A/N: I have so much homework it's kind of insane. I don't know when will be the next time I update. So here is a longer chapter to hold you guys over. Thanks again for all the support. You have no idea how shocked I am to see so many reviews/favs/follows for this story. Because I honestly started this story so random and on a whim. Like honestly there is no set whole plot for this story. So thanks again for everything.

Disclaimer: I don't own Girl Meets World or Boy Meets World.

Joshua Matthews

I walked into my room with Maya following behind. I pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of boxers for her to change into. I gave them to her with a tiny blush dusted on my cheeks, hoping that she wouldn't notice. She didn't because she had her own red cheeks as she grabbed the clothes from my hands silently and went to the bathroom to change into them.

I rubbed my hands together feeling slightly anxious all of a sudden. It's not the first time I've been alone with Maya, but this is the first time she is at my place and it's only us two.

She's eighteen, almost nineteen while I'm twenty-one years old. We are both adults here but I didn't want her to think I'm pressuring her into anything at all. I haven't even taken her out on a proper date and here she is putting on my clothes and we basically already slept together when we fell asleep on the couch.

I mean we are playing the long game so when was our relationship ever normal?

I sat down on my bed trying to calm my heartbeat but when the blonde that has been occupying my thoughts came back into my room wearing my shirt that covered up the boxers completely. I gulped. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I noticed the wet clothes she had in her hands and I immediately stood up, almost knocking her over in the process. I inwardly cursed at myself for being an idiot while I was nervous. Thankfully she was just as nervous as I was because her cheeks were still redder than mine.

"I—I'll put your clothes in the dryer—" I stuttered helplessly.

She bit her lip. Oh god, my hormones are getting the best of me.

"It's okay—I'll do it. Where is your laundry room?" she asked, now turning to walk outside my room.

"It's across the third room," I said as I followed her steps quickly. I didn't think she was going to stop but she did and I accidently bumped into her from behind.

It's like we both froze within time because neither of us dared to move. Her hair smelled like a mixture of vanilla and lavender and I wanted nothing more to run my fingers through it. I could tell that she was having the same effect I was and I couldn't help the smirk that formed its way onto my face.

"Josh…?" she said so softly that if I wasn't this close to her I don't think I'd be able to hear it.

I swallowed slowly before responding. "Yeah?"

What she did next is what took me by surprise. She dropped the clothes she had in her hand, turning around to face me and soon enough her lips were enveloped with my own. This kiss was different than all the others. It was filled with want and need. I evened sensed a bit of lust but that was probably coming off from my end than hers.

But with her kissing me back the same way I couldn't help but feel she felt it too. My hands found their way around her waist down to the back of her legs. I knew this was a bit ballsy but I ended up picking her up and she eagerly accepted by wrapping her legs around my waist.

The kiss started to get more slow and intense as I stumbled my way over to my bed, falling on top of her making sure not to crush her with my weight. I felt her hands move from my shoulders to my hair as she tugged on it gently, causing me to let out a low moan. I pulled away from her lips to kiss her forehead and then her nose. I kissed both of her eyelids and cheeks. I then moved to place soft kisses on her jaw moving slowly to her neck.

I smiled instantly when I felt her giggle underneath me and I moved my head back up to place a few more soft kisses on her lips.

Before she could deepen the kiss again, I pulled away continuing to place light chaste kisses on her lips.

"We—" kiss, "should…" Another kiss, "stop…" I kissed her again longer this time and then finally pulled away. I slowly rolled off her to lay next to her in my bed.

We both were trying to catch our breath from what just happened. I need to be in better control of myself. I almost lost control. This girl just drives me insane.

I turned my head as I felt her fingers intertwine with my own and I sighed contently.

She turned her body towards my own and bit her lip. She was looking at me with those doe eyes and I swear it took everything in me not to kiss her again.

"What if I—I don't want to stop? What—if I want to keep kissing you?"

My gaze hardened and I didn't dare to break my eye contact with her.

"Then I wouldn't be able to stop…" I replied, wrapping my other arm under her head.

Maya's lips curled into a small smirk. "What? Can't control your hormones around me, Boing?"

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her teasing. I moved the hand that was holding hers to wrap around her waist, causing her to turn with her back pressed against my chest. I felt a lot closer towards her this way and moved closer towards her ear.

"No. I can't," I started, my breath hot on her ear. "And I don't think you're ready for what I want to do with you."

I felt her gasp slightly and she squeezed my hand tightly. I don't think she was expecting that response out of me. And to be honest, I wasn't expecting that response to come out of me either.

She let go of my hand to pull my blanket over us and I helped her. Before I could get comfortable again a thought appeared in my brain.

"Does Shawn or your mom—" before I could finish my question she answered immediately.

"I told them I was at Riley's."

