Eventually, the trio ended up heading back to Konoha. They managed to avoid too much suspicion from any of the villagers or shinobi as they walked through the streets back to the Hokage tower, seeing as Naruto still knew many shortcuts to pass through where the populations of such areas were usually minimal. They were sure that some people did catch a glimpse at a woman with nine fox tails as tall as a human being flying behind her, but who in their right mind would believe such a story?
After entering the tower, Kakashi worked through the documents to enlist Kurama as a kunochi of Konoha, though it was not easy to retrieve details on a demon fox to go from a normal citizen to a shinobi, let alone a Jounin, in such short notice without even attending the academy. It was for that reason why Kakashi informed her that it would take a few days for everything to process and be able to attain the official Jounin rank. Kurama was not particularly pleased, but found no reason to retaliate.
Naruto and Kurama were then dismissed, informing them that he had quite a bit of paperwork to tend to, especially considering recent events that occurred.
Naruto and Kurama then head back onto the streets of Konoha. Before doing this, Kurama made sure to perform a henge that hid her demon/fox like traits, such as her nine fox tails, elongated canines, and slit pupils. Now she seemed to have the appearance of a regular human being, with normal red eyes, no tail, and regular pearly whites, though she still had the three whisker marks on her cheeks like Naruto does.
Despite this, to say that Kyuubi blended in well with normal Konoha citizens would be a bit of a stretch, considering her fiery red hair, breathtaking looks, and killer body shape. She easily stood out like a sore thumb.
The Kyuubi noticed all the looks she was getting, especially among the men, and scoffed, "If I knew I was still going to get this much attention, I wouldn't have even gone through the trouble of hiding my demon features."
Naruto sweatdropped, "Yeah... They were fine with you staying in the village, aside from you being so huge, so it's not like they'd freak out if they knew that you're the Kyuubi. It would just be a bit of trouble trying to explain that to everyone we pass by, so we need to just pick a day to let everyone know that all at once."
Kurama chuckled, "And just how will you do that? 'Hey everyone, The Nine-Tailed Fox is now a total babe'. If you had trouble believing I was a woman, imagine how hard it'll be the rest of these people to believe it."
"They won't have have much of a choice, seeing as it would explain why a huge fox isn't walking around Fire Country anymore."
"True." Kurama shrugged. She then smirked when a thought ran across in her mind, "Hey, so where exactly am I going to stay now? I can't imagine that you'd still want me to sleep in the mountains."
"Of course not! But erhm... I haven't really thought that far ahead yet." Naruto mumbled, "I supposed we can get Yamato-sensei to build you a new home."
"What if I don't want Yamato to build me a new home?" Kurama asked suspiciously. Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Why wouldn't you want Yamato to build you a new home?"
"Cuz I'd be lonely being there by myself all the time." She said with a mock baby pout that made Naruto blush again, "I think I want to stay with you."
"S-Stay with me?!" Naruto repeated, completely caught off guard. At this point, Naruto and Kurama stopped walking. Kurama faced her ex-vessel with a look that most people would call seductive, and dragged the sharp nail of her index finger down his Jounin vest.
"You heard me. As much as I hate to admit it, I've grown accustomed to you these past eighteen years... And I know your new home has more than enough space." She told him. People passing them in the street were beginning to stare, and that only made Naruto that much more nervous.
"B-But you know I'm dating Hinata-chan!" He sputtered, "Don't you think that she may have an issue with that?!"
The Kyuubi scoffed, "Please. I know you had a conversation with her about rebuilding the Uzumaki clan. In order for you to do that, you'd have to share a home with multiple women, anyway."
Though still embarrassed, Naruto tried to showcase a bit of anger, "Hey, how'd you know about that conversation?! We haven't even brought that up to the Hokage yet!"
"I didn't have big ears for nothing, Naruto-kun." Kyuubi stated, "I'm just glad you both are saving your virginities till marriage, otherwise I'd hear all the love-making you both would do, too." She added in a smug whisper.
