As I said, an Undertale prompt week without music? Blasphemy.

It was a little known fact that Toriel could sing. And I don't mean lullabies (though according to the kiddo, she sang those amazingly as well). I mean like full-blown Broadway style singing.

Asgore knew. It wasn't that much of a surprise that he did. I mean, the two were married for who knows how long. Their kids might've known, too, but… well.

Gerson probably knows. That turtle knows practically everything about what happens in the Underground, and what happened before it. He was also an advisor to the royal family before retired, and the old Captain of the Guard before that, so he's certainly known Tori far longer than I have.

But that's not what I'm here to talk about; I'm here to talk about Tori being able to sing Broadway.

We do know Broadway. Occasionally we'd get a tape or a disc in the dump that would spread around the Underground. Playbills for shows were a lot more common, and when we got up to the surface a few years back, well… gold was pretty valuable and us monsters love music. Wicked was a popular play among monsters; we related our situation to that of Elphaba and-

I'm off topic. Anyway, Tori can sing Broadway style and man, can she nail it. She doesn't make a habit of telling, though. Even I only found out by accident one day.

It was late at night on a weekday. The bakery I worked at part time wasn't open the following day (some ritual the human who ran it didn't explain, but they were paying me as if I worked a full shift tomorrow so I didn't worry too much), so I was able to romp around without having to worry about falling dead (heh) asleep during my shift. Papyrus was at a sleepover with Undyne, and I think he took the kiddo along (if the earlier shouts of "COME ALONG, HUMAN!" were any indication), so that left just me and Tori in this split house.

As I putted around the living room, I heard something. It was just a few snippets of notes, but still. I know Tori doesn't leave the radio on quite so late, and I know nothing in the part I share with my bro is producing any music right now. I creep towards to sound, which is coming from the door that link the two parts of the house.

As I get closer, I realize it's singing. And there's only one person who could be singing here. I silently open the door, entering Tori's living room. From there, I'm able to see her bustling around in the kitchen. She's singing as she works.

Don't dream too far

Don't lose sight of who you are

Don't remember that rush of joy

He could be that boy

I'm not that girl

Ev'ry so often we long to steal

To the land of what-might-have-been

But that doesn't soften the ache we feel

When reality sets back in

Blithe smile, lithe limb

She who's winsome, she wins him

Gold hair with a gentle curl

That's the girl he chose

And Heaven knows

I'm not that girl

Don't wish, don't start

Wishing only wounds the heart

I wasn't born for the rose and the pearl

There's a girl I know

He loves her so

I'm not that girl...

She finished and I started clapping. Apparently I spooked her, since she jumped a good few inches and laid a paw over her chest.

"Ah! Sans, you startled me," she reprimanded. I could see her blushing underneath her fur, which meant that she was blushing very strongly indeed.

"Oops. Sorry 'bout that, Tori. Didn't know you could sing."

Tori didn't respond right away. "I sense that you will have more questions. Come, Sans. If we are to do this, then let us do this right."

A few minutes later and we were seated at her kitchen table with a slice of butterscotch pie in front of us, as well as some tea. Tori spun her spoon around in the cup out of habit more than necessity.

"I was always a decent singer. According to my parents, that is. When we were still upon the surface, they hired a tutor for me. This was not long before Broadway itself, but awhile before Broadway music. I was trained to sing complex scores of opera music in that style. I did not care for opera, however. I wanted to feel the music, and by extension, the emotions behind it. When we were Underground and Broadway really started up, I just… fell in love." Tori shrugged, and looked into her tea. "Training kicked in, and here we sit today."

Okay, makes sense. Heck, Papyrus winces whenever there's a bad note on a string instrument, and I know when a piano hasn't been tuned in far too long, so it makes sense that Toriel's training kicks in when she's just trying to enjoy herself. But what I don't get is…

"Why that song?" Tori might not have been "born for the rose and pearl", but they certainly suit her.

"No reason," she says, "it was just stuck in my head."

I knew she was lying. She knew I knew. But I couldn't call her out on it. Why would she lie? I don't know. I don't like not knowing, but hey, sometimes you lose to Doggo in poker.

"You should sing more often. It was… nice."

Tori blushed, and I knew my own cheekbones were blue tinted. "Thank you, Sans," she replied honestly, but made no promises. I could respect that.

"'Course, Tori. What can I say? Complimenting you is easy as pie." I winked, and Tori spiraled into laughter.

Mission accomplished.

A/N: I know, I know. I suck at Sans's perspective. Only one pun?! A crime, truly. I just wanted to try something different.