AN: Hi! Sorry for posting so late but I've been busy the last few days, getting work cleared and getting ready for my short break time where I will be able to post more. Things will get a little complicated from here on out, so keep up and I hope you enjoy the fourth installment of this story of mine. By the way, this chapter might have some rough words.

The forest rustled as the winds picked up. The evening sun was shining, providing sufficient light for Hiccup to see in the canopy of the trees as he jumped from one tree to another, practicing his footwork and increasing his stamina. As he traversed through the forest, his keen eyes darted around, looking for signs of wildlife. As he leapt off a tree, his eyes caught movement. Immediately, he twisted his body, whipped out his bow and fire 3 precise shots. Unfortunately, only 2 shots hit their mark, but it was still enough to kill whatever was moving.

Hiccup dropped to the ground silently, moving with the gracefulness of a cat, although it was not perfected as of now. Hiccup waded through the bushes and came face to face with a dead boar, killed by yours truly. The 2 months that he had been on this island had been significant. He had grown in many ways during the 2 short months that he had been on this island. Hiccup was now 5'2 with a slightly bulkier build. His face had matured and had become angular. His auburn hair now fell to his shoulders, making him look intimidating to anyone who might come across him. His vest is now modified into a scabbard, which he holds his Sword, Midnight, which holds true to it's name as it shines a dark shade of blue. The metal came directly from Toothless himself as Hiccup seem to be noticing that Toothless seemed to be shedding his scales every once in awhile. By then, Hiccup had already started collecting the scales that Toothless dropped. One day, when Hiccup accidentally dropped one of the scales into the bonfire, after a few hours, Hiccup noticed that the scale started to melt, and when Hiccup took the scale out, it had hardened into some form of metal that is unbreakable by any tools Hiccup knew of, till this day. Thus it was dubbed the Midnight ore by Hiccup, and hence, the sword Midnight was born.

Hiccup's skill with the sword had increased exponentially, thus he decided to add footwork and stamina training into his 'to-do' list. Hiccup could now fly on Toothless with ease and doo trick in the air, but Hiccup feels like he could do a lot more with his smithy skills. Thus he decided it was time to leave the confines of his island and continuing exploring the world.

Astrid was now preparing for what could only be described as the worst moment of her life. She was being wedded to Snotlout in a week's time, and still hated her father for it. Bjorn hofferson, who was standing at the back of the hall, was trying his best to look happy for his daughter, but failed as the glare from Brynhilda hofferson made him look down towards the floor in shame and regret, the moment of realization still fresh in his mind. Although he was sad about his situation with his daughter and wife, he couldn't help but think of the price the Jorgensen's paid for Astrid.

An acre of farmland, jewellery made from silver and gold, and a big fishing boat. Bjorn could safely say that their household was one of the wealthiest on the island now, apart from the Jorgensen's, the Haddock's and the Ingerman's. The Haddock's, as they were the leaders of the island, were the wealthiest, possessing many acres of farmland, along with untold amounts of silver and gold. Next were the Jorgensen's, controlling the seas with their fleet of countless ships, used for war as well as trading, making them one of the richest. Next were the Ingerman, selling bread and everyday necessities.

Bjorn was snapped out of his thoughts as Spitelout stepped forward to hand him the bride price. He received the silver and gold, and signed a contract, sealing the deal, getting his acre of farmland and settling the wedding event. Astrid watched in dismay as her father signed the contract with Spitelout, sealing her fate with Snotface, writhing in disgust as she thought about him. Snotlout, ever since he was engaged to Astrid, had become even more rude, confident, and obnoxious than before, making more than a few people dislike him.

Snotlout constantly berated Hiccup when Stoick was not around, making Hiccup seem worse than he already was. Astrid thought her luck was the worst in the whole archipelago, until she caught Snotlout 2 days before the actual marriage, getting 'Freaky' with another girl which was drunk. The next morning, Astrid confronted Spitelout about the incident. Spitelout frowned at Astrid, not believing that his son would do this kind of thing 2 days before his marriage. Astrid explained to him that she found him while she was out that night and had followed him to a cabin, which she then proceeded to lead Spitelout to, the very same one that Snotlout had "done it" with the girl in. Spitelout stepped in, and sure enough, the heavy smell of musk and semen filled the room. Spitelout, fuming, roared out, "SNOTLOUT, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!"

Snotlout came running down the stairs, followed by the girl he did it with, a trail of clothes behind them. Snotlout paled at the sight of his father, before fuming at seeing Astrid's triumphant face. Snotlout immediately retorted back, "It was her, father. she set me up with this girl, just to get out of the marriage."

Spitelout looked at Astrid for confirmation, to which she shook her head. Spitelout immediately said, "You disappoint me son, I thought I had taught you better than that, I've seen Astrid when she was just a wee little child, she has never lied once in her life, especially to elders, considering I am one."

"For that little stunt you pulled, I am going to make some very big arrangements." Spitelout said.

"Astrid, would you like to lay down some terms of your own before I lay down mine?" Spitelout asked, with an edge to his voice.

Astrid said firmly, "I would like you to teach him a lesson he will never forget, especially if he's going to be wedded to me, and I would also like to adopt a child after he and I are married, I don't want him putting his disgusting tool inside me." Astrid said confidently.

Snotlout looked Shocked beyond belief, but was secretly smiling as his father would never allow these terms to pass. But what he heard next sent his world crashing down.

Spitelout had said, "Right lass, following those terms, I would like to add one more. I will let you be a free woman for 6 more years while I teach this brat how to become a proper man and take proper care of women."

Snotlout looked absolutely horrified while Astrid was practically jumping for joy, excitement of not being wedded to this brat for another 6 years. She profusely thanked Spitelout before heading out, with the biggest smile anyone had seen her wear ever since her father announced that she was being wedded to Snotlout.

She broke the news to her mother, to whom she was hugged tightly by her mother before she smiled slightly at Astrid, saying, "I already knew about you being free, although it was supposed to be only 3 years."

Astrid looked shocked, who would be that good to help her demand for another 3 years of freedom. As she was thinking, her father stepped into her house, causing her head to snap up. She saw her father, with a parchment for the farmland, but saw no silver or gold. She put two and two together and ran forward towards her father, tackling him in a hug and saying thank you over and over again. Bjorn hofferson smiled slightly at this before looking at Brynhilda, to which she responded by giving him a slight smile before walking over to hug him tightly, a few tears coming out. Bjorn relished in this feeling, finally his family was back together, he thought happily

There you go the fourth chapter. Tell me what you think and how I can improve on it. Any suggestions on what you want to come next will also be read and who knows, I may even include into the story. Feedback, as usual, positive and negative, is all welcome. Anyways, that's all for now and stay tuned for more.