Welcome everyone to what I hope will be a really cool side project/spinoff/offshoot of the KTR universe that focuses on some really cool ideas that just couldn't quite work within the strains of reality or continuity. Now these first few chapters will focus on the dreams of the five main characters of KTR2, during their well earned rest after their 'group activities' after the dance, but will expand for a lot more adventures and have a few other characters' dreams to explore. Our first chapter will focus on Tori who has a pretty wild dream that might start down a path you should recognize, but things will, of course, take a more... primal turn. I hope you enjoy.

Tori Vega's eyes couldn't help but flutter open as the sun's rays shone through her window. She gave a deep sigh as she realized her grand epic was all just a dream and now it was time to return to the haze of reality. Her bed was so soft and warm, and she desperately didn't want to get out of it, but she knew she just had to. The shuffling sounds downstairs also made it clear that her family, or, if the stomping what who she thought it was, at least Trina was awake.

The aspiring pop star threw back her covers and made her way to her closet, almost floating as she gathered up some clothes to throw on so she could go ahead and start her day. Today was going to be a big day after all since she wanted to go visit Jade, who she hadn't seen in a few days and who was apparently sick. The youngest Vega wondered if Jade would even want to see her, let alone let her in and receive some gifts.

There were so many things that Tori wanted to tell her 'frenemy,' and she knew that deep down Jade was a good person and the kind of person Tori wanted to spend plenty of time with. More than just as friends of course. That was the part that was killing her. The images of her dream- Jade's incredible pale body splayed all over her and making each and every fantasy come true. Along with her boyfriend who was something her fantasies could have ever accounted for. Again her dreams of his strong hands gripping her tight as he made her feel like she was in heaven haunted her mind. But both of them had dark sides as well and as scary as they could be, especially Freddie's, the thought of the two of them being so dominating made her quiver.

Her mind began to recount the two days her dream had lasted, trying to figure out what was real and what was just a dream but her mind started to feel a bit too foggy, plus Trina was calling her down for breakfast.

"Be there in a minute!" she called down, finally choosing to get dressed. Tori had just grabbed a t-shirt and jeans, looking out the window to try and figure out what the weather would be like, but it was just a bluish white pale sky.

The teen raced, almost floating down the stairs, feeling a sudden hunger that came from nowhere and found her sister in the kitchen making pancakes.

"You're… cooking?" Tori said, half joking and half with genuine surprise.

"Why wouldn't I?" her sister fired back, dropping a plate of pancakes onto the table by her astounded sister. "I'm a capable woman in the 21st century. I can cook food if I want."

"Right…" Tori said giving a slow nod, and she was going to say something else, but a stern nod from her 'chef' toward the plate caused the sibling snipefest to stop there.

The youngest Vega took a seat at the table and quickly took a fork and knife to the short stack that sat before her, surprisingly already topped with butter and syrup. Like a member of the bomb squad unit, carefully cutting wires to avoid a fiery death, Tori began to cut into the pancakes, checking them out, and moved even slower as she brought them to her face- first to her nose to smell if they were edible, and then a small bite to finalize the hypothesis.

They were delicious.

"Ermahgahd, Trehnah!" Tori said, suddenly feeling the urge to shovel the griddle-made goodies into her mouth. "Dees ahr sooo guuhd…"

"Jesus, Tori… chew and then talk…" Trina said, rolling her eyes and going back to cooking. "You look like some wild animal."

"Sorry…" Tori said, reaching for a glass of juice she had completely missed being there when she sat down. "I'm just really shocked at how good these are… like, really good."

"I got the recipe from Jade actually, and-"

"You got the what from who, now?!" Tori said, almost spitting out her hefty sip of juice.

"Jade…" Trina said, narrowing her eyes and once again shaking her head at her sister's reactions. "You know, her food blog. Where she puts her recipes and stuff… You've eaten her stuff before you know…"

"I, uh…" Tori said, feeling really unnerved from this whole exchange. "I'm really sorry… I don't know what's going on with me…"

Tori looked around the room and suddenly felt that something wasn't quite right. It was like that dream she had a long time ago where she was just an actor and everything she knew was just a tv show. Everything here was right… but it also wasn't. Like details were just hazy and nothing was just clear.

"Just had a… dream, and I guess… I guess I'm still working on getting over it," Tori said with a heavy sigh.

"You wanna talk about it?" Trina asked, offering her another class of juice, sliding it across the table, like an old timey bartender. She even had a small towel over her shoulder.

"Nah…" the younger sister said, looking out the window at the deep woods that she simultaneously remembered but was also ignorant of its existence. "I was actually thinking of visiting Jade today… I think she hasn't been feeling well. I don't think she was at school the last couple days."

"You need me to give you a ride?" Trina asked, suddenly back at the stove, working on yet another stack of what seemed like infinite pancakes.

"No…" Tori said, still staring out into the forest, speaking as if she was on autopilot. "I can just walk there. Through the woods."

"No way!" Trina shouted, dropping her spatula on the floor with a heavy clang. "It's way too dangerous for you to go out there by yourself… just walking through those woods."

"Trina, it's just a bunch of trees…"

"No, it's not…" she said, huffing and puffing, face getting redder. "You have no idea what's out there. Those woods are creepy and spooky and I've heard stories of what kind of things are out there waiting."

"Oh yeah…" Tori smirked, shaking her head at this ridiculousness. "Like monsters?"

"Yes, like monsters!" Trina fired back. "You're my sister and you're a good girl and the things out there are evil and you don't stand a chance against the horrors of the world."

"I'll be fine…" Tori said, though she was feeling quite a bit more trepidation with her sister's big reaction. "I'm just going to make a beeline for Jade's, hang out maybe, and then be right back."

"You say that… but a little old lady got mutilated late last night…" the elder sister said, looking her more popular sibling in the eyes.

"Right… at night… when it's actually possibly dangerous," Tori said, clearly annoyed that in addition to cooking, she was taking over other behaviors that her parents would show. "I'm going to be out there in broad daylight… nothing is going to happen."

"Fine… get murdered and eaten by a bear or a wolf or… whatever else is in the woods that can kill you…"

Tori took a deep sigh and pulled her chair from the table. "Look, I get that you're worried, but I will be fine. I'll call you as soon as I get there and before I come back, ok?"

"Do whatever you want," Trina said, crossing her arms and glaring. But eventually her need to try and look out for her sister bubbled back to the surface. "Just grab a sweater… it's supposed to get chilly today."

"Yes ma'am" Tori said sweetly to her sister's annoyance, and kissed the side of her head. "Let me just grab a few things and I'll grab my hoodie and you'll have the whole house to yourself."

"Hooray for me…" Trina said, her contempt beginning to fade as she watched her sister head back up the stairs.

Tori wasted no time finishing getting ready. If she was going to see Jade, she wanted to make sure her hair and skin looked as good as they could, on the off chance something could happen. She'd apparently already packed a bag of what she was taking to Jade's so she didn't even bother to look inside of it. A quick reach into her closet later, to grab her bright red hoodie, she was shuffling down the stairs and headed out the door to the woods.

There was something so strange and almost anachronistic about being outside from the house. Tori always felt like she lived in suburbia but there didn't seem to be houses around at all. Just trees and more trees. She should have been confused but somehow she felt a strange calm wash over her and she just started walking in the direction that felt right, once again, on a strange autopilot where her feet didn't even feel like they were on the ground.

There was also a strange change in the colors as she stepped into the woods, leaving behind much of the more basic neutral visuals of the eggshell colored house, and the periwinkle sky. Now her vision was getting filled with so many green variations in the trees while the ground was slowly going from a very basic brown to sepia and seal, and even russet brown as the ground and the fallen leaves began to merge texturally but contrasting so sharply. Even the sky, which seemed to be getting more and more blue by the second, seemed to liven up as she left her house and walked further into the 'dangerous' woods.

Trina was right about one thing for sure- it was colder than it looked outside. It's March, right, she silently asked herself, wondering how California could feel cool this late.

It only took about 100 yards for Tori to start to feel like there might be something amiss. Turning back, there was now no sign of her house, and for the first time, Tori began to feel a twinge of fear. There might actually be something here, she thought to herself, her pulse quickening with each stray thought. And then the scariest thought of all hit her like a freight train- was someone watching her?

"Maybe…" Tori whispered to herself as she neared the 200 yard mark from the house. "Maybe I will just call her and talk to her the rest of the way…"

The teen reached toward her pocket to get her Pearphone, which she knew she put in her pocket, but instead it was just a clog of receipts, thick like the device was.

"How am I supposed to call now?" she said to no one in particular, and suddenly, as she looked back to weigh her options on going back, she felt like the trees had changed. So, like most people make the mistake of doing when they are lost, she spun around to figure out which direction she actually came from.

"Shit," she silently cursed. "I'm so freaking lost…"

But that wasn't the worst problem by any means in her mind. All this talk that Trina gave of this being dangerous and there being something evil out here… she was right. She was going to have to go back to the house, if she could find it, and admit to her sister that Trina was right about this being a bad idea.

In fact, she was so lost in being worried about having to eat crow with Trina that she didn't even notice that she really wasn't alone out there anymore. Her mind registered that movement was happening, but it wasn't until a twig cracked underneath the weight of… something… that her attention was officially diverted back to this journey.

Whatever was with her, it was fast. Like freaky fast. It was at least 50 meters away, and she could see a brown and silver blur in the distance, and it almost looked like a bear from its size, but it was too fast. A wolf, maybe, her frazzled brain tried to scream out and her survival instinct kicked in.

"Aaaahhhh!" she shouted out, spinning around, throwing her hood on and waving her arms, remembering from her girl scout days that if an animal is near, you should make yourself look bigger and scarier. She continued the behavior as the wolf-esque thing ran off, and for several seconds after it was out of sight, just to be sure. "Run away! I'm big and scary! Grrrr!"

"That's kinda adorable…"

"Ahh!" Tori screamed as the rough voice behind her sent her almost into the air. Once her heart found its way back into her chest, she could finally process who her surprise visitor was. "Freddie?! What are you- Why- What?!"

"That sounds like a lot of questions…" he said, flashing a smirk that really made her tingle with a number of emotions, still riding the adrenaline high from her wolf encounter. He was dressed in a loose dark green button up shirt and jeans. "But since I think you ran… whatever it was, I didn't see it, that you were trying to scare… off, I think I have time to answer."

Tori was taking deep shallow breaths so her vision was a bit blurry but there was something about him that didn't seem quite right. "Oh… ok…. Sorry I freaked out."

"Oh it's 100% my bad," he said, still smirking, but he was keeping his lips tightened, not to reveal his mouth for some reason. "I was just going to head to Jade's and see how she's doing today. Figured I'd get her something to eat."

"Yeah, I was going to bring her some stuff too…" Tori said, reaching for her bag, when the thought occurred to her that Freddie wasn't carrying anything. Freddie always seemed nice and kind but she knew there was something a little wrong with him and with the suspicious way he was acting, it only made her feel even more on edge. "I guess I should… you know… head on to Jade's. Hope you will find her something to make her feel better and-"

"You don't want to walk together?" he said, flashing a glance and for a split second Tori was positive his eyes weren't brown anymore but something much lighter. Almost a golden yellow. "Not sure it's safe for you to walk through these spooky old woods alone."

Tori began to stammer as she slowly backed away from him, hoping she was going in the right direction. "I mean… I think I…"

"Wait…" he said, swiftly reaching her and reaching for her arm. "Did I actually scare you? You're not afraid of me, are you?"

"No… I mean... I…" Tori stammered, suddenly feeling powerless in his grasp, which of course only added to her sudden and overpowering fear. "Yeah... a little."

"Well, you have no reason to," he calmly said, flashing white teeth that, for only a second, seemed like they were bigger and sharper than they should be. "You're one hundred percent safe with me, I promise."

"Not to put too fine a point on it," Tori said, tucking a loose hair strand behind her ear, trying to ignore the hair standing up on the back of her neck, "but that's exactly what a predator would say to its prey. Like the spider and the fly."

"Valid point," he said with a slight chuckle. "But… if I wanted to… prey… on you, I could. Or would have done it already."

Though he was smiling, there was something… wrong with what he just said. Just a little too confident. A little too real. As if, no matter what happened, he would get his way. And what really scared Tori was how incredibly right he was, and somehow worse, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to stop whatever he might do next.

"Right…" she muttered, taking a few shallow breaths, feeling that undeniable hungry stare coming from him and too nervous to look over to see if she was right. "I figured you'd be with Jade all the time since you got to town. Are you not… staying with her?"

"Oh yes…" he said, with a nod, relaxing a bit and seeming wholly calmer. "But I went out to find some food, and now I'm heading back since its getting darker."

