"Malfoy?" Beckendolf asked confused as I soundly shut the door behind me.

"Uh...Harry was wondering if he could get your ok to wash himself on his bottom half and have Hermione G-er-Weasley help with his arms, chest, and back? He isn't comfortable with just some random person he doesn't know helping him out with that." I blurted out trying to give him more time anyway I could. He raised an eyebrow.

"Why not have you do it?" He asked perplexed. I fought back my blush.

"Do you have to ask? You do know who I am don't you?"

"Mr. Malfoy I am very aware of who you are and who you were. To say the difference these three years have made is stark is putting it lightly and Mr. Potter knows that. He's let you help him in matters resembling this, like appling the salves and administering the potions. You have gotten him to eat, drink, and heal much faster than we anticipated. Was it you or he that requested this?"

"He did." I told him. "He specifically requested Hermione." I quickly shoot down his theory

"Then I can assure you this is much deeper than your simple theory." He told me. My eyes hardened. "This is not an insult Mr. Malfoy, I'm simply saying all of Mr. Potter's decisions aren't made with only you and your past in mind." My mouth gaped open.

"I would never presume so!" I yelled.

"But you just did." He stated. I glared at him. "I will give permission for this strange request as long as Mrs. Weasley either comes to you or I to learn the proper techniques and that one of us is present for the first time to make sure nothing bad happens." I nodded.

"Sounds fair." he moved to move past me. I quickly moved in front of him. "Can't you give them more time?" I pleaded. He looked at his watch.

"Mr. Malfoy you have already given them an extra fifteen minutes. Mr. Potter needs his rest." He stated simply.

"While I agree, he also needs the love and company of those closest to him."

"He's had an hour!"

"Thirty more minutes?" I clasped my hands together and made to get down on my knees.

"Oh Fine! Fine!" He said helping me up.

"Thank you." I told him, then went back into the room only to hear the start of a conversation I never expected to them to be having.

"So is Draco seeing someone?" Mrs. Weasleys asked.

"No." said Harry and Hermione as Ron said,

"Yes." Everyone blinked in confusion. "Oi! Why am I always the last one to find things out?"

I stood in the doorway, frozen and trying to calculate whether or not I had the time to try and make a run for it. Then Ron's eyes fixed on mine. "What'd I miss?" Weasley asked me. Damnit, no time to run.

"We had a...disagreement." Harry and Hermione raised an eyebrow. All of the Weasleys turned curious eyes to me.

"What did that git do this time?"

"Ronald!" His mother chastised.

"Well he's not wrong." Harry replied.

"Harry!" She said aghast.

"Honestly mum, he's a right git." Hermione spoke. Molly turned a dropped hand and wide eyes to the pregnant woman.

"He?!" The Ex and George asked the cat who caught the canary, eyebrows wiggling suggestively on the later. Hermione gasped at her slip up and put her hand over her mouth.

"I never said that I wasn't gay, just that I didn't like Harry that way." I replied and sat down. It was weird having all the Weasleys and honorary Weasleys looking at me while not wanting to kill me.

"How long ago did you guys break it off?" Weasley asked. I sighed and started the mental math.

"Six days ago." I responded.

"Isn't that the day you visited us?" George asked, to which I nodded in confirmation.

"Was it that bad?" The Ex asked nicely. She seemed to not be after my blood this time around. I nodded again not really feeling like saying much. Weasley stood up and moved in front of me, taking my face in his hands, turning it side to side.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Trying to see how bad.' He muttered so no one would hear. At least he had that small amount of respect for my privacy. I pulled away wide-eyed.

"We just had a shouting match!" I exclaimed to which he cocked an eyebrow, not believing me. "Seriously!" He turned to Hermione who nodded, then he went back to his own seat. I readjusted my clothes wanting something to do with my hands.

"What about?" Weasley was certainly a persistent fellow.

"What does it even matter?" I asked unnerved, unsettled and tightly aware of seven pairs of eyes burning holes into me.

"It matters a lot, I need to know how severely I have to murder him." He responded like it was obvious causing me to choke on my spit slightly.

"And what if I broke up with him?" I sputtered when I could, he gave me a look that said he wasn't buying.

"I may not be a Ravenclaw, but I wasn't born yesterday either."

