his hand on Kushina's shoulder as he looked at her and their son tearfully.

"Are you alright, Minato-kun?" Kushina asked as she slowly turned her gaze away from their son towards her silent husband.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just that, now that we're a complete family, this happens." Minato muttered sadly. Now, he's crying while holding his wife's shoulder firmly and caressed Kushina's cheeks.

"I know, but I'm happy that I've seen our son even it's just few minutes." She replied with a teary sad smile. They knew this will happen but it hurts them both that their son will grow up without his mother.

"So, what are we going to name him?" Minato asked softly.

Kushina hummed softly as she looked to their son before her eyes lit up. "I know, he'll be named Naruto." She said softly as she waited for his reply. She knew that she only had a little time in this world because her body was weakening.

Minato looked at his wife as he chuckled a bit. "Fishcake? Kushi-chan, I know that you love ramen but are you seriously gonna name our son after a ramen topping?"

"Hey! It's not fishcake you know. It's Maelstrom." Kushina huffed weakly. She's starting to feel that her life was slowly slipping away.

Minato looked at his wife worriedly as he saw that her condition was just getting worse. As he thought a bit about their son's name, his lips twitched a bit before turned into a smile. "Maelstrom huh? It suits for a strong boy. Hm, Naruto Paimon. I like it."

Kushina smiled as she watched their son in her arms. As if knowing that about her mother's situation and they were talking about him, he opened his eyes, and scanned the room. As his eyes landed on his mother, he started to squirm and cry as if he wanted to stay close to his mother as possible. The couple watch their son for a few seconds before started crying too.

"I guess he knows that you're leaving him. He wanted you to hold him close with your remaining time." Minato smiled sadly as he watched his wife hold their son more closely and humming a lullaby. Knowing that her mother was close, Naruto stop crying and now asleep.

After a few minutes, Kushina started coughing. Her breath became more shallow and weak. Seeing this, Minato stayed on her side comforting her until her last moments.

"Hey Minato-kun, can you promise me something?" Kushina muttered weakly as she caressed Naruto's face. She knew that her heart will stop beating at any moment. Knowing this, she quickly thought about the things she wanted to say to his husband.

"What is it, Kushi-chan?" Her husband whispered softly as he doesn't want Naruto to be waken up. He knew that Kushina's time was near. He didn't want to add strain on her body anymore than this.

"I want you to promise me that you'll love our son unconditionally. I will not be there for him so please fill in my part. Raise him to be a respectable and humble man. And give him the notes that I wrote about my rune magic as it's the only thing that I can give to help him in his struggles. Teach him that power is not everything. And lastly, tell him that I didn't regret giving birth to him. I love you both, always remember that."

As she finished saying what she wanted, her heartbeat and breathing slowed until it finally stopped.

After he heard her last words, he looked at her wife. Still holding Naruto lovingly with a peaceful smile in her face. He couldn't help to smile as he saw Kushina's satisfied and happy face. He kept his smile until he couldn't hold his feelings back anymore. Feelings broke like a dam and cried silently on her side. Mourning that the love of her life was gone. But it was interrupted by his son's cries. As he moved close to him, Naruto stop crying and stared at his father's eyes. After a few seconds, he broke into a fit of giggles and start clapping his small hands. Seeing this, Minato smiled as he thought that his son was cheering him up and didn't want him to wallow himself in sorrow. He scooped and hold him lovingly as he looked at his late wife.

"That's right, you didn't want to see me like this. Don't worry, I'll fulfill my promise and role as a father. I love you Kushina and always will, may your soul rest in peace." Minato muttered softly as he continued to looked at Kushina's peaceful expression.

At that moment, Minato made an oath to himself.

From this day, he would make sure that Naruto would be happy and safe. Knowing that he'll grow up without a mother, he would raise him with as much love as he could.

After all, nothing else in this world is greater than an unconditional love of a parent.