Author's Note: This is a story I've been writing for a while now and I am sad to say that I probably won't have time to finish it since I just started college and my classes are going to need my full attention. I am pleading for other authors to take my story and finish it. It would mean a great deal for me for someone to finish this story since it has so much potential to be a great read. PM if you are interested to take my story and finish it. I will select the author who I feel has the better idea on how to continue the story. And thank you for taking the time to read and review the story I have already written thus far. I am not much of a writer and apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors. I do not own any of these characters, I am just a big fan of "The Loud House". I'd like to thank Chris Savino for making an awesome show and I can't wait for more awesome episodes.

Ever since Lincoln started secretly dating Ronnie Anne, he's been happier than he ever has been in his entire life. To him, dating Ronnie Anne was better than reading comics in his underwear and that's saying something. If he could, he would go back in time and relive the moment where he first kissed Ronnie at Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet. Well technically he first kissed Ronnie before that but it didn't end up so well. He can still feel the pain from the black eye his now girlfriend gave him when he pulled that stunt. Nonetheless, he still considers his kiss with her at the restaurant their first real kiss. Lincoln never thought he would end up being in a serious relationship with his bully. How could he fall for someone who was always rude to him and harassed and picked on him on a daily basis? To Lincoln this was still a mystery, but in the end it didn't matter to him. What mattered to him was that he likes Ronnie Anne and Ronnie Anne likes him back.

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne have been secretly dating for five months now. Lincoln didn't tell his sisters about his relationship till after of month of being together. He figured to wait to tell them because he was afraid of all the squealing and embarrassing questions his sister's would ask him. And he was right to be scared. The day he told them about him and Ronnie Anne, was the day he made a huge mistake.


"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" the Loud sister's screamed in unison.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Lori asked with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Yeah Linc! What gives?!" Lynn added.

"Yeah bro, it's wrong to keep this stuff away from your loving sisters," Luna commented.

"Guys! I'm sorry! It's just that you all can get a little out of control when I tell you about…"

"What do you mean we can get a little out of control?!" Lola shouted while grabbing Lincoln by his shirt and pulling him down to her eye level.

"See! This is what I mean!" Lincoln sassed back as he brushed Lola's hands away from his shirt. "You all are crazy when it comes to m-m-my" Lincoln stuttered.

"Your what?" Leni asked confusingly.

"M-m-my... love life," he whispered with a bright shade of red on his face.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" the Loud sister's screamed again.

"Oh dear God no! Why did I say that?" Lincoln asked in dismay.

"You love her, don't you Lincoln?" Lucy teased with a hint of glee in her monotone voice.

"What?! No!" Lincoln shouted, still red in the face.

"So Lincoln, when's the wedding?" Lana questioned.

"Shut up Lana!" Lincoln screamed.

"Oh I can't wait for yours and Ronnie Anne's wedding! I will be Ronnie's maid of honor and Bobby will be your best man!" Lori squealed.

"Guys! I don't want to marry Ronnie Anne! Or at least not yet!" the white haired boy barked.

"Oh so you are gonna marry her, just not yet!" Luan laughed.

"Wait! What I mean is I don't know if I'm going to marry her!" Lincoln sighed angrily.

"Correction, you do want to marry her but you just don't want to admit you do," Lisa remarked.

"Ugh! I knew I should have never told you about my relationship!" Lincoln furiously said as he marched to his room while everyone was still laughing and making jokes.


After that horrible and embarrassing day, Lincoln's sisters would tease him every now and then with his relationship with Ronnie Anne, but as time passed the teasing soon stopped. Luckily for Ronnie Anne, the only teasing she got was from her brother, Bobby. Even at that, Bobby wasn't the type of guy to constantly tease his little sister like Lincoln's sisters teased him. As a matter of fact, Bobby supported her relationship with Lincoln. When Ronnie told Bobby about her relationship with Lincoln, he was genuinely happy for her. He also told her that if Lincoln ever disrespects her or hurts her in any way, that to tell him. It was obvious that Bobby cared deeply for his sister. If anyone ever hurt her or made her cry, Bobby would make sure the person who did that to her would know what real fear and pain is. Ronnie Anne reassured him that Lincoln was a great kid. She even told Bobby that if Lincoln ever breaks her heart, she would break every single bone in his body.

Other than Bobby, Lincoln's sisters, and Clyde, no one else knew about Lincoln and Ronnie Anne's relationship. They both decided to keep their relationship private in school so other students wouldn't tease them about one another. However, that didn't stop them from still seeing each other. The love birds would still secretly meet in the hallways when everyone was in class, they'd sometimes have lunch together under the school's bleachers while everyone else was eating in the cafeteria, and they would even pass each other pieces of paper with cute messages inside them when passing each other in the crowded hallways. After months of keeping their relationship a secret, Lincoln decided it was time to let the whole school know about him and Ronnie Anne being a couple. He was tired of these secret meetings and constant avoiding of one another. He didn't care about the teasing he might endure, all he cared about was Ronnie Anne.

