SO basically Mari, Alya , Nino and Adrien etc the whole class! Is on a field trip currently their at da beach.
Anyone who reviews, follows or favourites really encourage me to write chapters :3 Even though their not very good I still enjoy writing!

Sea water tickled her face as she daringly leaned over the bars stopping her from falling into the ocean

"Mari You'll fall in!" Alya giggled at her best friend as Marrinette held her arms out as though she was flying the air blowing the strands of hair that escaped her pigtails into her eyes.

She watched as the water climbed up the wall and then slowly retracted into the ocean again spraying water everywhere.

"Look Look Look!" She heard Alix call out as she scrambled to climb higher on the bars and get a closer look. Most of the students did the same peering out as they followed her pointing finger.

Whales! It was whales!

Marrinette looked around and saw everyone smiling with delight no smile was as big as hers though.
She may love whales and sea creatures but she was terrified of the ocean, Ever since she watched Jaws shes never been able to go farther then one step deep in the water.

Thats why she immediatley regretted as she leaned over the bars a little to far and started slipping, She let out a high shrill scream as she fell a few feet into the ocean below.

As she glanced up she saw the worried look on her teachers faces, Her friends faces and she could feel her stomach scrunch up.

"Marrinette!" She heard someone scream as she continued falling air tugging at her head.

Water hit her before she had time to ready herself, Un - audible noise registered her ears as fear overtook her mind.

"If there were whales wouldn't their be other things?" She thought terror reaching its way into her mind again Her hold body sent into motion as she propelled her arms flailing around her legs.

She needed air!
She flung her arms down and kicked with all her might thrusting herself upwards finally her head felt strong wind against her face and gasped in long ragged breaths.

"Shes terrified of the ocean du- sir!" She heard Nino say loudly

"WE NEED TO GET HER OUT SOMEHOW!" Alya added on even louder

She tredded water as much as she could she cracked her eyes open and winced at the salt in her eyes as it stung.

The whales were so close to close even.

"Swim!" She heard screaming it sounded like Kim

She did and she moved until her arms it solid rock but it was just a wall that climbed further then she could reach.


She was stuck in an enviroment she hated and was terrified of with no way of getting out for a while...

She tried to lock her fingers around something but it was no use the stone was flat with no edges to grab onto.

Realisation hit her once again as she realised she was truly trapped.