I sighed in relief, placing a gentle kiss on the back of her neck. I leaned over her to shut the light but with the lighting flashing outside my window every few minutes it wasn't fully dark.

Maya pushed back against me to maneuver her leg in between my own and I let out a quiet laugh, squeezing her hips playfully as she tried to make herself more comfortable. Not that I minded, of course.

"Maya—I'm trying really hard not to rush things with you. But you're making that impossible to do."

"You are getting kind of handsy," she teased and I squeezed her waist again causing her to squeal and move against me even more. I groaned slightly at this.

"Ferret, I'm serious. I want to take you on a proper date, like a normal beginning of a relationship and here we are already on our second sleepover."

"I don't see you complaining," she teased once again and I groaned in annoyance.


"Josh—did you ever think that our relationship was 'normal' from the beginning?" she asked, taking me by surprise.

I slowly processed her words and in the mean time, she turned around to face me. Still wrapped in my arms, but her head was now right in front of mine.

Now that I truly think about it. The relationship that Maya and I have has never been normal. I mean at first, we were acquaintances because she was always just my niece's best friend. But I knew that there was always something special about her. Then after a bit, she became one of my friends and I was hers. We could never really stay friends, though. There was just too much chemistry between the two of us. But we became even closer and then started a long game that normal people don't ever play because it's just too complicated.

"Don't you think—normal is a little boring?" she asked, taking me out of my thoughts now. Her eyebrows were raised and she had this cute mischievous face on.

Most guys would think this really was way too complicated but I honestly couldn't get enough of it. I couldn't get enough of her. I cupped her cheek with my hand, pushing a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. Her eyes were so intoxicating to gaze into. I felt like there was a magnetic pull and I was being drawn to them. Her lips were pink and full and so inviting.

"You're right. Normal is way overrated." And with that, I moved my face closer to hers pulling her into another kiss. Not even worrying this time about the right steps of a relationship.

She clearly agreed as well as she eagerly kissed me back. We honestly made out for god knows how long. But after a bit we both calmed down, knowing that we weren't ready to go further than that.

Maya rested her head on my chest as I rubbed soothing circles on her back comfortably. It was quiet for a few moments and I was about to say something but she beat me to it.

"I talked to my dad today…" she mumbled quietly.

My eyes widened in disbelief and I looked down at her. "You mean Shawn, right?"

"No. My biological father," she stated with a blank expression. Before I could question her any further we both jumped at the loud pounding sound. We both sat up giving each other a confused look.

"Was that thunder?" I asked her and her eyes moved to stare at the window, seeing if it would happen again.

The pounding noise happened again and I realized that it wasn't thunder but my front door. I swallowed slowly. Who the hell would be banging on my door at almost twelve at night?! And it's like Maya read my thoughts.

"Who the hell is banging on your door in the middle of the morning?" she asked, clearly with an annoyed expression.

I shrugged and got up from the bed. Before I could leave the room though Maya called out to me.

"You're not going to take something to defend yourself with? What if it's a murderer?!" she whispered screamed, making me raise an eyebrow at her strangely.

"I highly doubt it. But if it makes you feel better." I picked up the baseball bat in the corner of my room and the banging could be heard again. I went to make my way towards the door but Maya stopped me once again.

"Wait! You need back up!" she said hopping off the bed, looking around my room for another weapon of the sorts. All she found was a spray bottle of Lysol, from when I was cleaning my room earlier. She grabbed it and stood in front of me waiting for my next move.

I stared at the bottle of Lysol and then moved my gaze back to her. "Whaddya gonna do? Lysol them to death?" I joked sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes at my comment. "Well, it's better than having nothing at all! Now move!" she said, pushing me out of my room. I rolled my eyes at her and we both crept our way towards the door.

The pounding on the door became louder causing both of us to jump. I raised the bat and Maya got the Lysol ready as I opened the door cautiously.

The lighting flashed through the window and the thunder boomed the loudest it had been the whole night causing all three of us to shout in fear.

"It's me! It's Lucas!" he screamed, holding up his hands in defense.

I lowered the bat and Maya lowered her Lysol. I took a good look at Lucas and he was absolutely drenched. He had a black duffel bag by his side and I couldn't help but feel curious as to why he was here out of all places.

Lucas let out a sigh putting down his hands. He glanced at Maya with a raised brow, now pointing towards the bottle of Lysol.

"What were you trying to do? Lysol me to death?"

I glanced at Maya with a bemused expression and she narrowed her eyes at the both of us. She threw her hands up in the air dramatically and went into my kitchen, placing the bottle of Lysol on the counter.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I opened the door wider to let the cowboy in. He nodded appreciatively and grabbed his bag to walk inside. I placed the bat near the door as I closed it and locked it behind me.