"What? It's only…" Tori said, looking upwards, and sure enough, the sky was getting a bit grayer, and everything seemed a bit less bright. Except the trees which seemed to be a hundred different variances of the color. "That's so weird…I could have sworn it was…"

"The woods have a way of confusing us sometimes…" he said, putting his hand on the small of her back. "Losing time, losing our way, losing ourselves sometimes…"

Tori heard his words but all she could focus on was his large hand on her back, feeling like they were much bigger than a hand should be. Not forceful, but again a touch that instantly made her feel smaller and weak to his power. It made her shudder slightly, which he had to notice, but truthfully, she felt just as safe as she felt terrified in his mighty paws… Wait, was that the right word?

"I told Trina I'd just be gone a couple hours, and certainly back before nightfall..." Tori said, slowly moving from his hand and moving away from him slowly. "Maybe I can just go see Jade tomorrow…"

"Nonsense…" he whispered, suddenly behind her once more. "I can take you there myself. All the more reason for us to travel together…"

"You're a regular Prince Charming…" she nervously laughed.

Tori once again saw that flash of yellow-green in his brown eyes, but that sweet smile, just as always, made her feel like she might not have anything to fear. In the pit of her stomach she felt like something was very wrong but she just couldn't bring herself to do anything about it. He was right- he'd probably overpower her either way if he was as dangerous as that little voice was saying he was.

But this was Freddie. He's a nice guy. Jade wouldn't be with him if he wasn't at least a pretty good guy, right?

"Is it going to take a sheep suit?" he said with a slight smile, adjusting his olive colored shirt (Was that even the same color it was a second ago?), and seeing that she wasn't making the leap with him to the reference. "Since you think I'm some big bad wolf predator thing…"

"Oh…" she said, with a mild nod, taking a deep breath. "Sorry… I just…"

"It's fine…" he said with a shrug. "I probably came on a little strong anyway. Don't worry about it…"

"No!" she called out quickly, suddenly realizing she just shouted that. "I mean… sure. We can walk together… my mind is just a little foggy I guess you could say. You've been nothing but a gentleman."

"It is getting a little foggy…" he said, peering around at the woods, which were now starting to get a bit hazier, but the darkness from the sky had lifted slightly, allowing for more, and simultaneously less, to be seen in front of the pair. "And you probably shouldn't forget that a gentleman is simply a patient wolf."

The weather changes were setting Tori on edge once more, but she had made a decision to stick with Freddie and while her nerves were standing on end, she was committed to not looking ridiculous and freaking out again.

"I guess you can lead the way…" she said softly, with a light swallow. "Since you know things better than me."

"Yeah…" he nodded, reaching out for her hand, which she initially pulled away from but as he moved his hand toward her more, she relaxed enough to accept it. He gently smiled at her and squeezed her soft palm, which felt surprisingly small in his strong hand. "We'll make it there in no time, and I promise that no other monsters or baddies are going to come after you."

Tori smiled at the ridiculousness, her mind fighting off the sudden chill when he said 'other.' Shaking it off as best she could, she simply chuckled and said, "My hero…"

"Not sure I'd go that far…" he smirked, beginning to walk with her staying close as he led her hand. "You weren't exactly just some damsel in distress I had to jump in and rescue. We just happened to be going to the same place. Not like I liberated you from being tied to a railroad track."

In a flash, Tori's mind jumped to that fantasy once more, though given what spurned it with the dance made her question how that could have worked. If the dance that made that happen happened, and he was with me and Jade then, does that-

"I'm glad you came with me…" he said, smashing her train of thought questioning this world around them. "I think I would have worried about you the whole way if we went our separate ways."

"Why's that?" Tori said, tucking her hair back with her free hand, trying to keep her composure as they made their way through the woods, where the green leaves began to vary more and more with each tree they passed- going from forest green to hunter green to lime and olive, with every few steps.

"A beautiful girl all by herself in the middle of these dark woods," he said, not even turning to look at her, other than the bare corner of his eye, though he could easily tell she was blushing big time. "Those big beautiful eyes, the full lips, soft supple skin, the toned legs… I can only imagine the things that might come after someone like you."

"Thanks…" she mumbled, fighting hard against the fire in her cheeks from his kind words. No… kind wasn't even the right word. Complimentary? Flirtatious? Whatever the tone, there was certainly something behind them. Hungry maybe? "I can't believe I've never noticed how green all of this is, even with the fog and the gloomy sky."

"You know what's really fascinating?" he asked rhetorically, as he slowed his movements a bit so that he could turn and face her. "Do you know why the human eye can see more shades of green than any color?"

"Really?" the Latina whispered, slowly nodding, noticing even more colors all around them. So much so that it only made Freddie pop more color wise with his more peach skin and brown hair and blue jeans and seafoam green shirt. Is that even the right color, she asked herself again. "That's crazy. Why?"

"You know… I am not sure…" he said, stopping completely, and looking at her, and there was something in his eyes that made her feel safe, but also a bit weak. "When I first heard it, years ago, I thought it was simple- it's because humans needed to be able to differentiate predators from their surrounds while evolving."

"That makes a lot of sense actually," she said, biting her lip and wondering if the same was true here. Was that why his colors seemed to pop compared to the world around them that was like a green color wheel?

"Yeah, it does…" he said, gripping her hand tighter. "But recently, I've re-examined the thought and I might have been looking at the wrong side of it. Maybe it's not because we needed to see predators, but because we needed to see prey. Perhaps we are the predators… that's what our survival is based on- the only way for man to survive was, and still is, to become a predator."

He looked completely enamored with the thought so Tori prayed he didn't notice her slight shiver as the chill ran down her back. A quick look at herself, and she realized that he might be right. While he certainly showed up against the background, she might as well have been painted neon pink. The bright white of her shirt, the deep crimson red of her hoodie, and her baby blue jeans made her stick out like the North Star.

"That's… certainly… something," she said softly, taking short labored breaths hoping he wouldn't react in some strange way.

"It really is…" he trailed off, offering a smile that seemed a little less sweet as it was playful. The kind of playful that made her feel just as much eagerness as fear. "That's why I was a little worried about you. You don't exactly blend into your surroundings. That wolf could have just come straight at you."

"Yeah… wait…" she said, quickly pulling her hand away. "I thought you didn't see it? How did you know it was a wolf?"

"Pretty sure you said it earlier…" he said, raising an eyebrow, clearly aware of her massive paranoia. "You need to relax. I hope I've shown that you can trust me now."

"Well, I mean…" she said, trying to come up with a response, but she really had nothing to answer for her behavior. He had been very nice and it was just her inner voice that was making all the fuss. So she settled on being a bit contrary. "Well…you don't exactly blend in either, you know…"

"Pretty sure I can take care of myself…"

"And I can't?" she fired back with some surprising hostility.

"I'm sure you could…" he said, somewhat apologetically, "but I would rather help you and try and get you to your destination safely, rather than risk it, you know?"

"Risk me being something's prey?" she said, cocking her own eyebrow. "That you'll fend off some predator that wants to devour me and kill me?"

"Who's to say?" he said, nonchalantly, clearly trying not to grind his teeth. "I was trying to do something nice, but I can see you have your heavy suspicions, and aren't going to be very thankful."

"I didn't mean-"

"Yes, you did," he said coldly. "I was trying to do this the nice way. Take you to the cabin, let you spend time with Jade, and maybe even stay for dinner, but I really don't know how to feel now."

"I'm sorry, Freddie and… wait, did you say, 'let me spend time?'" Tori asked, perplexed, and now slowly backing up from him as he seemed to get a bit more upset. "That sounds really bad."

"It certainly can be…" he whispered, moving like lightning to catch up with her. "But I think you're special…"

His arm reached out, and while her brain was screaming to run, Tori was frozen in place, feeling almost a want for him to reach out and touch her. There was no running or fighting him if he wanted something.

"H-h-how am I… special?" she said, feeling his fingertips on her side, causing her eyes to flutter softly, and a small shudder running up her goosebump covered arm, while a strange heat raced south.

"Because you're lost…" he said, like it actually answered all of her questions, as his thick, but somehow gentle, fingertips slid an inch up and then two down, continuing this path as he moved closer, whispering in her sensitive ear. The feeling was making her feel smaller and smaller, and somehow very turned on. "These woods are who you are- bright and colorful from a distance but inside, it's confusing and twisted, with no distinguishable path. That house, where your parents and your sister are… that's you too, but it's what you are at rest."

"I-I-I don't understand…" she whispered, feeling his lips, and his surprisingly coarse stubble against the top of her ear. Her breathing was very shallow, and as scared as she was, she really wanted his hands to move around a bit more. "I'm… getting scared…"

"No reason to be scared, Tori…" he said, and while she couldn't see, she could feel he was smiling big as he said it. "I have no intentions, nor could I ever harm you… I just want you to see something."

"Then just show me…" she said, through gritted teeth as her whole body began to shake, until his other hand rested upon her shoulder, avoiding any of the zones that could give her some relief. "I just want to go home…"

"That's the problem I'm trying to point out…" he said, stepping back so he could look her deep in the eyes. He motioned all over the thick woods. "You don't know how to get home anymore, I don't think. You desperately wanted to walk through these woods, probably because the world you live in isn't enough… but now that you're here, being your own person, you don't know where you're going or how to return to life as you know it. This is limbo in a lot of ways. And you don't know which paths to take to which direction… nor do you really know what you want."

"I want to go home…" she muttered, searching for the strength to respond back until she found it at last. "I'm scared and I want to be safe! That's all!"

"That's all?" he said skeptically, looking deep into her eyes. "Fear? You really have no other feelings; no other desires than going back home at this moment? Be honest."

"No…" She should have just run. She knew it… but she couldn't. She was here, in the moment, and the words just came pouring from her lips, uncontrollable truth spewing out. "I also want to go to where Jade is. To follow you wherever you want to take me."

"I thought you were scared of me…" he said, using his thick fingers to brush her soft brown hair from her striking face. "Scared that I'm some big bad monster that's going to devour you…"

"I'm only a little scared of you as a person…" she said, taking a deep breath and looking into his golden brown eyes, filled with as much hunger as care. "What really scares me about you and the way you just seem larger than life and overpowering… is how much I like it."

"You… like… this? The big bad Freddie turns you on?" he said slowly, making sure he understood her correctly as he watched her slowly nod. He seemed even bigger at this point. They were supposed to be the same height, but there was something about the way he seemed to grow with each word that made her feel even more at his mercy. The feeling was multiplied when a wide smile grew across his face, his teeth looking sharp almost. "Can I tell you a secret then?"

"S-s-sure…" she said, trying not to stutter as she stared at his strange features, almost like a slow transformation.

Her blood ran cold as his face moved toward her ear, and she could feel his hot wet breath against the soft cartilage, and he even gave a slight sniff.

"I knew that all along…" he whispered, and for just a second, she felt something thick and wet slide across her sensitive ear lobe, earning a slight mew that seemed to surprise her more than him.

"Wh-what?!" she called out, her breathing ragged. "How… how did you-"

"See…" he said, pulling away from her slightly, and standing less than a foot from the shaking teen, "I haven't been completely honest with you… When you turned around and saw me… that wasn't actually the first time you saw me…"

"I don't-"

"Shh… just wait," he said, with a soft smile that completely somehow negated the strange behavior he was exhibiting. "Your survival technique works pretty well with most predators… but not all of them. Sometimes they just want you to think you scared them off so they can come at their prey another way."


Tori was going to say something else, but then her words, lungs and heart, suddenly jumped into her throat. Freddie, who was most definitely a person in her mind a second ago, was now shifting and moving strangely as his clothes simply fell from his body. In less than five seconds the Seattle teenager went from being 'normal' to his face stretching and falling on all fours as thick fur began to grow all over him. And then it was done. He was huge. Like up to her shoulders he now stood, in a muscular thick wolf legs ending with thick and heavy paws. His large mouth was now lined with large sharp teeth- fangs really, and then there were his eyes. The one thing that didn't change. The one thing that kept her from running as fast as she could. Those caring, yet predatory eyes were Freddie's, without a doubt. There was also no question that this was what she saw in the woods before he popped up behind her.

"You… what… how…" she stammered, blood turning to ice. "You were the wolf?!"

The wolf… Freddie… simply exhaled a hot breath and began to circle around the thin teen, still frozen in place. Eventually, after a few seconds, Tori decided to just close her eyes. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen, and she just accepted that she was going to killed right here and now.

"Please… whatever you do…" she pleaded, keeping her eyes tightly closed. "Whatever you're going to do…j-j-just make it fast…"

There was utter silence for a few moments as not even the natural world surrounding the intimidating scene could make a sound. And if it could, it certainly wasn't louder than the youngest Vega's heartbeat. She could feel his eyes and she just began to wonder what and how he'd kill her. Would he scratch and claw her until she was sliced to pieces? Would he just take a big bite from her throat?