"Maybe we should talk about something else?" Harry inquired and I quickly jumped onto that boat he threw my way.

"Yes! Let's! Beckendolf only gave you thirty minutes from when I walked in." I looked at my watch. "We already wasted ten."

"Not until I know what happened." Weasley persisted.

"Why do you even care?" I asked still confused and slightly exasperated.

"Why do I care?" He repeated, as if he couldn't believe my shock. I nodded dumbly. "I care because your my wife and best mates friend. I care because you turned out to be a decent human being who cares about us, who cares what happens to us. I care because I've seen first hand how he treats you and no one deserves to treated like that. I care because we are housemates, acquaintances, and one day might even become friends." he finished his speech and I swallowed thickly as his eyes told me he was waiting for me to tell him what happened.

"Right." I said then cleared my throat to tell the story once more.

"You don't have to tell him" Harry stated.

"If you don't want to." Hermione added. This was weird and I started to think that maybe having Gryffindor friends, real friends, wasn't worth all this. But even as the thought crossed my mind I knew it wasn't true. I swallowed thickly once more.

"Well...he proposed." I started, whipping my suddenly sweaty palms on my pants. This is absolutely nerve wracking having all of them looking at me, interested in what I had to say and who might even get mad for me. Plus it's highly embarrassing.

"How dare he." The Ex mocked playfully. I barely registered Hermione glare, only nodding in response to The Ex's words. I could deal with sarcasm, at least that was normal.

"To a woman."

"Wait…wait." The Ex interrupted again. "Before or after you two broke up?"

"Um...before but, you know, he told me the next morning so there's that." everyone looked furious, but I really couldn't understand why. Why they would care or why they didn't think I deserved this. "He told my mother, Hermione and I at the same time." I kept pushing myself to go forward with the story.

"He wanted us to be excited for him." Hermione said huffidly, crossing her arms. Indignant looks seemed planted in everyone's face. Were they possibly angry at me? I mean I guess I am pretty pathetic to let this happen to me.

"The nerve of some people." Molly muttered with a growl.

"He didn't understand why I was upset, said that we were never actually going to go anywhere, that he wasn't even gay." I continued, in for a penny in for a pound and all that.

"How does that one work?" George asked.

"Well he never did anything particularly gay" I tried to defend his reasoning.

"Except kiss you, sleep with you, grope you, be with you for seven years and say he loved you." Harry stated.

"He never did anything a guy couldn't do to a girl though, and he always was cheating. In fact he never said he loved me. Plus he thinks I'm gir-" I coughed slightly and remembered my pride before I finished repeating the phrase that's been chanting in my head. "-pretty girly so I can kind of see where he's coming from."

"Well I don't and I'm going to kill him." Weasley spat.

"Mind if I help?" Harry and George asked.

"Guys it's fine." I insisted, blown away by their kindness. I guess they weren't mad at me at least.

"Nothing about what he does to you is fine." Weasley bark, I jerked back at his tone.

"What else does he do?" asked The Ex picking up on what Weasley left wide open.

"Nothing can we just focus our energy on Harry." I pleaded.

"He's an ab-"

"Enough Ron." Hermione stopped him from continuing.

"I still lo...like him a lot, ok?" I finally said softly, Weasley deflated

"When your ready for revenge, let me know." He said finally. I nodded knowing I never would be.

"Anyway." Harry started sensing my unease. I sent him a grateful smile.

"Wait!" The Ex screeched. "Who is he!" I paled slightly. Not that I thought they would actually try to hurt him for what he did, but if they told anyone it would probably be a worst fate for Blaise then if they just hexed him.

"His name is of little consequence, don't you think?" Harry asked.

"He's right Ginny, let's just drop it." Hermione said causing The Ex to scuff but eventually nod.

"So Harry, how long do you think you'll be in for?" Arthur asked trying to break the tension.

"I don't know, hopefully not much longer. What do you think Draco?" Harry asked and suddenly all eyes were on me once more. What happened to the hour before this when everyone ignored my existence?

"Beckendolf said maybe a week? You've been healing much better than anticipated."

"That's because I have the best Medinurse in all of St. Mungos." He said smiling at me. I fought my blush.

