Hey guys!

This is my first Grey's Anatomy fanfiction. As you may have read in the summary this is a continuation of the episode 8x13 If/Then. This is a MerDer story but it will also deal with Meredith and Cristina's friendship and the relationship between Meredith and her parents.

I'm sorry if there are a few mistakes. I'm from Germany and English isn't my first language. I just know what I learned at school and what the dictionary told me!

The title of this story is based on the song 'Love Me Like You Do' by Ellie Goulding because this is my favorite song and I just LOVE the lyrics!

I've already written the next four chapters in German (I'm also posting this on a German site. ) but I need to translate them. This will take a few days because I want to start to write the next chapters, too.

I hope you will leave some reviews because I'd love to know what you think about this story!

Now I'm going to shut up and let you start reading.

Have fun!

Meredith Webber

Slowly Meredith woke from her sleep and opened her eyes. The very rare Seattle sun blinded her and immediately she closed her eyes again. Her head hurt like hell!

God! How much Tequila did I have?

She remembered to have gone to the bar with Cristina after they had buried the hatchet. Everything that had happened after Cristina had left the bar was blurred. As her headache had subsided a little she opened her eyes again. She didn't recognize her surroundings at all. She was lying in a bed. Not her bed...

Where the hell am I!? What happened!?

It was only then she realized that she was naked.

Oh no! No, no, no, no, no!

What had she done? Yesterday, she had been engaged, and today, she woke up naked in a stranger's bed! Slowly she turned her head to see who was lying next to her in bed.

Oh my god! McDreary!

She had slept with her boss! Her married boss who is going to be a father! Vaguely she remembered that they had talked yesterday evening. But how they ended up here was a mystery. Her memories only seemed to return slowly. As fast as possible, Meredith climbed out of bed and wrapped a blanket around herself. She searched the floor for her clothes when she heard a sleepy voice coming from the bed.

"What's wrong?"

Crap! He woke up!

Derek Shepherd

Derek rubbed his still sleepy eyes. He definitely had a hangover. But he's used to it by now. Lately, the alcohol was the only thing he could count on. But it was the first time that he woke up naked and with a woman in his trailer. He looked back to her. She had wrapped a blanket around herself, holding her clothes in one hand. Her hair was rumpled from sleep. Or sex. He couldn't remember everything. Slowly, she started to blush. Apparently, the whole situation was quite embarrassing for her.

She looks really good if she isn't wearing her pink clothes.

It was only now that he realized what he had done. He had slept with the daughter of his boss! And on top of that she's engaged! Now the blush crept on Derek's face. The whole thing was quite uncomfortable for him, too. He didn't want to destroy a relationship and hoped that she and Karev wouldn't get problems, just because he thought that he needed to distract himself so that he wouldn't have to think about his failed marriage.


He didn't know what to say. This was a bit too much for him. His gaze fell on his alarm clock.

It's already late!

"Do you have to...ahhhh...work today?", he stuttered. He had today off.

"No, but...I really should go. That was a really stupid idea. I don't know how this could happen but I don't wanna be a homewrecker, and now...and the baby..."

He could see she struggled with the thought that she destroyed his marriage. She didn't have to be afraid that she might have destroyed his marriage. He felt guilty.

"You're not a homewrecker. Addison and I are getting a divorce. She goes back to New York. I need to feel bad. After all, you're engaged!", he said.

"I...what? But...she can't...the baby..."

Meredith Webber

She was completely confused. How are they going to raise a child if they lived thousands of miles away from each other?

"The baby is not mine. Mark, my best friend who was like a brother to me, is the father. Apparently, the two of them had an affair.", he said while his expression darkened.

Meredith was shocked! The whole thing reminded her of her own situation that was similar. And he felt bad because he thought she was engaged!

"I'm really sorry. But you...You...don't need to feel bad because of my engagement. It no longer exists. He slept with my best friend. That was it for me."

Surprised, he looked at her before he answered her.

"I'm really sorry. Apparently, they cheated on us in the same way. I don't wish that to anyone." She could see in his blue eyes that he meant it.

Wow! Were his eyes always so blue?

"Yeah. I really have to go. Even if I'm not a homewrecker, you are still my boss! If someone would find out..."

"Don't be afraid. I won't tell anyone about it. And you can call me Derek. But only if I can call you by your first name, too!" he said with a dazzling smile.

That smile!, Meredith thought and she felt that she once again blushed.

She could not refuse him anything when he looked at her like that.

And he had made it the whole time. He just wanted to be polite and ask.


"Derek," he said and held out his hand.

"Meredith," she replied while she shook his hand. She felt how her body reacted to this touch.

"Meredith.", Derek repeated and smiled at her. He no longer looked like McDreary.

She felt a smile forming on her lips. Her name never sounded so beautiful.

Derek Shepherd

She has a beautiful smile!, Derek thought before Meredith's quiet voice broke through the silence.

"I should go now."

No!, he screamed inside his head.

"Why don't you come back here and we pick up where we left off?"

He could see that that was probably the last thing she had expected. After all, they were both just separated since yesterday and he was her boss. On top of that, her mother was his boss. But he couldn't just let her go. He didn't know what it was. Was it her eyes that couldn't decide whether they wanted to be green or gray? Or the flowery scent of her hair, still stuck to the pillow? Or was it her smile that lit up her whole face?

He didn't know it. The only thing he knew with certainty was that last night was fantastic and he didn't want her to go.

Apparently, she didn't know how to answer. She was overwhelmed. So Derek simply continued to speak.

"I mean...last night was fantastic! And we are both single. I could use a little company and distraction and I think you, too. No relationship or something like that. Just a bit of fun and company."

Meredith Webber

She stared at him with her eyes wide open and said the first that that came to her mind.

"You're my boss! If someone in the hospital would find out...!"

"Nobody has to know. Just you and me. We won't tell anyone. As long as we're careful, no one will know."

Meredith saw his hopeful look.

He wants me! Not April or anyone else.

Her gaze wandered from his hair to his face and to his naked torso. The rest of his body was hidden by the blanket but the memories of last night were slowly returning and she knew what was hidden under the blanket.

She never noticed how good he looked! But no one wanted to be near McDreary for too long.

Not McDreary!, she thought, McDreamy!

Meredith looked at Derek, and dropped her clothes, which she hold in her hand the whole time, to the floor.

Derek Shepherd

As soon as she dropped her clothes she let the blanket fall to the ground. Derek scanned her naked body with his eyes and he could feel how his own body started to react.

Slowly, Meredith climbed back on the bed and he could not avert his gaze from her.

"Is that a 'Yes'?", he asked with a husky voice.

"Yes," breathed Meredith and that is all he needed. In a quick movement, he had her pressed into the pillows and was over her. His lips met hers and everything around him was forgotten. In this moment, the feeling of naked skin on skin was everything that counted.