Absent-mindedly, her hand moved to her throat, feeling the phantom big teeth digging into her exposed caramel flesh. Without the actual pain involved, her mind drifted to a very different intense feeling that set her flesh ablaze with some of the strangest desires she'd ever felt. Part of her wanted to feel his heavy form claim her as his prey. She wasn't seeing the wolf anymore in her mind… it was Freddie himself. Naked. Holding her down with a mere hand while he ran his sharpened teeth along her pulse point, going between her earlobe, across her exposed throat, and then back up to the next.

Tori was so lost in this fantasy that she didn't even realize the mews and moans her mouth was releasing as the fantasy played out in her mind. She also didn't notice that the lightfooted 'creature' was no longer tightening the circle around her.

"You asked me how I knew… how I know what's happening…" a strong toned voice said from just behind her. Carefully, Freddie slid the hair from the side of her head to have a clear shot at her ear. "It's these primal senses. I could see every little movement. I could hear the slightest sound you uttered, and those were endlessly adorable. The slightest touch to your arm and I could feel the nerves and the muscles tighten. And best of all… I could smell you. You smell like fresh flowers, sweet and simplistic, but your arousal scent… is heavenly."

"You…" she said, standing perfectly still, afraid to look him in the eye, not sure if he was still a wolf, or if he was normal, or maybe more frightening, a mixture of the two, "could smell my… That's not possible, and-"

"Oh, it's quite possible," he fired back. "That standard body scent gets multiplied when you're turned on. Which I picked up on the moment you saw me. And it got stronger as that intimate heat grew hotter and hotter, and you got a bit wetter. But now… you might as well have a volcano in you… overflowing with…"

Tori waited a few moments, wondering why he just trailed off. Did he see something? Should I open my eyes, she thought. Until finally she couldn't stand it- he had her body betraying her, he wouldn't do the same for her own senses. "What is it?"

"Oh, nothing…" he whispered softly, blowing hot air at her ear while his hands combed through her dark locks. "Just occurred to me that there are five senses, and I've only used four on you… so far…"

Sight. Hearing. Touch. Smell. Tori went through each of the senses he focused on and immediately realized which one he was talking about her. Holy shit, she screamed internally, he really is going to eat me.

"Pl-Pl- Please d-don't kill m-me…" she said, her body shaking, but his strong hands, now human once more it seemed, though they were a bit hairy, wrapped around her torso.

"Whoa…" he said, gripping her tight in a backwards embrace. "I'm not going to kill you. I couldn't kill you…"

"But… you said…" Tori stammered, staring straight ahead at the maze of trees, now questioning again if she could run away. "The only thing left is taste… you're going to eat me. Tear me apart and eat my body-"

"You need to relax," he said firmly, interrupting her freak out and running his large hands over her arms while he pressed his cheek against the side of her head. "I said I needed to taste you. But I can, and would love to, do that without hurting you at all."

The Seattle teen leaned down and kissed down her ear's edge, sliding his tongue across the lobe before reaching her neck, which he kissed, and only mildly suckled on, along her pulse point. Her head, subconsciously shifted over to the other side to allow him as much access as he wanted.

"Mmmmhmmm…" she moaned, her body screaming out for more of his touch; for his mouth to go anywhere and everywhere.

"See…" he whispered, peppering her vulnerable jugular with soft small kisses, "I simply wanted to taste your skin. No harm done… Though, I'd love to really taste those full lips of yours."

"What about Jade?" Tori asked, immediately regretting the question, fearing it could end this moment which was too incredible to be lost over a twinge of conscience.

"Tori Vega is lost in the woods, and is faced with a big bad wolf to either scare her away or steal her away…" he said, his hands moving down her arms to her own, which seemed so much smaller by comparison. Slowly his lips moved back to her ear, and he whispered, but made sure the Latina could hear him, "Who do you think came up with this idea?"

Tori shuddered, for the first time out of something other than fear. This did seem like a Jade plan. But that didn't explain what Freddie was or the thing with the wolves, and a thousand other things that were racing from her mind.

Within seconds, and after two strong kisses from Freddie to her neck and lightly exposed shoulder, those questions had all but disappeared completely. This was her moment. Their moment.

"If you want…" she said, softly biting her lip, and feeling a slight quiver as she made a minor move in this dance. "My lips are still here… unoccupied."

"Is that an invitation?" he smirked, and while she couldn't see it, she could feel his teeth against her flesh and they seemed to be in the shape of a bare smile.

Freddie quickly spun the brunette around, bent a bit, and planted a deep, soft kiss to her luscious, inviting lips, lingering for a moment as his tongue snaked out to dominate hers. As the kisses grew deeper and longer, Tori couldn't help moaning into them, as his arms wrapped around her, settling his hands on the small of her back, and pulling her closer. Her abdomen ground slightly into his upper thigh, feeling his thick oak trunk of a body almost absorb hers, and feeling so close to something that felt a bit like an arm, but his two were already accounted for..

And that was the exact moment when Tori quickly realized that she was kissing a naked man.

Immediately, her eyes shot open and she backed away to find out how right she was. But that somehow wasn't all that was a bit different. She hadn't looked at him since his transformation, and now here he was, his body looking normally proportioned for the most part, but he was bigger. Maybe a foot taller and more muscular. And hairier. Didn't take a genius to figure out why. And she wasn't even going to think too hard on the boneless third leg swaying between his legs.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking genuinely concerned for her well-being, tilting his head to the side. "Did you get scared again? Because I swear, I won't let anything happen that you don't want and-"

"I just…" she sputtered out, trying to maintain eye contact and not look down, but there were more than a few split seconds she couldn't help herself. "I just had no idea you were naked. I guess I should have since I watched your clothes get messed up and I thought I felt your skin, but… it just… threw me."

"The change isn't great for clothes…" he said with an apologetic shrug. "I should have said something. But then again, I felt just saying 'I'm naked, by the way' came on a bit strong."

"Just a bit," Tori laughed, blushing harder than she could ever remember. "Should I… let you get dressed, or…"

"I don't really have much in the area of clothes, to be honest," he said with a sly smile. "But if you'd like, I think the birthday suit look would look incredible on you too…"

Tori's cheeks burned bright red. "I…"

"I'm just playing with you…" he said sweetly, taking a step toward her, causing her to take a small step back without realizing it. "You don't have to get undressed… and if you want, I can get some of my shirt and wrap it around my…"

Freddie's eyes noticed that hers were pointing downward toward the topic of covering up and seemed focused, almost glazed in a way, and when she managed to look up since he stopped talking, she felt even more embarrassed.


"No need to apologize, Tori…" he said with a slight smirk, his ego stroked a bit. "It's out there and I can't really blame you for staring… plus I know what's going on in that head of yours…"

Oh… um… I…" she tried to find a way to respond to this, but her brain felt a little fuzzy. Her body was feeling burning hot and the fact that he was so in control even in an embarrassing situation made her feel all sorts of different things. And now he was walking towards her, looking just as predatory as he did when he was on four legs.

"What I said about those senses… about your scent… about how certain little things get you so hot that you can't help yourself…" he said confidently, reaching out to run his fingers through her hair. "It's all true. The moment you felt me, and saw my… member, your breathing has become erratic, you can't help but look and I will bet you could wring quite a bit out of those panties of yours right now. I also see how you react, the desire in your eyes, when I'm more confident and tell you what to do… Have you always been submissive, Tori?"

"Me? No! I mean, I…" the aspiring pop star desperately sought the words that just were not coming. For a moment she was back to her dream where Freddie and Jade had made her their submissive little slut, and how incredible that felt. But this was something else. This was real, right? So she just let loose "I like helping people, maybe but… honestly, I've never had to take orders before. Certainly not… you know… like this."

"Maybe, but it's there in those big beautiful eyes of yours. The desire for someone to sweep you up and surrender to their control…" Freddie said, stroking her face and looking into the soft and sweet orbs as eyelashes fluttered. "But you're scared of how that makes you feel. You crave it but you also don't want people to think a certain way about you. Especially that current, overpowering desire for me to lift your small innocent body up and mark you… to claim you as my own personal fuckdoll…"

Tori couldn't help but shudder and mew at the term. Jade had used it in her dream to describe what Tori would be and maybe she was right. The two of them had taken her to places of ecstasy that there might not even be a word for. And now she was once again on the cusp of it. "I… I mean… I don't know if-"

"Yes or no. Do you want me?" he barked at her.

"Want you in what-"

"I said, yes…" Freddie clenched his teeth and looked at her trembling form, knowing he might have scared her a little too much, "or no. That's all you have to say. Do you want me… sexually?"

"That's a tough…" she began, earning a frustrated look from his serious face. "Fine… it's not tough at all... Yes… yes, I do."

"Good girl…" he said with a half sneer half smile that made Tori squirm a bit. "And do I scare you?"

"A little… Yes."

"And does that fear lessen your desire for me…" he said, slowly transitioning into a whisper, "…or increase it?"

Tori wasn't sure how to respond, but as his hands moved to hold her shoulders a bit more tightly, she felt that she had no choice but to respond, feeling semi-defeated. "I-I-Increase…"

"So why not just give in to those desires?" he said, his kindness and sweet demeanor slowly returning. "You know what makes you feel good and what doesn't so why not follow that pathway?"

"Because… it's wrong…" she sputtered, unsure of this entire situation. She was being pulled so hard at every corner of her mind, and then from each of those, in two different directions. "Because you're… whatever you are, and you're with Jade, and I'm not supposed to just give in to temptation no matter how much I might want it. Everything is just so complicated."

"Then let's uncomplicate things…" he said swiftly, his arms moving down the sides of her form. "You say you want me, I want you so that one seems simple. Jade wants you too and asked me to bring you to her, so that's pretty straightforward too. All that's left is the temptation, the… crisis of conscience…"

As he moved closer, Tori couldn't help but quiver as his semi-soft member pressed against her clothed leg. The heat and wetness was beyond all belief and she was doing everything she could to keep up her resistance.

"We've already kissed…" he said, sweetly, his hot air blowing from his nostrils onto her exposed neck. "Something you very much enjoyed and wanted to continue. But it wasn't until I pointed out the submissive angle that you got defensive."

"I don't just roll over and-"

"Was that a dog joke?" he interrupted, nose and lips staying very still against her shoulder's flesh up to her ear, making it unclear whether he was just playing with her or if he was genuinely upset. His stern tone wasn't helping. "Take your hoodie off."

Tori didn't ask questions or argue as the red garment easily slid off her arms and torso, leaving her in a t shirt and jeans. The new areas for affection did not go more than a second before they were attended to. He kissed more of her shoulder before, taking her hand in his massive one, he kissed softly down her left arm, earning chills and goose bumps all the way down. And when he reached her fingers, he laced his own within hers and kissed her exposed digits.

"I have no idea what to make of you…" she whispered, watching the confusing man/wolf thing (werewolf seemed silly to say, right?) softly kiss her gentle fingertips before moving to the other arm to repeat the process. "You're scary and mean and controlling, but then… there's… this… and it's soft and sweet and I just-"

"Don't talk…" he whispered with a grin as he moved up her arm to her face, and got just a centimeter away. "Just relax… I swore I wouldn't cause you any harm."

"O-ok," she said, feeling a slight chill again that was immediately burned up by her body's response to his affections. Her eyes closed for what simultaneously felt like a moment and forever. In fact, she was so caught up in her head that she didn't even feel herself being lifted off the ground until she felt her back against a tree, and her feet not touching the ground. "Wh-what's going on?"

"I just wanted a better angle for you…" he whispered, looking up at her, with that beastly hunger back in his eyes. Tori wanted to ask him what he needed such an angle for but she couldn't find the words as his hand pulled her billowy tee up a bit to reveal her tanned and toned tummy.

Freddie locked eyes with her as he leaned forward, planting small gentle kisses on her stomach, almost like he was planting butterflies given the way it made the lithe teen feel. She knew she should struggle as she was completely vulnerable to his ministrations but she just didn't want to. This wasn't bad, she thought to herself. It's like getting tickled in a way and dad used to do this type a thing, blowing raspberries on me when I was a kid. But with a single movement, this immediately went from being playful to something much much more.

The long tongued Seattle resident slid his sponge-y organ from between his lips and traced a circle around her cute innie belly button. The metaphor for what this movement signified was not lost on Tori, and she found herself grinding toward his mouth more as her own was held by one hand, fighting back numerous moans and mews while the other cautiously ran its fingers through his coarse hair. This movement only increased when he pressed his lips to her navel and dipped his large tongue inside, licking all around, and pushing deeper than the small hole allowed.

