This chapter isn't really the best, and I didn't want to make you guys wait two weeks for it, and I have some time before my trip, so here it is. The final chapter. And to remind everyone, there will be a sequel soon! It's tentatively titled Endless Skies, and I hope to start posting it the first weekend in November, or possibly a little after. It'll be my NaNoWriMo project, which means it'll be at least 50K words, and it'll follow Yamato and Taichi through the first year of college and all the challenges that will bring. You'll get to see more of Naoki, and their relationship. So look for it soon!

Thanks to everyone that's been reading, reviewing, favouriting, and/or following this fic. I had a lot of fun writing it, and honestly it helped get me through a bad breakup, so there's that. Hope you all enjoy!


Chapter Ten
It's the End

Naoki begins teething sometime in the middle of February. Yamato feels like he's back in the first weeks of Naoki's life, with the baby constantly crying and him having no clue how to stop it.

"Do all babies cry this much during teething?" he asks with some aggravation as he wipes away yet more drool from Naoki's mouth.

His dad's seated at the kitchen table, half-asleep and almost falling into his breakfast. He jerks his head up at Yamato's question. "Huh?"

Yamato sighs and repeats the question as he rubs his finger gently over Naoki's gums, trying to soothe him. He wonders if the teething ring is chilled yet.

"Ah," his dad says, sitting up and trying to look more alert. "Well, not all children. Takeru barely fussed at all when his teeth were coming in. I'd say Naoki takes after his daddy." He smirks a bit at Yamato.

Yamato just rolls his eyes. "Of course he would."

"He seems to be even fussier than you were, though. If he doesn't settle down soon, you might want to call his doctor and see if you can give him some children's paracetamol, and how much."

He goes over to the fridge, still holding Naoki, and manages to pull it open, feeling the teething ring. It feels cold, so he pulls it out and hands it to Naoki, who immediately begins chomping down on it. Yamato feels hopeful that he'll settle down, but a few minutes later Naoki moves the ring away and begins fussing again, clearly getting ready for a cry.

Yamato sighs. "I'll call the doctor."

x x x

"You look like hell," Taichi remarks the next day.

Yamato takes his seat with a groan, pulling out his books for their first class before collapsing on top of them, burying his head in his arms. "Naoki's teething," he says, voice slightly muffled.

Ratsuii immediately looks sympathetic. "Oh, I bet that's fun," he says.

Yamato just groans again.

"What's so bad about teething?" Taichi asks, confusion in his face.

"It usually hurts," Ratsuii explains. "It often makes babies fussy."

"Naoki's worse than most babies, apparently," Yamato explains as he lifts his head. "I had to call his pediatrician yesterday so I could give him some painkillers, and if he's still crying this afternoon, I'm supposed to bring in him to be looked over." He sighs. "I felt bad leaving him with Mrs. Izumi this morning."

"I'm sure she can handle it," Taichi says. "She did raise Koushiro, after all."

Yamato smirks. "I'm going to tell him you said that."

"Wha—no! I didn't mean it like that!" Taichi cries, swatting at him.

Yamato just laughs.

x x x

Thankfully Naoki's a lot less fussy when Yamato picks him up after school. He even smiles when he catches sight of his dad, and Yamato winces at the drool that slips out of his mouth and down the front of his onesie. He can't wait until that particular side-effect stops.

"Thank you," Yamato says, taking him from Mrs. Izumi. "Sorry if he was a lot of trouble today."

"Oh, Koushiro was a fussy baby too. It was no trouble."

"Same time tomorrow?" he asks, shouldering the diaper bag.

"Of course. Have a good day, Yamato," she says, smiling at him.

"Thanks, you too. Goodbye," he tells her, starting off down the walk.

He sets up Naoki in his playpen when he gets home, and settles down in the living room to do his homework while keeping an eye on him. Naoki is thankfully quiet most of the time, content to alternate between chewing on his teething ring and chewing on his stuffed elephant. He's nearly finished his homework when his dad comes home from work a few hours later.

"I'm home," his dad announces as he comes in the door, hanging up his jacket and keys.

"Welcome home," he mumbles, neatly printing the last line of characters down his page. He shuts his book and looks up.

His dad eyes Naoki. "He's a lot quieter today."

Yamato nods. "He was like this when I picked him up from Mrs. Izumi this afternoon. She must have used some kind of voodoo magic. I'll have to see if she can tell me the ritual tomorrow."

His dad laughs, settling into his recliner with a groan. "I'll keep an eye on him if you have anything you need to do."

"I can make dinner, if you'd like," he offers.

"Sounds good."

He nods and gets up, walking over to the playpen to check on Naoki first. He notices some drool again, and leans down to wipe it away with the towel he keeps draped over the edge for just that purpose. As he does, something catches his eye. "No wonder you've quieted down so much," he mutters to the baby.

"What's that?" His dad looks up from the news program he's already turned on.

He bends down, picking Naoki up and carrying him over to his dad. "Look," he says, pointing to Naoki's mouth. "His tooth finally broke through." He grins. "Maybe now we can get some sleep again."

"At least until the next round starts up," his dad agrees.

