Deanna worked at the Motel they lived at for a few years, as she had to be 18 to work at most of the places in the town so she worked out a deal with the owner; she and Sam could stay there and he'd give them $50 each for food every week until she was old enough to get a job if she'd run the counter on the weekends (Because the owner and his wife were the only ones that ran the place and they'd always wanted someone to take the weekends so they have some time to themselves).

When she turned 18, the owner's cousin, who ran a diner in town along the one major highway, hired her as a waitress. At first she only worked Friday nights and the weekends because Deanna still had school. She graduated with honors and as captain of the girl's soccer team. Then she took on the job full time and was able to earn $5 an hour, and she worked all week and half a day on Saturday and Sunday so she made $220, and she usually also brought home an extra $100 in tips. And Sam took over the weekend counter job at the motel and the owners continued to let them stay for free because of that, but they stopped giving the extra $50 since Deanna had a Job now.

Sam Graduated with Honors as well, then Sam shared that he wanted to go to Sanford. Deanna wanted to go back to hunting, but she wasn't going to force her baby brother back into it if he didn't want to be in it.

She dropped him off at the school and helped him find and move into an apartment nearby before heading back to Bobby's. She met John there and they spent a few weeks making sure she was still up with fighting and shooting before they starting hunting again. Deanna stayed more to herself but she kept in touch with Sam. She couldn't visit him that much but she did get to met this Jessica that Sam wouldn't shut up about.

It'd been like this for three years. Deanna loved helping people and fighting for a living, though she didn't get paid for this and sometimes people didn't like her help even though they would've died with out it. But she didn't care, she was back in her element.

She made it to Bobby's house after a partially long and difficult hunt, and she'd just wanted someplace that felt like home to stay in for a day or two. Bobby made it clear that his door was always open if she, or Sam, needed it (And John too, but John never took up the offer unless he was in the area and needed Bobby's help with a case anyways).

Deanna was surprised to see John there, nose deep in a book.

"Hey, Dad," Deanna greeted, the surprise evident on her face and in her voice, "Fancy meeting you here."

"Hi, Princess," He replied turning his attention back to the book, "Just doing so research. Bobby just left to get groceries, but I know that he has a letter that showed up here that's addressed to you." John pointed to a letter that was sitting on the table by the door, that was indeed addressed to her.

She picked it up and saw that the return address had no name but she recognized the address as Sam's apartment.

"It's from Sam," She said, a little confused since Sam texted her almost non-stop, so he wouldn't need to write, and he never said anything about sending something.

"Sam?" John asked, also very confused. He saw Deanna shrug but open the letter anyways. It was a violet colored card and he could see some kind of flower decoration on the front. Deanna read whatever the card said and smiled brightly to herself.

"What is it?" John asked, Deanna automatically closed the card and slid it back into the envelope it came it.

"It's just a gift card," She said nonchalant. John knew that meant she didn't want him to know. Deanna pulled her phone out and dialed Sam.

"Hey, Sammy," She greeted and paused, "I got your letter," She said then walked upstairs with her duffle to carry on the conversation in her room. John listened for a moment longer, once he heard the door to her room close he gently set the old book he was reading back down on Bobby's desk. He felt a little bad looking at the letter, but he was just too damn curious. It's too late for Deanna's birthday, and way to early for Christmas or anything like that.

He picked it up and slid it out of the envelope. His breath hitched a little seeing what it was.

It was a mother's day card.

The font was some fancy silver cursive writing next to the imprinted flower bouquet on it. John flipped it open; the pre-printed font on the inside was a little easier to read. 'Thank you for all the love and support you've shown all my life. I know I don't say it enough, but I want you to know that I love you and I appreciate everything you've done. Happy Mother's Day.' Underneath the print was a penned note, that John recognized as Sam's hand writing; 'I know I haven't sent you a Mother's Day card since Grade School, but Jess got one for her mother and I found this when I went with her and I couldn't not buy it for you. Love you, Sissy! -Sam.'

John sighed. He didn't really know how to feel about this; guilty about what happened, and that Deanna grew up too fast and was the only 'mother like' figure in Sam's life, or … no that was it, he felt guilty.

He slipped the note back into the envelope and placed it back on the table. He returned to his research, but he didn't actually read the paper, he kept thinking about how long the letter's had been going on and how it started. He was tempted to ask Deanna but he knew she wouldn't be comfortable talking about it, or she'd be mad that he read her stuff. He'd ask Sam but Sam would feel even worse talking about it than Deanna would. He decided to just leave it be, Deanna was so observant she'd probably figure out he'd read it and then she'd start the conversation.

That time came rather soon, Bobby came home with groceries and started on whatever dinner he'd decided to make. Deanna came down to greet him and talk with the two older hunters, offer help if they needed it. John purposefully held up the letter and caught her attention.

"Did you want to keep this?" He asked.

"Yes," She answered immediately and took the letter from him. She saw that look in his eyes that told her he knew what it was. She quickly took it upstairs to put it with her things before returning to the study downstairs. Bobby was busy with dinner and had insisted he could manage on his own when she offered to help, so she sat on the arm chair in the study. She sat and averted her gaze from her dad and tried to look interested in a book laying on the end table next to her, but John knew her a little better than that.

"How long has that been going on?" He asked, she glanced at him for a moment before fiddling with her jacket zipper.

"Since he was in first grade," She answered shyly, "He was upset because they're art's~and~craft's were Mother's Day themed, so to calm him down I told him he could make something for me instead. Then it just became a thing, when school did mother's day things he'd just give them to me." John nodded, it made sense. He still felt bad, but it made sense.

Deanna looked up after a minute of silence, John was absorbed in his research again. She didn't really know what he felt, she'd assumed he'd be mad and accuse her of 'over shadowing' Mary, but she could see he seemed more sadden than anything. She didn't press, John would never share feelings, she rarely did either so she was glad the conversation ended there.