The Crime Prince of Arkham

By: The Crown Prince of Arkham


A/N: This is my first FanFiction for Harry Potter and also the Batman universe. I want this to be a multiple Crossover fic with the DC Universe and also the Marvel Universe so maybe I'm not sure yet.

A lone figure stood in the middle of the street in Gotham City, an M32 MGL grenade launcher in hand. The figure in question had pale white skin, almost bleached, and was wearing a purple suit with a black dress shirt and also a black vest. On his face he had blood red lips. His hair slicked back and a sickly kind of green along with his eyes.

In the distance you could see the headlights for an armored truck carrying $200,000 in bearer bonds and he was going to steal them. When the car was ~100 feet away fired the grenade launcher at the front of the truck making it flip and slide right past him in a blaze of fire. He dropped the grenade launcher and walked up to the back of the truck and placed a thermite charge on the door lock. Hitting the detonator the thermite started to burn quickly through the steel and then with a final explosion, blew off the back doors. Leveling his gold plated AK-74u at the two security guards, with two pulls of his trigger he dispatched them. Stepping into the truck and grabbing the bearer bonds out of the back he placed them into a duffle bag, grabbing his dropped M32 he took out a seemingly regular pack of cards and tossed them out on the scene. If one where to look at the cards they would notice that instead of actual cards they all had pictures of an older clown and jester then a younger clown in front of them then instead of the card type it had an anarchy symbol.

As the figure started to walk away he started to laugh, it was a joyous laugh and also had a bit more than a hint of insanity in it. Then with out so much as a sound he faded bringing the duffle bag and guns with him. Before he completely disappeared he said, "Just dad."

This is not the beginning of the story. No the beginning of the story starts off in Arkham Asylum in May of 2000, where The Crowned Queen of Crime was screaming, not just any scream though, she was giving birth. Harley Quinn, the Queen of Gotham and the girlfriend of the King of Gotham, The Joker, was giving birth to what was supposed to be the new Prince of crime but that will not be. To make sure that the Joker and/or Harley won't be able to get him the US and British government agreed to have the child moved to British soil away from the two psychopaths.

In Britain there was a couple and they happened to be wizards. They just had one of the shittiest days of their lives. They had just gotten back from the healers and the news was not good. They were told that sue to complications Lily would most likely never be able to have children. After hearing the news they talked it over and decided to adopt. They told this plan to Headmaster Dumbledore of Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry and he suggested to visit a boy named Harrison 'Harry' Nicky Quinzel. The next week they had an appointment set up to visit the young Harry who was only about a month old. When they got there and met up with the owner of the orphanage they were led to the nursery and met Harry. What they were met with was a pale white infant with green eyes and hair.

"Oh Lily! He almost has your eyes!" James said looking at the baby.

"James he does. How would we make him look like us though?"

"Easy we'll do a blood adoption ritual. I mean sure, he'll revert back at 17 when he becomes of age but by then we'll have told him the truth."

It was safe to say that at the end of the day on July 31st, 2000 Lily and James went home new parents of one Harrison 'Harry' James Potter, Harry Nicky Quinzel was no more.

Halloween Night, 2002

It was a year and three months after the Potter's learned that Lily was pregnant and they couldn't be happier so it was on July 31st, 2001 Charles Sirius Potter was born resulting in a very happy day. It was now Halloween in '02 and the family was happy, that is until out of no where the front door was blown in.

"Shit! Lily, go upstairs and protect the boys!" James yelled shooting a Reducto curse at the door. When out of no where a red light came through the door and hit the man.

"James!" Lily yelled rushing over to her fallen husband when she knelt down to check on him another red curse came streaking through the door and hot her, she instantly crumpled down to the floor.

The next thing to walk through the door was a figure clad only in black robes. He looked around the small living room of the cottage and walked up the stairs towards the crying. When he reached the source he saw two children, a toddler and an infant. He stalked towards the toddler first. Looking down at him, he saw a pair of AK green eyes staring right back at him. No fear in his eyes, he couldn't have this, the rebelling of the toddler would be put down right now. He aimed his wand at the toddler and said, "Die you insolent brat, Avada Kedavra!"

The next thing that happened is that the curse rushed forward and hit the toddler but he didn't die, the curse rebounded off him and hit Voldemort causing a huge explosion and debris to go exploding everywhere and some just so happened to hit little Charles and left a big enough cut to make it seem like a V. The first to get to the cottage was none other than Albus Dumbledore, he rushed inside and saw the bodies of two of his favorite students. He quickly ran over to see if they were alive and sighed in relief as he saw that they were. After reviving them he quickly took off upstairs without waiting for them to get their bearings. When he opened the door the scene that greeted him was one out of books. Alost the entire outside wall where the window had been was now gone. Doing a check on the kids he saw that Harry was unconscious and the Charles was bawling his eyes out. About five seconds later Lily and James rushed in, just as Dumbledore was picking up Charles and said, "James, Lily, I present to you… Charles Potter! The-Boy-Who-Lived! James I believe that the prophecy is talking about him. As you can see, Voldemort has been defeated but sadly I believe that he will come back."

"Wait headmaster! You mean to say that the prophecy was talking about Charles?" James asked completely ignoring Harry, if someone would look you would see a lightning bolt scar over his right eye.

"Yes James which is why I must say that since he is the one it talks about we must start his training as soon as possible. I know it won't be for another at least four years but we must prepare." Dumbledor said. "Which brings me to the next thing… I believe that you should put Harry with your sister Lily. Since you two did the blood adoption ritual the blood that they share should keep him safe if we set up blood wards."

Lily thought it wasn't such a great idea but with Dumbledor people just don't refuse him, not to mention James thought it was a good idea too. So at 4:00 a.m. on November 1st, 2002, Harry James Potter was left at Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Surrey and would stay there for the next five years.