And then, all at once, it stopped and Freddie just looked up at her, clearly already a mess, and given his proximity, he knew how incredibly turned on she was. He had no doubt that if he kept just that up, he might be able to get the sensitive girl to come. But creaming her jeans would be a precious waste of what would no doubt be a delicious release.

"Is… everything ok?" Tori asked, coming back to earth from her metaphorical rocket ship that hadn't quite reached its destination. "Did I do something wrong or-"

"See…" he said with a smirk, peppering her stomach with soft kisses once more, "this is proof that I knew what I was talking about."

"I'm… sorry… I don't understand," she said, squirming a bit in his strong grasp.

"It's just incredibly adorable is all…" Freddie said, lowering her to her feet so that he could more easily look into her eyes. "You argue about how wrong this is and then with a single touch, you just surrender. And when I stop doing something, your first thought is to apologize that you might have done something wrong… as if I couldn't be in the wrong here…"

Tori wanted to speak but there wasn't anything she could think of to say. He was right. For all her bluster about this not being right and how she couldn't just let herself give in to temptation, here she was, so lost in her own desires from the simplest of actions that all of that ceased to matter.

"I know you were getting close," he said, flashing a sly smile as he reached and tucked her hair behind her ear, happy to see that she didn't even flinch this time. "What you want right now…I can give you that. I can give you your deepest desires and give you a release like that a lot actually. I just need to know, right now, whether you want me to or not."

Tori couldn't deny that she wanted this. Her whole body was screaming for his strong hands to grip her tight once more and have his way with her. To kiss those soft lips as his hands scoured her form for each and every pleasure point, which he'd undoubtedly find. To feel that tongue against and inside her precious love canal. And his… thing. It could probably split her in two but she desperately craved to feel that mammoth tool relocating her organs as it…

"You ok?" Freddie said, bringing the fantasy to a quick end. The aspiring pop star didn't even realize her eyes had closed and that she was just standing there moaning.

"Sorry… I-"

"Don't apologize…" he smirked, kissing the top of her head. "It's scary sometimes, to ask for what we want sometimes. I just wanted you to tell me if I should go forward with my plan."

"Your…plan?" she asked, almost grinning herself, at how silly that all sounded. "Are you going to make out with me and then steal the Declaration of Independence?"

"Crossed my mind…" he laughed back, leaning in and kissing her hair as he stroked her clothed side. "But really, I was already at an impasse because there are three paths we can take, and just like this forest, where we go depends on you. So, option one, we chalk this up as a little fun, and we go our separate ways and-"

"No. Next." Tori said coldly, probably louder than she intended. "I mean… I don't know… maybe. Not sure how the others sound."

"Fair enough…" he smirked, loving the fact that she had changed her tune quite a bit and had no intention of stopping. He surprised her even more when he lifted her back up where she was, putting his lips to her soft stomach flesh before slowly lowering her as he spoke. "Option two, I move upwards from here, maybe tear that shirt off, and offer the same affection to your upper half. You taste so good, but those soft little breasts of yours taste even better… I could suckle from those hard little chocolate nipples of yours. I bet they could cut glass right now from being so aroused… especially if I twirl my tongue around those tiny little areolas… and just before you come, I kiss your vulnerable little neck. A real kiss. Something you'll remember for days. Something so deep and primal that you'll wonder if the wolf will just finish you off right there…"

"Ohmygod!" Tori exclaimed, biting her lip, her body shaking from what she thought might be an earth shattering climax, and it was just from his words. She looked and they were almost face to face once more. "Please don't stop…"

"I don't think I would stop there…" he said, a wicked smile apparent in his words as he lifted her back up to where he started, with a gentle kiss against her soft belly. "But let's talk about what's behind door number three…"

Tori's groan was audible as another missed opportunity for a release hit like a freight train and all she could do was squirm. She was so mad at him, but at the same time, she couldn't be because he was giving something, with just simple touch and talk, that she never could have dreamed of with another guy.

"I promise, you're going to like this one…" he said, lifting her a little higher up, and simply watching for a second as she tried to keep her composure as she went higher, but knew that his face was going to be somewhere that desperately needed attention. As he grew closer, the force of his hot breath grew stronger and stronger against the denim. "I was thinking of tearing the button off of these jeans, breaking the zipper, and tossing them aside, because honestly, while they magnificently frame what might be the most incredible ass ever, they'd only get in the way. Same with your panties… I would just grab them with my teeth and pull until they were just flimsy cloth pieces… you might be upset that your clothes were messed up but you'd forget easily as I lean in and just take a quick lick of that perfect little pussy."

"Unnghh…" Tori moaned, feeling the almost 'trigger' word hit like a bullet, gripping his head so tightly, knowing she was right there at the edge. "Do… whatever you want… I just need-"

"Nuh uh uh," Freddie said, letting her go completely as she dropped, but caught her before she it the ground. "If you come, then option one it is… are we clear?"

"Pleasepleaseplease…" she moaned. "Just let me have this one and I'll-"

"Those are the rules…" he said sternly. "I promise I will make it worth your wild, if you just hang on."

"Ok…" she said, eyes fluttering a bit as her cheeks had never felt more flushed. In a second, she was back in his arms, and lifted up high so that his head fit nicely between her denim thighs.

"So where was I?" he asked, knowing the answer, clearly but he wanted her to say it.

"You… tore my clothes off, and…"


"Licked me," she shyly replied.

"Where?" he feigned confusion. "On your foot? Your leg? Your side? Your-"

"You know where…" she groaned, knowing he was playing with her. "Please don't make me…"

"So you want me to do very carnal things to you…" he said, cocking his eye brows as he slowly began to lower her, "… but you don't want to say certain words?"

"My area…" she finally said, causing the lowering to cease, but he was still clearly impatient for her word choice. "Fine… my pussy…"

"Now was that so hard?" he asked, grinning as he raised her back up and gave her the treat of pressing his face to her warm and somewhat damp crotch, biting at the fabric softly, eliciting moans from the strained girl. "So now that I've got this pretty little pink pussy right in front of my face, and I've savored that first lick… I don't know if I'll be able to help myself. I don't even know where I would start… I could focus on your love bundle and suck on your clit like Cat on a pacifier. Or maybe I'd just get into that hot dripping core of yours and savor every drop of that sweet nectar because I know if your skin tastes that good and sweet, I could devour your precious almost virginal cunt for days on end."

"Oh goddd…" she moaned, doing her best to fight off the release. She couldn't let it go. Not when she could have what he was advertising. "I'm so… I'm so…"

"I mean," he continued as if she hadn't interrupted, "do you have any idea how long and thick a wolf's tongue is? I could scratch itches that you haven't even become aware of yet…"

"OPTION 3!" she screamed out, so loud she might have been heard for a mile. "Please… I'll do whatever… but please let me have this. I need it…"

"I think you would have loved the big finale, but ok. Your wish is my command…" he said with a wicked grin. "But no cumming until a say so…"

Before Tori could even process a response, Freddie's large hands gripped the button of her jeans and as promised, pulled hard, sending the small metal piece flying. The zipper didn't fare much better as his thick hands tore it down, breaking the metal teeth, and just like he said, she actually didn't even care. She wanted this too badly to even think about what she'd wear after. The jeans quickly pulled off, and Freddie bunched them around her ankles, using them as a lock to keep her in place as his head now faced her underwear covered sex. He looked up at her, seeing her wide eyes at how fast this was going, no doubt trying to keep it together like he requested. Like a good girl.

"Hold still…" Freddie said softly as he opened his mouth, revealing sharp teeth which he slowly lowered against her flesh catching the soaked garment in between his 'fangs'. Tori would be lying if she said she didn't get even more turned on at the feel of his sharp teeth against her vulnerable flesh. And in a flash, he jerked his neck back, ripping the white cotton panties from her tanned form and he could not have been happier from the look he now had. "Simply beautiful…"

"Do you…" she said, attempting to be flirty even in the face of total domination, taking short breaths, to keep herself from that edge as best she could until he gave her the word, "like… what you see?"

"Remember what I said about those senses?" he said rhetorically. "It looks perfect and so well manicured… and it smells glorious. I can smell how bad you want to have your release. Now all that's left is to taste it…"

"Please…" she moaned as his mouth moved closer. "I don't think I can hold it back if you… do all that stuff you said."

Freddie smiled up at her and reached for her hand. "I believe in you," he whispered as he gripped her hand and moved toward her treasure to take a swift lick.

"Shhiiitttttttshitshit!" she cried out, head rolling back to the gray sky, squeezing his hand tight. He was right. It was a long lick and yet his tongue felt wide enough to completely envelop her sensitive sex. She was done for now. "I cant… I can't…"

"Look at me…" he said sweetly, planting a soft kiss on her thigh until she stared down at him. "I'm going to try and keep the beast that wants to ravage you at bay, but I can't make any promises I won't lose myself. Just that lick has put me on edge for more. Your delicious snatch is incredible and I can't wait to make it my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now, listen… I ok now you want to blast off. Count to 30 for me, and when you hit zero, just let go and I promise you… rapture."

"Ok…" she winced, taking a few shallow breaths. "One, two, three…"

The moment she got to three, she felt his tongue slide against her opening. All over it, and then suddenly, it was pushing deeper. Tori only barely processed that her sacred barrier which she only dreamed of smashing with he and Jade wasn't there for this assault. She silently cursed to herself as she reached 7 and was shivering tightly as he went deeper, and by ten she didn't think she'd even make it the next 20 seconds. He didn't go too deep, but even with that, making it to 15 seemed like she was doing the impossible. His hand was the only thing keeping her in the air even as she buckled, rounding the intensity to 20. Just a little longer, she thought to herself, you can do this. But that's when his tongue went even deeper applying some heavy pressure to her G-spot.

"Ohmygoddd…" she screamed out, interrupting the count momentarily, as her legs turned into spaghetti and she thrashed knowing she was so close, causing her pooled jeans and shoes to drop to the ground. "25… 26… 27…"

And that's when Freddie stopped completely, giving her a second to relax, which caused her to groan from the lack of attention.

"29…" she called out and then he came at her like a freight train treating her exposed pearl like a heavyweight champions speedbag, and she was done for. She didn't even have to say '30' because her release served as its own alarm. "AAAaahhhh!"

Freddie held her close, his hand in hers as his other hand steadied her body and made her feel relaxed as she rode out the strongest orgasm of her life. But his mouth stayed right where it belonged- at her core, lapping away at her sweet flavor, not daring to spill a single drop. His tongue wildly took from her all it could at first, but as she began to come down, so did his energy, giving her soft slow licks that kept her stimulated, but didn't push her past her physical limits.

Once he was finished (as if he could ever really be finished…), he began to lower the girl until she was touching the ground, and even then, he refused to let her go until he knew she was stable enough to stand.

"That was…" she began, completely unsure how the rest of that sentence would go.

"It really was…" he said with a smile, leaning in to kiss her. Tori paused for a moment, a bit weary of tasting her sex which shimmered all over his hungry mouth, but after a second of trepidation, she went for it, and fully embraced his lips.

The flavor was incredible and so much sweeter than she had imagined herself being. It didn't hurt that his mouth already tasted so good and so welcoming, and he was pulling her closer into him by the second. Her mind was both completely frazzled with thoughts, and the next second completely serene, giving herself over to the moment.

She also knew she couldn't just ignore a certain part of him anymore. What was previously a hanging semi-soft mass against her leg had become substantially bigger and harder, and the way that he towered over her had the engorged rod pressed against the side of her soft belly, just under her shirt. And when he'd shift, she could feel its sponge-y head leave a trail of precum across her abdomen.

"Should I…" she asked softly, barely pulling back from the kiss, eyes still closed, fearing that if she opened them, this would all be gone.

"Should you what?" he whispered back, reaching his hand behind her head to stroke her hair, while this thumb caressed her cheek.

"I mean… you… did me, and your… thing is…"

"Tori…" he said with a smiling kissing her pouty lips once more. "I told you from the start that you don't have to do anything you don't want to, but the fact that you want to do something to repay me says a lot."

"I mean…" she stammered, unsure of what to do, her breath growing shorter with each passing second. She'd only done this once before with some guy whose name she couldn't even remember at this point. How bad was that? To do something so… dirty but you can't even remember their name… maybe she was as slutty as she feared. Confusion seemed to follow her everywhere it seemed.

"I tell you what…" he said sweetly, running his hands down her sides. "Since you're clearly a bit scared and worried, why don't we step back to something simpler?"

"Like… what?" she said, biting her lip, honestly willing to do whatever he wanted her to do already, but the fact that he was willing to step back made her even more interested.

"You know…" he said, clearly preparing to wax poetic once more, "You're in the natural world, surrounded by nature… nothing manmade here, save for what you brought in your bag and your clothes. I have embraced the natural form, and I think you should too…"

"Wait…" she said, her eyes scrunching slightly. "You want me to get naked too?"

