Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. They belong to the great Rumiko Takahashi =)

Rin gently plucked the white flowers, gingerly placing them next to Kaede's herbs. They reminded her slightly of the white flowers that grew in Inu Yasha forest, only these were broader, more velvety at the touch, and their fragrance overwhelmed the senses.

Kaede hadn't asked for flowers, but Rin heard those wild flowers calling and couldn't resist.

"Rin! Are you over here?" Kohaku's voice called out.

"Hai! I'm nearly done!" She gathered the skirts of her violet kimono and grabbed the basket of herbs on the ground.

"Did you find everything ok?" Kohaku's voice caught her from behind. She spun around quickly, smiling in reply to his teasing smirk.

"Yes, I found everything this time," she stuck out her tongue. This was the second time Rin had gone out to the mountain to collect herbs for Kaede. Kaede had found that the task was becoming increasingly more difficult so Rin had volunteered last time only to unwittingly get lost and bring back the wrong herbs. Of course, this time she was more prepared.

"Did YOU find everything ok?" she teased back.

"Of course. Don't I always?"

Rin didn't reply, but merely crossed her arms and turned her head. He always had to be such a know it all.

Rin laughed. Not that he could help it. She remembered his stories about living in the forests and knew that Kohaku's knowledge would always surpass her own.

She handed Kohaku the basket of herbs when his eyes widened at the flowers.

"Wow! I didn't know these were in blossom already! Mind if I steal one for Aya?"

Rin shook her head, smiling.


Rin gazed back towards the flowers, half listening while Kohaku prattled on about Aya's love of flowers, trying to smile and nod now and then so she didn't appear too distracted.

Kohaku and Aya had been married for two years now, their first son just born a few months ago. As much as Rin loved taking care of the baby for them sometimes, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

She couldn't help but wonder. .. what if, . .what if she had accepted Kohaku's proposal all those years ago? She was hardly more than 19 then, and had spent slightly over a year with Kaede, but her and Kohaku had always been close. He had been like a brother to her, only he had once hoped for more.

She often wondered what it would be like if she had accepted. Watching Aya cradle her baby, she imagined herself, round bellied and preparing food while Kohaku worked in the village.

She imagined she could have been happy.

Until the image changed, and before she knew it, it was Sesshoumaru, and not Kohaku coming home to her.

She had declined. As much as she knew Kohaku cared, she could never give up on the hope that Sesshoumaru would come back for her.

She would never love anyone the way she loved him.

Rin could sense a prickling in the back of her throat, a panicky feeling rising in her chest- the same feeling she got every time she thought of what might have become of Sesshoumaru.

It's been nearly six years now, she thought to herself. What if he never. . .

"Rin? Rin?!"

"Ah, hai," she blinked in embarrassment.

"I asked if you wanted to join me and little Kohaku today."

"Oh. Sure," she smiled.

"If you're there, then I'm sure Sango won't mind letting Sakura join us."

Rin smiled. Oddly enough, it was always Miroku that was hesitant to let his seven year old daughter play with the boys. But Seri had the same vivacious spirit as her mother and loved playing with her uncle and older brother. Rin always thought that, being married to Sango, Miroku would be comfortable with his daughter's adventurous side, though Miroku always worried about the boys being TOO rough around her. Rin would sometimes train with them, since she wasn't as adept at fighting as the other adults were, which often put his mind at ease.

She forged a smile, picturing, with some envy, the happy faces they always seemed to wear.

"That should be fun." Rin piped in half heartedly. She seemed to always be surrounded by children. Her hand wandered to her stomach unconsciously. And yet none would ever be her own.

She gazed back down at the white flowers swaying gently with the motion of the swinging basket.

She wondered where Sesshoumaru was now.

His eyes lacked expression, regarding her with the same cool disinterestedness with which he would treat a fly.

She slid her sleeve down teasingly, barely enough to expose the pale smoothness of her round shoulder, dipping down into the rising swell of her breast.

Rough lips gravitated towards the juncture between jawline and neck, migrating below the ear down to her shoulder. A greedy hand dove beneath the loosened cloth, squeezing her breast tentatively before ripping the material down entirely.

She moaned sexily under the ministrations, more out of show than any actual pleasure. It was rare for her lord to actually look at her. She'd make sure she'd give him a performance.

Half exposed already, she stretched out a long, shapely leg, sliding her robe further up her hip, to rub it erotically against an outer thigh. Fueling the arousal she felt building as the man in her lap pressed himself between her thighs, her own body began to respond.

Sesshoumaru blinked: the only outward sign of his disgust at her wanton display of lust. She knew he was watching her from the shadows, as she moaned more dramatically than she would have otherwise. He recognized the man, now dirtying his bed, from his own guard. Not that he slept there anyway.

They were getting too close, he clenched his teeth with annoyance. He had allowed his mate's little games, allowed her affairs without so much as acknowledging them, but she was getting more daring. Any male within a mile could tell that she was in heat, and he was positive that she was just as aware of the risks she ran with this little escapade as he was. He had always allowed her the utmost freedom, but she would not make an outward fool out of him.

She grinned cheekily. She had been trying to get a rise out of him for five years now. It was rare for him to keep a direct eye on her, and even rarer for him to actually stay.

She was playing with fire, but she thrived upon it.

He had never so much as blinked at her affairs before, content to leave her so unsatisfied as to drive her to other men. Their first time had been their last, and since then she had struggled, vainly, to find a way to break his ice cold exterior, hoping that she could drive him, if even in anger, to even acknowledge her again.

She shifted her body slightly under the guard that now smashed his hips against hers clumsily. She had to slow him down or he would ruin it for her. Undeterred, he shifted his body with hers. She nearly cursed with annoyance, resorting to an ambiguous grimace instead.

He would NOT take control. She sat up, pushing his chest with the flats of her palms, coaxing him onto his back.

The stupid fool complied, she smirked. She had learned at a young age, how easily manipulated men were. All except for the silver haired lord that now stood seemingly apathetic, in the shadowed corner.

But they had all served their purposes, satisfying her in the most basic sense of the word. But none. . . none had yet matched his power. And for Shirohime, there was no greater aphrodisiac than power.

She received an odd pleasure in knowing that he was watching; her body more responsive to his gaze than the poor fool she'd seduced into her chamber.

She lost herself, briefly, in the fantasy that it was his body, beneath hers.

Erringly, she allowed the guard to take back control, realizing it too late, when he pressed her back flat against the bed covers.

She nearly gasped in horror, but was careful to remember that she was supposed to be enjoying this.

She grew concerned at the rate with which he sped up the intensity of his motion, screaming suddenly and then collapsing, onto the softness of her warm skin.

It took her a moment to register what happened, before, suddenly horrified, she rushed to push the dead body off of her.

Sesshoumaru showed no hint of anger, despite the claw marks that ripped through the guards back. He threw a robe at her, turning gracefully on his heels and walked out the door.

"Get out." He called behind him, without a hint of the rage she suddenly felt boiling up inside.

A/N: This used to be a PG-13 fic 0.o but I decided to up the rating due to the mature turn it took. Hopefully it's a good change. By the way, for those of you who are confused as to why Kohaku is alive in this fic, I explained it all in my first story "Shooting Star" for which this story is actually a sequel. In case I use write anything else that confuses you, it's probably explained in the first fic, but I'll try to reiterate in this story. Thanks. Hope you enjoyed =D