At Belle Reve it was crazy, guards were running down the hall, shouting and an alarm was blaring away.

In her cell Harley was hunched over in the corner, pulling out of her mouth a shiv that she made from a toothbrush. As the guards came storming in, Harley shoved her weapon up behind her ear.

"Prisoner, get down on your knees, now!" A guard yells. "Hands in the air! Turn around!"

"Hey I'm cooperating!" Harley exclaims, turning around and raising her hands up. "This is me being cool."

"Take her." Griggs says. A guard reaching and taking Harley's arm. That's when she attacked, stabbing him in the back.

"Don't fire that goddamn weapon!" Grigg yells before Harley jumped up wrapping her legs around the other guards neck and stabbing him as well.

"Damn it!" Griggs says two guards firing their tasers and Harley fell down groaning. A couple guards walking in before dragging Harley out and into a wheelchair, strapping her down into it.

"Alright onto the next one." Griggs says.

Deadshot's cell...

"Open the gates! Everyone line up!" One of the guards yells. Three guards lining up in front of Deadshot's cell, one holding a shield, the other two standing behind him.

"Yeah! Open the door! Let's go!" Deadshot yells, one of the guards open the cell door and the three guards charging in and crash tackled Deadshot to the ground.

Killer Croc's cell...

"K.C! Griggs yells. "Where you at?!" He calls out him and the guards slowly walking into the cell looking around. Killer Croc roaring loudly before grabbing onto one of the men and pulled into the water and ripped his throat out. The other guards firing tranquilizers into his back.

"Is that the new guy?" Griggs asks as two guards pull out Croc's body from the water.

"Yes Griggs." Another says pulling out the other guy.

"Damn it. Get him strapped on while I'll get the fire people." He says before leaving.

Fille's and Diablo's cells...

Fille was now back out in her tank. She sat cross legged in the middle of the tank her head hanging down. Her head snapped up as she heard the mesh gates opens and guards yelling.

"Oh for fuck sake." She mutters before standing up. She was ready to fight, she's had enough. Enough of been locked in solitary, enough of people trying to teach her control, people who didn't know what's it like to be in her shoes. She crouched down and crept towards the small window.

To her surprise they didn't go for her cell but instead there was another cell, one she didn't even know that existed. The young woman watches as Grigg walks over to the controls and pushes on a blue button. She knew what happening, they were going to flush out whoever was in the tank. Griggs then pushes on a bigger red button and the door swung open.

Fille's eyes widened a little among the water that came out was a tattooed covered man. She watches as two guards grabbed him and one of them sedated him. As she watched they strapped him down onto a wheeled stretcher and hooked an IV bag into his left arm.

She looks over at Griggs who was now walking to her tank.

"Crap." She mutters, before her own tank filled up with water. She takes a deep breath before going under.

The door opened and she felt herself been suck out like water going doing the drain. She tumbles out onto the concrete ground. However unlike Diablo, this has happened to her before so jumps to her feet and starts to run towards the mesh gates.

"Grab her!" Griggs yells, two guards at the gate slam them shut while three chase after Fille.

She stops as the gates shut and the two guards tried to grab her, Fille dodging their moves and ran towards another part of the yard. One of the guards managing to grab onto her and locking his arms around his arms around her waist.

"No! I refuse to go to solitary or see a shrink!" Fille yells before her body temperature started to heat up.

"Hurry up before she blows!" The guard yells, another running over and sedates her. She felt her body temperature going down as they drag her over and strapped her down on a stretcher next to Diablo.

"Right they're ready to go?" Griggs asks, as a guard puts an IV bag into Fille.

"Yes." One answers before the two wheel out.

Front of Belle Reve...

"Whee!" Harley yells excitedly as everyone was taken outside. They had all their injections done and were now been wheel to a massive cargo plane. Griggs walking over to Harley's wheelchair.

"Listen, you're being transferred. I don't know where you're going." Griggs says, slipping a phone into Harley's hand. "It's from Mr. J. You gonna tell him I took care of you?"

"You're so screwed." Harley sneers.

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean by that?" Griggs exclaims, Harley laughing like crazy as two army people stops Griggs from going near the cargo plane.

"Get off me! Get off me! Harley, what do you mean by that?!" Grigg yells as Harley is wheeled up into the plane, followed by Deadshot, Diablo, Fille and Killer Croc.

As Fille laid her she turned her head, facing Diablo to see that he was also looking at her. She stares into his dark brown eyes while he stares into her bright amber eyes.