The red hue to Naruto's face had doubled in saturation upon hearing that, "HEY! Stop eavesdropping on our conversations, Kurama!"
"It's not eavesdropping if you can't help but to hear it." Kyuubi countered before changing the subject, "So whaddya say, Naruto-kun? You gonna let me stay at your place?"
Naruto was simply taken back at the new things he found out about Kurama, just as he was starting to get used to her. The news about her being a female demon and not a male was a big one, but now her personality seemed a bit different, as well. She seemed a lot more feminine and coquettish, but Naruto figured that it only made sense for her to hold back on such behavior in order to keep her presumption as a male. He just wasn't used to it, seeing as he was under the impression that she was a male ever since he's met her. And he had a feeling that Kurama was aware of his discomfort, much to his misfortune.
Despite this, Kurama was still as playful as ever.
"Uhh... I'd love to, but we'd have to speak with Hinata-chan about that. She doesn't even know of your transformation yet."
Kyuubi grunted and took a step back from him, "Fine. Not even married yet, and you're already whipped."
Hinata Hyuuga was humming a tune as she tended to the garden in her backyard. She was able to grow a full garden of wildflowers in the short amount of time that she and Naruto had moved in together. Ino Yamanaka had just left a few moments ago, who gave Hinata tips on how to grow her garden to her full potential, though she was slightly jealous that she had grown such a beautiful garden in such a short amount of time.
Just as she had finished spraying her plants down with a hose, the backdoor to the house had opened. She turned around and gave a short smile, "Hello, Naruto-kun. How was your mission?"
"It was... fine. Nothing major, really." Naruto replied awkwardly, "Hey, Hinata-chan? We have to talk for a second..."
Hinata was caught off guard a bit by this, but nevertheless nodded, "Um, okay... What do we have to talk about?"
Naruto gulped. He thought he had thoroughly planned how he was going to go through with this conversation in his mind on the way here, "Uhh... So do you remember the conversation we had about me rebuilding the Uzumaki clan once we get married? And that I'd be taking multiple wives who'd be living here, also?"
Hinata nodded, still wondering where this conversation was going, "Yes, and I said that I was fine with it."
Naruto chuckled nervously, "Right! And I love that you're fine with it! But err..." Naruto felt small under the gaze of those Hyuuga eyes, even if they held a gentle stare, "Would it be alright if... someoneelseendedupmovinginwithus?"
Hinata made her confusion known, "Um... I didn't really hear that last part, Naruto-kun."
Naruto took a deep breath to calm his nerves, "I said, would you mind it if someone else ended up moving in with us?"
"Someone else...?" Hinata asked. Her mind began racing with negative possibilities for him to want to ask this, "You've... you've been talking to other women already...?"
Naruto's eyes grew wide and he held her hands for reassurance, "No! Of course not, it's not like that!"
Hinata tried to hide the tear that threatened to leave her tear ducts, "Then... who's the other person that you want to move in with us?" She asked.
"It's Kurama, Hinata-chan."
Hinata paused. Any sense of dread she was starting to feel was completely overridden by sheer confusion.
"Kurama...?" Hinata repeated, "... How would Kurama even be able to fit inside the house?"
Naruto mentally slapped himself for leaving out the most important detail about this entire discussion, "Ah, you know how a lot of the villagers have been complaining about the size of Kurama and stuff, right?" Hinata nodded, "Well Kakashi-sensei talked with us about it, and Kurama managed to find a solution so that the villagers won't complain anymore."
"Oh." Hinata mumbled, "So Kurama-san can shrink his size or something?"
Naruto chuckled nervously, "Ehehehe... something like that."'
As if that were a cue, Kurama then walked through the backdoor, into the backyard with Hinata and Naruto.
Kurama smiled and waved at the violet-haired princess, "Hey there, Hinata-chan."
Hinata could only stare at Kurama.
She then stared at Naruto.
Then Kurama again.
Then back at Naruto.
"Um..." Hinata mumbled, "Who is that, Naruto-kun?"
