Sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long. Don't hate me!

Chapter Five: A Splash of Revenge Placed on the Back Burner

"Oh good heavens Hermione, you are absolutely brilliant." Minerva said as she placed the pensive back on the table between them.

"I'm so glad I took your advice in getting that. I just love the look on his face when he realizes that he is in a dress. Would you care for another spot of tea?" Hermione asked.

"No thank you I've had quite enough for now. If I drink anymore I doubt that I will be able to sleep tonight."

Hermione looked out her den window. " I guess it is getting late. I'll walk you to the door." She then rose out of her chair and waited for her friend to do the same.

" Your rooms are perfectly suited for you. I'm glad that I helped Albus design the décor." The two approached the door, which led to the hallway.

"Thank you Minerva. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast."

As the older woman left, Hermione closed the door and raise the wards. When she turned around she was greeted by the warm interior of her rooms. Unlike Snape, her rooms were not flooded with books. All her books were stored in her very large study.

Hermione glanced down at her watch and noted the time // holy cricket 10:11pm. Oh I'm going to be a zombie tomorrow. Let's go to bed. //

Rushing for the back rooms, she silently performed her pre- bedtime rituals, then pulled on a silky sliver nightgown, turned off all the lights with a flick of her wand and crawled into bed. " Nighttime night 'shanks, don't let the night bugs bite." She muttered to the orange beast as she settled her head on her soft pillows.

* * *

Now Professor Severus Snape was an evil man, especially when he was on the road to revenge. He crept up the stairs to where his victim was supposed to be sleeping. An evil smirk appeared on his face.

Her wards were easy for him to disarm. For a Defense against the dark arts teacher she sure didn't ward her room enough to protect her from anything but students. Quietly Snape walked into her rooms. She wasn't in her sitting room, and the rooms were dark, meaning that either she was asleep or not there.

The sitting room was not as Gryffindor as he expected it to be. Instead of her old house colours, it was done in dark purples and blues. She didn't have that many books shelves, only one small one on the mantel of the fire place.

He continued his soundless walk until he reached her bedroom. There she was, sound asleep with that menace of a fur ball curled up beside her. ~ Idiot cat, your lucky I am not taking my revenge out on you tonight. ~

He crept over to her bedside and stared down at her. Her curls were strung on her pillow and the faintest hint of her nightdress was showing. Snape smirked and drew his wand to cast his spell. ~ She's so… No Severus could you please focus at the task at hand, do look at her beauty. No don't. We are focused well. This revenge is going to be my pleasure, my dear. ~ When he finished, he quickly stalked off, and left her in her newest form.

Just as he was about to reach the door, something shinny caught his eye. A Pensive. He grabbed the semi-precious item then took his leave.

* * *

Hermione's alarm clock woke her up from her perfect dream. She dreamt that Snape had been in her rooms and had been gazing down at her for the longest time. // Like that could ever happen, unless you do drive him that nuts. //

She reached up and scratched her head. // Wait a tic… since when did my arm had get so thick? // She panicked and glanced over to the mirror on the opposite side of her bed.

* * *

Hogwarts was usually very quite every Monday morning. But lately strange things had been happening, and mostly they seemed to revolve around Professor Snape.

Everyone was silently waking up from their sleep as they pretended to be civil human beings during breakfast. Even Professor Snape had shown up at the High table this morning before any of the other Professors.

That is when a loud shriek sounded throughout the whole castle. Strangely enough it sounded like Professor Granger. Only it could not have been because she hardly ever raises her voice above a soothing tone. But the scream persisted and came with such force that the whole hall began to shake.

Snape was sitting in his usual spot, smirking into his cup of coffee. ~ So, she's found her surprise then. Oh you're bad. ~ He looked up to see a young Gryffindor looking at him. He returned the look with a famous death gaze. The Gryffindor fumbled with their fork until it clattered on the floor.

"Good Morning Severus. My, what a surprise it is to see you here this early in the morning. Do you have any idea what that noise was?" Albus commented from behind Snape.

" No idea Headmaster. Perhaps it was Miss Myrtle having another episode." Snape grumbled.

"Perhaps it was. Now if you'll excuse me, my breakfast is calling to me." The elder man slowly walked to his spot in the middle of that High table.