"Yes, Medinurse Peachtree is pretty impressive." Harry gave me a dumbfounded look. One that Hermione seemed to pick up on, that I skillfully ignored. Suddenly the door opened and Beckendolf was in the doorway. We had managed to waste all the time I'd earned for Harry by talking about my stupid love life. I should have just let them leave half an hour ago my grumpy thoughts nagged me.

"Potter should have some privacy now." He informed us. The Weasleys started to pack up and say their goodbyes. Molly flattened me in a bone crushing hug before she left, the other Weasleys following her example.

"Granger!" I called just as Harry called-

"Ron!" Both of them popped their heads back into the room.

"Can you get Dracos old wand from my vault tonight?" Harry asked causing me to blush again. I swear these Weasleys weren't good for my complexion.

"Sure thing." Ron said smiling then left. I walked closer to Hermione, pulling her closer to Harry and further from Beckendolf.

"Beckendolf wanted to know if you could help Harry with his bath. They're stretched thin on Medinurses right now." She looked perplexed as Beckendolf scuffed and left the room to give us a few minutes.

"Why not?" she asked.

"And give Molly more ammunition?" I inquired. Her eyes narrowed.

"Beckendolf had no way of knowing that."

"Right, but Molly's why we decided against that idea." I was filled with relief that I had my Slytherin snarkiness to pull this conversation off with the should-be-Ravenclaw. Spinning a web of lies is exhausting and impossible for most, especially with this one.

"How would Molly even know? Just tell her I'm doing it, I have a lot of work to do." Fuck.

"It'd be more comfortable with you Hermione. Your like the sister I never had." Harry piped up.

"Beckendolf didn't ask this at all did he? There is no shortages of Medinurses, I saw some playing on their phones when I came in." Shit, she's even impossible for me to lie to. "Harry wanted someone familiar and not a stranger, so why not Draco?" she crossed her arms over her chest. I opened my mouth to answer. "Zip it Malfoy. Why Harry?" I felt some of the color leave my face. That was the first time she called me Malfoy since back at Hogwarts. My small step backwards went unnoticed by the two friends.

"I...just…" He stuttered. "just...prefer well...a girl." He said the last word with a blush spreading across his face. Hermione gave him a disapproving look. "No! Merlin No! Hermione you know I didn't mean it like that!" She threw her hands up in the air in exasperation.

"I don't understand Harry! For Quidditch you changed and showered in communal changing rooms!"

"Not sixth year!" He corrected angrily. She sighed, letting her arms fall back down, rubbing her face.

"Fine, fine!" She relented.

"Awesome." I finally spoke. "Beckendolf says you need to learn the proper technique and he needs to supervise the first time."

"I DON'T WANT HIM THERE EITHER!" Harry exploded. I turned to him to see his eyes were widened and his blankets were clutched further up his chest than normal despite the t-shirt he was wearing. Honestly this was exasperating.

"It's either him or me. One of us have to be there." I didn't see Hermione's triumphant look until she spoke up.

"This is it isn't it?" she asked codedly. "Medicine!" I felt all emotions fall off my face as I distanced myself from the situation. "The coffee, the other day with the sales, that Beckendolf made your supervision an option at all?-"

"Drop. It." Hermione eyes widened as my voice from Hogwarts corrupted my normally light tone. She finally nodded and I let go of a breathe I hadn't known I was holding.

"Sorry I mentioned it." He said hurt. I almost felt bad, who am I kidding I felt terrible about snapping at Hermione like that, but I still think I was justified in my reaction.

"Huh?" Harry asked innocently.

"Nothing." We both snapped.

"Alright, anyway. Draco you can be there but once you see she's got it right could you leave?"

"Leave early?" I asked. He simply nodded. "Fine" I said repeatedly. Hermione gave me a look that said she knew something was wrong, but I shook my head 'no' ever so slightly.

"Why do I even try!" She asked even more exasperated then before. Then she proceeded to storm out of the room.

"What's wrong with her?" Harry asked.

"Pregnancy hormones." I lied. I know she was just frustrated that I wouldn't let her in. But Harry seemed to buy my lie. Besides it didn't matter if I loved medicine, if all I ever wanted was to be a Medi-Wizard. That would never happen. I went to the bathroom to change before transfiguring the chairs back into a bed. "Good night." I told Harry.

"Goodnight." He responded distractedly. I cast a silent silencing charm over myself and let my eyes drift close.