Stolen Brother Chapter 1

I do not own Big Hero 6 or any of its characters

Tadashi Hamada was a very grateful child; he had everything he ever wanted out of life. He had hardworking and loving parents, a bright future due to his intelligence, a caring aunt, an entertaining cat, a life full of fun times and most recently a cute newborn sibling.

The six year old anxiously waited to meet up with his parents and little brother. His aunt had to pick him up from elementary school today due to his parents' last minute schedule change. His aunt Cass and him were currently heading to the office building where they worked at due to the fact that they were working unusually late today. They just wanted to be sure that everything was okay.

His parents worked for Krei Tech, a company that specialized in furthering the advancements in technology. Meaning busy work days and regular last minute appointments or schedule changes. He had grown used to it by now though, he understood that his parents were trying to make the world a better place by overlooking all of the projects designed by Krei Tech. However, whenever his parents were off or didn't have a busy work day that's when he would have the most fun. They wanted to make their limited time with him extra special by taking him to places that were in every child's dreams. Amusement parks, cruises, water parks, carnivals. technology conventions and sports related activities. Every time they would go to a place like this they would make sure to buy him something in order for him to remember the special day. His most recent treasure was a San Fransokyo Ninja baseball hat… but that wasn't the only treasure he had received that day. He only had a picture of him and his baby brother… a picture of their first activity together.

Indeed just three months ago he became an older brother to a baby boy named Hiro Hamada. He always wanted a little sibling and when he finally got one he couldn't have been any happier. It was always his parents' intention to have another child and they thought that it would do Tadashi good to have a little sibling to play with. That way whenever they were busy with work he wouldn't feel lonely. Even if Hiro was just a baby and he was a six year old their bond was already evident. Whenever Hiro would cry Tadashi was always to first one to try to calm him down, whenever Hiro would smile it was towards Tadashi and whenever Hiro wanted someone it was Tadashi. The six year old was more than happy to give his baby brother all the attention and love he deserved.

Hiro was currently with their parents right now since they couldn't find a babysitter on such short notice and his aunt was busy running her café while he was at the after school program at his elementary school. Usually his parents would leave the boys with their aunt whenever they were too busy to look after them but with Cass working all of the shifts at her job she just couldn't find the time to take care of him today at least until the later hours. Right now it was about seven o'clock in the evening.

"I'm sorry I couldn't look your brother today Tadashi nor could I pick you up earlier," Cass said as she turned around a corner. "It seems like everyone these days would rather hang out in a café rather than at their home, then I have orders piling up like there's no tomorrow."

"It's okay Aunt Cass," Tadashi reassured. "You all work hard but you do it for a good reason. I understand. Besides I like going to school."

"You're such a smart little guy," Cass commented with a big smile on her face. "No wonder your teachers are always praising you."

Tadashi blushed at her compliments about him, everyone always joked that he got the Hamada brains from his parents. He had started preschool early due to his high level of intelligence, it never ceased to amaze people just how smart he was. He loved being compared to his parents because he wanted to do what they did when he was older. He wanted to help people just like they did. He knew that he wasn't the only one gifted with the Hamada brains though. He saw that Hiro had a lot of potential as well. The baby's big brown eyes always seemed to be analyzing everything and everyone around him. They were full of wonder. It warmed his heart knowing that one day his brother and him will be able to share their intelligence with each other. Maybe they would be able to change the world together. He couldn't wait for that day!

After several more minutes of traveling Tadashi started to get bored, he played with his hat a little. This caught Cass's attention.

"Bored kiddo?" Cass questioned

"A little," Tadashi admitted.

"I can tell, you rarely take that hat off of your head."

"That's because it's a memory of the first fun day I had with Hiro and Mommy and Daddy. The first time we were altogether."

"I know how much times like that matter to you what with your parents' busy schedule and all," Cass replied. "But I promise you that like always they'll make it up to you and Hiro. Tomeo and Maemi love you both so much and they would do anything for you both."

"I know and that's why I love them," Tadashi stated with a big smile.

Just when they were about to take the last route to the building the sounds of sirens filled the air along with red flashing lights. That's when three fire trucks sped pass them along with two ambulances. They watched as the vehicles disappeared into the night, the only thing that was left of them was the sound of their sirens. The two were shocked at the sudden action.

"Must be one heck of an emergency huh Tadashi? I haven't seen that many fire trucks and ambulances gather together like that before."