Snape looked down at his breakfast in front of him and started picking at the bits and pieces of it. All of a sudden a strange beast entered the Great Hall.

"ALBUS!" the black and white cat looking thing howled. Instantly heads snapped towards the creature that was dressed in teaching robes. Dumbledore's eyes grew wide in sheer shock.

"Come this way my child," The headmaster rose and pointed the beast to the side doors, which lead to one of the staff rooms. "Now Hermione tell me exactly what happened," he said sternly when they were in the room.

"I went to bed looking normal last night and woke up looking like this and I've been robbed. Someone stole my Pensive." She whined while pacing across the room. She was her normal height, but now she was covered in black and white fur with pointed ears and a long tail.

" Have you tried any reversal spells?"

"Every single one that I know. Nothing is working. What am I supposed to do?"

"Calm down, calm down. Now, you will go on and teach your classes. I will investigate this matter further. Would you like a nice cup of tea to make your day all better? Anyone who mocks your dreadful state that you are in will have to deal with me. Shall we?" Dumbledore held out his arm to escort her back into the Great Hall.

Hermione let out a big sigh. " Alright then."

All eyes were on the small door as it motioned open. Even Snape watched as his new creation walked through the door. She sat beside the Headmaster's chair as he cleared his throat to speak.

"Unfortunately, we have had some horrid crimes take place in the castle today. Professor Granger has been robbed and hexed on by someone in this school. I'd like to make a note out to the culprit, it would be best to turn yourself in as soon as possible. Otherwise I might be forced to take some drastic measures. Anyone who dare mocks or taunts Professor Granger while she is in this state of being, shall be sent to me and be dealt with. Now, lets continue on with our meal." He sat down after he was finished and grasped Hermione's paw/hand and gave it a slight squeeze.

Hermione sank into her chair as she watched everyone eat. Then it hit her. // Why don't I put a tracing spell on my pensive? That way I'll be able to find whoever did this. // She turned to the Headmaster and spoke to him in a ver gentle whisper. " Albus…I think I can put a tracing spell on my pensive to find it and possible the person who did this too me."

" That sounds absolutely ingenious Hermione. I wonder why I did not ponder that myself." Dumbledore grinned.

" If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go perform that spell now." She pushed back her chair and slowly exited the hall.

~ What is that girl up to I wonder? ~

* * *

Hermione made sure she was out of view from anyone and gently pulled her wand out from the sleeve of her robes. "Alright old friend, time to find out who did this to me. Reperrie Sacrum " A blue bubble shot out of her wand and slowly started to move. Hermione started following the bubble, trying to contemplate where it was going.

She descended down several flights to stairs until she believed she was in the dungeons. She had been following the thing for a good ten minuets now. Classes always started at 10am today, so she knew she wouldn't be late for them as she kept on with her quest. Soon she found herself standing directly in front of the familiar portrait of bats. // No, It couldn't have been. It… Well there goes the bubble. Only one way to find out. //

"Lemon drops are raining," she pronounced. Quietly she stepped into Snape's rooms for the second time in her life.

It appeared to be messier than the last time she was there. // Maybe I should check this out again…. Uh wait there it is! //

Over on a coffee table by a bottle of brandy sat her pensive. // Why that no account bloody bugger. What the Hell was he thinking? //

Hermione walked over to the table, grabbed the Pensive and threw it into her pocket. She then sat down in one of the stiff chairs, crossed her arms and waited for him.

* * *

Severus Snape was not a very trusting man. When he saw Granger leave the room so calmly his keen senses lead him to believe that his favourite Gryffindor was up to something. Suspiciously he looked around the hall. ~ Nothing's going on in here. Might as well follow her. ~ Gracefully he rose from his spot and glided out of the hall.

He spotted her as she cast her spell. She slowly began to follow a tiny blue bubble. Snape sneered. ~ What is she doing? ~ Silently he followed her as she descended. He knew that they were headed for the dungeons, but what he didn't know was why. When she came to a stop, Snape realized what she had done.

~ Great she's placed a finding spell on the bloody pensive. Good thing she can't get…~ "Lemon drops are raining" he heard her pronounce. ~ …In. So much for that idea. ~

Snape watched her go into his rooms. ~ How did she know how to get in? What does she think she's doing going into my rooms? How dare she! ~ Snape was fuming mad. He stalked in the room right five minuets after she had been in there.