He makes a pained face at the thought. Hopefully not for a while, he thinks.

x x x

The next month is rough as he's preparing for the end of the term and for his final year in high school to start in a few weeks. He's also got entrance exams for university to start worrying about. Initially, he hadn't planned on going, wanting to focus on just the band, but his dad had talked him into it a few months ago, telling him he'd need something to fall back on so he could still support Naoki, in case the band didn't work out. He doesn't think that'll happen, but he sees the wisdom in what his dad was saying.

The band has also started up again, going off their hiatus shortly after Naoki got his first tooth. Yamato had to threaten to break both of Daichi's arms off if he tried to take any pictures of Naoki, but Daichi hasn't brought up Naoki since. He's missed singing and playing his guitar, and hanging out with the band after school in band room 3, but the timing of it is unfortunate, because it's just more stress at an already stressful time.

He also has even less time to fit in dates with Taichi, a fact that makes them both grumpy. They're taking what little quality time they can get by studying in the afternoons together at his apartment. More than a few of those study sessions have turned into make-out sessions, but there's little time for anything beyond that.

He perseveres, though, knowing it's worth it, and eventually he's waving bye to Taichi on the last day of the term, before splitting off and going into his own apartment to collapse. His dad's home, having taken a personal day off.

"I see you made it," his dad remarks, grinning as he practically falls into the couch.

He lets out a groan. He's completely exhausted from all of his exams, and all of the cramming he had to do for them. Now he just wants to curl up on his bed and sleep for a week and ignore everyone and everything.

"Don't forget Takeru's coming over in a bit," his dad reminds him.

He groans again, before flipping over and burying his face into the couch cushions. "Can't he come over some other time?" he whines, voice muffled.

His dad understands him anyway. "No. He hasn't seen Naoki or you in nearly a month now, since you've been so busy. He's excited."

"Ugh. Fine," he says, dragging out the words as he lifts his head up. "Can I at least nap first?"

"I think you've earned at least that much," his dad says with a laugh. "Go on, I'll wake you in an hour or so."

x x x

Naoki's first birthday eventually arrives. Yamato is fine with just a small celebration with his family, but Mimi insists on making a big deal out of it. "It's what they do in America!" she says excitedly.

"This isn't America," he protests, but then Koushiro of all people gets on board, and he gives up and lets them arrange a party.

Yamato's apartment is too small to comfortably fit the amount of people they want to have, so they hold the party at Koushiro's house, with his parents' blessing. Yamato doesn't really mind, and at least Naoki is familiar with the house. He's also glad Naoki's birthday falls on a weekend, so they don't have to worry about arranging it around everyone's school and work schedules.

He arrives on the day of the party early, to help Koushiro and Mimi set up. Mimi's insisted on throwing it "just like an American party!" so soon they have the house looking festive, with light blue, yellow, and lime green balloons and streamers everywhere, and a custom banner that spells out "Happy Birthday Naoki!" hanging over the high chair. Folding tables have been set up nearby with matching paper tablecloths draped over them, one for presents and the other laid out with snacks and drinks.

The whole thing makes Yamato slightly uncomfortable. It feels so... lavish. Still, several of his other friends are clearly excited, so he doesn't say anything.

Shortly after finishing the decorations, all his friends and family begin arriving, and soon the still-empty folding table is piled high with presents. An hour later, everyone's laughing and having a good time. Even Naoki, who's too young to understand what's going on still, is laughing and smiling, enjoying all the attention everyone's giving him. He hasn't said any actual words yet, but he's been babbling a lot over the last month or so, and Yamato feels he'll probably speak soon. He's also been making efforts to walk, using whatever furniture he can find for support, and his friends having been taking bets on whether he'll talk or walk unsupported first.

Later, they stick Naoki in the high chair and dim the lights, singing happy birthday to him. He looks around at them all, face beaming with his toothy smile. Yamato sticks a small piece of cake in front of him, and he reaches down to grab a messy fistful, stuffing it in his mouth, babbling happily. Hikari's constantly taking pictures, and Yamato knows he'll be requesting them later. He has to admit the party isn't that bad. Though he still wants just a small family gathering for Naoki's second birthday.

Naoki finishes the cake, and Yamato leans in to wipe his mouth, smiling. "Was that good, Naoki?" he asks. "Did Daddy get you a good piece of cake?"

Naoki laughs. "Daddy!" he says joyfully.

Yamato pauses in wiping at his face, eyes wide. Behind him, the room falls silent as people begin realising what just happened. After a moment, he smiles, feeling his heart swell. His son said his first word, and it was 'daddy!' "That's right Naoki," he says, and hopes no one comments on the slight tremble in his voice. "I'm Daddy."

His friends and family start talking and laughing again, all of them excited over Naoki's first word, and he hears a few rustles and jingles that indicate money is changing hands—clearly the bet losers paying up. He rolls his eyes.

Naoki claps his hands together, smiling at him. "Daddy!" he repeats, and Yamato scoops him up from the high chair, hugging him tight.

"Yeah Naoki," he says, running his fingers through his son's soft blond hair. "I'm your daddy, and I'm so glad you're in my life."

2016 butterflie 20 August 2016 0104PM

Did I ever mention that I wrote this entire fic while listening to the TV version of Boku ni Totte, the third ending for Tri? Listenonrepeat says I played the PV 2149 times, haha. Oh, and doing research online, it seems birthdays aren't typically a big deal in Japan, though of course every family is different. But up until around the 1940s or 50s, people in Japan all shared the same birthday—the start of the New Year.