"Why not?" he replied flippantly. "You're halfway there, and while I think the birthday suit look isn't bad on me… I have a feeling seeing you 'au naturale' will put all of nature to shame."

Tori felt like all she did anymore was blush and this was no different. She was scared of course because this was the woods and something could happen to her, but as she began to think about it, studying his body (spending a bit of time just south of his stomach) and then imagining her own tanned form amongst the green trees, things just became easier.

"Ok…" she said softly, taking a deep breath. Crossing her arms to grip both sides of her shirt, the lithe teen lifted the fabric up revealing her tight and toned stomach followed by her white bra that created some nice cleavage she wasn't necessarily gifted with without some help.

Freddie's eyes never left hers, offering gentle support as she revealed more and more of her vulnerable body. But there were times, for a split second that she could see that Beast inside of him, that saw her body as a meal and couldn't wait to ravage her. And those moments, really, were what made her even more eager to be back in his grasp.

Tori reached behind her to unhook her bra, but before she could she felt Freddie's strong hands reach behind her and just pull, causing the now torn garment to fall by the wayside, revealing her chest. While they were not as tanned as the rest of her body, save for her bikini line, her B-cup breasts were still incredibly gorgeous, each one seeming so soft and pillowy, and topped with a dark brown nipple.

Her form was now on full display which in any other situation would have made her cover up and run for shelter, but somehow with Freddie so close, his hand resting on her side as his cool yellow-brown eyes peered into hers, she felt safe.

"Your body is so exquisite, my dear…" he whispered from behind her, as his fingertips ran over her bare arms until he reached her stomach, and she couldn't help but gasp at how big and heavy his hands were compared to her thin body, and when he pressed them against her stomach and sides, she uncontrollably shivered. "Don't be scared. Don't be nervous… you're in good hands."

Tori could feel him smirk at his own joke, but she was so wrapped up in the feeling of being so small and at his mercy at the moment. Plus his member was pressed against her spine, his base pressed against the top of her ass, and she could feel him twitch every other second, clearly eager to do things as well.

Freddie's hands moved upwards, and Tori bit her lip tightly, knowing where his hands were going, and after a few excruciating seconds of teasing, they arrived at their destination.

"Mmmmmhmmm…" she muttered, her eyes closed as his hands cupped her comparably tiny breasts, his thumbs toying with her rock hard peaks. And with each moan she could actually feel him getting harder and harder against her. The more base desires she had were screaming for him to take her, to take that massive thing and push it deep inside her, stretch her out and make her feel whole. To thrust harder and faster inside her until the world disappeared and she could just reach nirvana. For him to mate with her like the fate of their species depended on it. But he was intent on taking things slow, and she wasn't going to argue that. "What big hands you have…"

"Is it cliché to say something here?" he whispered, his hot breath making her neck hairs stand on end. "You're my Little Red Riding Hood after all… I guess I could say 'the better to hold you with,' and it still be true, but I'm not sure that's all I could do with them…"

"Go on…" she nervously said, biting her grinning lips, her arms moving upwards to reach back and hold onto his neck. With that, his right hand moved down in a flash and used a single finger to encircle her still recovering clit. Tori tried her best to hold back a gasp and scream as his two hand assault intensified. "Holy Jeeesus!"

"I can't tell…" he whispered into her ears, nibbling softly on her left lobe, as his left hand moved to her lips to suckle his fingers, "if you're asking, but I think it's a little early to ask forgiveness. Though I've always found it's easier to do it and ask for forgiveness than to just ask for permission."

"Ungghhh..." she moaned as her three strongest erogenous zones were hit with the same amount of passion. His left hand resumed its position and kneaded her soft flesh, teasing the hardened nipple between his wet fingers, causing each nipple to be quite cold when he'd move to its neighbor. His right hand stroked her pussy, teasing her opening every few second with his middle and ring fingers, and his thumb treated her hypersensitive nub like it was a video game joystick. And the way he took his mouth to her neck, covering her vulnerable neck with soft and deep kisses, no doubt leaving small marks, and while she could feel his sharp fangs fiercely flirting with biting her flesh, he was never doing any actual harm or even breaking the skin.

You're so very wet, Tori…" he whispered with almost a growl. "How many fingers do you think I could get inside you, do you think? I bet they'd just sliiiide right in. No resistance…"

"I-I-I…" she stammered, trying to maintain her thoughts. "But I'm still a-"

"Don't kid yourself, princess…" he said, sounding even more animalistic. "A body like yours and the way you just gave in… that's no innocent virgin… that's a born slut. You're shaved almost bald and you don't do that unless you got someone to show it to… And the way… I slid my tongue sooo deep in there, and I didn't feel a single barrier…"

"But that was a dream!" she called out, trying to figure out reality. "We only did it in a dream!"

"Pretty real to me…" he smirked, flashing his teeth as he squeezed her breast tighter and rubbed her sensitive canal harder and faster. "You almost seemed too eager to drop to your knees and take my cock in that pretty little mouth of yours. Your eyes, your body… you have practically been begging me to fuck you since this all started, haven't you?"

"No!" she cried out, but didn't struggle against his ministrations at all. "I just-"

"You just wanted it though, right?" he whispered, slipping his index finger into the slick cavern. "Be honest… you want me to bend you over and claim this hot and delicious pussy as mine, don't you?"

Tori began to speak, but she could feel herself getting closer. This was even faster than what he'd done to her at the tree and her mind remained in a fog of lust, and unable to stop herself, she told the only thing she could- the truth. "Yes…"

"Yes, what?" he growled, pushing his finger a bit deeper inside her, wiggling it slightly. "I need to hear you say it."

"Yes…" she cried out, legs becoming unsteady. "I… want you to…ugh… make me… ohmygod… yours. Please."

"Tell me your exact fantasy, Tori..." he said, kissing beneath her ear. "And I'll let you come… and then make it come true."

"I don't- I don't have… uughhh… one. I'll do… be… whatever you want… just please don't stop. I need to feel you inside me… to taste you…"

"Taste me?" he smirked as he knew what she meant. "Am I to take that to mean that one of the only things you want is my cock in your sweet little mouth?"

"Uh huh…" she moaned, her lust betraying her now, and she realized that she was fighting a losing battle. She wanted this too bad to be putting up this much of a fight. Freddie has this beast within him, and if she could just relax, perhaps she could find her own. "My body is yours…"

"You are so fucking sexy…" he growled into her ears, curling his busy finger to hook in just the right place to make her shake with her coming explosion. "I will make your body my personal toy… my own little 'Tori Fuckdoll' and I promise you, when I'm done, you'll be begging me to play with you all the time."

"Then-" Tori wanted to let that inner hellcat out and say something sexy but he completely threw her off by lifting her slightly and pressing her back tightly against his chest before lowering her down, putting extremely stiff member between her legs so that when she looked down, she could see the bulbous bell head and the top part of his shaft sticking out. He kept one finger to work her clit but the rest of his right hand was devoted to massaging her abdomen, relaxing her for what was to come. "That… feels sooo good…"

"We've only just begun, princess…" he whispered, suckling her neck and running his left hand over her tanned form, squeezing and savoring each and every inch of her flesh. Slowly he pulled back and thrust carefully forward making the thick and hardened rod between her legs slide across the hot and very wet center of the sweet girl, teasing every nerve she had. "I'm going to make you cum without ever entering you…"

"God yes…" she moaned absent-mindedly, now beginning to grind against his thrusts. "You're so big… probably will tear my… ohmygoddd… tight little… UNGH… pussy in two… but I want it so bad…"

"I can tell…" he smiled back, begin to thrust a bit faster, pulling back enough so that his sponge-y head could slide up against her wet entrance, teasing what he'd be doing to her shortly. "After you finish soaking my cock with all those delicious juices, I'm going to give them right back to you."

"I'm sooo clossssssse…" she moaned, grinding harder and faster, unable to wait for what he'd do to her next. "Please… hold me again… I don't… oooohhhh… I need to feel you with me when I go…"

"I wouldn't be anywhere else, pet…" he said kissing the back of her neck and pulling one of her hands down to hold in his while he kept thrusting. "Blast off my angel and reach that heaven you so deserve…"


Tori's body became electrified as her toes curled and she shook violently riding out this orgasm, almost squirting all over his cock that had taken her to such great heights.

"That's right…" Freddie coaxed, holding her closer, nuzzling against her neck. "Let it all out…"

"Holy cow… that was… freaking amazing…" After a few seconds, Tori finally regained some of her composure and looked back to look into his eyes once more. "Is it… too early to say… 'I love you.'"

"I think that's acceptable…" he smirked, spinning her around to face him and planting a deep kiss that almost made one of her legs lift. "I happen to love every part of you, so I guess we have that in common…"

"Look…" Tori said, biting her lip and looking down slightly, fearing that what she was going to say might ruin things, "I need a little break…"

"A break?" he said, cocking his eyebrows slightly. "Have you changed your mind? Was this too much for you?"

"No… well, I mean…" Tori scrambled, unsure of what she meant until finally, after he gripped her arms and snapped her into looking into his eyes, she was able to say what she really meant. "I just feel over stimulated right now. My… area is overloaded. I just need a few minutes…"

"Of course…" he said with a smile, kissing her forehead. "No problem there. I think we can easily pass the time without doing anything that will overpower those nerves of yours. I want you in tip top shape for when I truly have you. We can just relax… no sex for a bit."

"Well… maybe not completely…" she said, biting her lip and looking up at him with renewed sultry eyes. "You've been so good to me. My hero… my monster…"

"Careful, girl…" he said with a mild grin, "people might think you've got a little Stockholm Syndrome going there…"

"Maybe…" she said with a sexy smile as she lowered herself to her knees. Her dainty hands reached out to his swollen member, still shimmery with her juices, gripping toward the base, her fingers and thumb nearly 2 inches apart. Her gentle doe eyes looked up at him, still biting that lip, driving him crazy with how she could seem so sweet and innocent, and there were flashes of a sexy hellcat beast in her too. "And maybe I've just got Cock-holm Syndrome…"

Freddie held back a smirk. "I should roll my eyes at that joke, but god… you are so fucking sexy and adorable…"

"God…" she muttered, stroking up and down on him, adding her other hand to the process, twisting her hands as she moved up and down, just like Jade showed her… in that dream. "I've seen a couple penises, and one of those was walking in on my dad one time... don't ask… so I don't know a lot about guys' things… but you're freakin' enormous."

"Thanks…" he said softly, stroking her hair, and massaging her scalp. "Though I am cheating a little since we got hot and heavy… using the wolf to make me stronger, faster, and of course, bigger. If you want, I can go back to-"

"No…" she said with a half smile, leaning in closer to press the bell head against her cheek, closing her eyes to savor the feeling of this beast that would make her his. "I'm not afraid… I want all you can give me…"

"I'm glad to hear you're not scared anymore…" he said with a sweet smile. "Though that does make me feel like I need to step my game up in being the big bad scary predator."

"Then I guess I should huff and puff and blow… you…" she laughed, and she could see that Freddie was fighting doing the same thing. And a second later, his mind was anywhere but a dumb corny joke. Tori stretched her own impressive tongue out and gave his flesh lollipop a long lick under his shaft all the way up to the head, swathing the sponge-y tip, gathering a small amount of pre-cum up. It was salty, and somehow still very sweet, which was very intoxicating. And the added flavor of her own release that was currently dancing on her tongue made it even better. "I'll admit I'm a little scared of this part. I've got a big mouth but I can't unhinge my jaw like a python…"

"You don't have to if you don't want to…" he whispered, pulling slightly up on her shoulders, but she seemed determined to stay where she was. "I'll revert back to full human, and-"

Freddie was easily silenced when he felt a hot and wet cavern envelop his bell head, followed by a strong suction on it while her hands resumed their work stroking the rest of him. His hands moved to the back of her head, less to push, and more to encourage because there was no denying she was incredibly talented.

Tori took as much as she could into her mouth, getting just a couple inches with his wide girth, but using all the tricks she could think of from her secret porn viewings to what happened in that dream… which was seeming more and more real by the second. His thick head pressed against her throat and she tried to control her muscles as best she could, desperate to give him as much oral pleasure as he'd given her.

She let her mind drift and just put her body on autopilot. It was a strange feeling knowing that her body would just naturally adapt to doing such a task. Once again, she wondered if those little voices, and Freddie, were right about this whole 'natural submissive slut' thing she apparently had. But as she tasted more of him, marinated in her own flavor, she didn't even care. She wanted this. Her world, her family, her future career… it all just seemed to fall by the wayside, and her mind was just focused on the carnal side of life. And while Freddie was doing magic on her, she couldn't help but imagine Jade being there too. Her beautiful body, in all its nude glory with those huge soft orbs like were like delicious hanging fruits for her to devour, and she could only imagine how good her pussy tasted… So… tangy and…and…

"Tori!" Freddie called out, his hand firmly planted and wrapped in her hair, pulling her back as he watched the brunette gasp for air. "Are you ok? I knew I should have changed back…"

"What?" she asked, feeling a bit hazy about what exactly was happening at the moment.