"Aww, what's wrong, Hinata? Don't recognize me anymore?" Kyuubi asked with a mock disappointed tone, "You used to help Naruto here wash my fur."
Hinata's eyes grew wide after Kurama stepped out far enough to reveal her nine-tails, "... K-Kurama...?!"
"Bingo! She hit the jackpot! Give the lady a prize!" The demoness exclaimed with a toothy grin.
Hinata could only look back at Naruto, who was rubbing the back of his head with an embarrassed smile, "Naruto... is that really Kurama?! I-I thought that he... she... was a male!"
Kyuubi shook her head, "Nah, I have the same thing you have between your legs, sweety." Hinata blushed profoundly at such blatant wording, "Honestly, I'm shocked neither of you figured it out when you were giving me baths. I was even on my back a few times, so you could have seen for yourself."
"W-We weren't exactly looking for anything down there!" Naruto defended. Kurama laughed and simply shrugged her shoulders. Naruto then turned to his fiancé, "But yes, Hinata-chan, this is Kurama's human form and she's a girl."
Hinata let the news slowly process in her mind, "Okay... Um... Well, it's good to meet you in your human form... I guess?" Hinata greeted Kurama awkwardly. Kurama gave a cheesy grin in response.
"So, how about it, Hinata-chan? You gonna let me move in with you and Naruto-kun here?" Kurama asked. Naruto's nervousness came back into full gear as she asked this question.
"Oh, sure, Kurama-san. That's no problem."
Naruto's eyes were replaced with x's.
"No problem?! You mean to tell me you're fine with her living with us?!" Naruto asked Hinata, moreso frustrated due to stressing out over a situation that would give him such an anticlimactic response.
"Why wouldn't I be fine with it, Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked with a puzzled expression, "Kurama is our friend. If he, um, she wants to move in with us, I have no issues with it."
"B-B-But..." Naruto stuttered with a twitching eye, "I just thought... that you would feel uncomfortable since..."
Hinata quickly put two and two together, "Since she's a woman?" Naruto nodded weakly, "Well... it's like you said, Naruto-kun; We'd have to share a home with other women, anyway. So this would help me see what it's going to be like. Besides, I've grown to like Kurama, and I know she would respect our household and boundaries."
"AWW!" Kyuubi squealed, taking Hinata by surprised by enveloping her into a very tight hug, "I like you, too! You're such a sweetheart, Hinata-chan!"
Naruto and Hinata both sweatdropped. It was hard for Naruto to believe that this is the same being that was feared by many throughout thousands of years. The same one who threatened to chew Naruto up and spit him out if she ever got free from the seal a few years ago. The same one that was bent on destroying all humans and reigning destruction throughout all of the shinobi villages.
The Uzumaki soon had to look away, however, upon seeing the large breasts of both women being squeezed against each other.
"N-No problem, Kurama-san..." Hinata said with a light blush, "But... you're kind of squeezing too tightly..."
"Sorry!" Kyuubi then let Hinata go, "Okay, so show me where my room is going to be!"
*The next morning*
Naruto roused from his slumber due to the sunlight tapping on his eyelids. He groaned as his body was forced to shut back on, lazily turning over in his bed.
As he did this, his nose dove into a pile of soft hair that smelled like lavender shampoo. He smiled and wrapped his arm around the person in front of him, pulling her closer to him.
"Mmm, good morning, Hinata-chan." He mumbled drowsily.
"Good morning, Naruto-kun."
He buried his face into her collar area, "I thought you said that it'd be best for us to sleep in separate beds as much as we could until we're married. Did you have another nightmare?" He asked with a yawn. Since the pair had agreed to wait until they consummated their marriage to have a sex life together, Hinata suggested that they sleep in separate beds and rooms until then to avoid the captivating concept known as temptation. Neither of them were particularly thrilled about it, but figured that it would be worth it. However, sometimes Hinata would end up crawling into Naruto's bed at night while he was sleeping to console her in the event that she had a nightmare, or was just overwhelmed with the need to share Naruto's body heat. There have been a few instances where this has lead to 'accidents' involving the couple almost agreeing to give into their physical needs before marriage, but have managed not to go all the way so far.
