"Here," the green-eyed stranger who introduced himself as Harry said as he placed the cup of hot chocolate on the marble table. Tsuna admits that he was shivering and that his body was in need of something warm to warm himself, and so he picks up the cup and take a tentative sip.

Immediately, he can feel the hot chocolate performing magic inside of him, and now, it wasn't as cold as before. He then take a couple more gulps. Harry smiled at the sight and went to grab few clean clothes for Tsuna to change into later.

Tsuna stared after Harry's back, watching warily of what he was doing. Once Harry ascended up the stairs, he then released his breath that he had been holding in unconsciously.

Using this chance, Tsuna looked at his surroundings, taking in every detail of the room. The house itself was spacious and clean and overall, it was a nice place to live in. He glanced at the door; the door was his only chance to escape from here. And right now, he must decide whether or not he should stay and run away.

But honestly, if he'd run away, where would he hide? He couldn't possibly return to his home since he just had a major argument with his father, and if he'd escape, he would probably chose to live on the streets, like the park for instance.

He sighed; his head hurts too much from all this thinking, not to say that the stress from earlier had accumulated and it was now taking its toll on his frail body. His body shivered involuntarily at this moment and so he tugged his wet clothes closer to his body, hugging himself as well, trying to keep himself warm.

He blew a hot breath over his hands and rubbed them together several times. Resting his head on his knees, Tsuna suddenly feels that his eyelids were heavy, and he found himself having trouble to open them.

He kept closing them then reopening them, trying his hardest to stay awake; he still needs to make a decision on what his plan should be. But... no matter how hard he struggle, he can feel that his body was close to shutting down.

And just like that, Tsuna feel asleep and his body went limp. His body swayed sideways and was close to tumble down the couch, close to hitting his head, but thankfully, Harry arrived there on time and caught the brunette.

Harry sighed in relief, and to make sure, he search Tsuna's head for any wounds and was relieved that he found none. "Poor kid," he muttered and proceeded to carry Tsuna upstairs bridal style.

He reached his destination, which was the bathroom. Since Tsuna probably was under the rain for a long span of time, a hot bath will be necessary to warm him up and this way, it can be ensured that Tsuna wouldn't suffer a cold or any sicknesses for that matter.

Harry quickly peeled Tsuna's wet clothes off his body, making sure to not glance anywhere inappropriate and hastily grabbed a towel, covering Tsuna's private part. And due to that, the knot Harry created was loose, but it still manage to do its job.

Seeing as the tub was full of lukewarm water, Harry turned off the water and carried Tsuna into the tub. To be considerate, Harry didn't help Tsuna wash his skin for fear that Tsuna would dislike a stranger touching his body, so Harry decided to at least wash his hair. Tsuna wouldn't mind if it was his hair, right?

Harry rolled up his sleeves and get to work: first, he squeezed some shampoo onto his hand then using his free hand to pour some water onto Tsuna's hair. He then smeared shampoo all over the hair, and proceeded to knead the scalp gently. The shampoo soon forms many bubbles and once Harry deemed that it was done, he washed off the bubbles.

Harry stand up and went out to grab the clean blankets he had accidentally left downstairs, and at the same time, he let Tsuna soak in the bath for few more minutes, so the water will have a stronger effect on his body.

Finally, after some difficulties, Harry dressed Tsuna up with his clothes and boxer without looking (he had brought out a brand new undergarment for his guest) and carefully carried Tsuna to a guest bed.

"Rest well," Harry said and make sure to cover Tsuna tightly with the warm blanket. "Good night, Tsuna."

"... Sawada Tsunayoshi?" The teacher called out the name for attendance, then marked Tsuna absent. "Then, Suna Hiroki?..."

Mukuro glanced back at where Tsuna would usually sit. And instead of Tsuna sitting there, no one was occupying the seat. He frowned and he felt a pang in his heart. He clutched his shirt, right where his heart was supposed to be.

Somehow, he had an inkling as to why Tsuna was absent... it was his fault, wasn't it?

Guilt. Guilt was eating his heart and it felt suffocating. And suddenly, Mukuro couldn't see the rest of the classroom, everything was dark except himself and Tsuna's seat. And for some reason when he glanced back, he saw Tsuna sitting at his usual seat, waving at Mukuro.

But his figure disappeared in an instant.

Gomen... Tsuna...

Mukuro looks uncomfortable, most likely caused by Tsuna's sudden confession. "Sorry Tsuna, I... don't feel that way about you."

Tsuna's heart dropped, like it was a heavy stone that was tossed into the ocean and just kept sinking to the bottom.

"But can we at least-" Be friends? Friends. That word felt so foreign on his tongue currently. Are they even capable of being friends now? And a small part of him expected Mukuro to reject him and when that prediction came true, it hurts a lot. It was like a million spears all pierced his body at once, relentlessly.

"S-Sorry for wasting your time," Tsuna said quickly and turned back. While he was running away, he prayed that Mukuro will chase him, to tell him that they can indeed be friends. Because being friends will hurt less compared to suddenly becoming strangers. Or will it?

But Mukuro didn't. No words of comfort, no reassurances, nothing. Simply nothing. And nothing was worse than something. This kind of rejection was harder to take if Tsuna was actually rejected straight out because that way, he can at least accept it and move on.

And if Mukuro chose to not do anything, it was as if Tsuna did not matter to him in the least. And that was unbearable, too hard to digest...

Harry feel pained at the sight (for some reason that he himself cannot explain) and wiped away the tears decorating Tsuna's face. And due to this, Tsuna opens his eyes and saw a pair of warm green eyes looking down at him.

His eyes were still wet with tears, thus blurring his vision. But once he cleared his vision, he was able to tell that Harry was the one by his side. Instantly, Tsuna wiped away his tears harshly using his sleeves and sniffed.

He rubbed his eyes hard, making it all red and puffy, and Harry stopped him. "Don't, you'll ruin your eyes."

"...Why would you care?" Tsuna mumbled harshly, looking sideways. The words came out harsher than he wanted to be; he winces inwardly. It was never his intention to have an attitude toward Harry who had been nothing but kind and patient toward him. But he really couldn't help it.

"Because, I just felt obliged to do so." Harry shakes his head, "No, not obliged. I want to help you."

Tsuna stared at Harry in confusion, "You're weird..." he commented, the words just jumped straight out of his mouth. He didn't even think about it. When Harry didn't respond a second later, Tsuna deduced that he offended Harry and was about to apologize, but was interrupted.

"Haha, am I? My friends say that a lot," he scratched the back of his hair.

Tsuna stared at Harry with wonder, "You're the first one I know who thinks that being called weird is a compliment." Instantly, he mentally corrected himself; Harry's not the first. Mukuro was. Thinking about his former best friend, his heart aches again and Harry must have noticed his pain expression because he tried to get the conversation flowing again.

"Well, it is a compliment because being 'weird' is a part of me. I like being weird; I like being unique. Now," Harry stood up, "do you want to come eat breakfast?" He extended a hand.

"Yeah..." And Tsuna grabs onto that hand.

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