"You were just going to town, and then I think you just stopped breathing…" he said, trying to resist a smile since she seemed just fine. Just a little confused. "I was scared you were going to suffocate…"

"Wow… I didn't even…" Tori said, her cheeks feeling flushed, still holding his member close as she was eager to get back to him. Taking a couple breaths, she opened her mouth to take him in once more, hoping she could get him deeper and control her breathing enough so this wouldn't happen again. "I'll do better, I promise."

"Tori…" Freddie said, softly, pulling her up. "I think that's enough of that. You nearly passed out… I think you deserve a rest."

"Was I not good?" she asked, feeling really embarrassed as she climbed off her knees to face him, wiping a bit of dirt from her legs and she rapidly tried to explain her situation. "Because I swear I've only done that for one other guy and he was really tiny and he didn't even finish and I hated it, but I would be happy to go back to… that for you."

"Relax…" he said, giving her a reassuring glance and a soft kiss, letting his tongue wrestle hers. It wasn't until this moment that Tori realized how sore her jaw was now, but with his kisses and his affections, it really didn't matter. "You were incredible… it was just out of your comfort zone and if we do that again, I'll make myself a bit smaller. But the problem wasn't you… you were great."

"So, I was…" she whispered, kissing erotically along his jawline feeling his stubble, "a good little cocksucker for you?"

"The best…" he smirked back, gripping the back of her head softly and pulling her head back so that he could kiss her neck, then up to her mouth, passionately. "And if you're rested up now, I'd like you to show you how much I appreciate your… service."

"I am your personal fuckdoll, remember…" The brunette teen sauntered a couple feet to a nearby tree and placed her hands on it, bending slightly, poking her beautiful ass out before looking back and shaking it at him. "And I really, reeeeally, want to play."

"Don't suppose you have a condom on you?" he asked, almost rhetorically, smirking a bit. "Magnum or XXL or something?"

"Nope," she said instantly. "And I wouldn't dream of making you wear one. Pretty sure lycanthropy isn't an STD."

"I have to say, I am loving this playful version you, Tori…" he said with a smirk as he moved toward her. His hands began to move up her back, massaging it, and running his nails across her tanned flesh, not daring to break the skin. "A little sex kitten to combat the big bad wolf…"

"You know it…" she said, stifling a moan as she felt his hard rod against her butt and back, clearly just as eager as she was. "Someone seems they really want to play with me too…"

"You have no idea…" he smirked, applying a bit of pressure to her upper back to make her bend a bit more. When she was just right, he moved forward and pressed his thick crown against her swollen and shining lower lips. He considered just pushing in, but decided he would play with her a bit more… make her beg. So he gripped himself tightly and slid the head over her molten opening. "I'm not sure if I should… I bet you're so tiny and tight you'd snap me in half…"

"Unngh…" Tori moaned, just as much from the stimulation as the letdown that he was having second thoughts. She wanted it… no she needed him to pierce her. She wasn't sure if she was a virgin, but this felt like it was the gateway to something incredible. "I might be able to snap a little twig… not an oak tree… Don't deny me your 'wood' C'mon. Do it! Fuck me from behind. Pull my hair. Call me a slut!"

"I think we should have a safe word if you want it that bad…" he whispered, spreading her juices all over her narrow slit with his rod to taunt her further. "You are pretty wet, but I think you could be wetter… smoother ride so that I can fill that pretty pink pussy up."

"Fine…" she said, practically shaking with anticipation for the main event. "How about 'lemonade?' Is that a good safe word? Not that I'll need it…"

"I wouldn't be too sure," he grinned against her neck, kissing her sensitive hairline. "A body like this, I might not be able to control myself… the beast could come out and there's no telling what it could do… pound you so hard and fast that you can't walk or see straight from being pushed to your limits over and over and over again… maybe push this giant meaty cock even deeper into that tight little throat again, maybe even take this perfect peach of an ass of yours…"

Tori shook, biting her lip to stifle her intense moan at imagining this strong creature treating her like true prey. She loved the way things were now but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't turned on at the possibilities.

"In fact…" he continued, pulling himself back all the way, planting both his hands on her hips and then sliding his body down until he was on his knees. "On the off chance he does wreck this flawless fanny… I should take some time to savor it."

"Mmmm…" Tori said, a little down that he still wasn't making love to her, but as she felt his strong hands cup and squeeze her ass, clearly loving the way he caressed it like it was as good as he said it was. She'd gotten compliments on her ass from a few people but the way Freddie just seemed to study it made her feel like she truly was something exquisite. "As I said, I'm all yours… but I'm so antsy for you to-"

"In good time," he said, leaning in and planting a soft kiss on her even softer bouncy flesh. Playfully he swatted it, earning a small shiver from the tanned, vulnerable girl. Unable to resist, he pressed his face to the separating crack and stuck his tongue out, licking her 'hills and valley' like it was a giant sundae… which it practically was for him. "I'm going to devour this angelic ass…"

Tori thought he was kidding but she felt his sponge-y wet protrusion moved down her backside, and just when she thought he would stop, he actually kept going, just slowing down to press the pink organ against her puckered ring. "Holy jeezus! That's my-"

"I know," he called up to her, clearly smiling as his tongue circled the tight ring, only teasing slightly for entry. Tori's eyes began to cross with how hot and weird it felt at the same time. The feeling only intensified as his large hands gripped each of her cheeks tightly and pulled them apart allowing Freddie clear access to not just his current play target, but also her pussy thanks to her leaning angle. "Does this bother you?"

"No… I mean…" Tori stammered, her legs wobbly from feeling out of control. "It's just different and no one's ever really touched, let alone licked me there… It's not really a sexy thing…"

"Oh I beg to differ…" he whispered, pulling her round cheeks more as he moved lower. "It may not be as incredibly delicious as this pussy I'm about to chow down on, but there's not a part of you that's not worth some attention…"

With that, the Seattle teen went to work on her delectable sex, making the aspiring pop star bend a bit more so he could have perfect ass, and just like when he held her in the tree, he managed to move deep inside and hit every possible nerve ending with that tongue. She moaned and mewed trying to keep herself stable against the tree as she looked behind her to watch him orally please her. It only took a minute or so to realize she was going to have another release… that was three, not even having actual sex with her, and she couldn't even get him off once.

"I. Have. A. Surprise. For. You. If. You. Let. Me. Know. When. You're. Close…" he said, punctuating each word with an oral swat at her swollen clit. He was bound and determined to get her there for sure, and the way he squeezed her ass, fingers pressing in, so full of intent, showing that while he was pleasuring her, there was no question who was in charge. One of his hands disappeared for a second but returned with a gentle slap and a few seconds later, the other did the same.

"I'm… right…" she said, trying to last longer for him, but she knew she was going to blow in a matter of seconds at this rate. "Oh god! I'm- AHHHHHHH!"

At the very moment her back arched, Freddie pushed his left middle finger, coated heavily with saliva and her own lubricant against her puckered ring causing her to buck wildly as he only went as deep as the first knuckle, but also to cum like a faucet, spasming every step of the way. Freddie drank up her release cleaning her petals up nicely, and making sure she was good and ready for what came next.

"How was that?" he whispered, sliding his tongue back up to her asshole and licking all around it, smirking at the bright red marks his hands caused on her light brown behind from holding her so tight. "Not a bad surprise, I hope?"

"I just… I don't even… that… it was…"

"Quite the experience, yeah…" he smirked as he saw that she was fine and wasn't hurt in the process. "Now, if you're ready, Miss Vega, I don't think, especially after tasting it and getting it all wettened up for me, I can stop myself any longer…"

"You mean…" she said, getting her hands ready against the tree to brace herself. "I'm… unsteady but I'll be ready for you to fuck me in a moment and-"

"Not like that…" he said, spinning her around to face him, making her look down at his eager face. "I want to look into those beautiful brown eyes as I make love to you for the first time. To see the happiness, fear, excitement, pain, pleasure… everything in those orbs as I make you mine. Lay down here…"

He motioned toward where her clothes had fallen, all torn and spread out, making for a soft place for her to lay. The brunette steadied her balance and moved toward the clothing spread, keeping her eyes locked on his, as she crouched down then spread herself out, staring up at his kneeling form towering above her.

"You ok?" he asked, leaning down to her face, and stroking her cheek gently. "I can see the fear in your eyes… and if you're scared, or don't want to do this, it's fine."

"I'm sure…" she nodded, leaning her head up to kiss him, planting several soft pecks against his lips, suckling his bottom lip slightly to show that sultry side was more than still there. "I don't think I could be more ready if I tried. I trust you… and I love you…"

"And I, you, my sweet and sultry little princess…" he whispered as he moved his face down her body, kissing over her collarbone, then moving down to her hard peaks that had gone without attention for far too long. He pressed his face to her left breast, causing her to moan slightly as his hot mouth opened to suckle and lick the little Hershey Kiss topper before moving to the other one for a short visit. "I'm not done with these… but I've teased this little body long enough."

The former tech producer reared back up onto his knees, using one hand to grab himself reached down between them and gripped himself, and Tori partially wanted to watch as he slid forward, but she wasn't sure if she could handle seeing AND feeling herself spread wide. His other hand gripped her hip and made sure he was lining up right.

As the bulbous head pressed against her waiting snatch, Tori's backbone began to quiver, knowing there was no turning back now. His hand gently massaged her thigh as he gave a little harder push, and the brunette stared as she watched something twice the size of her slit finally move inside, and she wasn't sure if it was the sight or the overwhelming feeling of every single nerve in her body going into overdrive, but she instantly lost much of the confidence she had, and feared her lust had done something far beyond saving.

"Oh Goddddd!" she called out, eyes squeezing closed and arms, gripping her torn clothes in her hands. "It's too… It's just…"

"Look at me, remember…" Freddie said, running his hand up and down her abdomen to coax her into relaxing. "I promise you, you'll be just fine…"

Tori nodded, both as a sign of understanding, and as a sign that he could proceed. His bell head was now vanished into her stretched hole, and soon almost a half an inch more of himself pressed inside. And, after making sure she The pain seemed strong, but she couldn't really feel it… like she had left her body for that part, but the pleasure of his thick member, with its protruding veins, filling her slowly, and yet, so completely and hitting every single spot she had to hit, sending buzz after buzz of nirvana to her brain.

"Getting better?" he asked, now using both hands on her abdomen and thighs, rubbing and massaging as he could see distension begin as he sunk just over two inches into her. Their eyes were locked, even as her lids fluttered, and with each smile he gave her, she fell more and more under his spell.

"MMmmmhmmm…" she confirmed, unable to speak fully, but nodding and biting her lip were certainly her go to movements.

Freddie fully climbed on top of the girl, placing a hand on each side of her head, showing the notable size difference between the two, but the way he propped himself up on his arms, his face hanging over hers, she didn't feel like she would be crushed under his weight. It also didn't hurt that as he slid forward, he would kiss her quivering lips softly, letting her moan into his mouth as he went deeper and stretched her out more.

"I-I-I can't…" she muttered, trying to catch her breath between the deep kisses. "It's too slow…"

"I don't want to hurt you…" he whispered, but knew that she wanted what she wanted so he moved up his speed two about twice as fast as her face contorted with a look of something that simultaneously was the peak of pleasure and of pain. "I'm about three quarters in, but I don't think I'm going to completely fit…"

"Then… ungh… we'll just do… the best we can…" she said, clearly starting to slip into a white hot intensity, wrapping her arms around his neck keeping him close. "I trust you…"

Freddie nodded, even if her eyes were starting to glaze over and she couldn't see. He withdrew slowly until only about three inches were in, causing her to moan slightly at the new emptiness, but the sound quickly turned into a shriek as he pushed back inside, going just a bit deeper.

"Holy shhhhhiiiittttttt!" Tori cried out, her back arching as she felt her first real thrust inside and after the initial shock wore off, she knew there was no question she would soon be addicted to that feeling. "Oh godd… mmmmm… keep doing that…"

"That's my plan," he slyly whispered into her ear. The Seattle raised teen knew that this was the sign he was needing- that she was not only ok with what was happening, but that she was embracing and enjoying herself. Now he could begin to cut loose. To let the Beast out of its cage a bit more and take Tori to untold levels of pleasure. Propping on one hand, he pressed his free hand to her cheek, and moved it down to her supple chest, using his thumb to toy with the taut nipple as he pulled and pushed back in once more. "I don't plan on stopping until you're just a big sweaty mess of limbs… Fucked so well… so hard… cum so many times, conscious thought will be a distant memory."

