Here is another one…

Chapter One: Fallout

As soon as the Ringtown duo entered the Union, Erma stood in front of them, looking angrier than she ever had before,

"Who gave you authority to make an unrequested, unprecedented and unchecked speech?" Erma asked them

"Ranger Leader Spenser Hayate" Lunick replied, "He informed us that the press would likely be in attendance, and if they were to try our hardest to make sure they knew the reason we had been called and to get them to clear off" At this point he looked out of a nearby window, "And look at that, give them a scoop and they disappear"

Erma frowned and walked over to window and looked out, noticing the grass beyond the union was empty for the first time in weeks, blinking several times, she nodded, "It was a good speech"

"Thank you" Solana smiled, "It was well improvised… Now can we meet the team we'll be working with?"

"Indeed" Hastings nodded, "You already know Murph and Aria"

"We do" Lunick and Solana nodded,

"Indeed, well this is Kate, Kellyn and Keith, these three are the ones who defeated Team Dim Sun the first time" Erma introduced, "They are also Top Rangers"

"It's a pleasure" Lunick nodded and Solana waved,

"This is Sven and Wendy, another pair of Top Rangers we have here" Erma introduced,

"People know me as the Flying Ranger!" Wendy told them and they nodded,

"This is Rhythmi, who is our Top Operator, and will act as your operator when on mission" Erma nodded,

"I was briefly stationed in Ringtown, I don't know if you remember" Rhythmi started,

"We remember, you were there for three weeks, then Spenser recommended you'd get better experience at a busier base and you went to Summertown" Solana smiled and Rhythmi nodded,

"Then from Oblivia is Summer and Ben, Top Rangers" Erma introduced,

"Right so we have, Murph, Aria, Kate, Kellyn, Keith, Sven Wendy, Rhythmi, Ben and Summer…" Lunick listed while pointing at each of them,

"Indeed" Erma nodded,

"Got it" Solana smiled,

"So can you brief us on what has happened so far?" Lunick asked,

"I'll do it!" Summer smiled, "Around Six months ago, Team Dim Sun was defeated by the Almia Top Rangers, then three months ago, Dim Sun returned with a vengeance, taking control of Haruba Village, which they are currently using as a base"

"Anyone have a map of Almia?" Solana asked, and Murph rushed off and came back five minutes late and rolled one out on a nearby table, pointing where Haruba Villiage was.

"Ok, what happened next?" Lunick asked,

"Well we were organising a strike against Haruba Village when this weird submarine type thing appeared off the coast of Chicole Village, which is what we believe to be the Go-Rock Squad's Base of operations, as on the beach nearby is where the most of their activity is" Summer told them,

Lunick nodded and Solana frowned, "Didn't something really similar appear near the capture challenge about three months ago?"

"It did… I went on Lapras to look but by the time I got there it had vanished" Lunick frowned.

"We have several times tried to follow or track grunts, but every time we try we get lead into an ambush, and some of the rangers haven't returned" Summer told them, "We have also tied to strike at several areas they control, but been repelled by powerful Admins"

"What do they control?" Solana asked,

"The Ranger School is their secondary base, Kincard one of the admins with Dim Sun took a bunch of grunts there" Erma told them,

"And the Chroma Ruins, that place is crawling with Go-Rock Squad Grunts… and this weird music.." Keith told them,

"Music?" Lunick and Solana shared a glance, "Quad?"

"Defiantly" Solana nodded

"Quad?" Kellyn asked,

"The Go-Rock Squads admins, the Go-Rock Quads, four siblings and children of Gordor, named: Clyde, Garret, Billy and Tiffany" Lunick told them,

"Back when they were targeting Fiore, they were the ones the Grunts reported to, I guess with Gordor reforming the old team, their evolvement wouldn't be a massive surprise" Solana frowned,

"Anything else you think we should know?" Lunick asked and the group shook their heads, "Then we'll start looking over the maps to see what can be done…."

The group nodded and walked out, leaving Lunick, Solana, Aria and Murph alone,

"Mention this to anyone else and you will regret It for the rest of your short life, but it is good to have you here" Aria told them before walking out, leaving three stunned people behind her. After a minute Lunick smirked and shook his head

"So Murph, let's get to work.." Lunick smirked and they looked down at the map….

(The next morning)

The Headlines the next morning made Erma smirk, for once praising the union on bringing in two high profile ranges, they read,

'Legends decent on Almia'

'Ranger Union Speaks Out: Regions Unite!'

However since the briefing, no-one had seen Lunick or Solana, they had vanished and Murph smirked stating they had probably set up camp in the dense trees next to the union, using them as cover.

It was not until midday when the two walked in, both wearing black jackets and hoods, "We've been watching the Ruins, it's the Go-Rock Quads alright" Solana told Aria over lunch,

"Their tune hasn't changed a beat" Lunick added,

"Does their involvement change anything?" Kellyn asked,

"No, we planned for them to be where they are, the only problem I can see is if one of the groups decided to take a shot at the Union" Solana smiled, "Plus we have a surprise in store for them, Oblivia is pulling double region for us and were bringing over a dozen rangers from Fiore, veterans of the first Go-Rock Squad rising"

"No Way… more rangers from Fiore?" Summer asked,

"Yeah, and when they get here we'll explain the first part of our strike back plan" Solana smiled, before checking her watch, "There expected in three hours, twelve minutes and sixteen seconds…. Fifteen…. Fourteen."

"Sol" Lunick said and she looked up,

"Sorry, just nervous, its been a while since we were on active duty" Solana smiled,

"Your not normally?" Keith asked,

"No, due to our skill level, most of the time we're classified as 'Off-Duty: Patrolling', last mission we had was when Mew showed up… nearly 2 years ago…" Lunick replied, "But we get to hone our skills on the Capture Challenges"

"Bet that can get boring" Keith said, "Walking the same routes over and over again.."

"But things change every time we do, new Pokemon appear and some disappear, some come to see us and some hide away, you begin to know every inch of your region and began to become part of it" Solana pointed out,

"Everyone in Fiore knows us, and we know everyone, we can always tell if something is wrong, and then help" Lunick added,

"So who is coming?" Aria asked,

"That would be telling" Lunick smirked and leaned back in his chair, "They should have just landed, and on route to the Union"

"So meet us in the briefing room in four hours" Solana told them and the two stood up and walked away, leaving stunned Rangers behind them.

And done…