Chris was in Tori's hospital room the next day with Cat and Trina in the room when the door opened and Holly walked in. Cat immediately stood and Holly sat next to Tori's bed.

"Tori, honey, are you okay?" She asked.

Tori nodded. "Yeah."

Trina looked at Holly and frowned. "Shouldn't you be with Gary?" She asked coldly.

"Trina..." Chris started.

"I told him I needed to see Tori." Holly said. "...I take it your dad told you girls about it?" She asked her daughters.

"Yeah." They said.

"Well, my affair with Gary is gonna be over in a few minutes." She promised.

All four teens looked at Holly, a bit surprised.

"That's right. I'm gonna end the affair." Holly said then left the room to call Gary.

A few minutes later, Holly and Gary were outside the hospital. Gary ran to hug Holly, but Holly stepped back.

"Gary, we need to talk." Holly said.

"...Okay." Gary said.

"My youngest daughter was shot." She said and he nodded. "It's made me realize that my family needs me, now more than ever."

"Wait a minute." Gary said, struggling to stay calm. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Holly nodded. "What we had, Gary..." She started.

"Have." Gary corrected, frowning.

Holly shook her head. "No, Gary. I meant had. This...whatever you wanna call over."

"Holly, come on. What we have is real love." He said.

"No, it isn't. I turned to you for company whenever my husband was out of town for work. The truth is...I only went along with the rest to make you happy, but now I have to keep my family together and I can't do that if I'm cheating on the man I'm married to...and really in love with. I'm sorry, Gary, but this is done." She said, her voice firm.

Gary had a briefly hurt look before he got mad and kicked a trash can over. He looked at Holly. "Bitch!" He snarled.

"I'll come by later for my things." Holly said. Gary just stormed off to his car and drove away as David pulled into the parking lot.

He got out of his car and walked to Holly. "Everything okay?" He asked.

She nodded. "I just ended things with him. If you'll still have me, I'd like to come home." She said.

David stood there, a bit shocked, before he kissed her. She smiled and kissed him back. They headed to Tori's room hand in hand.

They walked in to see Chris talking with Cat and Trina.

"They said they're up for it." He told them.

"What's going on?" David asked.

Chris turned to him. "Cat, Trina, Beck, Andre, Robbie, Jade, and I are going to Nozu tonight to celebrate Tori surviving the Hollywood Arts Killer." He said. "Jade's not overly thrilled about it, but I called ahead and was told Mrs. Lee won't be there tonight."

David and Holly nodded.

"How'd Gary take it, Mom?" Tori asked.

Holly sighed. "Like I expected he would."

Tori nodded. "You two made up?" She asked.

David and Holly smiled as they nodded.

"How you feeling, Tori?" David asked.

"Well, Mr. Vega, she seems to be recovering well, so she can be discharged in a couple of hours." The doctor told him as he checked her chart. "I'll find you and your wife in a couple hours to discharge your daughter." He said then left the room.

"Cat and I will let you guys have some family time." Chris said then he and his redheaded friend left. They headed back to Chris's house and looked at the others.

"How is she?" Andre asked.

"Thankfully, the bullet wasn't too deep in her shoulder and they managed to get it out fairly easily." Cat said.

"Trina and their folks are with them right now." Chris said.

"Holly, too?" Jade asked.

"She broke things off with Gary." Cat said.

"He was pissed about it, but she did it." Chris added.

The others nodded.

"Doctor said Tori is good to be discharged in a couple hours." Cat said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Robbie asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." Beck said then they got into Chris's van and he drove to the Vega house, Jade riding shotgun, Andre, Beck, and Cat behind them and Robbie behind them. They arrived at the Vega house with a few minutes to spare. Chris unlocked the front door then they all walked in and waited.

The Vega family arrived soon and Chris and his friends cheered for Tori.

"Thanks, guys." Tori smiled.

"Coming to Nozu with us, baby?" Cat asked and Tori nodded.

"Be careful, Tori. You don't need a lot of stress." Holly said.

"I will, Mom." Tori said.

The gang then headed to Chris's house for a couple hours then they left for Nozu. When they arrived, they sat next to each other at the bar.

"Where's Rex?" Andre asked.

"Said he had something to do." Robbie said.

The gang soon got their soft drinks and Chris raised his glass. "To Tori, the girl who survived an attack from the Hollywood Arts Killer." He said with a smile.

"Hear hear!" Beck and Andre said.

"Cheers!" Cat, Jade, and Robbie said.

"Amen!" Trina said then the eight friends clinked their glasses together and took a sip. They spent some time talking and laughing.

When they left, they saw Sinjin's crew buddies walking by on the other side of the street. Next thing the gang saw was the Hollywood Arts Killer running up behind three of them and killing them.

Cat screamed as they were dying and the Hollywood Arts Killer turned to them then took off running.

"In my van. Now!" Chris said then they piled in and Chris drove to his house.

Once at the house, the gang ran inside.

"Jesus, that was crazy." Beck said.

"No shit." Jade said.

"Come on, y'all. No sense in discussing it and it turning into something bad. Let's just try to get some sleep." Chris said.

Everyone nodded then went to their rooms and fell asleep.

That's chapter nine. I apologize for taking so long to work on this chapter. I've been focused on some of my other ones.

Anyway, y'all know the process.