"If this is the last thing I remember then so be it…" she smiled, eyes opening as he slowly withdrew, so eager she could scream for him to push back inside her and fill her up so completely once more. "I'm already so close again…"

"Then let's get you there, then…" he smirked, watching her face smile back, wincing and contorting with each thrust he gave her, also staring hungrily at her chest. He was mesmerized as the soft flesh bounced with each push he gave her, the chocolate tips dancing, with moves meant only for him, with each movement. Every time he pushed in, he went a little further pressing the thick head against her cervix.

The moment Freddie actually reached the end of her cave, Tori cried out, knowing this was true perfection. Her mind began to run wild as her pussy was filled so completely over and over and over again, getting a little faster each time. She knew that it was a matter of moments before she came all over him, but her mind drifted to the idea of him, this perfect man… beast maybe… finishing inside her. It made her quake with excitement at the idea that he was right there at her door and he could fill her up… truly marking her.

Before her mind could get to the ideas of the strange questions-what if he fertilized her so much she could have his baby… or would it be puppies… Freddie snapped her out of it with a deep kiss as his pace increased and he hit that inner wall like a battering ram just a bit harder.

"I-I-I!" She cried out, never making it past that first word/letter, but her lover knew exactly what she was trying to say.

"Shhh…" he whispered into her face, stroking her cheek once more, kissing her every other second. "Come for me, Tori. I won't stop or delay this pleasure trip… you have earned this. Let that knot in your stomach be unwound. I want to see, up close, the look on your face… to see what an angel looks like mid-rapture."

"Fr- Freddie... ung… I- UNNGHHH!" Tori eventually cried, her scream silenced in a second by the large and hungry mouth of the man that had given her more pleasure than every happy moment of her life combined. She gave into the kiss as her hips thrust, squeezing him tightly inside, desperate to milk him for all he was worth, but this wasn't yet the time. "Oh god… that was…"

"Just a start…" he said with a sly smile, and in a second, he had flipped the two of them over so now she was on top of him, and he was still deep inside her. She needed a break as her body had never felt anything like that but she wasn't going to stop him. The look of sheer shock and awe on her face gave Freddie a bit more pleasure than it should have, but he wasted no time getting going again. "How does that feel? More in control?"

"With you, I never feel in control," she said, taking a few deep breaths. Being so close like this felt so good, but it stretched her legs awkwardly. As scary as it was, she knew she was going to have to ride him, and that meant that gravity would be pushing her body to take in all of him, which as much as she wanted to have that whole thing inside her, making her the perfect fit for his incredible cock, she just might not be the right size. "God, you feel so good… Jade's so lucky…"

"I'm the lucky one…" he said smiling as he kissed her lips. "I get to have you for one thing, and there's not even a word for how fortunate I feel to have Jade. I hope I can have you the same way…"

Tori was going to reply with what way that was when she felt his powerful hands clamp onto her soft ass, gripping it tightly and kneading it in his fingers. Softly, he thrust back up into her, causing her eyes flutter and a sexy smile to cover her face. "Unggh… ooooh…I thought… you were…ugh… giving me control of… mmmhmm… this…"

"I am…" he said, raising an eyebrow, with a wicked grin, "but until you ride me, cowgirl, I figured you wanted something to help push you to that point. Like a bucking… of in this case… fucking bronco."

Freddie looked deep into her eyes, her hanging hair all around his face, blocking his view of everything else but her… which was fine by him. As he began to suddenly thrust faster, though not much harder, inside her and her eyes began to roll back, then they suddenly would clench shut.

"AAHHHHH!" she cried out, mewing as she pressed her face into his neck, trying to just breathe as he kept up his pace, holding her ass, picking up slightly and then bringing it down right as he pushed his hips up for a powerful impact. Adding in the increasing speed, it was no wonder the girl was completely lost. "OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod…. Don't stop… don't fucking stop…"

"I told you…" he whispered through his teeth at her ear, "that I would fuck you into oblivion… that you wouldn't stop cumming until you were just a pile of flesh… I meant it…"

"Aiiieee…" she screamed high pitched but Freddie did not slow down, knowing he could take her to yet another orgasm, and the Beast was beginning to slip out more and more with each passing moment. "I'm so close…"

"Good…" he snarled, and Tori could swear she could feel the hair growing on his cheek. "Because this fucking perfect pussy belongs to me now… and I like for the pretty pink pussies that I own to cum. And cum hard… don't you?"

"Uh huh…" Tori nodded, only mildly taking in the dominating tone he was giving her. A sharp slap on her right ass cheek however, snapped her back into focus.

"Tell me what you like…" he whispered, looking into her now wide eyes. "Tell me how you like to cum."

"H-h-hard…" she muttered, knowing that he wanted her attention but she sooo needed to come again. But she knew he wanted her to be more detailed. "I like… when my… unnnghh… pussy comes so hard that… oh god… it-"


"Whose pussy?" he asked after delivering a quick smack to her other cheek before massaging it in his grasp.

"I'm sorry… yours…" she moaned, begging for his forgiveness, her mind already starting to go, knowing that those spanks turned her on so much she couldn't stand it. "My body is yours."

'Fucking right," he said with a half sneer, half grin. "Just for you recognizing that I want to show you a move that will blow your mind… make you come so hard, you'll just gush. Have you seen the Little Mermaid, Tori?"

"Y-yeah…" she said, biting her lip as her eyes narrowed, eager to feel this release he was talking about. "Why?"

"Well, you know that moment that little redhead… who kinda reminds me of Cat a little, right?" Freddie said, seemingly making contact with another shattered memory in her mind but stopping just short of hitting it. "Now that's a tiny and tight little cunt. I can only just fit in her and that's when I'm 100% human, not like this… but god can she milk it when that thing vices up… Anyway, when she pops out of the water and thrusts herself back in the moonlight? The moment your orgasm hits, do that move here and now, and you'll love it."

"Ohh…. Ok.." she said quickly knowing that moment was only seconds away. And Freddie seemed to know too because after he finished, he went back and began pounding her harder and even faster. "I'm sooo…"

"Good girl… he grunted, putting more and more strength into his moves until finally he saw the look, and felt her body shudder. "Now!"

As his hands released from her ass, Tori threw herself back, using her arms on his abdomen to center herself, and she realized in that split second before her core exploded that Freddie might know her body even better than she did.

Tori's screams filled the woods as her inner muscles not only clenched what they could, but the new openness in that moment caused the rest of his rod, just an inch or so to move inside, so that she truly had taken him fully. They were connected as one and as her orgasm ripped through her body sending jolts of intense heat through every single muscle, she couldn't have been happier.

The aspiring pop star ran her hands down her torso, shaking and intensely feeling her own body as if it had gone through a metamorphosis of her own since she walked into these woods. Her body felt fuller, she felt more sexy, and as her fingertips reached her toned stomach she could feel him from inside her slightly distended belly. The new angle was something to behold as well. She found herself feeling a longer nirvana as her voluntary impalement made her feel powerful.

"I'm such a slut and I don't even care…" she said, not even realizing the words had escaped her.

"Nice to see you're embracing the idea but you're not a slut…" he corrected her, running his own hands up and down her body, focusing on keeping her pillow-y tits in each of his hands. "You're just a sweet innocent girl who has fallen in love with sex. But you've only been with me, and that doesn't make you a slut. Not caring who you sleep with… that's what makes you a dirty slut."

"Then I'm a slut for you…" she said, biting her lip as she leaned back, causing her stuffed pussy to stretch even more and even more powerful and underused nerves fired off a pleasure fireworks show in her brain. "Is that better?"

"The terminology or the fact that you are trying to find incredible ways to fuck yourself on me?" he smirked, tweaking her nipples as he watched her blush.

"You're so big and I don't even know how to do anything to make it work and-"

"I'll just thrust a bit," he said, back to his sweet and smooth side, "and you just bounce, and use your weight on your hands to bounce… let's try that."

Tori immediately went to work, going slowly at first as her balance was still a bit wonky, but Freddie paced himself with her, digging deep with his thigh muscles to push upwards into her causing her to moan with each hit. Her soft eyes closed to focus on her task and as he began to push up against her downward movements, they found a really nice rhythm- not too fast or too hard, but just right for what each of them wanted in that moment.

And that's when Tori surprised both of them by pulling her hands from Freddie's stomach and placing them in her hair, gripping the bouncing brown locks and leaning back a bit more, making the distension a bit more obvious.

"You have no idea how fucking gorgeous you are right now…" he said with a sweet smile. "The light and the colors all around you in the background make you pop out like you truly are an angel among us mortals…"

"Mmmmmhmmm…Us mortals?" she said, eyes half open to look down at him. "You're a wolf… man… thing."

"And this Beast bows to you, you beautiful creature…" he whispered, hands moving downward to hold her thighs. "I can't believe that you'd want to be with me when any other man… a prince even… would fall on his sword for the chance to touch you…"

"I'd much rather have the beast who treats me like his princess than a prince who doesn't…" she said, feeling a serene beauty in this moment. "I could stay out here, making love with you for the rest of my life…"

"I don't hate the sound of that…" he smirked as his hands moved ore toward her center. It was the first time he was getting to see his cock enter and exit her body and it truly was almost as incredible as it felt. Her clit was engorged and Freddie couldn't help himself but to want to push her over every edge he could. Licking his opposable appendages for a moment, his right thumb toyed with the hood while his left went to work on the tiny nub doing circles with it.

"Oh my godddd…" she moaned, bringing her own hand to her mouth as she tried to control her moans but with him impaling her over and over while he toyed with her hypersensitive clit, she knew she was done for. "I can't believe how easily you can get me off…"

"I can't help it," he replied with a mild smirk. "I can't keep my hands off your body and I see you like this and my one and only thought is to please you. Give you orgasm after orgasm until you're completely drained."

"I'm on my way…" she said, breathing getting more and more erratic. "I have lost count how many times you've made me come since I met you… and I just hate I haven't gotten you once."

"I'm on my way too…" he replied. "But I have a lot of control. I need it for times like this when I have this incredible bubble butt bouncing up and down on my cock, landing right against my balls and you have no idea how full they are, waiting for the moment they can relieve their pressure…"

"You haven't asked or anything…" Tori said, biting her lip as she moved closer and closer to her release, "but when you do blow… I want it to be inside."


"I want to feel you fully and that includes you firing deep inside my pussy…" she said, eyes closing and getting her inner hellcat out, knowing that she wanted the next moment to be nothing but hot and fast like the last one. And her current orgasm was just about to reach its peak "I want you to paint my pink insides white and fill me up with that fucking cum… I considered having you blow that load in my hungry mouth because your little precum tasted so fucking good… but after last time, I got a little scared of choking to death on that massive cock. So this way, you can cum deep inside and I can have that incredible feeling of you sliding out of me, and then lick and suck you clean… oh god… I'm making myself…"

"That's it..." he growled up at her, trying to hold back that her words were just as arousing for him. "Your own filthy mouth is getting you there… I bet you'd scoop up that jizz and suck it down palm over fist, wouldn't you?"

"Uh huhh…" she moaned. "I… ugh... want all that your… ffuuuuucckk… big swollen balls have been… churning going deep in my hot…tight… pink… cunt where no other man has ever… or fucking will ever… reach, and then down my throat so I can get full off you…"

Freddie knew from her pacing that she was getting close but the way her eyes shot open so full of wanton lust and eagerness, and suddenly something begging for mercy as yet another orgasm fired through her body making her shake and then fall back onto his chest as she gasped for air.

"You really got lost in the moment there, didn't you?" He said, running his hands up and down her back, trying to help her cope with this incredible release. Freddie wasn't going to complain but every time she'd gotten those vice muscles stronger and strong and that time he had to hold his own breath to get through it.

"A little," she said with a giggle, rubbing her face into his skin once more. She felt so exhausted but she couldn't stop now. This felt more amazing than anything she'd ever felt and it was all because of him. "Sorry…"

"Never apologize for enthusiasm…" he whispered back, kissing her head and stroking her hair. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't getting into it too. Thinking of how I will finish with you… but mostly about what you and I can do in the mean time to get us there."

"Why am I not surprised," she laughed, taking a deep inhale of his natural scent, feeling him twitch deep inside her. She fought the tiredness as the lust slowly returned to fuel her aching body. "You really are insatiable…"

"Being big and bad takes a lot of energy, you know…" he cocked an eyebrow shifting her so he could look in those gorgeous brown orbs while he had his fun, "and did you miss the part where I'm hungry like the wolf?"

"Yeah, Duran Duran…" she fought a full laugh at his reference, "I did happen to notice that… So, then what's next that you want to drive me crazy doing? Doggy style?"