I turned around, now crossing my arms over my chest. I was about to ask Lucas what he was doing here but Maya had beaten me to it.

"What are you doing here, Huckleberry?" she asked, as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

Lucas dropped the bag he was holding onto the floor and placed his hands on the counter where Maya was.

"What am I doing here? What in the world are you doing here—wearing Josh's clothes? Last time I checked you guys aren't even together yet," he said, narrowing his eyes at the both of us.

I stepped forward straightening out my posture. Lucas and I were around the same height but he had a bigger build than I did. And that's only from him playing football his entire school career. Sports were cool and all but I was always into the mechanics of things.

Like photography, art, building things with my dad and brothers. So, I had my own physique that was just as good as his. Just a tad bit scrawnier but it didn't mean I couldn't hold my own against him if needed. Especially if this cowboy ever hurt my niece. Even though I'm pretty sure Maya would kick his ass before I even had the chance.

Before I could argue in defense of his question, Maya beat me to it once again.

"I don't see how that's any of your business, Ranger Rick." She moved from the counter to look up at Lucas with an intimidating expression. I couldn't help but release a low chuckle at how cute she looked when she was trying to scare someone. It was kind of funny to me at how Lucas looked actually intimidated by her.

"The real question is what are you doing at my place, this late at night, during a storm? Is everything alright?" I asked, now feeling slightly concerned for the cowboy. I knew it wasn't my place to feel defensive against him because I knew that he's the type of person that doesn't really do something without thinking about it first. Which is the total opposite of Maya and I. Which is another reason why he's perfect for Riley because she's the exact same way he is.

He let out a huge sigh and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. After a few more moments of silence, he finally responded. "My parents won't accept the fact that I'm not taking the scholarship to UT…"

Maya and I both raised our eyebrows in surprise. Neither one of us expected this at all. But we let him finish his explanation.

"I didn't want to go to Riley's because I knew she would freak out and blame herself and think that my parents suddenly will hate her for making me stay. And I know she would try and convince me to go. So, I remembered what building you lived in and the security at the front desk told me which apartment number was yours. And here I am."

"You can't keep this from her. You know that, right?" Maya stated defensively, and I couldn't help but feel guilty from what had happened earlier today.

Lucas nodded his head slowly in understanding. "I—I know. I just didn't know where to go. Or what to do."

"Do you want to go to Texas?" I asked him bluntly. He shook his head as his answer. "Then you got to do the adult thing by getting a job, finding a place to live and get ready to start college without your parent's help," I told him truthfully.

Lucas let out a huge sigh and walked over to my living room area, sitting down on the couch. He ran his hands through his golden locks with what looked like aggravation. I mean I feel for him. I would know I've been working my ass off to pay for my student loans for college just because I know my parents couldn't pay for it anymore. Not that I blame them. They did have three other kids before me.

"I—I just don't know how I'll be able to pay for college. How am I going to find a job? Or a place to live?!" Lucas questioned, freaking out just a tad bit. He was about to rant on longer but Maya stopped him from doing so.

"Whoa. Slow your horses, bucko. First things first, you need to breathe and calm down. Take it one step at a time. Tomorrow, you'll tell Riley what's going on because your best bet is to have somebody you love by your side while you figure things out. Everything will work out," Maya advised him. She sat down beside him on the couch, patting his shoulder for comfort.

Part of me felt slightly jealous, thinking back to the Ski Lodge when the whole triangle was a thing, but the logical part of me knew I had nothing to worry about. I never did. But still, sometimes you can't help what you feel.

I walked into my roommate's bedroom, grabbing a couple of pillows and a blanket from his room that Lucas could use for the night. When I walked back into the living room I placed it next to him on the couch and he nodded his head as his thanks.

"Listen. I just left my old serving job and they were looking for someone to replace me with, so I can put in a good word for you. my roommate and I were also going to put an ad out on campus, looking for a third roommate, but if you want it's yours. You just gotta chip in for rent, utilities and groceries," I told him while crossing my arms over my chest.

Maya glanced up at me, slightly surprised by my offer. But I could tell that she was grateful. She didn't want to see her best friends suffer and I honestly didn't either. I consider Maya's friends my own, being around their crazy drama for a couple of years, I couldn't help but feel like I grew up with them as well. Even if I was three years older.

"But if you're not working there, then where will you work?" Lucas asked in confusion. I let out a sigh at this. I wanted to tell Maya and my brother before I told anyone else, but I guess I didn't have a choice in the matter.

"One of my Engineer professors got me two interviews. SOM corporations and HNTB corporations. I received a call this morning about the paid internship at HNTB and once I finish my degree fully, they offered me a promotion. If I do a good job that is."

"Wow—that's amazing, Josh," Maya complimented, looking very impressed. I couldn't help but feel an ego boost by her comment.