"I guess so… I hope nobody was hurt too bad," Tadashi said. "It must be a fire though."

"I think you're right on that one," Cass commented. "Well we're almost there kiddo; you can tell your parents all about it."

"I think they'll be shocked too."

The two relatives continued their ride to the workplace of Tomeo and Maemi Hamada. A smile grew on the six year old's face as they got closer to the building… that is until he figured out where those fire trucks and ambulances were heading to. The bright flames that touched the star covered sky proved that. His eyes widen in fear as he saw the scene play out before him. The one story building was on fire!

Once Cass caught a glimpse of what had frightened Tadashi she immediately drove faster and didn't even bother trying to park properly. She jumped out of the truck and took her nephew into her arms. They saw a small crowd of people standing in the nearby brush, people who lived around the area they figured. The firemen were unloading their equipment when Cass ran up to them. One of the firemen saw them and walked up to them.

"Ma'am I'm going to have ask you to back away from the fire."

"Sir, my family is there!" she exclaimed. "This child's parents and little brother are in that building!"

"I understand your concern ma'am but you have to let us do our job-"

The fireman didn't have time to finish his statement as the building exploded! The recoil knocked down the firemen along with Cass and Tadashi. Shards of glass and debris flew into the air as well; Cass shielded Tadashi with her own body and held onto his tightly. Tadashi held onto his aunt and he whimpered a little as he felt his hat fly off his head. The sounds of gasps filled the air along with the sirens. Cass could feel someone carefully lift herself off of Tadashi, it was a fireman.

"Ma'am are you and the child alright?"

"Yes… yes I think so," Cass gasped. "Tadashi are you alright?"

Cass helped the child sit up and he rubbed his eyes a little. The bright colors of the flames filled his vision as he saw that the building had collapsed but was still burning. It had exploded! And his parents and brother were nowhere in sight. He stood up and started to run towards the burning building, Cass immediately knew what he was about to do and quickly ran to him. She caught him in her embrace; he struggled in her hold and fought to free himself. He had to find his parents and Hiro! He just had to! He needed them! They were his family! Tears clouded his vision and he started to sob.

"Let me go!" he yelled.

"No Tadashi I can't let you do what you are about to do," Cass cried.

"Let me go! Mom and Dad are in the building! Hiro is too!" he screamed as tears fell down his face. "Someone! Anyone! Someone has to help! Please someone save them!"

He began to tire himself out as he continued to struggle, Cass held onto him firmly. Tears started to leak out of her green eyes, she sobbed along with her nephew. They cried and cried as the fire was slowly put out and as the medics looked over them for any signs of injuries. They were fine on the outside… but not on the inside. They carried no physical scars just mental ones.

Tomeo, Maemi and Hiro Hamada were all pronounced dead that night. It was declared an accident.

The fire had been caused by a chemical spill that fell onto a piece of faulty machinery and the Hamadas were the only ones inside the building as they had sent the rest of the employees home for the night while they stayed to do a last check up on the equipment and project reports. The sad thing about the funeral was the fact that there was hardly anything to bury. The explosion had badly burnt the entire building as well as the bodies. The bodies had been reduced to ashes along with the structure. However, everyone knew that no one could have survived that fire.

Tadashi now had nothing. He lost his parents and his little brother in one day. It hurt so much! Even now as he stood before the tombstones with his aunt the pain continued to run through his body. It was as if his heart had been crushed into millions of tiny pieces. He held onto his hat tightly… he was determined to never let it go especially now. He couldn't stop reading the names etched in stone.

Tomeo Hamada

A loving husband, a devoted father and a benevolent brother-in-law

Maemi Hamada

A caring wife, a hardworking mother and a strong sister

Hiro Hamada

A little angel born with eyes filled with wonder

Everyone offered the family of two their condolences before leaving them alone. The last person to see them was Alistair Krei, the CEO of Krei Tech and the man Tomeo and Maemi worked for. He had a look of grief on his face as he approached Cass and Tadashi. He had grown deeply fond of the Hamada couple, their determination and friendly demeanor had left their mark on the man. The fact that their youngest son had perished with them in the fire had also broken his heart. He was determined to do whatever it was to help out the oldest Hamada child and his aunt. It also didn't help that he has recently suffered through another tragedy that struck his company.

"I speak for myself and on the behalf on everyone in Krei Tech when I say we offer you our sincerest apologizes," he stated. "Tomeo and Maemi were good people and I know that their son Hiro would've been just as good as them."