"Yeah, um, I had a bad dream in the middle of the night... I hope you don't mind."
Naruto paused for a second. Hinata hardly ever said 'yeah'. Her upbringing caused her to sound more formal, and say 'yes'. It was a subtle thing that Naruto noted, and he would have dismissed it, if it wasn't for one other thing.
"Er, Hinata, you feeling okay? You sound kinda... off." His eyes were still closed and hadn't bothered to move yet.
"Yeah, um, I think I might be coming down with a cold..."
"Oh... Well let me know if you need-"
"Naruto-kun! Breakfast is ready!" He heard a clearer and more accurate version of Hinata's voice say to him from beyond the room.
Naruto opened his eyes.
Just as he rose up to take a look at Hinata's face, he was suddenly engulfed by a cloud of smoke. Naruto fell out of his bed due to his confusion, landing right on his head.
"Oww..." He grumbled as a lump started to form. He opened his eyes to see the newest addition to his household staring down at him with a childish expression from the edge of the bed.
"And to think, you used to be a legendary prankster a few years ago. How does it feel to be on the receiving end?" Kurama mocked him. Naruto jumped up to his feet, angrily pointing a finger at her.
"Damn it, Kurama! What the hell are you doing in my bed?!"
The demoness giggled, "Oh come on, Naruto. You know I had you going for a while."
Just as Naruto was about to yell at her some more, his door opened, revealing the real Hinata walking in with a hot plate of breakfast and a cup of orange juice in her hands.
"Naruto-kun, why are you yelli-" Hinata cut herself off as she looked at Naruto, who had his finger extended towards Kurama, who was in his bed. Naruto was in nothing but a plain white t-shirt and light blue boxer shorts, while Kurama wore one of Hinata's tanktops, and a short pair of sleeping shorts with frills at the bottom.
She sighed, a sweatdrop rolling down the back of her head, "Kurama-san, I thought you said you weren't going to do it."
The only redhead in the room looked at Hinata sheepishly, "I know, but I couldn't help myself! It was just too tempting!"
Naruto's extended finger glided over to his fiancé, "You mean to tell me you knew about this?!"
Hinata placed the breakfast onto Naruto's night table next to his bed and sighed again. She had to fight the urge to giggle, however. It was kind of funny. "Kurama told me she wanted to prank you, but I thought I convinced her not to..."
"And I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you calling from the kitchen, and the fact that I'm not the best at voice impressions." Kurama said to Hinata with a chuckle, "But my henge was excellent. Naruto couldn't tell the difference. He probably would have kissed me thinking it was you if I hadn't been found out!"
Kurama held a hand up once she saw the look on Hinata's face, "Relax, I wouldn't have let things get that far. I still respect your and Naruto's relationship one-hundred percent."
"Unbelievable." Naruto grumbled, "You haven't even been here a day and you're already working on our nerves."
Kurama rolled her eyes, stepping out of Naruto's bed with a grin, "Fine, fine, I'll cut it out. I just wanted to have some fun, is all." She then remembered something, "Oh, and I want you to come with me to take back some of my belongings that I held up in the mountains and bring them back here."
"You have belongings?" Naruto questioned.
"Just a few things I picked up after the war ended. They're valuable to me, so I'd much rather have them here now that I moved in with you both."
Naruto nodded, "Alright, I'll go with you."
"Great!" Kurama smiled, heading out of the door, "I'll see you in a bit."
Kurama then left the room, leaving Naruto and Hinata to themselves, "Hinata-chan, what did we get ourselves into?" Naruto sighed.
Hinata smiled, "Kurama's just being friendly. You always used to prank people, too."
"I guess..." Naruto surrendered. He then looked at his night table next to his bed.
The empty night table next to his bed.
Naruto snarled.