Today was Lincoln and Ronnie Anne's sixth month anniversary. Lincoln decided what better time to let Ronnie Anne know about making their relationship public than today. He made sure to take a good, thorough shower, he brushed his teeth twice and used mouthwash, and he even put on some of his dad's "date night" cologne. Lincoln was glowing with confidence, he felt invincible, and he knew nothing could go wrong today.

"Today's the day, Clyde," Lincoln said with a huge smile on his face as him and his best friend were walking to school.

"Gee Lincoln, are you sure this is a good idea?" Clyde nervously asked.

"I know it's a good idea. Ronnie Anne and I have been together for six months! And once I give her these," Lincoln waved around a bouquet of roses in front of Clyde's face, "she'll practically be head over heels for me and let the whole world know that I am her man," Lincoln said with a cocky grin.

"I don't know Lincoln, Ronnie Anne has a reputation of being the toughest girl in school. I doubt she'll let a few roses and sweet words tarnish that," Clyde commented.

"Nonsense Clyde, I know Ronnie Anne and I know she will give up that scary, fierce façade when I show my true feelings in front of everyone." Lincoln refuted.

"Okay man, I believe you. I'm just worried for you, Lincoln," Clyde commented with a sad look on his face.

"Don't be Clyde, I know what I am doing. But I do appreciate you worrying about me." Lincoln sincerely said. "Best friends?" Lincoln asked as he picked up his arm and made a fist.

"Best friends," Clyde answered with a smile while doing the same thing and bumped fists with Lincoln.

"Alright, we're here. Time to make my big move," Lincoln slowly breathed out as he approached the school.

"Go get her lover boy," Clyde teased as he elbowed Lincoln in the chest playfully.

Lincoln laughed, "Alright, see you at lunch Clyde!" Lincoln ran inside to go find the girl who he was so smitten by.

"Good luck, Lincoln," Clyde whispered.

It was still early and kids were in the hallways talking with their friends and getting stuff from their lockers before class would start. Lincoln was speed walking and looking everywhere for his girlfriend. He kept searching and searching until he finally saw her at her locker getting her books. His heart sped up and Lincoln was nervously sweating. He gulped and slowly approached her.

"H-h-hey R-r-ronnie Anne," Lincoln stuttered.

Ronnie Anne turned around and saw her boyfriend all sweaty and shaking. "What are you doing, Lincoln… I mean Lame-o?" Ronnie Anne asked all surprised.

Lincoln managed to get back some of his confidence. "Happy sixth month anniversary, babe," Lincoln told her with still a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Lincoln! What are you doing?! Don't you see that people are here?!" Ronnie whispered angrily to him.

At this point, students stared in their direction and started to approach them. Whispers can be heard all around and soon a mob of students were circled around them.

"What's that Loud kid think he's doing?" a student asked.

"Why is Ronnie talking to that loser?" another student questioned.

"Is Lincoln finally standing up for himself? Are they gonna fight?" someone shouted

"My money is on Ronnie Anne," another person added.

Ronnie Anne was starting feel nervous. The attention her and Lincoln were getting was making her feel uneasy.

"Here, I got these for you," Lincoln handed her the roses and gave her a wide smile, also trying to hide away his uneasiness.

Ronnie was now noticeably blushing. She was having all these mixed feelings right now. She didn't know how to respond. A part of her wanted to hug and kiss her boyfriend but another part of her wanted to punch his teeth out.

"OMG did he really just give Ronnie roses," some girl scoffed.

"Oh looks like someone is in love!" a boy shouted.

"Ronnie and Lincoln sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," some students started to chant.

Surprisingly Lincoln was a little unfazed by all of this. He remained calm and kept a smile on his face. Ronnie on the other hand was a different story. Ronnie was now sweating bullets. She felt like her heart was going to pop out her chest. Her breathing started to be heavier. She had the look of nervousness plastered on her face. She had all these thoughts going through her head. She finally took one deep breath and gained back her composure.

"What are you doing Lame-o?!" Ronnie Anne shouted at Lincoln. "You think giving me lame gifts is going to stop me from messing with you?!" She laughed at Lincoln.

"Ronnie..." Lincoln whispered with sadness.

"Well you know what Loud?! This is what I think of your stupid gift!" and with that Ronnie Ann tore in half Lincoln's roses along with his heart.

Lincoln's eyes were now watery. Everyone was now laughing and pointing fingers at him. Lincoln looked around the crowd. He was the biggest laughing stock of the whole school. He gave one last angry, hurtful glare at Ronnie Anne before he ran as far as he could away from everyone.

"Lincoln…wait…" Ronnie Anne called out as he left, but the laughter from the crowd of students was the only thing that could be heard.

"What have I done?" Ronnie Anne whispered as she looked down at the floor, feeling extremely disappointed and angry at herself.