"Yes, thank you Mr. Krei," Cass said as she wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry to bother you with the funeral expenses; you really didn't have to pay for everything."

"Don't worry yourself it was no bother at all. I am happy that I could have been of some assistance especially for Tomeo and Maemi's family."

"Well thank you once again Mr. Krei," Cass replied as she took Tadashi's hand into hers. "Let's get going Tadashi."

The six year old clutched onto the hat tighter. Tadashi merely nodded his head but just when they were about to walk off they were stopped by Krei.

"Ms. Cass I would like to do more for you and for Tadashi," he stated. "I want to ensure that both of you have a bright future ahead of you."

"Oh but Mr. Krei you've done enough already I couldn't possibly ask for anymore."

"Nonsense it would please me greatly if you accepted my assistance. I want to help you with any other expenses you have such as bills, necessities, schooling and anything else."

"Mr. Krei with all due respect that's a lot of money you're talking about."

"Like I said it is no trouble at all. You both deserve the best after such a tragic lost, please let me offer my assistance in your time of need."

Cass contemplated what Krei had said. It was true that she would need extra help now that she was the legal guardian of Tadashi. While her sister and brother-in-law had life insurance at the same time that would only hold for so long. But asking for help from a man like Krei was a difficult task to accomplish.

"We don't have to discuss it here," Krei said. "Please contact me though; I want to make sure you two are both taken care. Here's my card."

Krei pulled out his cared from his pocket and handed it to Cass. After he handed it to her he knelt down to Tadashi's height and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Young man I am sorry about your parents and brother, I know how much family means to someone especially for someone as young as you," he said. "But I just want you to know that if you're ever in need of assistance please don't hesitate in coming to me. I will do everything in my power to help you. Do you understand?"

Tadashi avoided Krei's gaze, he looked at the ground for the entire time he was talking. He just wasn't motivated to do anything anymore. Krei let out a small sigh and he gently tighten his grip on Tadashi's shoulder.

"You know your parents always used to brag about your intelligence whenever they were at work," he stated.

That caught Tadashi's attention and he looked up at the man. Krei gently smiled at him before nodding his head.

"That's right, they would talk about how proud they were of you and how you were going to change the world someday with your talents," Krei explained. "You have the Hamada brains, they would joke about that. I believe that you possess such a gift especially since you're their son. Please don't let this event make you doubt yourself Tadashi. You have so much potential, use that potential to make the world a better place."

Tadashi listened to Krei's statement about him and allowed himself to think about his future. With that Krei stood up and gave him a gentle pat on the head. He turned to Cass and smiled.

"Please don't be afraid to contact Ms. Cass and think about what I said," Krei said as he bowed. "Thank you for your time and once again I offer you my deepest condolences."

Krei turned around and started to walk back to his car leaving the two alone. As he left Tadashi contemplated Krei's words. He knew that he would never be able to get over the pain he felt in his heart at the moment. He guessed that time couldn't heal all wounds after all but at the same time was he willing to forget about his goal? He dreamed about helping people just like his parents. This tragic event should have made him more motivated to helping others. He had experienced pain and heartbreak… he never wanted anyone to feel like this. He was determined to make it so.

"Come on Tadashi let's go home," Cass said.

However, Tadashi wouldn't budge from the spot he was standing in. He let go of Cass's hand and ran up to the tombstones. Cass was confused as to what he was doing until she heard him speak.

"Mommy… Daddy… Hiro… I'm going to get stronger… that way I'll be able to help people… I'll make sure no one has to go through such pain," Tadashi said as he held onto his hat and as tears leaked out of his eyes. "I… I'll forget you all… even if it was for a short time I'm glad that you were my parents and my baby brother. I'll never forget you because I love you so I'm not going to give up."

Cass felt her heat break a little more when she heard the pleading tone in Tadashi's voice. She cried silently so she wouldn't disrupt him. Tadashi then stood up and placed the hat on his head and he wiped his eyes. He looked at the gravestones one last time and gave them a sad smile.

"I love you… and thank you for loving me."

Tadashi turned around and walked back to his aunt and now his new guardian. He held his hand out to her and she gave him a small smile. She took his hand and they walked together back to the car. They would never forget about their beloved relatives but at the same time they would try to live life the best way they could. They hoped that they would guide them on this long journey called life.

But little did they know that there was more to the Hamadas' deaths than they thought.

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