A/N: Welcome to the final chapter of Butterfly! It's kinda bittersweet, but I just don't have much motivation anymore. And anyways, I've been writing this story since August... It had to come to an end sooner or later.

Sorry for the late Chapter tho.

Enjoy the final chapter of Butterfly! Hope you guys liked it!

Rin sat alone at the front of the apartment building. A few weeks had passed since Len's original joy had came back, but yet again he was gone to his apartment. The first time he had left it had upset her, but then she realized it was no big deal and told herself to get over it. But then he had ended up going back there more frequently...

Len's disappearance had once again made her lonely without her consent. She didn't want to feel lost and upset; it just came to her, and she wished it would go away. Len couldn't help what his parents asked him, so why was she so upset about it?

Minutes turned into hours, and eventually, she was watching the sun set, the sky tinted with shades of red and orange. Not many people littered the streets anymore: although it was Tokyo, this was a part of the outskirts. Not many people came here besides for visiting relatives. Here and there were stores, but nothing noteworthy unless you lived there.

Rin sighed. She didn't want to go back inside, but she knew she had to eventually. She couldn't stay outside all day, and she should eat. But she wasn't hungry, or tired, so she still sat, watching the natural light fade and apartment lights start to take over.

The building doors opened. Len stepped out, a sullen look on his face. Rin frowned: he almost never looked like that anymore. He somehow always managed to stay optimistic, even through what he seemed to be going through right now.

"So," Len started, sighing, "I have bad news. I'm... moving."

Rin expected that: she knew it would happen sooner or later, considering their debt. Then why did she feel a sharp pain, like she was being stabbing in the chest? Why was the pain suffocating her?

"T-That's..." Rin swallowed. "I'm sorry..."

"Its okay. You didn't cause this," he replied, a small, sad smile on his face. "It's... Well, I guess we're in debt. And getting divorced."

Divorced? Rin never heard that part, but from the arguing his parents seemed to do it only seemed natural it would happen sooner or later. The stabbing only intensified as the information sunk it.

"The good news is I'll still be able to see you," Len continued, and the stabbing lifted a little. "But only sometimes. My dad is staying here while my mom is moving, and she has already decided I'm going with her. I'll come here to visit sometimes. I won't be going to the same school, though."

Rin stared at the ground. One day life was grand, and the next day it was kicking her in the face... She tried not to let too much of her disappointment show on her face, afraid it would tip Len off into thinking that... she...

"I'm really sorry," Len mumbled, staring at the ground. His sadness was getting more evident in his voice; his words were starting to waver. "I wish... it didn't have to end like this..."

Rin almost died on the inside. God, she was so bad at comforting. She had no idea what to do but felt bad for sitting their like an idiot while her life crashed down around her, yet she didn't take into consideration Len's feelings too. Well, um, not THAT kind of feelings, that wasn't possible.

Agh, she needed to stop thinking.

"...I know. I'm shocked too," Len continued, sitting on the bench with Rin. He sighed. "I guess I should've expected this. I've moved a lot."

"It's not your fault." Rin was shocked that comprehensible words escaped her mouth. "I-I mean, I know it's really cliché to say but... I-It's really the truth."

"I know, Rin... But why did it have to happen now..." Len sighed. "I-I'm just complaining now, s-sorry..."

"No, it's fine, I didn't want to leave either when I moved..."

They sat in a sad silence, watching the sun set over the horizon. Rin didn't know what to say, but maybe it was okay to let Len think about it, no matter how useless she felt. When she moved, she didn't talk for ages since she had no one to talk to. She had been too upset to. Maybe Len was feeling like that too.

She wished she could read minds.

"S-So, uh, I have something for you..." Len started, glancing away from the streets and the sky. "For something to remember me by if I never see you again. Though I don't think that's likely... Anyways..."

Len took out a small box from behind him. Rin didn't know how to respond, or if she was even worthy of receiving a gift, but took it. It was a simple yellow box with no ribbons attached. Her heart started racing: what in the world was it? Was it something special? Well, of course it was something special, but...

Oh, shut up, she told herself as she took of the lid. Inside sat a white bow to be worn on her head. She smiled as she looked at it.

"I know fashion isn't really your thing but... I really wanted to get it for you," Len told her as she took it out of the box. "You'd look good in it."

Rin blushed: she wasn't the type of person would dress to look cute on purpose, but she loved the gift anyways. She heard a small yelp of surprise as she threw her arms around the blond boy, realizing how much she missed his simple presence.

"Thank you," She whispered, joy overcoming her. "Thank you so much."

"Ah, um..." Len seemed flustered. "You're welcome."

Rin felt arms wrap around herself, and she breathed a quiet sigh. They stayed like that for a moment before they unlatched, turning back to the red and orange sky.

"I'm going to miss here." Len stared up at the sky. "It was so fun... I just hope my mom doesn't move us too far."

"Yeah..." Rin stared at the white box in her fingers, stretching the fabric on the bow part. She considered telling him her... feelings... but decided it would be too inconsiderate to tell him now that he was moving away. She sighed. Why did life have to be so complicated?

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Len stood up. "Make sure to stay in touch, okay?"

Rin nodded. She wished their relationship didn't have to end on such a bittersweet note, but then again, Len kept saying he would see her again. He was probably right. "I-I'll see you soon." She flinched at the small crack in her voice.

"I'll see you soon too."

And with that, Len went inside, likely to resume his packing. Rin once again stared at the white bow he gave her. She carefully placed it on her head, surprised at how well it fit it. She made a resolution to herself.

She would wear the bow until she saw Len again, no matter how far away that day was.