" Granger, what pray tell are you doing in my rooms?! Who gave you permission?! You think that because you're part of the old dream team that you can do anything you please!" He ragged on.

" Oh go stuff it Snape! You are one to talk. You're the one who broke into my room last night and did this to me and then stole my pensive you old greasy dirt bag no account ex-death eater thing from hell!" She rose to her feet. Her face went red with her own rage.

" I wouldn't have had to, if not for your evil doings to me! You sadistic Gryffindor!" He marched towards her sticking out his index finger at her.

"Yeah right I find that a bunch of bullshit and then some, Old man!"

"Me? Old? Surely this is not coming from the most brilliant mind that Hogwarts has ever seen. For if it was I'd say that she obviously have had suffered from massive brain damage."

"Go to hell! You dumb ass Slytherin!" she shoved him as she went to leave his rooms.

"Oh I don't think so Granger, you're not getting out of this one that easily," He grabbed the back of her robes and pulled her away from the door, slamming her into a wall during the process.

"Let me go!" she scratched at him to release her

"Not until you answer some of my questions."

"Not unless you change me back!" she fired back at him, pushing herself off the wall.

Snape pinned her against the wall with his own body. " I was rather thinking that maybe you should stay that way for a good week or two."

"You deserved it you troll. If you don't change me back then I'll scratch your eyes out."

"You wouldn't dare! Gryffindor wimp."

She was getting rather angry with him. Her face was read and her breath huffed and puffed as she continued fighting with him. " Well then again, maybe you don't have the power to change me back! At least when I hexed you I could do anything I wanted to on a whim. "

"I can do anything better than you can my impish little Professor Wanna-be." He forcefully spoke.

"Oh yeah? Prove it! Change me back now," she dared.

Snape drew his wand out from his sleeve and then pointed it at her. His angry voice turned to pure silk as he whispered the counter-hex. Hermione closed her eyes as she felt a wonderful sensation rush over her and she let out a soft moan. She opened her eyes to find Snape looking strangely at her.

// Think fast…think really super fast. // Hermione brought up her knee and smashed him right between his legs. Snape doubled over and death glared at her.

"If you ever change me into a cat thing again, You might not be able to walk for a week." She turned on her heel and ran out his door.

~ That girl is going to get it! Oh the pain ~

* * *

// I don't think I should have done that. Now he's going to hate me. 'Mione why did you have to react that way? Hopefully he'll stay away until he's cooled down. That was really stupid. // She raced up the stairs trying to get as far as she could from the dungeons. The scariest thing that she had ever seen was Snape, and being as she just nailed in the family jewels section, he was bound to be pissed.

She carried herself up the flights of stairs until she felt that she could no longer run. Hermione gazed behind her and nothing was there. // Get to your class room girl, you have to teach soon. Oh man, at least I'm no longer a cat person. //

She collected herself and proceeded to calmly walk the stairs up to her classroom for the first lesson of the day, which would begin in forty-five minutes.

* * *

"Severus, my boy, you do not look well." Albus Dumbledore spoke when he entered his potion master's rooms.

" What are you doing in here Albus? Don't you have something better to do? Maybe like saving someone's arse?" Snape said through his teeth, still doubled over and in pain.

" Naturally, but it seems like you're the person who needs saving today Severus. I came down here to question you about Professor Granger's condition and to see if you knew a way to reverse it. To much of my dismay, I found her leaving your rooms, perfectly normal, but somewhat disturbed and frightened." The headmaster walked across the room and sat down in one of the armchairs by the fireplace.

"I don't need your help old man." Snape snapped.

"I'm sure you don't. However, the state of condition that you are in, I'll get someone to cover your first class for you so you can recover from whatever is hurting you at the present moment." Albus got up and walked back towards the door of Severus' rooms.

"I…I…accidentally ran into the corner of the table, when I was walking Miss Granger to the door. It scared her," Snape lied.

"Yes I'm sure that was it Severus. May I suggest that you get yourself checked out? You wouldn't want any severe damage down there. And do be careful around all the tables that are in this room." The headmaster winked at him before leaving.

~ Great just Great ~