"Is that a serious question or another wolf joke?" he asked, trying to read her flushed face. "Because technically you're the one who wanted me to get you from behind a while ago. You actually brought it up."

"And I'd like to think that shaking my quote 'angelic ass' at you was what brought 'it' up," she whispered shaking her hips causing a slight shift inside her. "I just need you to fuck me… make good on those promises…"

"Valid point…" he whispered, pulling from her, and from inside her. A loud slurp erupted as he unsheathed from his lover, causing her to pout at the first real emptiness since he penetrated her. Unconsciously, her hand moved to her sex, currently gaping, and she wondered how she would ever be able to fill such a physical and emotional vacancies once this visit was over. "You've coated me so much, Tori, it as well be a marinade. I think you should take a taste of what the hot little body baked up inside that pressure cooker…"

"You want me to… do that?" she said, squirming as the feeling of emptiness was starting to drive her even madder for his touch. "Even after I screwed up earlier?"

"Without a doubt…" he whispered, stroking her face. "You don't have to shove it in… just use your mouth to enjoy it. Get on your hands and knees and just use your pouty little lips and that amazingly cute tongue of yours to savor it."

Tori considered some more back and forth but instantly realized that she'd rather do this than think any more about her previous gaffe. The lithe teen slid off him and assumed the suggested position as he slid back to kneel, glistening and juice covered cock at full attention. She moved her face toward him, as it smelled like the most primal of desires and she suddenly couldn't help herself but to dive forward.

"Oooohh…" Freddie groaned as he felt a very warm and hot energy envelop the head of his member and he watched the sweet petite brunette who was as innocent as she was a good singer at the start of the day, but now was worshipping, and sucking as much of her own release as humanly possible from, his meaty and thick cock. "Your mouth is truly a gift from the gods…"

"Mmmhmmm," she said, licking all the way up from his base up to the head and then attaching her mouth to a section of the shaft on the other side. Part of her was happy her body was getting a break from being pounded into oblivion, but she couldn't wait to have him back inside… making her feel whole. "And you were right… we are soooo good together."

"Your delicious pussy could make anything delectable, to be fair…" he said, moving his hand to her head and then it slid further down her back. Realizing he could touch her and offer her some more pleasure while she pleased him, Freddie altered his stance and reached down to her ass. "Looks like I get to play a little as well."

"Unnnghhh," Tori moaned, feeling his fingers slide over her tightened back door and then her supple lower lips. Her mouth lay open and she just skimmed over her lips and tongue, pressing her face against the rod, savoring the smell and taste as Freddie once again hit her erogenous bullseyes like Robin Hood. "You're too good…"

"And you look incredible just like that…" he whispered. "Don't move…"

Tori did as she was told, even freezing her face as he began pulling his now saliva coated cock from her mouth and crawling around to the other side of her. Freddie couldn't believe the sight before him. Her ass, which he could talk about for a day and spend a week showing how much he loved it, was in the air while her head was down, on her hands and knees, practically inviting him to take her right then, and just like that.

For the Seattle born teen, there was no question what was about to happen. His hands slid up her sides, massaging them and then her back as he got his rod aimed at her hole, a bit more accessible to the thick tool.

"Ohhhh Oooooohhhh gggoooodddd…" Tori moaned out as he pushed that bell head into her canal, falling back in love with each and every inch that Freddie fed her gorgeous body. Her hands gripped the shirt at her fingertips as her knees moved apart slightly as his giant 'paws' held her sides as he centered her body to fully sink himself in. "Did you get… bigger somehow?"

"It's just the angle…" he whispered, sheathing himself to his hilt. "But I like the sounds you were making… nothing gets me going more than your moans and mews. Makes me even harder and makes me want to hear more of them…"

"Uuunnnghhh…" she groaned, dropping her head further at the absolute heaven she was experiencing. "You know you could look at me funny and probably get me to make those noises…"

"Possibly," he said, withdrawing some of the way before thrusting hard and fast as he finished his words through gritted teeth, "But fucking your sweet little cunt until those are ALL you can make is just so… much… fun."

"Oh God!" she cried out, throwing her hair back as she felt him go faster and harder with each thrust. "Fuuuuucccckkk meeee!"

"Oh I will…" he grunted, starting to seem stronger and more aggressive, gripping her hips tightly, his fingertips digging into her stomach. "How's that feel?"

"Sooo goooooddd…" she moaned, her arms wobbling as she was drilled mercilessly. Her eyes constantly fought between the two limits- closing tightly and trying to keep herself under control, and then wide eyed, screaming out in utter ecstasy. "Ungh, ungh, unghhh!"

"This sexy little cunt was made for pounding wasn't it?" he growled, as he gave a quick slap to her supple ass. "To be on your back, pressed and against walls, and my new favorite, bent over with that fucking amazing ass in the air. Just waiting for a cock… my cock… to jam it so deep and hard, as you squeeze and contract me so tight."

"Oh! Ugh. Yes!" she panted out of breath as she started pushing her own weight back. "You feel that? How I'm already trying to squeeze that fucking cum out of you… Oh. Feel that? Ohmygod I can't wait..."

"You really do want it, don't you? You're practically… not even practically… you are definitely impaling yourself on this thick cock… can't help but fuck yourself with my dick, you little slut," Freddie hissed, knowing the dirty talk would turn her on even more, and he was right. Tori found herself grinding hard to meet his thrusts even as his own pace increased. "There's my little sex kitten… my own personal slut…"

"Unnngh. Oh…yeah.." She moaned as her whole body got slicker and slicker as her arms weakened and sweat poured from her face. "Like a good little fuck slut, right?"

"The best…" Freddie said, with a hard slap on her ass. "Just watching that perfect ass of yours jiggle as it gets pounded is perfection. I can't wait to see your body seize when you can't stop fucking yourself even as you come. And you know I'm not gonna stop…"

"Oh God… I'm sooo close again… fuck me harder and faster…" she called out, surprising the dominating teen. "Don't fucking stop… even when I squeeze that cock for all its worth."

Freddie didn't even bother responding, reaching for a handful of her brown hair and gripping it tight, pulling back and arching her back as he pounded her teen cunt without the least bit of mercy.

"GGGuuuuhhhaaahhh!" she cried out, her lightning strike orgasm eliciting a wholly new sound as her slick and tight walls desperately tried to suck him in, eager to milk some of that promised cum but his thrusts were too strong and fast, so she never even got a second to recover as he just kept going. The aspiring pop star continued crying out at the top of her lungs, not remotely afraid that she could be heard anymore.

As Freddie savagely pistoned in and out of her molten core, he considered trying to keep her quiet, but couldn't deny he was getting off, and now that her body was just going weak, the twisted desire only increased. Her tongue was hanging out and he could feel that every muscle in her body was both tired and tense, and he was a little ashamed to admit that having her at weakest form made him want to push this even harder.

Finally showing her struggling body some compassion, Freddie lifted her up and pressed her hot and sweaty back against his hairy muscular chest, holding her up with one hand over her swollen and aching breasts, while the other expertly teased her exposed, tender clit.

"Unnnghhaaaaiiiii" Tori screamed out, her body giving in to each and every touch, push, and pull that he was giving her, and she knew that losing control like this was wrong, but she was beyond caring… her whole mind was just white hot images and feelings that clouded over any and all of the world around them. Her body was tired and her arms and legs were nothing but jelly, she was so beyond tired, she could barely see, but her inner workings- the ones that couldn't stop giving in and getting off- were starting to catch fire once more even if she already felt like nothing but cinders. It couldn't have been more than a couple minutes since the last one and already, she was coming again.

As she clamped down on his cock, with this angle, he couldn't quite avoid the tight vice and he definitely felt like he was closer than he'd felt since they started.

"I'm… getting there…" he grunted, keeping her overwhelmed with stimulation and he wondered how he wanted to finish with her. Finally, after looking back to the tree where he had pressed her body against to devour it, he decided it was as good a place as any.

Freddie easily picked up the light girl, who was so lost in her lust haze, and so weak, that she was practically a ragdoll in his arms. He spun her around and stood up, keeping both hands on her supple ass while still buried deep inside. Her arms absent mindedly wrapped around his neck as she just was along for his ride. "One last trip…"

Tori felt a familiar stiffness against her back as her weak form was pressed into the strangely soft bark, and as soon as she'd had a moment to take a breath, Freddie, looking more beastly than ever was at it again- raising and lowering, over and over, impaling her soft and sweet body onto the pike of his long and thick cock.

He might have been quite active in his movements, but in his eyes, even in her sex stupor, Tori could see that this wasn't the same Freddie that was just taunting and fucking her brains out. This was someone who cared, but who also felt things that were so primal, they were beyond explanation.

No words were needed between them as they just looked into each other's eyes as Freddie controlled all of their movements, with each thrust making her lithe body shake and shiver and her dangling legs flap and randomly dance with an electricity from a song no one but her skeleton knew.

"I love you…" she managed, breaking the silence, and holding onto him tighter with all that her muscles were capable of.

"I love you too…" he said, at last saying the full words involved that he'd danced around since the start.

The emotional release paved the way for the physical release and while both of them couldn't wait for this powerful shared intensity, they also knew this would the end for now. Freddie's pace and thrust power increased quickly and Tori knew that he was on the verge of his own release and she couldn't wait. Tori knew it was going to hurt and those inner muscles which had barely been used more than a dozen times in the last 17 years where now more sore than she could have ever imagined… but all she cared about now was cumming with him so that they could share this vital moment. And as he filled her up so completely with each thrust hitting each and every nerve, she found herself skyrocketing there, and doing her best to just hold off passing out, desperate for the timing to work out.

"Urrr uhhuurrr..' he grunted, and Tori started to see the hair on his face grow, and then in a moment that scared her so much she nearly jumped from his grasp, but also happened to trigger her own la petite mort, she watched as his face fully contorted and elongated into an almost snout as he thrust her hard against the tree once last time. ""ARH-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

And that's when Tori felt what it was like when a real dam breaks. Suddenly, she felt hot thick shots fire off inside her, and with her own tight walls squeezing him, he just kept cumming, shot after shot after shot. And it felt amazing. He had physically occupied her most private of space, but this… this was what it truly felt like to be full, his thick seed coating her walls, seeping into every possible crevice and place that it could ooze into, as he gently continued thrusting as his face went back to normal. Or at least normal for their marathon session.

Freddie remained still once both of them had ridden out their big release, and eventually let her down, allowing her to get accustomed to her spaghetti legs that she'd barely really used since he made her his.

"I hope I-"

"Shh…" she said, kissing his lips and dropping to her knees once more… which really was easier than standing at this point. Her words were slurred but her meaning was clear. "Jussst reeelaaax… you've done aaaall the work… Let mmmmeeeee…"

Tori opened her mouth, her tongue lazily hanging out, and just pressed it against the cum and nectar covered cock before her. She didn't think twice as she stretched wide to accommodate his massive member, which actually seemed a little smaller than before, but it was still huge… maybe that's how this worked. Her mind was a haze of sex and sleep, knowing she could honestly die happy if she could do this one thing.

The flavor was like nothing Tori could have anticipated, even with her exhausted senses, salty and sweet and the texture made her want to suckle it all down. She found herself swathing her tongue all over his slit, praying there was more for her to savor, and when she couldn't get any more, she moved up and down his shaft gathering what she could.

Tori heard him speak as she pushed his cock into her throat, but she was too far gone to hear- wanting her talented mouth to show him what she was capable of fully, but things started to get a bit hazy, and before she even realized it, everything had turned to black, but she could hear one last thing before every muscle in her body ceased to function.

"Follow the moon, and you'll find yourself soon…"

To Be Continued...

So there we have it. Not sure if it's a Bad Moon, but there's definitely a moon on the rise and Tori is well on her way to finding out what that truly means. One of the things I love about dreams is how open to interpretation they are and how open ended they can sometimes be. Sometimes silly, sometimes serious, but usually pretty telling. The second part of this dream will be along eventually, but we will get to the other four participants first. Next up, I believe will be Cat's dream, where many of her warring concerns with her relationship will certainly be coming to a Middle. I hope everyone enjoyed and I cannot overstate how much SVAD and I love the feedback we have been getting, but I'm greedy and conceited and I want more, so even if you're just a guest reader passing through, I'd love to hear back from you, so please comment/review/follow/favorite and tell us what you like and don't like. If you have any ideas, or there are parts of these dreams that you want more of that I don't mention being in the works, then let us know so we can get more pieces to these fantastic fantasies. I will try and be better about responding to every review that is discussion or comment worthy as I know I haven't done that as much lately. Thank you so much for reading, as always. Until next time... Sweet dreams (Ugh, even I'm disgusted with myself after that pun. It's Schneider's Island all over again...).