"Yeah," Lucas said in agreement. "You sure it'd be okay if I lived here?" he asked, still unsure of the whole ordeal.

I raised my hands up in defense. "As long as I don't have to walk in on you and my niece, you're welcomed to move in," I told him, giving him a pointed glance.

Maya snickered at this and I couldn't help but shoot her a glare. Lucas let out a laugh, looking at the both of our reactions.

"Thanks, Josh. It means a lot that you'd do this for me."

I cleared my throat awkwardly. I wasn't really used to being sentimental with the cowboy. But I nodded my head. "I'll call my old manager tomorrow for you and set up an interview. And then we'll take it from there. For now, get some sleep. It's already past one in the morning."

"Alright," Lucas stated. "Thank you again for letting me crash here."

I nodded and Maya rose from the couch. We started to head back into my room but before we could Lucas called out to us once more.

"Maya, let me tell Riley tomorrow. Alright?" he slightly pleaded to her.

Maya turned around and nodded her head in understanding. "Fine. But I have to talk to her first about something entirely different. But then she's all yours. But if you don't tell her tomorrow, then I will," she threatened and waltzed into my room without another word.

I followed her and closed the door behind me. Maya was standing in my room now noticing all my sketches of buildings and photographs that I placed all around the walls in my room.

"I didn't know you could draw this well," she said as she stared up at one of my projects that I had to do for class. I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"I'm better at taking photos. My drawings are nothing compared to yours," I told her truthfully.

She glanced at me over her shoulder. "Are you kidding? These are amazing, Josh. It's no wonder your professor recommended you to two of the best companies in New York."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh? And how do you know they're the best?" I asked her teasingly.

She bit her lip a small grin forming on her lips. "I may or may not have done my research when you told me your major a while ago."

I couldn't help but laugh at this. My heartbeat quickened its pace as I plopped down on my bed to lay back down. My eyes continued to follow Maya as she glanced at all the things in my room. I couldn't help but feel amused by this.

She finally stopped by my bedside table and picked up a picture I had framed. Her eyes widened in surprise. "You have this picture too?" she asked, looking at the photo that was taken at the Ski Lodge. In the picture, Maya was resting against my shoulder as I looked down at her. We were right by the fireplace after we talked for a long while. It was one of my favorite pictures and a very important moment in my life, so I had to frame it.

"Riley texted it to me the next morning, so I'm guessing that she was the one who took it in the first place," I told her with a quiet laugh.

She nodded her head slowly a small smile still on her lips as she placed the picture frame back in its place. She sat down next to where I was laying and placed one of her hands on my cheek. I leaned into it affectionately, because her touch just felt relaxing. I placed one of my hands over the one she had on my cheek and kissed her inner palm, now holding onto the hand.

"You wanna tell me what went down between you and your dad?" I asked, not forgetting the conversation that was interrupted earlier.

She shrugged as she absentmindedly played with my fingers. "I just ran into him at my mom's old job. I don't know why I was there but I guess I was just walking and somehow ended up there."

"Did you talk to him?" I asked her. I wanted her to finish her story even though she was having a hard time with it. She looked up from our intertwined hands and I felt like she was gazing right into my soul.

"I was so angry. You know? Not just for everything he did, but also for not signing the papers to let Shawn adopt me. Like that was a low blow. So, I went up to him with all these things I wanted to say but when he looked up at me, it's like I didn't remember who I was anymore."

I swallowed slowly waiting for her to continue. I hated that her father made her feel this way. Whenever she talked about him it was like she was a completely different Maya that no one ever saw. And it pained me to see how broken she looked when she was the strongest person I've ever known.

"Before I could leave, he made me sit down and he apologized for the umpteenth time. But I didn't care to hear it anymore. So, I told him if he really was sorry he would sign the papers and let Shawn adopt me."

"And what did he say?" I asked, squeezing her hand for comfort.

Her beautiful smile grew as she continued to the end of her story. "He said he would fax them to Topanga's tomorrow."

I couldn't help the huge smile that slipped on my lips from the way her eyes lit up with excitement. I pulled her down on top of me as I hugged her tightly from hearing the good news.

She let out a tiny squeal and laughed as I planted kisses all over her face. After she moved to get comfortable next to me, I pulled the blanket over us and pulled her closer towards me.

She placed her head comfortably on my pillow and closed her eyes and soon enough she was in her own little dreamland. I smiled at how serene she looked. I gently kissed her forehead and closed my eyes as well.

I love you

Was the last thought that entered my mind before I fell into my own deep slumber.

We got some Rucas drama. Don't worry there will be some more Joshaya drama too. I just love writing fluff. It's fun. Sorry for any mistakes! Anyways leave a review of your thoughts and let me know what you think may happen. :)
